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Old 06-07-2006, 09:04 AM   #91  
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Good Morning Ladies.

Happy Hump Day!

Hpnotq-Welcome back! I'm so sorry to hear about your dh's grandmother. Sounds like things have been a bit crazy for you.
Good for you for not losing focus just because you had a few days of not so good eating. It happens. Sometimes things in our lives get a little hectic and we turn straight to comfort or convienence.
Well it sounds like your back on track and ready to go. Glad you and hubby are back home safe and sound.

Take Care.

Talk to Everyone a little later
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Old 06-07-2006, 10:02 AM   #92  
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Morning everyone,

Hpnotq I'm sorry about your dh's grandmother. You have had so much going on in your life its understandable how you could have over indulged this past week. But Yahoo that you didn't gain any weight back!! You will be back on track in no time. I hope that your health improves quickly.

As far as the Challenge. Friday everyone is going to suggest certain things that they would like to include in it for the following week. So make sure you write it down so you can remember to suggest it Friday.

I did really good last night inspite of "Aunt Flo" I craved no chocolate even though I could have had it. Usally, I gain weight but I guess drinking all this water is helping me to keep from gaining.

I have a wedding to go to on July 29th and a lot of the people that will be there haven't seen me in a few months. Wouldn't it be great if I could get 30 pounds off? That would make me 170. I've already got 12 off. I need to lose 18 pounds. That would mean 2 pounds a week would put me at 16 pounds. That's doable. I wear a size 18. I wonder what size that would put me at? It sure would be great to be in a 14 by then. I don't think 30 pounds would put me in a 14. I'm only 5 feet tall. Anyway, 30 pounds would be great!!

The Grand kids spent the night last night and will be with me tonight so my day will be busy. I'll try to write later.

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Old 06-07-2006, 10:08 AM   #93  
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Hello all!

Hpnotq, sounds like you had a very busy last couple of days! I hope you're feeling better. LauraCarrot, I hope you and your sister feel all better soon.

I haven't been particularly bad this week, I haven't been particularly good...

I might take a cycling/spin class at my gym. Has anyone ever done one of those before?
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Old 06-07-2006, 11:43 AM   #94  
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Good morning everyone! Thanks for the well wishes...I'm pretty much out from under the weather...WOOHOO! The bad thing is that my milk and eggs and fruits and veggies all went bad while we were outta town. So now I gotta go replenish all of that either today or tomorrow. I was making eggs (well egg substitute) for breakfast, and as they cooked up they started looking grainy....ewwww! So I just dumped them...very disappointing cause it was a brand new carton Oh well you can't help going outta town sometimes.

As for my posting my goal for the day and sticking with it along with my diet, that starts today. Today my dh works 12-5, so my goal is to get no less than 2 loads of laundry in the washer and to clean up between our bed and the wall. I'll come by later and let yall know how that went.

Hugs and yall have a great day!
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Old 06-07-2006, 05:20 PM   #95  
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Amber I've heard of a cycling class. There are stationary bikes, a TV and a coach as you peddle away. My husband wanted me to join the one on base. He says its really good. I never did.

The kids have run me ragged today. I can't keep up and I am soooo wanting something sweet to eat. I keep sucking down water!

Well I am also washing and drying clothes and it sounds like another load is ready to be folded so I'll write later.

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Old 06-07-2006, 06:39 PM   #96  
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Oh My Gosh!! I couldn't wait any longer. I just had to have a piece of the best tasting cake!! When I say piece I mean UM UM GOOD size piece.

I don't know what happened! But now I am sitting here and my belly hurts.

Maybe I should skip the reward meal. Angel Eyes don't say a word.

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Old 06-07-2006, 07:02 PM   #97  
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so the other day my parents got a new fridge.. they seem to be slowly redoing the kitchen, piece by piece, via craigs list, but yeah.. new oven = baking cupcakes, so that was bad. but new fridge = built-in ice dispenser for the first time, so getting a glass of water is suddenly super-exciting!

looks like i gained a pound since last week but that's my own fault since i haven't been exercising lately. i did go shopping yesterday though (the boy's parents give me hot topic gift cards every christmas) and i got a short skirt that makes me happy. i stopped wearing shorts for a couple years, most of middle& high school now that i think about it, and i'm just now starting to get comfortable with showing off my legs. so that's exciting.
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Old 06-08-2006, 08:09 AM   #98  
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I think I should be declared Queen for the day.

My DH, who has never had any weight issues, just quit smoking. As such, he is constantly searching the cabinets for snacks. I had stopped buying them to limit my temptation. However, I felt badly for him. Quitting smoking must be tough. If the sweets will help him stay smoke-free, I guess we should have some around.

Anyway, I went to the grocery store yesterday and bought 3 boxes of cookies. My DD asked me to open one of the boxes before he came home so she could have a snack. Well, less than 24 hrs. later, the box of said cookies is now devoured and not one passed my lips.

Also, I know we should only weigh in once a week due to fluctuations in daily weights, but I can't help myself. I seem to hop on that scale everytime I use the bathroom. This morning it was reading that I am down a total of almost 8 lbs. I won't update my ticker until Monday, but it sure feels good to see some of the pounds leaving my body.

