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Old 09-07-2006, 09:32 PM   #76  
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Hello Fabulous Chicks !!!

Just a quick check in for me to let you know that I am going to be out of town for a couple of days. I start my Leadership Program this weekend.. the last step in getting my accounting designation. I am leaving in the morning and will back Sunday, so I will talk to you all then.

Have a great weekend !!
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Old 09-07-2006, 10:07 PM   #77  
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Hello chickies! Just a quick pop in to let you I'm still around. Sorry I haven't been here much these past two days. Mom is staying with me again and there never seems to be enough time. I'll be back tomorrow for personals I promise! Take care!
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Old 09-07-2006, 10:32 PM   #78  
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Hey ladies! Down another pound here, for a total of 13! Need to change my ticker again! A bit surprised it's down, because I'm "over" my points for this week, but I guess by changing it up a bit, it's helping. *shrug*

Worked out again tonight... was so caught up in my magazine that I went 32 minutes instead of just 30. LOL. Then I went & did some crunches & some arm weights. It sure feels good to be back in my routine!

Sounds like the fairy fat mother is being good to ALL of us this week! Good job ladies! I'm so proud of us!

Cheryl - WOW! 4 pounds! That's awesome! Good thing you got a new scale or you'd never have known that!!

Tina - hope you are enjoying your visit, and still staying on track!

Louie - have a great trip, and we'll look forward to hearing how it went!

Stacy - good job on the extra 5 minutes! Every little bit helps! Good for you for stepping it up a bit!

Robbin - the week's not over yet! You can still fit some exercise in! Get moving, girl! (this is, of course, assuming that you are feeling better).

Michelle - 4 pounds! Yay! That is awesome! You & Cheryl have hit the jackpot! Send some of that mojo my way!

Tammy - Hi there! I can't believe you exercise at 5am. Yikes! My DH exercises at 6am, but man, I just can't drag my butt outta bed early to exercise! More power to ya, girl!

Erin - how did DH's surgery go? Please keep us posted!

Okay - well gonna run go change my ticker now & surf a little bit before bed. Have a great Friday!
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:39 AM   #79  
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Good morning Ladies. How is it going for all of you, ok here I guess.

Cheryl OMG you did so good. I am so excited for you. That’s ok I cheated this morning and got on the scales and am sooooo disappointed, still says 231. Maybe for my “Official” weigh in tomorrow they will be down but I doubt it.

Stacy I am gonna have to get a routine going with a movie or something to get me to exercise. I did great last week on walking but this week I didn’t get a chance to fit it in. If things would just slow down a bit for me I would have the time. But with kids in sports and my volunteer work on top of my job I just cant find the time.

Shawn I really did try to get in some movement last night but by the time we got home it was almost 9 and I still had to give the little ones baths and help them with home work. Yeah it did not happen again…….

Well girls I am really disappointed in myself this week, but you know tomorrow is another day and another chance to work really hard at this. I think we are going to go dancing tonight and that is always good exercise. Maybe if I am really lucky the scales will be below 230 in the morning. Cross your fingers for me. LOL

Check back later………………………….
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:52 AM   #80  
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Good morning ladies. I dont know what i did right but at weigh in this morning, WOOHOO. Big victory for me. I have to spill the beans a day early, i am just too psyched. 3.2 pounds this week! Which is awesome in and of its self but on top of that, it puts me at my mini goal of 20 pounds lost. So double cheers. That is NOT what i was expecting. I missed a few days of exercise early in the week, then i went over my cals on monday...geeze, i am in shock. I guess i do like having bimbo around, she gives me incentive to work that ellipitical to death. You know what is crazy though, i am already nervous about next weeks weigh in. I swear i am wacko. I keep thinking, uh, this big of a loss this week means i will probably stall next week, blah blah blah. It is sad when you get on your own nerves. But oh well, i will rejoice today.

Tina-Enjoy your time with your mom, get back with us soon.

Cheryl-4.7 HOLY MOLY! That is awesome. I dont know how you waited to share that number at all. I would have been shouting it from the roof tops. Incredible.

Shyla-WTG gal. You are right the fairy fat mother is a very busy bee this week...and generous too. You are right about the every little bit helps. I was thinking, 5 extra minutes, thats not squat really...then i started thinking even just 5 extra minutes per work out, can equal out to a whole extra workout session. Like if i normally do 20 minutes, and i bump it up to 25, after just 4 days, i have an extra 20 minutes in. So THAT does make a difference. So, all in all, it is just how you look at it and it worked for me this week.

