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Old 07-20-2006, 10:51 AM   #316  
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Bainidhedub: Congratulations on getting sweaty. All I can say is "Men, gotta love em" Some just don't know what to say and then they put their foot in the mouth when they do speak. Hopefully, he loves you for who you are. It sounds like you feel that. Just remember, anything you do as far as weight loss, weight training, toning, whatever should always be for you, not to please someone else.
I've had a pretty good day. I got up and walked 6 miles with my Leslie Sansone video's I might have to purchase stock in her company! lol
Great for days it's too hot to get outside.
Most of you don't know, but I'm a 49 year old single mother with a soon to be 8 year old daughter. Single for several years, but I met this guy this morning and he seems really nice. He's a traffic investigator in our city. (And, no I was not involved in an accident! lol) Anyway, he seems like a great guy and I like him. I'll have to keep you posted.
Everyone, have a great day! I am so far!!!
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Old 07-20-2006, 01:16 PM   #317  
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Great job exquisitern!! I have one of her tapes, (3mi I think) and yes, they are great. I also have some of Jillian Michaels (new to the fitness craze) she was one of the trainers on the Biggest Loser show...they are great. I highly reccommend them!! As for the new guy?.....maybe meet him for a coffee sans donut?

I just got back from the gym. I was tired of being tired with TOM, so I took a ball class today. more tiredness....just soreness NOW!!! Little did I know it would be AB DAY!!! uh, hello? Got the big weigh in tommorow. One question.....when can we spend our money? I'm getting a nice chunk of change and I want to know when we can go SHOPPING!!! CHA-CHING!!!
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Old 07-20-2006, 02:42 PM   #318  
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Everybody has been doing so great with the exercise and weight loss. I weighed last night and didn't do nothing! Didn't gain but didn't shed any pounds either. All my own fault though.

I had a super busy weekend. Met a guy friend late Saturday night and we ate banana/pecan pancakes at IHOP and then met him again on Tuesday and I was good and ate grilled catfish. But had mexican on Sunday afternoon. I'm surprised I didn't gain 5 pounds. Plus I didn't get my dancing in this weekend. My dancing partner wasn't feeling too perky. Hopefully he can go this Saturday night. We're working on making plans.

Donna, wooo hoooo about the new guy friend! I love dating!! You'll have to keep us updated with any new developments! I never dated much in high school or after my divorce so I'm realllyyyyyyyyyy enjoying being single and thinner!
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Old 07-20-2006, 02:44 PM   #319  
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A friend of mine is letting me use her threadmill. What can I do to keep from getting bored while walking on it? Next to dancing, that's all I have time to do. Any suggestions??
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Old 07-20-2006, 04:21 PM   #320  
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Queen-angel eyes: I know originally we had talked about the overall winner for the month could spend their stash. For me, I'd like to wait a little longer and not sure what I want to spend it on too. What do you want to do with your wad of money? Clothes, special treat, what???
Congrats on working out at the gym. I know you will be glad when that nasty TOM goes away.
My came on for a day or two and left. I'm not sure what's up with that. I have gone a couple of months without one. They day I am peri-menopausal right now, so I guess anything goes as far as TOM
Linda: Maybe you could get a CD player and listen to music. Some people read, but I never could. I'd rather listen to music or watch TV. I do have to say though that time seems to go faster when I walk outside or do the walk videos. Seems like I am always watching the ticker on the Treadmill when I am walking and it seems to go soooooo slowww!
I'll keep you guys updated on my new fellow. Who knows??
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Old 07-20-2006, 06:24 PM   #321  
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gonna weigh in 2morra after 4days i know its not alot of time but i like to keep a check on my loss. Im really serious about losing this time, we have bn talkin wedding plans again... i just keep thinking of me at 135pounds in a bridesmaid dress
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Old 07-21-2006, 12:03 AM   #322  
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Linda.....well for starters, you gotta cover up those numbers!!! Use a towel, or a magazine but you won't get very far 'number watching'!! What makes the time fly by for me, is watching tv, listening to music on my ipod or reading a book. It took me awhile, and often now with my music on I don't really even pay attention to the songs. Sort of like driving your car down a familiar part of the road and you go in a trance? hehe...My music is really upbeat and fast, too slow and my feet feel like lead. But seriously, tune into a favourite show and the time will go by soooo fast.

