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Old 06-14-2006, 11:32 AM   #166  
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Good morning everyone!

Queen Angel-Eyes...enjoy your last couple of days as queen!

Amber D-I won't have to worry about being too upset about not making the 10 lbs goal because I've already missed that goal twice. Keep your chin will work itself out.

Potato-No hurry on the fritos...just whenever you get a chance My hubby is sick right now, so he's not exactly munching on anything.

Exercise this week hasn't been that great. I've got a massive crazy week going on. I was off on Friday, and now I'm not off again until next Tuesday. Our boss is outta town this week and there are only 3 of us to run the store. Nothing else spectacular going on here. Hope you're all having a great week!
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Old 06-14-2006, 03:37 PM   #167  
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Looks like everyone is checking in and doing okay. I worry when I don't see someone after they've been posting and then go MIA. All you stragglers....check in will ya?

Potato....WOW..that's fantastic!! I've heard bits and pieces about the youth alive. How many children do you have or just the 2 boys? Hope you have a great time!! I usually find the crystal lite type powders too strong, I probably use about 1/4 a packet for what they reccommend I use the whole packet for. Sorry about the cravings!!! Today WILL BE a better day.

Hypno.....Hectic at work, sounds like!! I remember my days from retail....if one person is away, the rest have to pull the same weight and that's usually when you're run ragged off your feet. Hope you have a blackout with no power. hehe... that aught to slow things down!!
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Old 06-15-2006, 09:40 AM   #168  
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Alright, I'm back on track!! Water makes the difference!!! Thanks Hpnotq for getting me started on it and Thank you my Gracious Queen Angel Eyes for the encouragement!!

Queen Angel Eyes, I have 4 kids and 4 grand kids with 1 more on the way. Youth alive is great. They also have fun activities. Of course me and girls have already planned a day on the beach while the guys are doing there he-man stuff!

Our guest arrived yesterday so it makes it hard to drop in as often. I know it sounds funny but I do better through out the day if I write in. Its that accountablility thing. I love the diet I am on and of course I know that its working but the difference for me is all of you. ahhh group hug
You don't have to write in as often as me but hey I'm home most days and can drop in more often. Actually, I go to our website each morning and keep it up all day without signing out that way I can drop in throughout the day.

Amber, I hope you and bf work things out. Its frustrating when there is tension in a relationship. As far as execise. Here's my thought: Time invested in one area is time away in another so choose your time wisely.

Well I hear people moving around so I better go for now.

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Old 06-15-2006, 11:22 AM   #169  
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Good morning ladies! I had a very sobering experience this morning. I got on the scale...and regret doing it. I'm up 3 lbs from last Friday...and tomorrow's official weigh in. I'm trying to not be bummed, but it's not easy. So I did some thinking. I think I'm going about this all the wrong way. I've looked back on it to see where I could have gone wrong. I've been eating alright...I've been drinking water. But I'm lacking in a big area...exercise. I think starting tomorrow (with the new week of the piggy bank challenge) I'm changing my short term goal. Instead of having a weight loss goal for short term, I'm going to make myself a weekly short term exercise goal. Maybe if it's sitting there in front of me I'll be more motivated to do it. I guess today was my wake up call for myself. But that's a part of life...I don't want to quit and I won't quit. Thanks for letting me vent that out...

Queen Angel-Eyes: Yeah I keep hoping for a power outage least then I could just sit down for a bit. I'm a little better off than I could have been. Last night I worked the rest of my hubby's shift because he's sick. Thankfully this morning, he chose to work the 9-2 part of my 9-9 shift today. I'll go in at 3 and still won't have a day off until next Tuesday, but that really helps not to wear me out as much lol.

Potato-I'm so glad to have gotten you onto water. I can only imagine where I'd be right now if I weren't drinking water and I were drinking soda instead.
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Old 06-15-2006, 01:30 PM   #170  
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Good morning girls!!! I had the extreme pleasure of a 1 lb loss this morning....I could sense the tides were a' changing yesterday. Its amazing what some good ol' healthy fibre will do. So I"ll take it.

