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Old 02-18-2003, 12:01 PM   #241  
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Oh Chris..sorry about your woe' the car repairable? or are you getting another one? i was just watching the news and a place called Badger (i think) in Newfoundland has been flooded and then the flood froze those poor people most of them have had to leave..the bottom half of the cars..trucks were just frozen in ice
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Old 02-18-2003, 04:44 PM   #242  
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Veggie - keep it up!!!!!!

I know you can do it!

If you feel hungry eat EAT eat, but breadsticks and salsa, or low fat cake, or count on us chocolate mousse, or low fat philly on rakusens crackers!!!! Don't be deprived.

I'm still below my target weight, if I need to snack then I just do. Continuous deprivation is what makes me overindulge.
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Old 02-19-2003, 01:44 PM   #243  
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HIYA Veggie, how you doing ? How's everyone else too ? Eating - well you need to eat to survive, you have to feed the engine, so your engine needs a bit of extra fuel, happens to us all.

I haven't been very on plan for the last couple of days, have been feeling under the weather again, thought I was coming down with a cold, last night, but I went to bed at 7 and slept through to 7 this morning and although I'm not feeling perfect right now, I do feel better than I did. The cold hasn't come to anything, think it could the on set of tom as I have a lovely spot on my chin.

I have been feeling ran down quite a bit recently. I have been taking vitamins and eating healthily and eating fruits and veg and drinking lots of water - but maybe my body just isn't happy. Or just maybe I would still feel like this even if I was eating chips and sausages and cheese and crisps and even the occasional piece of chocolate with a bottle of wine - who knows. Am not going to give all that eating a go just to find out

haven't done much over the last few days, ate (a little too much) slept (far too much) worked (far too much).

I did get up early yesterday morning and do 30 minutes of Lorraine Kelly, but this morning my bed was far to comfy. Need to catch up on my callanetics - haven't done that yet this week.

The swimming is looking doubtful tonight due to Seans behaviour earlier on. Will see how I feel in 40 minutes.

Am making some WW no fat chips, really just potatoes chipped and par boiled and then baked. Put salt on mine, probably undoes all the goodness but they taste wonderful, just need to pop to the kitchen to see if they are ready yet and for a refill of juice

Talk to you soon

Last edited by Smiling Sal; 02-19-2003 at 01:48 PM.
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Old 02-19-2003, 09:28 PM   #244  
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Hi everyone. Ok after a whole five days of being off the WW wagon, I have climbed back on
I went to sign permission for my car to be repaired today. It was quite a shock seeing it, there's more damage than we first thought so I'll be without it for about three weeks. I have a rental car, so can get about though.
I am doing good today. I've even eaten a flake that came in a care package from my Auntie. I worked out the points again and they are indeed four points. I shall have to buy some more when I next go to the Brit shop as I think you really feel as if you've had something good and bad and it's easily put within my points.
I've even managed to walk the dogs tonight too, we had to walk along slushy icy roads though as the snow is even higher than when it first fell due to the ploughs scooping it up the paths. Poor dogs couldn't figure out where to do thier 'buisiness' so opted for the slush. We are supposed to get torrential rain Friday and Saturday with a warm up in temps, so the snow should all melt, of course then there's the potential for flooding, I do lead an exciting life don't I? I've even had a flood of my own in the kids bathroom with the snow from the roof, and tonight I've had to have a man out to fix my didning room ceiling which also sprang a leak from the kids bathroom and started falling down.
Carol, I think I'll try some of those WW chips, they sound yummy.
OK, enough for now, take care everyone.
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Old 02-20-2003, 09:03 AM   #245  
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Woke up this morning and my first thought was I need to phone Gail the very lovely WW lady. I have been so off plan the last couple of evenings it has been ridiculous, where has my willpower gone ?

SO my first thought this morning was I need to phone Gail for some motivation and some tips which I probably already know, but am not doing anything about.

But as it was Rays alarm that woke me and not mine, I had a whole hour to lie nice and snuggly in my bed and think about it.

Have made a decision to phone Gail tomorrow morning if this evening pans out no better.

Am not just putting off the inevitable (sp !!)

I have walked 1.25 miles and brought myself 2 new notebooks.

One a slim line shopping list one, which is just the right shape and width to list the foods I eat and put a points against it, and the pages are long enough to fit a whole days food on it. Will also add in exercise done and points earned.

The other is a jotter notepad, which will become my journal. tried the online journal here, liked it for a while and then got bored with it and what I was writing.