Ok, gotta get back to surf'n, uh, i mean work.
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:57 AM   #81  
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Robbin, we must have posted at the same time. I just wanted to tell you i am sending the fairy fat mother your way. Sounds like your schedule is jam packed. Remember to take time for deserve it and your worth it. Dancing sounds fun and like a good way to get some extra exercise in.
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Old 09-08-2006, 10:42 AM   #82  
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Hey ladies! Sorry haven't given an update before now but just couldn't get away to the computer before now. I am very happy to report that Richard has done very well. He actually came home the same day as the surgery and other than hurting when he moves has done very well. Thanks to Lortab 10!! Gonna have to keep it short but will add this tidbit did 20 min 3.1 miles on the elliptical this morning, unfortunately, i have also gained 5 pounds due to out of control eating. Worry has definitely gotten the better of me. I am going to work hard to get back in line this weekend and then work hard for a halloween goal that actually i haven't even really set yet! Anyway, hope everyone is well, haven't even read the posts but just wanted everyone to know what was going on. Hopefully i can get back for a good post here in the next few days! Thanks for all the concerns, prayers etc! Keep praying for a speedy recovery! thanks! Erin
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Old 09-08-2006, 03:24 PM   #83  
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Howdy ladies! By the sounds of it around here the fairy fat mother has been on the move! Awesome job ladies, I'm so proud of each of you! After complaining of not getting my exercise in all week, I went twice yesterday! It felt so good too. I got a major huge feeling that meeting my ticker weight will not happen by tomorrow. My incrediable Aunt Flo came knocking this morning. Not that I had much of a chance anyhow. I've been hovering around 217 for too long!! Time to put some blasting powder under my butt. I feel so bad that I haven't been able to do as good as you all.

On the school front. Alyssa is loving kindergarten, it's all she talks about. Here's some pics...

I need some thought girls...Some info. sheets came home yesterday with regards to how the disciplining will be. She'll be using the 1-2-3 you're on the chair. She has turtles with all kids names on them and when they need to be warned, she'll move their turtle to the #1 spot and so get the idea. And for the kids that didn't act out will get a sticker for reward. I explained the "rules" to Alyssa (as in the letter it was going to be explained and demonstrated on Monday), I try to prepare her as much as I can. Well today Alyssa says to me at lunch, "mom, I didn't get a sticker today." I asked why, and preceded to tell me she did something bad...I'm thinking in my head that this is totally out of character because she's usually quite shy and introverted. So I asked what happened and she said that after snack she squeezed her wet wipe and the "water" came out on the table and the teacher said my name and moved my turtle to the #1. Now ladies, I'm pretty reasonable but I think that was a little much. Alyssa felt really sad and hurt that this had happened because she thought she was bad. She is very soft hearted and sensitive and gets embarassed so easily. I would understand that if she was doing this on purpose and continued to squeeze it without listening to the teacher. But she says she stopped as soon as the teacher said her name. I think I am going to bring this up to the teacher monday morning, I really don't think that was fair...what do you think? I'm totally "mother bear and this is my cub"! so a little protective of her.

Tammy, thanks for your concern. Considering how fast these first five years have gone...I'm dreading the next five! LOL! I look at her now and I can't believe it, all I see is her in the little basanette at the hospital now wearing a backpack. LOL! wow, girl if you can get up at 5am, then I have absolutely no excuses. Thanks for reminding me of that.

Cheryl, holy cow! You did amazingly well this week. The core plan must be working wonders! Congrats, you deserve a great big pat on the back! Glad to hear hubby is doing well enough to get back to work today.

Erin, glad that your hubby is doing well too! Sometimes when the hubster is down it's like having another kid to take care of! Then again, come to think of it....they always are! hehee!

Robbin, lets just forget this week and look at the new one coming up. We'll do better I'm sure! Sorry to hear you were out of commission on monday and glad you're feeling better. Now if only we could take care of some of your workload.

Stacy, you're doing awesome! Mind if I borrow that elliptical?! Either that or send that bimbo! hahaha!

Shyla, another visit by the FFM! Congrats girl...being sick didn't knock you down.

