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Old 06-10-2006, 12:43 PM   #136  
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I could see Crystal Light counting as water cause it's VERY low cal, but I'm not so sure about tea...unless it's green tea.
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Old 06-10-2006, 03:53 PM   #137  
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Hey you guys! I'm Mica and Hpnotq told me about this group and challenge and I love it! So, even though it started yesterday I'm gonna give it a go.
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Old 06-10-2006, 04:56 PM   #138  
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Talking I will earn that Crown!

I hope you like competion because I' m going after the Crown!!

Your majesty Angel Eyes I walked 1 mile today and I bought 2 cases of water. Prepare to be dethroned!!

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Old 06-11-2006, 12:22 AM   #139  
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Mica I'm so glad you found us! Come on by and post often...we're a very loving group!

Oh my dear potato...that crown's gonna be mine next week!

Quick question though to clarify...are we counting walking as in for our daily activities or just walking specifically for exercising?
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Old 06-11-2006, 09:58 AM   #140  
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Hello and good morning my fellow queens in waiting!!! hehe.....such a blast to read everyone's posts!! (you may now bow.....)

I'm not such a good rule setter, so Potato you make the descision on the measurements etc.... I'll just follow them and retain my crown next week. I hope everyone is up to the challenge again, I had alot of fun staying OP (finally) and charting it all.

Amber.....WTG on the running!!! great job!!
Potato....You are off to an excellent start also. Stocking up on the water eh? GAME ON!!!

Comebackgirl..... Post often and tell us about yourself.

Well yesterday we drove the 3 hrs to 12 yo ds college campus for his 3 week course. He is such a fine boy, impressed me to no end with meeting his prof. and school mates by shaking everyone's hand and introducing himself. We did have a slight moment of panic not being able to find him (after only being on campus for 1 hr and after a parents only lecture) WE COULDN'T FIND HIM!!! hehe....of course like I said, it was only 15 minutes but he was finding his way around the dorm and meeting his preceptor. I told him...."anytime is a good time to call your Mom" AND HE DID!!! He called me at bedtime last night, and at wakeup call this morning. I didn't think he would take me 'literally' but HE DID!! so I told him this morning to call me every few days, just for updates and such. By the time we left yesterday, he was already signed up and running off for "capture the flag" game and a movie last night. He is going to have a blast. Tommorow is first day of classes, and its a pretty intensive class of World War ll lectures, (equivilent to a semester college class) I'm such a proud Mom!!!

Last edited by angel-eyes; 06-11-2006 at 10:05 AM.
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Old 06-11-2006, 10:05 PM   #141  
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Talking Official Rules For New Week:

Piggy Bank Challenge Rules:

.50 Cents for each 24ounces of water drank
.25 Cents for each 15 mins of stationary exercise. (like video, sit ups, equipment dancing)
.25 Cents for each mile walked
.50 Cents for each mile run
.25 Cents for inches (only chest, waist, Hips)
.25 cents for every 2 miles on a bike
$2.00 for every pound lost.

Water can include Cyrstal light or other like products.

Friday to Friday

Whoever has the most money each Friday becomes Queen for the week. (Don't spend the money yet)
Whoever becomes Queen the rest of us must refer to her for the rest of the week as QUEEN whoever it is. Her magesty must be reconized all week by all of us. When we end our post we must always tell her magesty how great she is!!

At the end of the month the person who has earned the most money gets to spend her money and tell us what she spent it on.
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Old 06-12-2006, 08:20 AM   #142  
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Good Morning Ladies,

Sorry I didn't check in last week. I left early on Friday and was very sick most of the weekend. Not one but two Migrane headaches. YUCK!
So here are my final numbers:

1. 3- 8oz Water each 21x .50 = 10.50
2. 15 min. exer. 10x .25 = 2.50
3. walk 1 mile 10X.25= 2.50
4. bike 2 miles 00000000000
5. weight loss 2 x 2.00 = 4.00
6. Run 0000000000
Total $19.50

Great job last week everyone. Off to a new week. Only next week I'll be your new queen. LOL

A special Good Morning to our majesty QUEEN ANGEL-EYES! You're awesome

Welcome Mica!

Potato-The new rules are fine with me.

Good Luck this week everyone.

Talk to you soon.
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Old 06-12-2006, 10:48 AM   #143  
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Good Morning girls!!! How is everyone today?

Amber.....oh sweetie.....2 migraines? you were really out of commission then!! I hope you have fully recovered. I can't say that I've ever had one, but dh has them often. Hopefully you took meds and hibernated. WTG on walking 10 miles last week. YOU ROCK!!

Potato.....How are you today? The rules look great and soooo the next challenge BEGINS!!!

Well I'm off to they gym before the babysitting ends and then a few errands after that. Nothing much planned today, which is fine with me. I think later on ds and I will work on his reading contest and put together a model. awwww the simple things in life!! Have a great day!!
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Old 06-12-2006, 01:05 PM   #144  
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Good Morning everyone!