Ds and I just came back from watching a free movie. It was Wallace and Grommit's Curse of the Were Rabbit. Very cute. ONe of the local movie theatres have free movies all summer on W and Th mornings. hey? its free so why not. I'll have to get out and walk the dog though, as now the daycare room at my gym is closed. thats okay. I needed the break today from the gym anyways. We are going camping this weekend, (well Friday-Sunday) and it was supposed to be dh,ds and me. Funny thing though....(not funny ha ha) dh is working . So he signed us up and now he's not even going!!! I've been tent camping one other time, god help us!!! I've got bin and bin of stuff to look and sort through. Just give me a good mattress or momma isn't going to sleep!!! oh yeah....bikes are coming for cubscout safety and the dog. That should be good for 2 trips back and forth!!! ARRRGGHHHH......
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Old 06-16-2006, 09:12 AM   #171  
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Good Morning Everybody,

TGIF! Sorry I haven't checked in but I haven't been able to find y'all!!!

I've had a pretty good week. Weighed in on Wednesday and lost 3.4 pounds! Which is great considering that over the last two weeks I had gained .6 pounds. I always screw up if I don't write down everything I eat. You would think I would learn this by now! So I'm past my half-way mark now and only have 27 pounds to shed! So happy about that! I couldn't have done it without the encouragement from here. I don't post often but I read when I can find you!

Going with my DD on Monday for her first ultrasound to see what sex her baby is going to be. Excited about that! I'm nosey!

I'm planning on going dancing tonight if I can 'round some people up to go. That's my exercise so somebody needs to go with me! Any volunteers?!

Have a great Friday!
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Old 06-16-2006, 09:25 AM   #172  
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Good Morning Everyone

Linda-Congrats on the loss this week. Have a great time dancing tonight.

Your majesty queen Angel-eyes-Congrats on the loss and have fun camping. I love to camp.

Well I guess I'll go ahead and start the Friday stats. Mine aren't very good so I don't think I'm any competition for the crown this week.
So here it goes.

1. 3- 8oz Water each 15 x .50 = 7.50
2. 15 min. exer. 10x .25 = 2.50
3. walk 1 mile 10X.25= 2.50
4. bike 2 miles 00000000000
5. weight loss 000000000
6. Run 0000000000
Total $12.50

Good Luck Everyone. I am anxious to see if Angel-eyes will maintain the crown or have to give it away.
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Old 06-16-2006, 09:45 AM   #173  
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this will probably be the last I write until next week Sat. when we get back. I'm in a hurry so I'll get to the point. $6.50 was my total!! I did awful I know but thank Goodness I tried. I am going to try to stay focus while I am away. Good luck to everyone. Can't wait to hear who is Queen.

I hope everyone continues on while I am gone. I want to be able to find you when I get back.

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Old 06-16-2006, 09:57 AM   #174  
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Good week Angel eyes!! That's fantastic!

1. 3- 8oz Water each 10 x .50 = 5.00
2. 15 min. exer. 16x .25 = 4.00
3. walk 1 mile 2X.25= .50
4. bike 2 miles 00000000000
5. weight loss 000000000
6. Run 8 miles X. 50= $4.00
Total $13.50

I don't measure inches... So, I don't know what those would be.

Can I make a request for a change this week? I find it hard to follow with the cheating thing, and to understand what is defined as 'cheating.' For instance, last night I had a hershey kiss. It's not part of my diet plan, but having one didn't send me over my calorie limit, even though I didn't plan it in. Should a hershey kiss really cost me $.50? Honestly, I've had about one aday since my evil roommate put them out so .. should that be $.50 for each one I ate?

Could we maybe do individual goals instead (maybe up to three) like this week I want to journal everyday including weekends, no food from fast food restaraunts and exercise atleast 5 hours next week. Give $.50 for each one youv'e completed on friday, and take $1.00 away for each one you don't.

just a suggestion

Any way, hope that crown is mine this week

P.S. I'm feeling much better since the last time I posted. I was a little to down to post back, but everyones encouragement really helped You guys are the best
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Old 06-16-2006, 10:05 AM   #175  
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Linda.....Have a great time at your dd ob appt. wooohooo!!! Is this going to be your first grandchild? I bet you don't see a little thing-y and its a girl!!!WTG on the weight loss

Potato.....Enjoy your retreat/camp and enjoy your girls day out!! Don't worry about the challenge one bit, it'll be here when you get back. HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!

Angel.....Camping is supposed to be fun? Normally it would I guess, but dh and ds are away, this is only my second time camping.....temp is high of 92 and they're calling for rain ALL WEEKEND!!! any suggestions??

