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Old 01-27-2003, 06:13 PM   #166  
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Teel: you have to remember that pain is the body's way of telling you that something's wrong - it's designed so that you can't ignore it. I know that's a terrible fact when you're suffering & it won't go away long after you've got the message(!); but the point is that it's very hard to get your head round anything else when you're in pain, so it's perfectly understandable that dieting isn't a priority right now. Concentrate on whatever you have to do to get well, & worry about the weight later. Take care of yourself.

I thought we already HAD this discussion in October around Ali's 40th & my 30th - I told you all then that LIBRANS are the best!!!

That's a pain about your class, Carol - I hope the earlier one does suit because I think it makes a big difference. I think I've finally found my dream class this time - it's during the day, but it's in the playbarn of a pub, so the kids can play in the toddler area & I can keep an eye on them while listening to the class. Whenever I've tried to go before I've tried not to take the kids & then my biggest battle has been being at the mercy of my unreliable hubby as I needed him to babysit!
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Old 01-28-2003, 04:45 AM   #167  
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Am bored bored bored and it's not even 10 o'clock yet.

Need to go move some PCs around !!!!!!!

Should have just kept driving this morning, right past the office and into the highlands and had a day to myself.

Need to go find my enthusiaism - sure I left it tucked up in bed this morning
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Old 01-28-2003, 02:19 PM   #168  
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Carol, I know it can be a pain when a class closes but don't let it make you lose motivation. My class moved in August/Sept to the other end of town and as I result i've wasted almost 6 months where I could have been dieting because the new class wasn't convenient and left me without one. I'm now doing WW from home. And, hey, all geminis are cool so I will forgive you for being 2 years younger!

I remember my old leader saying that WW gave her £15 I think it was for each meeting to help towards room hire etc and she had to find the rest herself. It doesn't encourage them to run a small group does it?

Shell, the difference with me and Teel is that we were born on the same day. Carol, you don't share the same birthday do you? 16th June?
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Old 01-28-2003, 10:28 PM   #169  
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Hi girls, I baked tonight, I am no baker, believe me! But I was reading a WW article on line and saw a recipe for little chocolate fudge cookie bites and it seemed fairly easy, plus I had the ingredients. I whipped them up in no time, they only took eight minutes to bake and they are scrummy, and are only one point each and it's a good mouthful!
I am looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in, I have done good all week, even with eating out on Friday. I hope my feeling comes out ok and I can report a loss. Talk to you all soon, have a great day.
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Old 01-29-2003, 05:47 AM   #170  
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Yo All!!!!
Gosh you lot have been chattering away since I last visited!!
I am sorry I have not posted much over the last few's been rather a grim week...however, today IS going to be an op day....well, started off with cereal for breakfast and a load of good intentions, so I will have to see how it goes
It is a very wet day here in Suffolk today so I think I am going to be lazy!!!Good luck with all your weigh-ins, everyone....BritinNJ, those chocolate cookie bites sound scrummy..
And I am sure I don't understand why you are all debating on horoscopical (is that a real word?!) queens....we all know GEMINIS ARE THE GREATEST!!!!! Especially those born on June 16th!!teehee!!!Arwen I learnt the other day that 16.06.64 was a Tuesday...I never knew that before 'cos of course adopting parents do not get to know those little facts...

Have a good day, everyone, don't forget your umbrellas!!!!

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Old 01-29-2003, 08:45 AM   #171  
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16th June sounds like a popular day, but I missed out, my birthday is the 23rd may, a little May flower. I was born on a Monday morning.

Am doing OK today, have been busy at work tidying up and still have an afternoon worth of it too do. It will lovely when I have finished - hopefully.
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Old 01-29-2003, 12:35 PM   #172  
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Sounds like everybody's being very good - that's what I like to hear!

So; Teel & Helen - what's Tuesday's child? Full of grace or fair of face, was it?!

