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Old 08-26-2002, 06:14 AM   #1  
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Post Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 8/26-9/1

This is the
where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:


We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:

Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


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Old 08-26-2002, 06:17 AM   #2  
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Will post my usual morning post sometime later, but wanted to make sure I got our
done early in the morning, so here's my contribution for MM, I think it has some great meaning:


You cannot see or touch or be shoved into a ditch by disappointment. Its power is only what you make of it, only what you allow it to be.

So make of each disappointment the very best you possibly can. When disappointment comes, take control of it rather than allowing it to take control of you.

The seeds of great achievements are often planted in the midst of tragic disappointments. There is a raw energy in every disappointment that can be focused in any direction you choose. It can bring you way, way down if you let it. Or you can grab hold of that energy and ride it steadily upward toward whatever goal you seek.

Even when the results you achieve are not the results you were after, you've nonetheless taken a significant step forward. You have, after all, achieved results. Getting the results you desire then becomes a matter of making experienced adjustments to your approach. Grab the energy, the knowledge and the experience of each disappointment to lead you surely, steadily and successfully toward where you wish to go.

-- Ralph Marston

Have a wonderful day, and a fabulous week!!!!!

SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 08-26-2002, 08:48 AM   #3  
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Debelli: Thanks so much for the encouraging words. Knowing that I am going to WW tonight to weigh in again and will show a gain since my 4 pounds last week is really hard to take. Mostly because I have never ever lost 4 pounds at once like that. But, I will take my lumps and keep on going. Thanks again for letting me know that these wild fluctuations are normal and NOT an indication that no matter what I try I will never be thin AGAIN! Have a good week.
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Old 08-26-2002, 09:00 AM   #4  
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Default Monday

It is Monday and it finally feels like summer is winding down. I still don't have the kids that I was babysitting during the school year back yet because their mother hasn't gotten a job still. I am getting a tad nervous here because the money I made doing that is what pays for my kids to go to their private school! I hope I get a call soon, our school starts on Sept 5th.

We had a very nice visit with a couple yesterday who visited us at church then came home for lunch. I did eat illegal things but must confess they were yummy. As of this morning I realized that I have a very short time to my 1 year anniversary of when I first started low carbing. Obviously, I did the switch from low carb to SB in the midst but I still date from the former. I also see that I lost my drive and have gained back too much over the summer. I made the big decision to make the best of the remaining time that I have so I can make my anniversary with a decent loss. So here we go...again!!

QUILTER-I am cutting in on you and TONI if I am welcome. I am going to recommit to my exercising this week and do the Monday to Friday thing. I will post over on the exercise board too once I get it done today. Oh, I don't have any belt thing from Leslie Sansone nor have I even seen such a thing. Please let KIMMY know that I send my greetings and have been thinking and praying for her.

COUNTRYMOM-I like being busy with the house because all of this work has made it really lovely. I was married for 11 years before we finally got our own house and perhaps it is all those years saved up going into this one! I always said, I am a housewife so I need a house!! Now I am truly a *homemaker*. I still can't believe you don't like fruit!!

DEBELLI- Happy Anniversary to you!

SEF- Way to go on moving down from the Plus Sizes. That is an awesome feeling! I love being able to shop in the *regular ladies department* now.

HEARTMOM- {hugs} At least it was legal stuff.

CHERYLCO- Isn't it marvelous the way the cravings go if we stay on plan? Makes me wonder at my own stupidity when I eat off plan and then have to struggle for days afterwards.

JRED-How lovely getting a facial done. I have never had that done in a spa before but I think that would make a fantastic gift for someone. Hubby and I can do certain jobs together but if it is a really big thing I know he doesn't appreciate my 2 cents that I am always tossing in. I have learned to go do something else when he is working on something he can do himself because I tend to bug him. When it is something easy like staining we chatter away as we work and it is not a problem. I don't think you would want me to do your floors...but I will come down and tell your hubby how to do it!

TONI-You have lost a lot of weight and are doing so well Toni. Sometimes I just look at peoples numbers and find them so encouraging. I am butting in on you and QUILTER and joining your exercise challenge. I was doing so well before my knee gave out on me and now that it is better, I have no excuse. See you in the exercise posts!

I am off to tidy up the kitchen then I will pull out my WATP tapes again. Have a great week everyone. It's a new week and we can face new goals with a clean slate...let's do it!

Last edited by gracious; 08-26-2002 at 11:09 AM.
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Old 08-26-2002, 09:03 AM   #5  
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Another weekend successfully maneuvered through the minefield of sugar laden food!