Okay...okay, enough stalling for my stats.....
lost a pound=$2.00
ran 8.5 miles=$4.25
drank 38 bottles of water=$19.00
3 hrs of video workout=$3.00
cheat items=-$1.00 (extra servings of fried rice and fried shrimp )

week 2 total= $27.25
thats all I got........who's next? lill ol' hershey kiss is not a cheat (in my eyes) eating more than a handful would be, or eating half a bag. I think if your day has been within your limits and the hkiss is still within those limits, you're still okay. But sometimes, a kiss leads to another then leads to the bag of chips, then leads to 3 slices of pizza. etc etc....or going to a buffet for dinner and eating more than a normal share of food with 3 desserts. For myself.......when we went out for chinese food, I had a good serving of my meal but I over served myself with the rice and had extra (just because no one else wanted them....) honey fried shrimp. I could have (and should have) stopped at my limit but I really went over. So that is why I'm down -$1.00. One little ol' hershey kiss isn't going to cost you a cheat penalty of 50 cents!!!!

Last edited by angel-eyes; 06-16-2006 at 10:50 AM.
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Old 06-16-2006, 10:34 AM   #176  
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WTG Angel-eyes, you did really well again this week.
As for the camping. I always do a couple of things, especially if I know its going to rain. First I always put an extra tarp underneath my tent to keep the moisture out as well as bring an extra tarp for over the top in case it rains and also I pack everything in rubbermaid bins(food,clothes,bedding,camping accessories,etc,etc). Just a few suggestions to help keep you dry.

Potato-Have a fantastic time! We'll talk to you when you ger back.

Amber-Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm with Angeleyes, I don't think one hershey kiss should count as cheating. Not sure what your plan is but I know for me I count calories, so as long as I stay within my calorie count I don't consider anything off limits.
The goal setting might be a good idea. I know I stay away from the fast food and from soda as just a general rule for myself. So for me if I had either of those things then I would consider that cheating.
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Old 06-16-2006, 10:38 AM   #177  
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Good Friday morning everyone! I'm glad to be here....was so hoping to be queen, but I don't think I'm gonna make it. It was a really crappy exercise week and I would have been in huge trouble had I not been drinking so much water...which reminds me I better go fill my bottle up.
Oh yeah and here's my stats for the week:

$.50 per 24 oz water: 42*.50=$21

Yup that's right...water is all I have. You'd think I'd be floating away right now with all the water I've been drinking. Unless someone else comes in and blows her totals away, looks like we may have a repeat queen this week. That's ok...I've got a renewed outlook....again lol.

Linda: Have a great time with your dd...we can't wait to find out if she's having a girl or a boy

AmberD: I'm so glad things are looking up for you. It's never easy when life isn't being nice to you. As for your one h kiss....absolutely 100% not cheating....but like angel eyes said...only if you have 1. I mean it doesn't put you over your calorie limit, and I'd be in trouble if one of something was cheating. My hubby has a thing for BBQ fritos and I LOVE them, but they're terrible for I have one when I get the taste for them. As for setting goals...I'm not much of a goal setter when it comes to weekly goals like that. My biggest goal has always been to drink more water (but we already get paid for that lol) and to try to get exercise in (which we already get paid for too). My weekly goals tend to be more on the end of things I want to get done around the house. I'll have to say we'll have to vote on whether or not to pay for goals.

Angel-Eyes: I really thought maybe I'd be some competition for you this week..and I was close but not close enough. Maybe next week I'll be able to dethrone you (assuming no one else does more than you )
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Old 06-16-2006, 03:05 PM   #178  
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Originally Posted by angel-eyes
Linda.....Have a great time at your dd ob appt. wooohooo!!! Is this going to be your first grandchild? I bet you don't see a little thing-y and its a girl!!!WTG on the weight loss
Well, her doctor said just by listening to the heartbeat it was going to be a girl. BUT they've been known to be wrong. Yes, this is my first little bundle of joy! And my DD is terrified to have this baby!!! Poor thing. She's been so sick.

Everyone has been doing so well and I feel like such a smuck! LOL I wish I was motivated to exercise regularly. CONGRATS!!
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Old 06-16-2006, 11:15 PM   #179  
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It's late enough that I think everyone would have checked in if they wanted to be a part of the I dare say it?

Congratulations Queen Angel-Eyes for her 2nd week in a row!!!! WAY TO GO!!!
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Old 06-18-2006, 11:16 PM   #180  
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Happy Sunday night ladies! Where is everyone? Hope you're all doing well. Nothing very much to add here, but I just wanted to say hi and bump our thread back up to page 1. Everyone I hope you had a great weekend. Here's to a successful next 4 days
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