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Old 07-10-2006, 01:27 AM   #256  
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*le sigh* i've started using fitday (again) and either i can't count or my body just hates me. the math is simple, yes? if you eat fewer calories than you burn, then you lose weight. but no00oo... i thought i sucked at physics and was good at math, but apparently not.

on the bright side of things though, i ran into a friend i hadn't talked to in a couple months while shopping today, and she's doing pretty well!
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Old 07-10-2006, 10:04 AM   #257  
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Morning!! Just had my breakie.....ww english muffin, slice of cheese and a hard boiled egg. yum yum, and only 4 pts!! Yesterday was a good day, even got some biking in with ds. (gym was closed) that was good. Heading out to the gym in a little while, going to do the elip. and workout in the 'curves' room. Just tried that for the first time and was surprized at how hard it was. hehe....the commercials show the ladies having a gay ol' time ....almost having a party!!! NOT!!!
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Old 07-10-2006, 11:08 AM   #258  
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All hail Queen Angel-eyes!!!!

Thanks Queen Angel-eyes. I do try to walk every day. I walked 5 1/2 miles on Friday, 8 miles on Saturday, 6 miles on Sunday and I did 4 miles this morning. On the days I can go to the park, I walk on a 1/2 mile track. I'm even doing about 1/2 to 2/3's jogging and the rest at a fast walk. If I can't get to the park I do some Leslie Sansone videos and walk 4-6 miles with her. I like her videos and you can do it in your living room. It's good for if it too hod to walk outside. Usually if I can go to the park, I either go real early around 5:30am or late around 6:30 or 7pm.
I hope everyone is doing good. I made a WW mexican enchilada casserole last night that said it was 6- 4 1/2 point servings but when I checked the points it was 9 points per serving. So I probably ate about 14 points instead of the 7 points I thought I had eaten. I'll learn. It was really good though and I'm looking at ways to cut the points further.
Well when I went to WW on Saturday morning I had gained 1.6 lbs, not 1/2 pound, so I was ill over that, but I've been doing better, so hopefully I will see a loss this week. I'm back to my old stand-by Taco soup that I love.
Talk to ya'll later.
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Old 07-10-2006, 11:16 AM   #259  
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Default Hi remember me?

Hi everyone,

Did anyone miss me or notice I was missing? Today is the first day I have even been on 3fatchicks since I left for camp but you would not believe everything that happened while I was there and since I came back!! It was awesome!!! I loved it. Things have been so different and busy since I got back that I honestly have not been on the website to even attempt to write you. I noticed when I signed on today that I had some private messages but I haven't read them yet but I promise I will.

Did anyone tell exquisitern, that I left? We were suppose to meet up. I felt so bad that I would be gone when she arrived in town and just think I blew her off. If you are reading this exquisitern I left for camp before you arrived in town.

How long has it been since I was here? I know I will never read all the post while I was gone so I am just going to ask. Are we still doing the Queen? If so who is queen? I will join in with you today.

While I was at camp we only had 1 type of food. The kind they served. So if I wanted to eat I had to have whatever they served including carbs. It was all well balanced so I didn't gain anything while there but it wasn't designed to lose either. The bad is it got be off track of my low carb routine. I haven't gained anything but I haven't tried losing any either.
My son is in Tenn. at another Christian camp he was invited to so I thought today is a good day to get back on track.

Plus I missed all of you! Awwwe group hug

Talk at you later

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Old 07-10-2006, 11:32 AM   #260  
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Congrats Queen Angel Eyes!!

Wait a minute!!

Wasn't Angel eyes the queen when I left? What is up with that? You have been on that throne to long!!!

I feel the energy! Your defeat is in the air! You will be dethroned this week!
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Old 07-10-2006, 01:51 PM   #261  
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Well actually...miss exquisitern unseated angel eyes for 2 weeks I believe Good to have you back potato!
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Old 07-10-2006, 02:02 PM   #262  
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YEAH!!!.....POTATO'S BACK!!! And sounds like she's got a little R&R while she was away. Yup....exquisitern de-throned me for 2 weeks but now that my strep throat is all but a distant memory....QUEEN ANGEL RULES now!!!*medievil laugh*BRAAA-HAAAA

exquisitern......I made enchilada's last night also!!....mine were 'fluke-ishly' pt friendly though, as I only had low cal, high fibre tortillias. Not the ones I would have normally used as they were flavoured with rosemary/garlic.....but with the sauce,chicken and part.skim mozz. one knew!! I would love your recipie of the taco soup when you have some time. I made some cheesy veggie soup over the weekend, yum yum and only 1pt per Cup serving.
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Old 07-10-2006, 02:05 PM   #263  
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I think I have finally managed to find a form of aerobic exercise I can stick too.

I'm gonna try to Dance Dance Revolution my way to slimness!!! Time goes by so fast when I'm playing DDR that before I know it I'm over the time I alloted myself. ( not a bad thing at all). Another added bonus, my 4 yr old likes to pretened he's on a pad to ( We only have one right now) and ends up exercising right along with me!!!