Again I wanted to welcome you to the board and mention that my weight fluctuates during the day too. I weigh myself in the morning and that's it. Also for those of us who've been "dieting" all our lives, the yo-yoing of gaining and losing over and over makes it harder to lose weight for us.
SB is healthy for our bodies so it's not harmful like the no-fat, no food diets that we've all tried and failed on so many times!
I feel so good that I don't ever want to go back to eating sugary foods.
I've been doing this since 7/1/02 and like it more and more. Stick with it you'll be glad you did!

It's truly amazing how much crappy processed food is out there. And all the people who are dieting like crazy and not losing and giving up because of it. I really feel like SB is the greatest thing ever developed and cannot believe how awesome I feel eating the right things for my body. For the first time in my life I know I'm doing the correct "diet" because I'm not feeling deprived, tired, cranky or waiting for the day when I can eat "real food" again.

Last edited by cherylco; 08-26-2002 at 09:15 AM.
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Old 08-26-2002, 09:52 AM   #6  
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Good Monday Morning All

Well, the kids are off to school It was chaotic on the streets today, people tend to go nuts the first day of school and HS is no exception. Luckily I got out of the parking lot quickly due to my quick thinking of cutting through the teachers parking lot-saved myself about 20 minutes of sitting in a line

Already got in my walk today ( TONI, mind if I do your 5 day challenge?) Honestly, I don't know where I got the energy to go out there, really didn't feel like it, woke up tired:hypno2: and of course, the heat doesn't help, but out I went and did my 4.5 miles in 52:15. A nice way to start the week:

BUT, even with all the walking I did last week (27 miles) and eating 100% OP that 1lb I lost the other day mysteriously found it's way back on to my body. Not stressing about it, just going to be patient and hope that it just has something to do with the fact that TOM is due by the end of the week. Can't be from what I've been eating, or how much - maybe lack of water? Okay, that's something I will try to work on today, maybe that will help, surely can't hurt!

Had a nice but long day out with my sistermy nephew and just one of the girls, Barfing Bailey, (the 3 others were left home to drive their Dad nuts). Went to the farmers market again and bought the most delicious Calimyrna figs for $1.00 and some of them marked down for .75 cents - like sugar. They had these huge eggplants 2/$1.50, which I'll make a couple tonight. Had lunch, had coconut carbolite, went a few places and then went to Penneys for associates night where my DS got my nephew some much needed clothes for school and then home. Got in after 8pm.

Guess it's time for me to get a few replies done before I have to get in the shower and do some much-needed errands before I have to get the kids today.

JRED, oops I did forget the half dozen red roses ELI gave me. I do hope DH gets a job soon for everyone's sake. I'm sure it's even worse on him. Men don't usually let us know their true feelings and I'm sure it's stressing him out more than you know. Just be happy he hasn't retired. When my Dad decided to retire I thought he and my Mom would kill each other with him being home all the time - not that anything much has changed in the year since he has retired but I think the feeling of my Mom wanting to strangle his neck comes and goes with maybe an ounce less tension now I had not seen the info on the Dr. who had passed, how sad. She had a rough time with fighting that battle. That's sad.

TONI, did you say cooler weather??? Boy, would I give anything for some weather in the 70's about now.

BOB, I can only imagine the Fabreeze you go through in one major spot on that bed! Okay, I couldn't help it, you left yourself wide open for that one. Hope your Mom gets better and that eye of hers straightens out. Will try to call you later in the week, if I forget, remember, I'm getting a little senile in my old age.

SEF, glad to see you had some ME TIME yesterday, you SHIRLEY deserve it (good one, eh?)

BIGK, a new fridge, great! Hope you find having the water and ice on the door helpful with getting in more water. I have the same, but hardly use it. I tend to like my water out of a bottle and at room temp, unless I'm at a restuarant. Just call me weird!

BETH, glad to see you had a good day OP, WTG! I wouldn't worry about what happened at work, you're human and people make mistakes and if anyone who's ever worked the job you are doing and hasn't then there's something really wrong with them. I'm sure your boss realizes this. I think this will just make you more aware and careful. Just think of this as a part of the job training.

THUNDER, glad to hear you're improving daily and that you are continiuing to lose the baby weight. I'm sure the baby will turn back to a beatiful shade of pink soon. My niece BB had a terrible case of jaundice and we were all wondering why it was taking weeks to get rid of. My DS found there's a kind of jaundince that breast fed babies get that can stay for quite a while. It finally did disappear, but it seemed like it took forever. Can't wait to see an updated pic of Mom AND baby!!!!