Chris - is that recipe on the WW website? It sounds gorgeous!!! I've picked up some of the WW chocolate mini rolls while I was in Asda tonight - only 1.5pts & indivually wrapped, which seems much more sensible that some of the other things where you have to open the whole pack. Unfortunately, they say 'limited edition' just like the WW raisin & hazelnut bars that I love - typical!!
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Old 01-29-2003, 12:40 PM   #173  
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I'm a Mayflower too Carol..(16th) but i'm a Taurus <- the nearest thing to a bull i can find I was born on a Sunday @ noon i think..i seem to remember my Mum saying something about i interrupted lunch
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Old 01-29-2003, 01:10 PM   #174  
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Bakewell, yes, the recipe is on the web site. My kids have eaten the brownies and haven't even realised they are low fat, said they were scrummy. I shall definitely be making them again. You can freeze them too and one batch makes 42 brownie mouthfuls
It's snowing here, the roads are very slick. I just had to leave work and go and collect my dughter from her school as she has a horribly gunky looking eye. So am now waiting on the doctor's office ringing me back to see if I can get her to see a doctor today and get some meds.
I'm hoping to have a nice little nap too, now I'm home for the afternoon and she's ensconsed in front of the telly, bless her.
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Old 01-29-2003, 04:15 PM   #175  
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I thought I would do this post in glorious technicolour.....And I have been an angel last I have been serious enough with myself to have an OP day....breakfast was cereal with skimmed milk..lunch soup and unspreaded bread and dinner was macaroni with M&S count-on-us range lemon chicken and peas and sweetcorn. Ah...but I did cheat and have a mint sweet after dinner...

must get stern with myself otherwise I will never get to my first target which, afterall is only a pound and a half away...

I see the forecast for the weather is totally abysmal..snow showers and a wind chill factor to make me want to stay indoors tomorrow. I hope it is okay for the weekend, friends are coming from 90 miles on Friday evening.
BritinNJ, I hope your daughters gunky eye is nothing too troublesome and clears up soon....
See you soon, everybody...

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Old 01-29-2003, 05:52 PM   #176  
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Big disater at work, the servers went down again - how I love working in IT - not !!!!

Anyway, meant I didn't have time to have my afternoon snack, must be a good thing considering I have had cheese rolls this evening, or did I have the cheese rolls because I was hungry and had missed out on the afternoon snack ??

Today has been alright, am going out for lunch tomorrow so that will be another story. Think we are going to the Indian, will probably have chicken Tikka as it is on the business mans lunch, not only because it is the healthy option

Have just ironed a pair of trousers and a shirt for tomorrow - ME !!!!! normally I just chuck them back in the tumble dryer and hang them straight up - I must be sickening for something
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Old 01-29-2003, 09:47 PM   #177  
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Hmmm Carol..i think you had the cheese rolls because you did'nt have the snack..i did'nt have the sandwich i had planned for lunch and went on a little snacking binge eating wine gums, frozen yogurt and jello..nothing too disastrous but enough to make me stick to my meal plan from now on
Chris..i looked at the american and the uk site and could'nt find your recipe..are you a member because i could'nt access the search recipe part and could'nt 'see' anything else to click on
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Old 01-29-2003, 10:05 PM   #178  
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Cathy, sorry, yes I am a member, I'll send the recipe to you. I have just had a binge on a few hob-nobs. I have had bad news this afternoon. A lifelong friend of mine lost her Mother today. I feel so far away from home and can't stop blubbing. I feel exausted from all my emotions so think I might head to bed in a while, early for me. Take care everyone.
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Old 01-29-2003, 10:29 PM   #179  
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Chris..i am so sorry to hear that i can understand how you feel, it is such a "helpless" feeling being so far away from friends and family at times like this...put those hob-nobs at the back of the cupboard and have an early night.
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Old 01-31-2003, 08:26 AM   #180  
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Even though I am only a long 'drive' away from home I can sympathise with you too. Hope you are feeling a bit brighter now Chris.

Well I am enjoying this unexpected day off work!! When the Head called this morning to say the school was closed I rolled over and pulled the duvet up around my ears and snuggled down again. Unfortunately H got up within minutes and insisted on going out to play in the snow. It has been good fun though and you have to enjoy it while it lasts cos it won't stay for long. I feel for those stuck on the roads/motorways though. This country just cannot cope with whatever nature throws at us, my sis lives in Sask, Canada and she would laugh if I told her this amount of snow brought us to a standstill.
Hope you are all having a good time and aren't snowed in, or frozen up.
I am going to see Peter Kay tomorrow night I hope the trains are running ok, its a long way to walk to Hammersmith!!
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