Ryanmi, congrats on those 4lbs.! I'm waiting my turn in line to own those bragging rights. Good for you!

Louie, busy, busy, busy. Be a good girl while you're out of town. Will be looking forward for your return.

Have a great day ladies! I'm off to make a change in mine. Chat later!
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Old 09-08-2006, 10:28 PM   #84  
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Just a quick check-in. Yes, Tina, I think you should make an appt to talk with the teacher. You have to live with this lady all year long, and I'm sure it's hard for her to "know" each & every child at this point, and that any input you'd be willing to give her on your child can only help her out. Especially if your daughter is sensitive, she probably may not even realize she hurt her feelings as much as she did. I think communication can only help, kwim?
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Old 09-09-2006, 04:57 AM   #85  
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I hesitate to offer an opinion here since I have no kids...but, I think you should let this one ride out and see what happens. The teacher is trying to establish rules and behavior expectations in her classroom, and it's difficult enough to do that with children, much less with 5 y/o children that are in school for the first time. While it's easy for the "mama bear" instinct to kick in, it's important to trust the teacher's judgement until she gives you a reason not to...and i'm not sure this one incident is it... Squeezing water on the table, while not a big deal for one child to do, could cause a disaster should 20+ 5 y/olds do it, so the teacher has to stop it before it starts. I'm sure you could just imagine...

Explain to your daughter that this is a learning process, and that the teacher has to make rules in her class that make sure all the kids are safe-water all over the place could be quite dangerous. Tell her you're proud that she stopped when she did, and that she just shouldn't squeeze water anymore. Besides, there will be days when other kids won't get stars as well...she'll get a star on Monday and everything will be just fine- she'll forget this even happened, or she will remember and it will be the motivation she needs to make sure she is "extra well behaved"...hence the whole purpose of the star system.

This happened to my niece last year- they has buses instead of frogs, and one day Katie got her bus moved...she was devestated-and in her mind, all she was doing was finishing her sentence...I told her "well what if everyone talked when they weren't supposed to? The teacher would never be able to teach!" (I made it like a funny story, and lightened it up a bit...she laughed and got the picture). She went back to school the next day, didn't get her bus moved, and was proud of herself. Try that w/Alyssa...something like ,"if you do that and then __ does it and then everyone else starts, there would be water all over the place, and then people might start making messes, there could be a big water fight, LOL, etc"...and laugh about it-tell her she just wanted to stop it before it started, and that everyone is learning the rules, and that she shouldn't take this one thing personally.

Now if she keeps getting in trouble, then maybe it's time for a talk, but, I'd say no big thing. Let it ride out and see what happens...

That said, what a beautiful little girl. She is just a cutie! She will be a heartbreaker when she gets older!
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Old 09-09-2006, 12:00 PM   #86  
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Shyla, the funny thing is, is that she sent home a "get to know your child" form for me to fill out which I handed in the day before. On there she had "what motivates your child" and "what upsets your child", I specifically stated how shy and soft hearted she was. I totally agree that communication is key to a successful year of learning. Which is why I want to ask from an adults perspective what happened.

Ryanmi, This is a hard one, but I will have to respectfully disagree. The rules simply state in the handbook that if a child is disruptive to the class, not doing their work and uncooperative this deserves a time out. The amount of "water" that could come out of a wet wipe is little to none. I don't feel that she was being disruptive or misbehaving...she just did as any curious kid would have. She felt ashamed that she was called out for misbehaving. I understand that handling 18 five year olds can be challenging and establishing rules even more so, but please making an example out something so innocent is ridiculous. The least she could have done is go to her and asked her to not to do that and it would have been okay. Not labled her in front of the class as a misbehaver. As I have mentioned, she is very soft hearted and embarasses easily. I have been preparing her for KD since before preschool was out..otherwise if she isn't prepared she is way too shy to even look or talk. Having this happen to her of all people in the first week of KD is sad. Now she has mixed feelings.

Thanks for sharing your opinion anyhow. It helps to get all perspectives. But I will talk to the teacher, tell her what Alyssa has told me and hear her side before I get defensive.

Sorry ladies to get so OFF topic of what this thread is about, but I really wanted some outside opinions and maybe some backing up. We can drop it now if you like. You guys were the first ones around that I could talk to and let it out.

