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Old 09-05-2006, 10:27 AM   #61  
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Good morning. Hope you all had a good labor day. I stayed pretty close to being within range, although i didnt do one lick of exercise yesterday. I just felt blah all day.

Do any of you notice that after a day of not doing so well, the scale will not reflect it for a couple more days? I was just wondering if it was just me. Like if i splurge on friday, the scale will be great saturday and i will get this false sense of hope, ha ha and then monday and tuesday, BAM...up like 3 pounds. After 3 days of doing great. Very frustrating. I wonder if it just takes my body a couple of days to metabolize it and turn it into water or fat.

Shyla, hope you had a good visit with the family. I dont count my cals when i am off either. I just make sure to get back on with a vengence and let the past be the past. That is AWESOME about your loss DESPITE being sick and having family in...WOW, WTG.

Ryanmi-I hear you. I am all about fall. Bring it on. I like your Mini challenge idea. I think mine will be to walk my drive way 5 times before bed...i have a long drive way. That way, i will at least get 15 minutes of walking in a day, aside from the other exercise i do.

Robsia-That is just the best feeling, that moment when you catch a glance of yourself and think, wow, not so bad. Just puts a little lift in your step for the whole rest of the day. The lap swimming versus just playing with the kids swimming is different for me in that, when i am just going here and there in the pool, my feet are lower in the water and my head it not in or under the water and i am breathing the whole time. For lap swimming my feet are level to my head and my head is under/in the water the whole time except for when i turn my head to take a breath.

Kreen- That is awesome 2.3. That is about the loss that i strive for each week. Nice job.

Cheryl- WTG on the scale victory. Woohoo that is a good feeling. I hit quite a few bimbo balls. It took me a few pitches to warm up. But once i did i was happy. Man swinging a bat uses weird muscles. I love it though. I would like to invest in some sort of pitching machine. It really takes out the frustrations.

Tina-Even though you may have done a little too much in the food, you had a very active weekend, maybe that will outweigh it. Hope your daughter has a good first day of school. Its bittersweet to send those babies off to school.

Tammy-That is awesome but especially impressive after such a food oriented weekend. Big victory.

Ok, back to work.
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Old 09-05-2006, 11:22 AM   #62  
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Default baby started kindergarden! How can you help not getting a little sentimental about it. She was so good and soOOOoo excited. I was the only one a little nervous...isn't that crazy!?

Cheryl, it's extremely hard to stay off the scale when you're an everydayer. Congrats on getting back to your pre-vacation weight! That is great! Had to laugh you did while the vacuum cleaner was still running..hehe!

Shyla, woo hoo! Good job with the SV.

Ryanmi, there is so much that I want to get back into during the month of Sept. I think my goal will be getting back on my old course and no MORE SLACKING!

Robsia, how exciting to be interviewed for you local paper. Sounds like you had a lot of mummy and daughter time before school gets back in. Great fun. Congrats on getting back down to your pre-vacation weight also. I for one am glad that school has started and I can get back into routine. Something about summer that makes it hard to stick to your schedule. I guess the good news is that I'm maintaining.

Tammy, awesome weigh in girl! Congrats! We had a labor day long weekend also. I spent it camping, one last time before school.

Stacy, if I've learned one thing during this weight loss about my that I'll never figure it out! There are so many factors as to why you could show some upage on the scale, but I highly doubt it was your cheat on friday. It takes a deficeit of 3500 calories to lose one pound and it would take that many to gain it. Which like I said I highly doubt you did that in one cheat. It has to be water retention, just drink lots of water to try to "flush" it out. Thanks for the encouragement about my weekend btw!

Well, I guess I better make good use of a quiet house and get something done. Talk to you all later! Have a great day!

