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Old 02-25-2003, 06:55 AM   #256  
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The sun is still shining in Scotland, pack you bags and come up here quick it will not last.

Have hurt my shoulder and am feeling sorry for myself. I managed to reverse my car into a post last night, it was only a small post and with all that lovely bumper on the car to take the impact, I had to hit it with the towbar. Think my shoulder took all the strain on the seatbelt. It was only a little bump but my shoulder is really painful. There is a tiny little mark on the car and the post but no real damage, just to my pride.

After weigh in last night I decided to have a blow out, and I did it in style. I had indian starters, pakora, onion bhaji and samosas (sp?) then I had chicken tikka and rice and a naan bread and 2 mars bars and far too much wine, about 5 glasses. But hey it was good fun at the time.

For the last two weeks I have dreaded going to WW that much I have got myself uptight. Both weeks I have felt very pms-y but nothing has happened that way yet. So what does that tell me - that I am looking or excuses. I have felt very down and short tempered.

So what have I done different for the last 2 weeks.

1 - haven't stuck to plan
2 - haven't written down what I have eaten, just ate it and counted it in my head
3 - Haven't really been trying - seem to be under the impression the weight will just fall off.
4 - have eaten things I don't have the points for and kidded myself on that I'll get away with it
5 - have stopped planning
6 - haven't drank all my water, drank a lot but not all of it
7 - haven't had my salads at lunchtime
8 - have had far too much booze - have had a drink most nights
9 - haven't had a supper
10 - have stood on the scales every morning and at various other times

So today I am back to wearing my serious head, I have 2.5lbs to lose until I have lost a stone and a half and I will have reached in within a fortnight, but only if I get my act together again and start working at it.

I am having 10 points today, only up until 6pm and then I'll start to count my full points for the day from then again. The secret for me seems to be planing,. I need to know what I am going to eat for the next day, before I reach it, if I leave it to chance I just grab rubbish and ruin the healthy eating bit.

AM very determind and promise not to bore you too much with my new motivation
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Old 02-25-2003, 02:44 PM   #257  
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Carol, I find planning my meals in advance is the only thing that works for me too. I don't always plan exactly but usually know what I'm going to have for breakfast and lunch and have a couple of options in mind for my evening meal that are roughly the same points which I then decide betweeen nearer the time.

I have been struggling this week to stick to points though - first time its really been a problem this year and I'm hoping that aerobics this morning and swimming 32 lengths doing doggy paddle will compensate for the points I'm going to go over by once I've had my dinner.
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Old 02-26-2003, 07:28 PM   #258  
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Hi Ladies what are ya up to? i've had a busy day stacking firewood so plenty of exercise there..hubby said "now is'nt that better than being indoors on a treadmill? you're out in the fresh air and the sun" if i'd thought about it sooner i'd have thrown a log at him i was going to treadmill as well but it.. i've done enough for one day! i'm now relaxing with a Bud if anyone ever comes up with a calorie free beer i'll make him a rich man
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Old 02-27-2003, 10:09 AM   #259  
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Wink yoo hoo its me

calorie free beer yes please could someone hurry up and invent it PLEASE

the office is fantastic well worth watching
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Old 02-28-2003, 05:50 AM   #260  
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Cat90 - Richard Briers was in it but his character died. It is a very gentle series so don't expect to roll around the floor laughing but I enjoyed it.

BritNJ- I know what you mean about that guy. I have to say that nothing much happens in the Office but I do find it amusing. The main guy is such a prat!

Smiling Sal - I assume the post jumped out at you (they usually do don't they??!). At least while you are dieting there is extra padding!!! That's what I always think when I injure myself (it is usually on the shin bone though so not much help!).
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Old 02-28-2003, 07:20 AM   #261  
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Hi all,

Haven't posted for a while, had a very busy couple of weeks, and then last week I had to have my beloved 18 yr old lurcher put to sleep, and I've been in pieces ever since, but it's getting better, just takes a h*ll of a lot of getting used to!

Anyway, I've been doing ok, had a few blips and have only lost a lb over the last two weeks, but all in all I've done quite well.

Hope you're all well.
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Old 02-28-2003, 01:17 PM   #262  
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Poor you its horrible when dogs have to be put to sleep
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Old 03-02-2003, 03:02 AM   #263  
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Don't know what has happened ot me thsi week, but I haven't managed to post since Monday. Haven't even switched the PC on which is very unlike me. Means I have billions of junk emails to delete.

Despite not posting I have been very focused this week, although I have over eaten.

Monday night I just gave into the "feed me" little voice in my head and had a blow out after weigh in. Then Tuesday was an on program day, Wednesday I was in Dundee and went to O'Neills the Irish bar for my lunch - no healthly options, everything covered in cheese or mayonaisse. Thursday I went for an indian business mans lunch, was lovely and with it only being a fiver you don't get much. Then Friday a hastily arranged girls night in at my place, only had 2 glasses of wine in 6 hours - was amazed at myself. Have balanced all this good living with vegetable soup and salas. Am sure weigh in will show me the big picture tomorrow

I can see a difference in myself and my sister in law mentioned it yesterday so I am over the moon
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Old 03-02-2003, 11:26 AM   #264  
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Is another glorious day in Scotland, really fancied going for a walk, but I had to go into work for a while and now Ray is out so no chance. Am going swimming with the boys and a few friends in an hour or so, will be good fun.
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Old 03-02-2003, 01:26 PM   #265  
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Have not been on track this week as jelly beans have turned me into a devil. Have managed to stay ok with points in food, but gather hand fulls of jelly beans as I walk by. They are all gone now though so I should be ok Didn't weigh in this week either, so we'll see what the damage is on Weds.
Have a great day everyone.
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Old 03-02-2003, 02:47 PM   #266  
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Chris..i came across some frightening information about Jelly Beans that i find hard to believe because i always thought they were considered an O.K. thing to eat (in moderation) while on a diet..anyway, believe it or not..don't know if i do but i won't be buying any again but according to one website there is a WHOPPING 720 cals in one cup of Jelly Beans
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Old 03-02-2003, 02:49 PM   #267  
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p.s. Don't TOUCH them
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Old 03-02-2003, 09:09 PM   #268  
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OMG!!! Those lovely little juicy things are definately banned from this house and my gob!! That's scary, especially as I thought I was ok seeing as they are fat free....
I just wnat Easter to be over and done with cos I'm fed up of being tempted by all those eggs staring at me when I walk in a shop....
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Old 03-03-2003, 08:29 AM   #269  
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Blue riband chocolate biscuits where jumping out of my cupboard last night - ate 3 I think then went to bed.

Am so determined to lose weight this week, if only I could just think it off I would be fine

I am very determind to have the body beauiful - eventually. I decided a couple of weeks ago that I not only wanted to be slim, but I want to be fit as well. I have been working hard at it but it is hard work. I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the long run.

Have persuaded a couple of friends to do the race for life with me, in July - a 5K race, we will be walking not running. Am also walking the great Scottish walk in June - 12 miles around Edinburgh, so I need to get in training and into some semblance of shape. And I haven't forgot I promised to take Sean up a miountain ......
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Old 03-03-2003, 11:32 AM   #270  
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Carol are you planning to climb Everest too wish i could do one of those walks with you
Chris..tell me about those bloody eggs i had a Caramilk one on Saturday excuse being that "hey..its saturday night"
and there is one left in the drawer 'smiling' at me
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