Have a great day! I'll be back to check in later!

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Old 09-09-2006, 08:52 PM   #87  
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Hi Girls...Not much going on and I really don't have much motivation. I would really like to go and take a nap, but I probably wouldn't sleep tonight. I've been really good following the plan this week, will see what the scales have to say on Wednesday. This afternoon I did some machine embroidery on a sweatshirt and pants for a customer. Tomorrow it is back to doing the final cut on the quilt, so I'm ready for the quilt retreat.

Tina...Alyssa is so cute. I'm so sorry her first week of school ended the way it did. I would go and hear what the teacher has to say. That way you have heard from both sides and can go from there, but I bet Alyssa get's a sticker this week.

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Old 09-10-2006, 09:09 PM   #88  
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Just a quick check-in with today's NSVs!!

Today I wore a tank top that I normally wear ONLY with another shirt over it. It's got a built-in shelf bra, and it's like second skin. And it's bright turquoise, not black, so shows every bulge. Normally, I wear a shirt over it, because my belly has been so big... but I wore it ALL DAY today by itself! And felt good about it! Granted, it's not terrific looking probably, but I felt like I could pull it off! I'm so excited!

Also, after we dropped off my stepkids, we went out to eat at Chili's (since the twins were with grandma). I DID eat chips/salsa and have a margarita, but my excitement was that I only ate TWO of my chicken fajitas and was satisfied and stopped! Normally, I would have made myself miserable eating more. It was honestly only like 1/3 of the food they gave me. It just felt so good to be able to stop without having to tame myself. I even gave the leftovers to my mom when I picked up the twins.

All in all, I feel like I've not been tracking as closely lately with all the company we've had recently, etc (my points were OVER by a whole day's worth this past week! eek!). So I'm hoping the scale stays down & I get back on track so it keeps on moving downward. I worked out twice last week, since still recovering from being sick, but am hoping to get 3 or more workouts in this week.
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Old 09-10-2006, 11:25 PM   #89  
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Hi Ladies, I'd really like to start posting with you. (Hi Tina and anyone else who might remember me )
I'm Emily, 37 and SAHM mom of 4. I have 3 boys 8, 5.5, 3.5 and 2 year old girl (well, 2 next week...) I have struggled with my weight pretty much all my adult life... was super thin in high school, gained the standard "freshman fifteen" which still only put me at about 140. Then through college stayed at 150 then it just steadily creeped up after that. I went through a divorce at 26 and ballooned up to 196, but then got down to about 177 for awhile. I remarried the next year, had a baby the year after that (I think was 185 after that delivery). Lost 10 lbs before getting pg the second time, but then started gaining again. First 205, then 215 then pregnancies 3 and 4 back to back really did it to me. So I've been between 225-235 for the last 3-4 years and I am soooo ready to not be heavy.
I was pretty successful at the beginning of this year- lost about 17 lbs and then went on vacation and I've just had a really hard time being consistent with anything since then. I'll do good at exercising, but not eating-- or I'll eat ok, but not exercise enough to really lose fat. I maintained at around 220 for several months, but just this past month I am back up to 230 So time to start anew.
Thanks for listening to my babble. YOu guys that are losing are very motivating to me!! And it's proof that it works if you *really* do it! Tina started heavier than me and look at her go! Awesome.
I'm going to get off and do a meal plan for the week- that is key for me so we don't end up eating fast food!

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Old 09-11-2006, 12:09 AM   #90  
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I would also really like to join. I was over weight as a child, by 16 I was about 150 lbs. I stayed the same until after I had my daughter, not during pregnancy but after, I was in a bad relationship and went up to 200 lbs. Then I had my 2nd child and balloone to my all time high of 219. After losing the guy I went down to 165 within 6 months and maintained until I entered another relationship. I am in a long term relationship, 10 years, and am struggling to lose. I have 2 children, 1 step-daughter living with us and two step children living with their mother. And I just want to say that until 5 years ago I thought teachers and principals were infallible. I found out they aren't. The teacher may have been having a bad day and your daughter got caught in the cross fire. But NO child should ever be made to feel that they are bad. The purpose should be consequence not punishment. I would talk to the teacher and if that didn't work I would let my hubby talk to her because his mother didn't raise him to be so polite. There is not much you can do about the last incident but you can prevent the next one.
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