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Old 09-05-2006, 11:33 AM   #63  
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Originally Posted by LadyLai View Post baby started kindergarden! How can you help not getting a little sentimental about it. She was so good and soOOOoo excited. I was the only one a little nervous...isn't that crazy!?
Tina, Hope you're doing okay. Both my kids were excited when they started kindergarten too. Mom was the one in tears.......

Just know that she'll be home soon ready to tell you all about her first day of school. When my DS (now 14) came home from his first day of school, he was full of news. I remarked, "well when you go back tomorrow blah blah blah..." He said, "you mean I have to go again tomorrow?". Apparently I hadn't explained that he would spend the next 15 - 20 years in school.
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Old 09-05-2006, 11:13 PM   #64  
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Evening Ladies...My hubby is feeling soooo much better today. Looks like he will go back to work on Friday. Spent most of today in town, so not much else going on. Still doing good following the core plan. Had lunch at Subway and I could only eat half of a 6" sub. Gave the other half to my dog, Ozzy.
I have weight watchers tomorrow, so I'm excited to see what their scales say compared to mine.

Shawn...WhooHoo!! Great job on moving your ticker downward, and with company no less. Keep up the good work!!!

Ryanmi...My hubby got the VCR/DVD player hooked up this afternoon, so my mini challenge is back working out with Richard 5 days a week.

Robsia...Congrats on getting back to your vacation weight. Good luck starting your weight loss group. I think it is an AWESOME idea.

Tammy...Congrats on your 2 pound loss. Don't you just love it when the fairy fat mother pays you a visit.

Stacy...It's our bodies, they do funny things and don't work like we think they should. If I splurge, I try to do it the day after my WW weigh-in. Give's me 6 days to work it off.

Tina...Hope you were snapping pictures through your tears of your daughter's first day at school. I know she had a wonderful day and I hope you did too. Tina, I had to weigh with the vacuum running, otherwise my hubby would of known and my dog always barks when he hears it talking.

Well chickies, I need to get to bed. See you all tomorrow.

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Old 09-06-2006, 06:53 AM   #65  
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Hey ladies, working on a post with personals but about to head out to take hubby to the hospital for abdominal hernia repair. He has High blood pressure and diabetes so they expect him to spend the night at least. If you are the praying type please pray, even if you are not, say a prayer for us! I really have been worried about this but have put it fully in God's hands and know that the outcome will be his will and we will make it through it whatever it is! Will update and do the personals soon! Ya'll have and awesome day and stay on track for all these goals we got going!!

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Old 09-06-2006, 09:24 AM   #66  
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Good morning ladies, sorry I wasn't here yesterday but I did not feel well and spent the whole day in bed. Today I am still not feeling very well but am at work and will be SWAMPED.

I didn't do very well with the food choices over the weekend but we did tons of walking so hopefully that will offset the eating. Spending the weekend with my mother in law and having to take care of the "poop thing" with my little boy was just to stressfull and I let myself be careless on food.

I am back on the wagon as of yesterday and will spend all week working my backside off to see how low I can get the scales by saturday.

Sorry I am not going to do personals but my time is short since I spent so much time reading and catching up on all of the post since Friday. I am not going to try to catch up with personals right now but will try to get them in tonight or tomorrow.

Check back later.
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Old 09-06-2006, 11:15 AM   #67  
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Hello all, Well some good news on the scale this morning. I dont know what the deal was but i was up anywhere from 3-5 pounds from my good weigh in on friday...but this morning i am back down to my friday weigh in weight so i am happy. Plus i will be getting a movie from netflix today and that will make my time on the elliptical go SO much faster. I tell myself i can only watch it while doing the elliptical. Works out pretty well and the time is much faster. Although, my heel spurs are KILLING me today. Throb, throb, throb. I have got to make an apt with a podiatrist.

Tina-How did the baby do at kindergarten? Are you off to a good start with eating this week being back from camping? I find that if i am off for a few days in a row it is a REAL effort to get back on. It seems the longer i am off the harder it is to get back on. Maybe with all the activities you did your metabolism will still be high. I think that is my problem, once i skip a couple of days of exercise AND eat poorly, i am just a drained blob. Gross.