So this journal is going to be more like an ideas, hints, tips, motivations, objectives, bad things. Anything that I think may help me keep losing weight and sticking to program will be in there. Also as it is not on computer it can go anywhere with me.

Have headed up the first page, 10 reasons why I want to lose weight, the first two obvious answers are the way I look and the way I feel. Do not anticipate struggling to find 10 reasons why I want to lose weight

Have also decided to work out how to use the points database correctly, my friend lent me an old one when she brought the new time to eat one. if I can figure out how to get it to calculate the points by adding in the cals and sat fat then that handy guide will be going everywhere with me. Do not want to waste my money on buying a new time to eat one, when I have lindas to practice on.

Think I may have found my motivation while I was laying in bed this morning, strange place for it to hide.
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Old 02-20-2003, 04:15 PM   #246  
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Forgot to mention I put on my lucky knickers this morning, lucky for what I don't but maybe that is where all this motivation has come from - who knows, who cares as long as it stays around.
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Old 02-20-2003, 08:38 PM   #247  
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ROFL Carol, I reckon I need some lucky knickers. Not for motivation, mine is doing ok today, but for just getting on in life without any trauma's. I have had one he** of a week so far, TGIF as they say for tomorrow
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Old 02-21-2003, 12:37 PM   #248  
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Am still on the case, even though the lucky knickers are in the wash. Am starving though, and my new eating / points counting day doesn't start until 6,a whole 25 minutes away.

Am beginning to plan what I can have to eat, think I will make potato cakes not sure what I will have with them, chicken or shepherds pie, will need to make a decision.

Will be a struggle this weekend but I am determind to stay focused. I really want to see a loss on Monday night
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Old 02-23-2003, 09:15 AM   #249  
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Was out on the razzle last night, lots of wine, vodka, curry and a far too spicey chilli and lime naan bread. Probalby about 2 days point allowance gone in one evening

But hey it was really good fun

Am eating very healthy today to make up for it.

Have been abandoned by Ray and the boys today as they have gone hill walking with my brother, and I got left behind

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Old 02-23-2003, 04:19 PM   #250  
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Help!!! The Easter Bunny bit me on the arse when i went to the mall yesterday i bought chocolate and creme eggs and caramilk eggs..a six pack..but not the kind that i want on my abs i've had 3 today 1 Caramilk and 2 creme, the first one tasted funny so i had the second to make sure think i'll leave the last one for hubby..well..i'll try to
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Old 02-24-2003, 08:12 AM   #251  
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Hi BritNJ and Cat90 plus anyone else in America/Canada -

I hear they are screening "THe Office" on BBC America. Apparently the San Francisco Chronicle said it is "addictively funny".

I was slow to get into it but loved it. That man is excruciatingly embarrasing!
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Old 02-24-2003, 08:37 AM   #252  
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Am having a busy day but just wanted to say hello from a gorogorous Scotland. The sun is shining and is almost warm, I had to take my big jacket off while I was out for a walk.

Eating has been good so far, funny how I can always stick to plan on a Monday, something about getting wieghed tonight.
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Old 02-24-2003, 10:55 AM   #253  
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It is not bad in Hammersmith and so typically the heating seems to be on full blast in the hospital... wait until it gets colder then they turn it off again!

I have just managed to get chocolate all over my trusers. How did I miss my mouth? Fry's chocolate delight in case you were wondering...

Considering how much food throws itself at my front it is a wonder I am not a size 8!
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Old 02-24-2003, 01:27 PM   #254  
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Peacock i think the the office is on here on BBC Canada on wednesday it worth watching then i had Monarch of the Glen on last week but could'nt get into it..i suppose you have to follow it every week..i don't know what made me think it was a comedy? i also thought Richard Briers was in it..was he? and did they kill him off? or am i confused with another series?
Carol..its lovely here too..i can't wait for spring everything is new kinda makes me feel like i've got a fresh start Good Luck with the weigh-in
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Old 02-24-2003, 09:49 PM   #255  
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Peacock, The Office has been on over here but I've not watched it, I just cant stand that boy with huge cirlces under his eyes in it, although all my friends who watch it are addicted and say I should try again. They say it's hysterical
AS for weather, it is cold here today although we had torrentail rain over the weekend which got rid of some of the snow, but we now have a nother load headed our way for Thursday, I don't want it, I am done with the stuff right now, roll on spring...and hurry too please.
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