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Old 06-30-2006, 02:32 PM   #226  
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Total changes
Water- $9.25
Total $25.50
W00! That's better! I can afford that better.

Way to go Hypnotq on the water intake and on the weight loss!!!! You are drowning me in that!

Linda: I have heard some say don't drop your points if your losing at a good rate at your current points. That way when you get to maintenance, you will be at a higher point value to maintain. Something to think about anyway.
Yea, I know that's too funny, she wants to go to WW. I can say this for WW, that it works if you work it!
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Old 06-30-2006, 02:37 PM   #227  
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You got me with that walking though! That's alright...I'm joining the rec center near here now that we've been paid. Have a fabulous day...I'm off to work.
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Old 07-01-2006, 01:45 PM   #228  
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Good Saturday afternoon!!! Hope everyone's doing well...nothing huge to report. It looks like Queen Exquisitern keeps her crown this week! Congratulations!!!
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Old 07-01-2006, 04:18 PM   #229  
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Originally Posted by exquisitern
Linda: I have heard some say don't drop your points if your losing at a good rate at your current points. That way when you get to maintenance, you will be at a higher point value to maintain. Something to think about anyway.

Yea, I know that's too funny, she wants to go to WW. I can say this for WW, that it works if you work it!

Some weeks I do great with the pounds and some weeks just one pound or so. Not sure what's up with that. Sooooooo, I'm not sure what to do about the 2 point drop. I guess I'll have to ask the leader next week.

My friend, Kathy, started in on me AGAIN last night about losing more weight. I swear, she's more concerned about it than I am! Keeps saying, YOU DON'T NEED TO GO ANY LOWER! blah... blah.... I don't think I look all that skinny ... especially when I get nekkid! I see all the fat rolls and dimples they don't see.

Ok, I need some advice. HELPPPP!! Since I've lost this weight, I'm starting to have more attention from the guys. Honestly, it's freaking me out! Scares the crap out of me. We went out dancing last night and three different guys were trying to make a move on me. I was very nervous with that and just laughed it off. I knew two of the guys and that surprised me they were doing that to me. Ok, so what do I tell a guy if I'm not interested?! I don't like to hurt people's feelings at all or cut their self esteem because of having mine cut in the past.

I was walking to the car last night and told Kathy that this was the only part about being skinny that I wasn't going to like. I don't mind the flirting but it's the sexual advances I'm not too crazy about.

Ok, so am I nuts or should I feel flattered?
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Old 07-02-2006, 12:23 PM   #230  
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Go ahead and feel flattered....they love the new you! Be true to yourself and do ONLY what you want to do

Good Sunday morning...I just wanted to pop in and say hello...we've lost alot of regular posters. Hope they're all doing well. I'm off to work, so have a great day!
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Old 07-02-2006, 03:45 PM   #231  
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Hi girls.....well I wasn't so lucky week long sore throat DID turn into a full blown strep throat!!! I finally went to the urgent care yesterday and was given antibiotics. On a positive note though.....DS IS HOME FROM COLLEGE!!!! I swear, he has grown and matured. Is that possible in only 3 weeks? hehe..... 3 weeks is a long time to be away from MOM!!!! He def. had a great time and now its back home, back to house rules etc etc.....I'm trying to let him have his 'independence' as well but after his all night party on the last day (no sleep at all) I did put my foot down and insist he get 4 hours sleep yesterday afternoon when we got back from the drive. Food and excercise has been almost non-existent all week but once these meds are over and my throat is not swollen and infected .....I'LL BE BACK on track for sure!!! Sorry I was MIA all week.

congratulations to the losers this week!!! woohoooo
Queen?? who's the queen?......
Potato?....where you at GF??
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Old 07-03-2006, 07:12 AM   #232  
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Do you think the Doctors can help with ur weight loss?. ive known people go and have been given tablets, but is that for seriously obese people?. Ive considered this lots of times, but i think the doctor would just tell me to join weight watchers or something. Ive been trying to diet for maybe 4 years now and never manage to stick to it, even when i say in my head that i shouldnt be eating it, i just carry on. I just dnt know. im getting a bit sick now. all i want to do is lose some weight.
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:54 AM   #233  
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Good morning all!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I slipped off on the eating and drinking water a bit this weekend, though I kept up the walking. I'm back to journaling everything, that always seems to help. I am motivated to keep losing. My next short term goal is to reach 175 lbs. I'd like to reach it by Labor day. We'll see!