I am really getting a late start today. My goal this week is to lose 3 pounds. I lost a pound since Friday so I'm down to 185. I stay on track better during the week days because I keep my reward meals around dinner time (6:00 PM) On the Weekends I have my reward meals during lunch time and it really makes for a long evening and also makes it harder to resist sweets but I manage through.

Queen Angel eyes [/B]whats the deal with your son again? Were you saying he is 12 years old attending a 3 week course at college? Sounds interesting. Tell me more.

Angel33, Great work last week!
Hpnotq, The walking should be exercise instead of daily activity. I think it has to do with the heart rate.
KKitty I hope you can join us this week on the challenge. I think you'll like it.
Karen, did you buy your scale yet? I don't know what I would do if I couldn't weigh my self every min. of the day!
Amber congrats on the 8 mile run!

We have a tropical storm heading toward us so the weather here is cloudy. But I always love it when the storms come. I like being on the beach watching the storms roll in. I like seeing the waves and the white caps on the water.

Everyone have a great and successful weight loss this week!!

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Old 06-12-2006, 04:16 PM   #145  
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Potato.....well, you're off to a great start to your weekly goal with already one pound lost!!! yippie!!! Yeah, ds is 12yo and way back in Oct was reccommended by a teacher to 'test' for a summer college program. He had to take a 4 hr ACT test that most highschoolers take for college prep and his results were great. He then had to write essays on why he wanted to attend this program, and then the advisory board had to select him for the program. It is a fantastic program where he studies almost 7 hrs a day (m-f) and a half day sat while in a dorm setting. So when all is said and done, he will have taken the equilivent of a 15 wk semester of college!!! pretty amazing huh? All hours of the day are supervised and planned out with some wonderful activities to encourage growth and development. I was just happy HE was happy to do more school during the summer break.

BTW.....I love how "Queen Angel-Eyes" sounds!!!!
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Old 06-12-2006, 04:21 PM   #146  
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Wow... Thank you guys so much for the awesome welcome and the support.

So, a little bit about me! Like I said, my name is Mica and I'm about to be 21. I'm trying to get my life together and losing weight is the biggest part of that. I've tried and failed, tried and failed... same old story. So, this time I'm trying to seek out some support, friendship and inspiration with all you wonderful ladies! I'm doing fantastically. I'm very energetic and motivated at this point, and I think being here is just the encouragement I need to get over the hump and keep it up!

Your majesty angel eyes... congratulations! That is really awesome. *Applauds*
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Old 06-12-2006, 04:48 PM   #147  
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hi mica!!!!

Welcome to Queen Angel Eye's Kingdom (for this week!)
For encouragement and support you have come to the right place

Queen Angel-Eyes that. is. AWESOME. about your son. I bet you're so proud you can hardly stand it!

Congrats on the pound lost potato!!! that's great.

I've been thinking of going to grad school... Getting a masters in exercise, nutrition and eating behavior. I think I've decided that I want to teach children about nutrition and exercise.

More motivation for me to take off this weight! No one wants to take advice from a chubby nutritionist~

I have an hour of exercise ahead of me tonight, and I'm really tired and out of it and I don't wanna go!
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Old 06-12-2006, 06:19 PM   #148  
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Amber I love the "Kingdom" part!!

Welcome to: "Potato Kingdom." I think that has a nice ring to it. Kindda flows from the mouth, don't you think Queen Angel Eyes?

Amber you are the only person I know that hates exercise as much as me and yet is soooo committed to it!! You are such a descipled person. I could use more of that!

Mica I believe you will find the support you need here. We encourage each other to success! I've never been able to stay on a diet more than a week and I am now going on my 4th week.

Hpnotq, how are you doing? Have you gotten rid of all those tempting goodies? Its called "SABOTAGE" Tell your dh to hide that stuff!

Queen Angel Eyes - I gravel at your greatness. Not only did you earn the crown this week but have raised a brilliant son!! Congrats!

Well The storm is suppose to hit us Wed. So right now the weather is great!. Not hot is what I mean. We could use the rain.

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Old 06-12-2006, 06:28 PM   #149  
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whoa....I could get use to this adoration stuff!!! thankyou my fellow subjects

This royal queen will now hold court......
here are my royal decree's for the week......
thou shall chug a lug all water
thou shall drag yourself to thy royal gym
and thou shall forbide the use of all chocolate and sweet things!!

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Old 06-12-2006, 07:27 PM   #150  
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I'll tell ya what, Potato; I will plan on joining the challenge next week. I've been fighting extreme fatigue, and a nasty compound headache (migrane combined with sinus headache) the last few days and except for going to work, checking email and a couple of boards, and watching my boys I'm not really getting anything done.

On the bright side, I haven't had much appetite either.
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