Cheryl- So glad hubby is better. How did weight watchers go today? I do just like you with splurge days. My weigh in is friday morning and i usually have a splurge lunch that day, then i half splurge dinner, then it is back to the grind stone the next day. If i have a splurge now and then it keeps me from binging and feeling so deprived. If i know i CAN have it LATER, then i dont HAVE to have it TODAY.

Elem-I will pray for your hubby's surgery. My husband just had an umbilical hernia repair earlier this year.

Robbin-So sorry you werent feeling well. I hate to be sick and then be swamped at work the next day when you are still not at 100%. Glad you are back on the wagon today though with eating and exercising.

Ok, talk to you gals later.
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Old 09-06-2006, 01:50 PM   #68  
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Erin, I'm saying a prayer for you and your DH now. Hopefully he's out of surgery by now.

Robbin, I hope you get to feeling better soon. It's no fun to have to go to work when you're not feeling well.

Stacy, Good to hear that the scale is back to normal for you. Hope you enjoy your movie and exercise time tonight. That's a great idea, btw.

Cheryl, I had to laugh at your comment about weighing with the vaccum running. Now I know why I DON'T want a talking scale - I'll have to vaccum more often.

Robsia, any chance your local paper is online and we could see the write-up? I know what you mean about friends and family being sick of hearing about it. I've been on both ends - the one losing weight and the one having to hear about it - and I know I got tired of hearing others talk about it too. Now that I'm on this end of it I could talk and talk and talk about it.

Michelle, Have you gotten the screws for your bike yet? How disappointing to not have all of the pieces.

Shyla, congrats on your scale victory. That's wonderful.

Hi Kreen and Louie and everyone else. Hope you're having a great day.

I'm so tired today. As soon as I got home from work last night, I changed clothes, made a bowl of oatmeal and shoveled it down, and headed to the school to work in the concession stand. I am already counting the days down to the end of football season. The good (?!) news is that now I almost gag when opening one of those huge cans of fake cheese that goes with Nachos. A year ago I would have thought that looked good. Anyway, working in a school concession stand will cure you of wanting to eat concession stand food for life. Kinda kidding, but not really.... It was bathtime and bedtime for the kids as soon as we got home. By the time I get things settled in to relax a bit, it's way past my bedtime. Then up to exercise at 5:00 again this morning.

Hope everyone has a great on plan day. Talk to you all soon.
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Old 09-06-2006, 05:43 PM   #69  
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Afternoon Ladies...

Erin...Hubby and you are in my prayers. I have to have the same surgery, but won't till I'm below 250 lbs.

Robbin...Went to Weight Watchers today and had an AWESOME loss! It's killing me not to say how much. Since starting WW in January, this is the most I have loss so far. Saturday, hurry up and get here!!! Hope you are feeling better real soon. Always a bummer when you have to work and don't feel like it.

Stacey...Glad you had a nice surprise this morning and the scales were back down. Very good weigh-in at WW, but I can't say till Saturday.

Tammy...Glad I made you laugh about my scales. I also can't wait for volleyball to get over, but we go right into Basketball and then track. My complaint is all the driving I have to do. It's 26 miles round trip from my home to school and back. Five days a week gets expensive with the gas prices.

I've been gone all day, so I need to get a few things done before I have to pick up the FD from school. Be back later.

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Old 09-06-2006, 09:13 PM   #70  
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Hi Gals ~ just a quick fly by for me tonight. Just home from work and hubby is just about to put dinner on the table. Salmon.. yummy !!!

Hope you are all doing well and keeping the pace. Have a great evening and I will TTYS
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Old 09-06-2006, 10:17 PM   #71  
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Just a quick pop-in for me, too. Sorry I haven't done personals lately, but I think I'm still recuperating from being sick and having family stay with us. I'm still coughing now & then, but am on the tail end of it.

