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Old 07-14-2006, 12:21 PM   #286  
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I look on here when i first wake up 2 see new posts... forgetting then when i check its like 10am, which is atleast 5am over there for you's so i gotta wait right up until after dinner to see everyones posts.
Just checkin in tonight coz it might be Tuesday b4 i check back in, got a busy weekend. first its my night away with all the girlies, the i got a christenin on sunday and then monday its my bday. 20 already, time just flys.
gotta finishing packing, i dunno if its just me but really im taking alot of things just for one night. i have 3 pairs of trousers 2 skirts and 5 tops, 3 pairs of flip flops and some trainers coz i really dnt know what im wearing, and thats all in my suitcase b4 ive got the essentials in.

Well hope everyone has a good weekend.
bye for now x
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Old 07-14-2006, 12:38 PM   #287  
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Weighed in last night and have only lost 1/2 pound. I was expecting a gain so this is GOOD!

Going to have to get tighter on track this week. Last week was a 2.8 pound loss. I need to figure out what I did last week and do it again!
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Old 07-14-2006, 12:42 PM   #288  
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Emzi bops: Sorry about the job. Have a great weekend.
Linda: Congratulations on the 0.5 lb loss. I know what you mean. I've got to buckle down on my eating this week. I've got everything else up to par.

Potato: Congrats on restarting! Remember it's one foot in front of the other. A lot of small steps will equal great strides!

Angel-eyes: Boy you whooped my tail again this week.
My stats for the weeks
56 glasses of water =18 or $9
51 miles walked= 12.75- I think I should get extra points, because I probably jogged 20 of those miles. (That was my whiny self!)
0.4 lbs lost - at least it wasn't a gain this week!!! Woo-hoo!
Total= $ 21.75

Anyway, unless someone boot Angel-eyes out of her seat it looks like she is going for two weeks straight!!!
Hope everyone is doing ok.
Take care and have great weekends!
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Old 07-14-2006, 03:23 PM   #289  
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I'm still off of the challenge...and probably off until we get our computer back...which now won't be for an even longer time cause we haven't sent it yet. Forgot to weigh when I got up this morning, so I just did a little bit ago. I'm down 2 more lbs. And that's after having already had breakfast and some water today. Normally I weight right after I wake up before I do anything for the day. YIPPEE!! I'm officially at my first milestone...10 lbs lost! On top of that, I spent nearly an hour at the gym today and have made my exercise challenge minutes! What a Friday for me!!

Angel Eyes-Nearly 700 oz of water last week??? That's incredible!!!

Potato-Yay for restarting! It's just like learning to walk first you struggle, but then it gets easier. You can do it!

Exquisitern-If I'm not mistaken we do have a rule in the piggy bank challenge to be paid for miles jogged too. I'd have to go back and look, but I'm pretty sure we do.

Linda-Isn't it great to have a loss when you're not expecting one or even more expecting a gain.

Emzi-Sorry to hear about the job. You'll certainly get the one for you soon enough. Sounds like you have an incredible weekend ahead of you. Enjoy yourself, but don't forget to take time for you every now and then. And in case we don't see you before then (and I may not with my computer situation) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

We've lost alot of the people that originally posted in here...but I guess that's life. If any of you are lurking, pop your head in and say hello. Hope everyone is doing fantastic! I went grocery shopping today after hitting the gym and now gotta grab a quick shower before I rush off to get gas and go to work. Have a fabulous Friday everyone, and have an even more fantastic weekend.
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Old 07-14-2006, 03:24 PM   #290  
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Default's $.50 for every mile run...but jogging counts as running in my book...cause it's certainly not walking.
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Old 07-14-2006, 03:33 PM   #291  
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Hypnotq has a good point Exquisitern, if you are running or should log in those miles. 51 miles walked is awesome!!! I salute you with my stinky running shoes!!

emzi....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! aaahhhh, to be 20 again!! just a l'ill wee babe. I feel REALLY OLD!!
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Old 07-14-2006, 04:33 PM   #292  
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It doesn't look like I'm gonna unseat anyone this week, but here's my piggy bank for the week:

Water 432 oz for $9.00
DDR (counted it as a video) 3 1/2 hrs for $3.50
Walked 12 miles for $3.00
and a weight loss of 2 lbs for $4.00

Total= $19.50
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Old 07-14-2006, 04:45 PM   #293  
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Hypnotq: Congratulations on your 10 lb loss!!!