exquisitern......hehe...I guess we're the oldies here, and the rest are all young'uns. That was why I made the comment about hanging out in the freezer aisle!! Hot flashes just WHOOOSH at any moment. I'm almost 46 and I swear its starting already. Wish I could say the same about TOM though....its worse now with EVERYTHING!!! blech. hate TOM!! Good luck with your weighin tommorow!!
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Old 07-21-2006, 05:51 AM   #323  
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Well i weighed in this morning from Monday i am 6lbs down, i myself cant really believe it but hey if thats what the scales say thats what im putting down.
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:57 AM   #324  
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Wooohoooo, great job emzi!!!! Thats the kind of weight loss I only dream about. You must have been doing something right, keep at it.

I'm just tallying up now, be back with my weekly total.
okay.....I'm back.

1 lb lost= $2.00
10.5 miles walked= $2.63
16 miles ran=$8.00
42 bottles of water= $21.00 (no wonder I refill )
2.5 hrs video=$2.50
................. tally total= $36.13

Last edited by angel-eyes; 07-21-2006 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 07-21-2006, 02:47 PM   #325  
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so is the challenge friday to thursday? or saturday to friday? in other words, do i count today or last friday in the totals? i looked back but everything just said friday to friday.. thanks!

Edit: ok, thanks angel-eyes! my totals are..

121 oz water = $2.52
5 mi walked = $1.25
Total = $3.77

not spectacuar, but at least i got off my butt this week!

Last edited by BainidheDub; 07-21-2006 at 11:19 PM.
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Old 07-21-2006, 04:49 PM   #326  
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well I think Miss Potato outlined the challenge as Friday to Friday but only with your weighin counting for Friday. So really.....its Friday to late Thursday night. So any foods or excercise on Friday counts for next weeks weekly total. At least thats my understanding and thats what I'm doing.

Hey?....and just where is Potato?
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Old 07-22-2006, 07:08 PM   #327  
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another pound down.. woohoo. x
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Old 07-23-2006, 11:41 AM   #328  
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great job are on !!!

Where is everyone? huh? huh? I went out yesterday and spent some of my challenge money!!! wooohooo, couldn't help myself. With all the sales on, and new fall stock coming in, WHAT'S A GIRL SUPPOSED TO DO? Besides, I'll be looking for a job in the near future and although I have lots of casual things, I need some smart clothes to work in.

Queenie queenie...who's the queenie? come those totals! I'm not even sure who is still in the challenge.....
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Old 07-24-2006, 12:10 AM   #329  
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mmkay lazybutts, where are you all? are we just to assume that angel-eyes is queen *again*?? just because she's kicking our butts here doesn't mean yall can't measure in too. also, WTG emzi! and last, i seem to be turning into mme. potato with these smileys. my other forum doesn't have these things.. thank god!
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Old 07-24-2006, 04:00 PM   #330  
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I'll have to bring my total in to work tomorrow, I forgot them this morning when I came in.
I did lose 3.2 lbs last week!!!! Woo-hoo!!! Still seeing my new fellow! He is so sweet.
Emzi bop: Way to go girl!! Keep on moving that scale down!
Queen Angel eyes: Congratulations on 1 lb loss. Also great stats for last week. I don't know if I made it past you or not.
BainidheDub: Congratulations on the water and getting off of your behiney and moving! Woo-hoo!
We had my daughter's birthday party this weekend and I did eat some cake and ice cream, but I had weed eated, mowed and edged my entire yard in two days, so I think that burned it off!
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