Potato- welcome back!!! I think I can safely speak for everyone here when I say we all missed the **** out of you!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna go ahead and try to see If I can be queen now!!!!
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Old 07-10-2006, 02:47 PM   #264  
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Originally Posted by KKitty
Potato- welcome back!!! I think I can safely speak for everyone here when I say we all missed the **** out of you!!!!!!!!
Amen my friend...amen
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Old 07-10-2006, 03:26 PM   #265  
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I got your message Potato and we are so glad that you came back to join us!!

Queen Angel: Your enchilada's sounded good. I'll have to try that. I'll be glad to share my taco soup recipe. I'll bring it with me to work tomorrow. It is 2 points a cup, but it has lots of veggies in it and it tastes great. It sounds like KKitty is coming after you. I've got my walking back up to speed, but I got to get my diet back in line. I hope I can lost this week with all the walking I've done and I've started back getting 6- 8oz glasses of water in again. So keep a look-out behind you!!!
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Old 07-11-2006, 04:48 AM   #266  
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So i got my car back . and my bday trip is back on. woohoo.. the folks have decided to help me along, coz if i didnt go my twin wouldnt go. so rock on for blackpool lol.

Well ive got a job interview in a couple of hours. not the ideal job but will pass me by until i find a hairdressing one... and im full of busy, got myself i hair appointment to try and get my mop fixed gonna get a nice shade of pink in it today

well gotta go get ready
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Old 07-11-2006, 08:39 AM   #267  
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Thanks everyone. What a great welcome back.

Hpnotq you are so sweet!

Donna Congrats on being queen while I was gone. You go girl!

Kkitty I love dancing. I tried dancing to the oldies but it got old. So what is the revolution? What kind of music? I tried a hip hop exercise once. My husband drew the line when I started wearing bandanas and referring to my home as my crib and calling him bro. Just kidding.

emzi-bops Good luck on the job interview. I'll share with you a funny experience I had with dying my hair one day.

I am having a hard time getting back on my diet. Since I got back I have been eating just plan meals. Balanced all three meals including carbs. I also have snacks. All that is a big no no for me. On my diet I can't have any carbs but once a day. Each day I have said I was going back on it because I loved it but I blow it first thing each morning by eating oatmeal. I found at camp I love oatmeal! That seemed safer to me than the pancakes they served with all that syrup!

I have got to get back on track. I haven't lost any weight. Today when I weighed in (which I haven't done in 4 days) I was up 4 pounds!

Any advice Queen Angel Eyes? Your humble servant desirest your wisdom.

Also could someone post the rules again. In case something has changed or added to.

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Old 07-11-2006, 10:18 AM   #268  
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Hey girls.....
emzi....I hope your interview went well and you got the job. Pink huh? I'm sure you'll look stylin' in it. Its a very cool colour!! Maybe we should start calling you 'pinkie' from now on!!

potato.....well, I would agree with you on the pancake vs oatmeal debate but now what are you going to do? Try making a fry up of eggs and bacon to get you going. I remember you are no carbs except a cheat day but are you atkins? SB? or your own version? There's no easy answer except you just have to start. We've all been there though....maybe go through your old journal logs to get some memory recall b.o. (before oatmeal) and just take one meal at a time!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

KKitty.....A friend of mine has the DDR...and just loves it!!! Good luck with that. I bet you'll find the time just zip by.

hypnotiq....How are you today? Everything okay? just checking.....

Yesterday was a great day although the boys were really at each other, I did not go off plan. Usually with stress (heck almost any emotion....) I do a quick fix of something sweet from the pantry, well yesterday I wasn't going to let it get the best of me. ....such a proud moment!!! Nice to know that I'm still learning all this stuff. Had a great workout at the gym, but an hour of intense weeding arms were jelly, so no eliptical; I ran 3 miles on the treadmill instead!!! In the spring I started training to run a 5K race, well I think I got burned out because shortly after the race in April the treadmill seemed to much of a chore so I switched to other equipment. Well last night it was fun AGAIN!!! I guess I need to change it up more with a variety of excercises so I don't get bored.
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Old 07-11-2006, 10:18 AM   #269  
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Nothing's been changed....I'd post the rules, but I lost it all. Long story short, my log I was keeping on the computer disappeared. So this has been my second week out of the running. I've just started getting bored with what I'm doing, so I'm working really hard not to let myself go back to my old bad habits.
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Old 07-11-2006, 02:33 PM   #270  
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OK, so here are the rules as a reminder:

Piggy Bank Challenge Rules:

.50 Cents for (3) 8 oz water drank
.25 Cents for each 15 mins of stationary exercise. (like video, sit ups, equipment,)
.25 Cents for each mile walked
.25 cents for every 2 miles on a bike
$2.00 for every pound lost.
Dancing should be .25 Cents per 15 min.
Running .50 Cents per mile
Cheating will cost you .50 Cents per offense

Runs Friday to Friday

Whoever has the most money each Friday becomes Queen for the week. (Don't spend the money yet)
Whoever becomes Queen the rest of us must refer to her for the rest of the week as QUEEN whoever it is. Her magesty must be reconized all week by all of us. When we end our post we must always tell her magesty how great she is!!

At the end of the month the person who has earned the most money gets to spend her money and tell us what she spent it on.
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