Angel-eyes even with the extra I still only have $26.75, so it look like you are still the Queen! Also, my shoes probably are stinky!!!!! I know my feet are happy when I get my tennis shoes off!!!

Emzi bops: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

KKitty: Congratulations on your 2 lb loss. Also Congratulations on the awesome water intake!

Everyone keep focused and have a good weekend!
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Old 07-14-2006, 11:53 PM   #294  
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happy birfday, emzi!! nice to know i'm not the only young'n in this thread. ^.^ hope the weekend away is awesome!

i think i'm going to try doing the challenge this week. *braces self* look out ladies, i'm gonna.. ..come nowhere close to 51 miles and 700 oz of water. jeebis. but i'm gonna try, dammit! and now good night to you lovely ladies.
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Old 07-15-2006, 11:37 AM   #295  
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Bainidhedub: It just takes building up to. I used to think that walking for 30 minutes three times a week was unthinkable and now I just get up and get going. I usually try to do 6 miles in the morning and 3 miles at night. Last night I jogged 2 of the 3 miles. I had to pat myself on the back, because that was new for me. I'd like to be able to jog at least half of my miles. Like I said, it's just taking a little and adding to it each day. I see a lot of people who do better and worse than me when it comes to walking, but I just tell myself that I'm working my program and not there's. If someone is speeding past me and I get depressed, I ask myself who's program are you working. Anyway, that's my thoughts. Even with dieting, I always try to remember I am doing this for me at my pace. I constantly tell my self not to compare myself to someone else.
It works for me.
Your working hard and I know you are up to the challenge!
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Old 07-15-2006, 12:34 PM   #296  
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Morning!! Just heading out to the gym as it closes early on Saturdays.... , wish it stayed open longher though. Does anyone have any plans for the weekend? We have a bbq to go to this afternoon, my neighbour is moving to Alabama. I'll miss her....other than that, nothing too exciting, besides its JUST TOO HOT!!! can do the challenge, just remember to do some of the parts each and every day. Then you are not playing 'catchup' later on in the week to bring your totals up. YOU CAN DO THIS....!!! YEAH!!!
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Old 07-15-2006, 02:47 PM   #297  
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I'm at work today. Only plan is to go to church in the morning and then come home and clean house and do laundry. Woo-hoo!!! I should lose a few calories doing that! lol

Queen Angel eyes: I understand about hot, we're under a heat advisory here. Glad when it cools to at least 90!
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Old 07-15-2006, 05:04 PM   #298  
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We've got the heat advisory also!!.....and boy do I sweat, not pleasant believe me. You know....when you're walking around, minding your own business and BAM!!! a trickle of sweat runs down your back. I'm at that lovely time of my life where the beginnings of hot flashes can spring on me at any time. hehe....I LOVE the frozen food aisle these days!!! BTW.....I love the sound of "Queen" Angel-eyes!!
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Old 07-15-2006, 05:49 PM   #299  
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Heat advisory here too...we've been hitting triple digits for a few days now...yikes! And we don't see any relief in sight. What I wouldn't give for it to be December right now! I'm off of work today, but I'm babysitting 7-12 tonight...and I'm excited. I haven't seen my little buddies in months! Nothing else new to update...except that my changes are making a difference in my husband. He's getting up more regularly and going to the gym with me, and he's slowly changing his eating habits...first it was pizza that he let go of, and now he didn't get his usual baked potato with steak and cheese on it...instead he just got it with butter (still bad but better than with steak and cheese). I'm so proud!

So who's our queen? Anyone here to unseat angel eyes?
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Old 07-15-2006, 07:38 PM   #300  
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No it looks like Queen Angel-eyes whooped us another week!
But we are hot on her heels!
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