Last edited by jjeanne; 06-08-2006 at 08:24 AM.
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Old 06-08-2006, 08:31 AM   #99  
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Good Morning Ladies,

Jeanne-Good for you for resisting the cookies. See you do have will power.
I know what you mean about the scale. I weigh myself every morning. I just can't stay away. I'll cross my fingers that your loss sticks until Monday.

BainidheDub-Buying new clothes always makes me happy. Buying shoes is even better.

Potato-Hope you had lots of fun with the kids yesterday. Don't get to bent out of shape about the We'll let it go this time. HaHa! Now back to the grind.

Hope everyone is doing good.
Talk to you soon
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Old 06-08-2006, 09:07 AM   #100  
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yahoo I lost another pound and that means I met my goal of losing 3 pounds this week!!

After eating the cake last night I decided to for go my reward meal. We were having pizza at church but I had no desire for it. I couldn't wait to get on the scales and see this morning. I had already lost another pound tues. so I was down to 187 but I decided to hold off putting in down because Wed it kept going to 187.5. But today was positively 186!!! I love my diet. It suits my lifestyle.

I hope everyone is having a great morning. My daughter picks the kids up today!! I love having them around but its also nice when they leave.

Jeanne you have more will power than me!! I am so glad you are seeing the wait come off. Its so much harder to see it come off when you are close to your goal weight. I also weigh myself every time I go into the bathroom. But I do change my ticker. Its such a motivator for me to see the ticker going down!!

BainidheDub congrats on the clothes and the Frig!!

Has anyone ever thought about what they look forward to when they lose all there weight? I have. 2 things:

1. I want to be able to cross my legs at church without having to prop it on the pew in front of me to hold it there.

2. I want to see my collar bone. I know I have one but I can't remember the last time I saw it.

Itsn't that crazy? When I can do those 2 things I wll be satisfied.

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Old 06-08-2006, 09:28 AM   #101  
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Thumbs up Hi

Originally Posted by potato
yahoo I lost another pound and that means I met my goal of losing 3 pounds this week!!

2. I want to see my collar bone. I know I have one but I can't remember the last time I saw it.

Potato, WAY TO GO on the 3 pound loss!!!

I know what you mean about the collar bone. I'm beginning to see mine and it's a good feeling. Means the fat is disappearing off my chest!!
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Old 06-08-2006, 09:30 AM   #102  
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Yeah! Awesome job on the 3lbs lost!
Keep up the good work
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Old 06-08-2006, 09:40 AM   #103  
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Default Good Morning

Hi Everybody,

Haven't had time to post much lately. Been so busy trying to have an active life! Plus my work schedule has changed and I'm only working 4 days a week. So I'm actually busy at work now instead of playing on the computer all day.

Everybody has been doing so well and I haven't. Ugh. My nephew and his dad had a joint birthday party this weekend and I was SO bad! It was a combo of a cupcake, boiled crawfish, fries, fried fish, and home made hushpuppies!!! I was a BUT the good thing is, I stopped eating when I got full even though I wanted to keep eating. I was "mouth hungry" as my friend says.

I did go out dancing Friday AND Saturday night and worked up a good sweat. My good dance partner was there and that helped me a lot. So hopefully that helps me when I go weigh in tonight. Wish me luck and if I've gained, it's nobody's fault but my own.
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Old 06-08-2006, 02:41 PM   #104  
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Alright well Wednesday was a success on getting some work done around the house...2 loads of laundry, cleaned up between our bed and the wall and I even threw in some grocery shopping. All that in the span of just a couple hours cause I had to pick my dh up from work early cause he's having jaw pain. Poor thing is having such a tough time. I wish I could say yesterday was a success food wise, but I'm having such a hard time to keep from going towards those foods that I used to eat. Same thing so far today. It hasn't been much, but it's been all those things I shouldn't have. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when the new piggy bank week begins because I think the prospect of losing or making money will help. Beyond that my exercise this week has stunk pretty bad. Okay...enough of my complaining.

Goals for Today: more laundry...3-4 loads if possible. Clean off our dresser and the wooden crate next to our dresser. If I have time I'd like to move my mother's box of china out of our bedroom and into one of our other rooms.

I'll check in later and let yall know how the day is going.
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Old 06-08-2006, 05:22 PM   #105  
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Hey girls!!! Is it Friday yet? hehe.....I've been volunteering at cubscout camp ALL WEEK and let me tell ya.....the mom's all pull out the bags of chips, cookies, donuts etc etc Thank goodness I've had my own little crunch bag of either carrots or pretzels because those darn chips sure looked good. But tell me why....oh why....when you say "no thankyou" do they keep asking you if you want some? It took all of my resistance to say no and then to munch my own stuff. oh,...not one bag but 3 kinds of Doritos!!!! Tommorow is the last day and the finale BBQ lunch, not sure if I'll have the hot dog I paid for but we'll see. I had the McDonald's Asian chicken salad today and it was VERY VERY GOOD!!! Best choice possible, but oh my when I added it up on fitday, over 1500mg SODIUM. The rest of the stuff was balanced though, and I didn't have the walnuts. Could have been worse, a big mac attack instead!
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