Linda: I would of course be flattered, who doesn't want to be complimented and fawned over from time to time. I think though if it is unwelcome advances or just persistent guys, I know you don't want to hurt their feelings, but you just have to be firm and tell them "Thanks, but no thanks"
Guys can be persistent when they want something, but to me just telling them that is better than them hanging all over you. If they ask to sit down with you, tell them that you prefer that they didn't. If they can't get the hint, get your friends to help you give them the hint. I don't think you have to be mean, just direct. Anyway, that's my advice.
Emzi bops: As far as diets, WW works for me. I need the accountability to go to the meeting and weigh each week. I also usually journal and that makes me accountable to myself. If you know you have to write it down, it makes you less likely to go far astray. Also getting into a regular exercise routine. Even if you have to start out at 5 minutes and work up each day. My goal is 2 hours a day. I'm doing about an hour and 45 minutes right now. The exercise certainly helps with the loss. It has to be planned. If you don't plan it, it probably wont happen. Anyway these helped me and drinking 8 glasses of water per day. Set yourself small goals and work up to them if you need too.
Hypnotq: Good morning to you and hope you are doing ok
Angel eyes: Sorry to hear about the Strept throat. Take care of yourself and drink plenty of fluids and some sugar free popsicles to help that sore throat. Glad your baby is back all safe and sound. I know you are enjoying him being home.
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Old 07-03-2006, 12:10 PM   #234  
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Good morning ladies! I don't have much time for personal answers right now cause I'm about to run out the door to the gym. Hope you're all doing well....Queen Exquisitern I'm hot on your tail...I'll catch you this week!
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:49 PM   #235  
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ah HA!!! All hail Queen ExquisiteRn !!!! I hadn't read back the posts to see who won last week. Congratulations!!!
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Old 07-03-2006, 04:16 PM   #236  
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Originally Posted by exquisitern
Linda: I would of course be flattered, who doesn't want to be complimented and fawned over from time to time. I think though if it is unwelcome advances or just persistent guys, I know you don't want to hurt their feelings, but you just have to be firm and tell them "Thanks, but no thanks"

Guys can be persistent when they want something, but to me just telling them that is better than them hanging all over you. If they ask to sit down with you, tell them that you prefer that they didn't. If they can't get the hint, get your friends to help you give them the hint. I don't think you have to be mean, just direct. Anyway, that's my advice.
I guess I'm just going to have to grow some "tough skin." I know they just are interested in sex cause that's the way men think! Oh, trust me, they don't hang. I do get them off of me if they go that direction.
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Old 07-03-2006, 06:06 PM   #237  
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Linda......My husband has a great line for an annoying behaviour.....he say's "does that ever work for you?" screaming kids, rude behaviour and I don't see why not ....needy men!!! I get the man ooglers also, and its pretty nervy some of the stuff they do. If you're not into them, then set them straight!!! good luck
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:44 AM   #238  
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that was a good line. I'll have to remember it. I was talking to a guy friend last night. He pretty much told me how to handle the jerks.
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Old 07-05-2006, 10:49 AM   #239  
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HI all! Well I kind-a-sorta fell off the wagon for a few days, but I jumped back on today and went back to my old routine. Hopefully I will maintain this week. Maybe, I just needed a few days off. Part of it was that I hadn't made my 2pt soup this week as my refrigerator was full of stuff to take to my sisters for the fourth. It really is a life saver for times when I wanted to eat. Anyway, I think that I will probably not be queen next week. So I better savor it this week! lol
I did join a Fitness club that is fixing to open the middle of August. I want to do some mild strength training three times a week.
Hope everyone it doing good.
Linda: Glad you are getting things squared away with the fellows. The agony of losing weight and looking fine!!! lol
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Old 07-05-2006, 06:15 PM   #240  
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UGGHHH!!!! I'm so frustrated! I was keeping a log of my piggy bank stuff in a word document on my computer so I can take care of it all at once...and it's GONE! All of it! I was having a GREAT week too. Alright...I'm gonna go sulk about it for a bit. Hope yall are doing well!
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