Worked out tonight, on the elliptical, but cut it back to 25 mins instead of 30, and just went slower in general. Hope my body can handle it, and not end up sick again!

Gonna run... it's late already here. Hope to stay longer soon! *hugs*
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Old 09-07-2006, 08:27 AM   #72  
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Hello Hello Hello!!!!!

Just stopping in to report some good news on my end (finally!!!!!!) After floundering around the same weight (give or take tenths each week) I am finally pleased to report that the weekly office weigh in was fabulous, as I lost 4.4lbs! That's right-FOUR POUNDS baby!!!!!

You know I changed that ticker...

I will check in later...but I just wanted to mean share my good news with you all...
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Old 09-07-2006, 09:23 AM   #73  
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Hello there ladies, this will be a quick post but I will fit in a few small personals. I am feeling much better today but am very disappointed in myself for not getting any exercise in this week. Hopefully I have been doing well enough with my eating that when Saturday comes I will be able to say I have worked hard enough for the scales to match my ticker.

Stacy – I like your idea of exercising to a movie. We have been talking about doin the netflix thing, how is it? Is it worth it?

Tammy – I totally understand waiting for the end of football season, I have 3 boys that play, luckily 2 of them are on the same team. Glad you thing the cheese is yucky these days, that fake stuff has always been a downfall for me.

Cheryl – I can’t wait till Saturday to see how much you have lost, you sound so excited. I am hoping I at least get back to what the ticker says by Saturday.

Louie – Salmon sounds so gooooooood.

Shawn – hope you feel better real soon, I have just been there myself so understand what you are talking about.

Ryanmi – WOOOOHOOOOO for you, Congrats on the 4.4 lbs. I am doing a happy dance for you.

Well ladies I better get a runnin, I am still swamped with work, hopefully this year end stuff will be over soon.
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Old 09-07-2006, 02:49 PM   #74  
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Hello all, Doing pretty well today. I did 5 minutes more than i can normally do on the ellipitical last night. I LOVE it when i have a movie there to get my mind off how much i HATE exercising. I know that is terrible to say but i really dont like cardio. I do love the way i feel AFTER cardio though.

Tammy-Hectic nights with kids with drive you mad. We are having down time right now but my daughter is itching to get into cheerleading, so here we go again. I dont know how you get up to exercise that early but koodos to you. I just cannot get my muscles to move that early in the morning. I wish i could. I would LOVE to have the after workout feeling all day, instead of just the last couple of hours at night. I used to workout in the morning when i was a sahm but not anymore. ALthough, to exercise at night has its pro's too. I can sort of work out the days frustrations.

CHeryl-That is awesome that you had such a good weigh in. Dont you just love those weeks? I am eager to hear about your numbers.

Ryanmi-That is just incredible. Wow, that is such a good feeling to be able to move that ticker THAT much. Good for you. It is so good to hear news like that, it lets us all know that stalls do end. And yours ended with a doosey.

Robin-Yeah, that is what i do, Netflix. I LOVE it. Sometimes i will keep a movie for 2 weeks and not watch it, no late fee to worry about. No returning movies, never worry about your moving being sold out for the night. I just love it. Right now i watch Curb Your Enthusiasm on my laptop while i do cardio. It works out perfect since it is in little 30 minute shows. Works out perfect. For 2 movies at a time it is $16 bucks a month. You get them so quickly though within a day usually, so 2 is good for us. There are different plans though.

Ok, back to work for me.
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Old 09-07-2006, 08:42 PM   #75  
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Evening Ladies...Just a quick check-in...I have been trying to get rid of a really bad headache this afternoon. Think it was brought on by the farmers burning their fields and that stirs up my alergies. Be back tomorrow to do personals.

Robbin...You twisted my arm...I lost 4.7 lbs....Happy dance

See you all tomorrow. Hugs to you all

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