AGAIN, I don't know your weight loss history but don't give up the ship, it's so easy to do and doesn't get you to the point that you want to be at. Give yourself some time and learn about your own body. Keep a journal and write things down and you'll see a pattern most times, though not always. Just know that if you are doing everything right that more than likely you WILL lose the weight. BUT, at the same time, do remember that there's not one diet out there that fits everyone and what may work for you may not work for me. Like WW, it just doesn't work for me. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've tried it in the last 30yrs. SB worked for me, but WW,just doesn't work for me. I think doing WW as far as using their point system to keep track rather than journaling like I do is good for many who don't like journaling, along with the weekly meeting and then eating SB foods, it's a great combo. But what I was getting at before was, give yourself a month or two, and make it an honest to goodness effort and if after this time you don't lose the weight then maybe this WOE isn't for you and you may have to look for something else, but again, make it a true effort. If you follow the plan 100% and don't lose at least you can say you gave it your best shot, but don't do it half-assed and think that this WOE doesn't work as many people tend to do, it's they who didn't work. If you want it bad enough, it's yours. You have to decide if you want to lose the weight bad enough, or have something off plan even more-those decisions are totally up to you. We are all here, helping each other through this journey and the help, along with the friendship is right here on this board. We're always happy to welcome a newcomer into the group, so the door is open and the ball is in your court

GRACIOUS, I too hope the lady calls you! Glad to see you re-committing to this WOE, I'm sure you'll do just fine. Is it starting to cool off up there yet?

CHERYL, amazing when you start to really see what you were eating when you start to read labels, isn't it. Even though the kids aren't on diets I still try to buy healthier versions of the snacks they like once in a while. I not only read labels for me, but for them. I try not to buy much, if anything with hydrogenated oils in them, among other additives. Sometimes you read a label on a food and wonder if there's anything real in it at all, sometimes there isn't! Keep up your great attitude!!!

Okay guys, I'm outta here for now. Going to go get something to eat for breakfast and then get in the shower.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and a great week ahead of you. I'll try to check in later today/tonight.


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Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 08-26-2002, 09:59 AM   #7  
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Happy Monday Gang!

Boy I am so far behind. I never got a chance to check in over the weekend. I never go to sit down I time from Friday until I got to work. I had to come to work to get some rest.

Our trip to Cinny for dresses was not successful. But we did figure out which style is most flattering for her. She did find one dress that she liked. BUt nothing that said" This is it". I don't know that that will ever be the case. The girls found a dress they liked for the bridesmaids, so we will pursue that. We also found a discount house that will order the dress cheaper for you. So we will also check that out. It took up our whole day and then I had to pack the card for DD to head back to college. Then to a party. Sunday I head down to college with another load. Took her to the grocery, $240.00. But it was all SB legal and healthy. Just hope she eats it. It is going to be hard to do this for a college student. But I have told her that if she has to eat something at least stay within the 3 carb area and no potatoes and no sugar, but if it can't be WW just go on and just count it. Keep your fingers crossed, she has lost 18 pounds so far.

All you country fans, we went to the Kenny Chesney concert last nite. He was good, but Sara Evans was with him and she was fantastic and so was Kelly Coffey. But we didn't get home until 12:15 and of course I couldn't sleep. So I passed on my morning walk. Hopefully I can squeeze it in before the girls VB game tonite. If not, I'll start again tomorrow.

Got to run and cut my lemon for my water. Plus I have been reading and posting for over and hour here. Better go do some work.

I have made 2 posts, one for the weekend and the next for this week.
Deb, I knew Eili wouldn't forget. Isn't it funny how we always think they will. Sorry I missed your call AGAIN. I never landed for 1 minute this weekend. Hope things slow down for Eli soon. Poor guy must really be beat. I bet all that SB coffee is keeping him going. LOL Great job on the running. I still can't go longerf than a minute at a time.

Cherylco, You are on the right track if all that good food doesn't appeal to you. Hold on to the mind set. You go so much farther that way.

Heartmom, Too much legal stuff is beterr than too much illegal stuff. Some days we are just more hungry than others. Probably hormones.

Jred, SOunds like your concert is going to be interesting. Hope all that running around doesn't make you out of breath. I'm sur eit will be wonderful.

Toni, WTG on still losing. You are doing so great.

Bob, Whew!, You made me tired just reading your post. You have accomplished a lot in one morning.

BKM, Thanks!. That little league team was awesome. They also conducated themselves so nicely. They even hugged the other team after the game. We are very excited here in Lou.

Beth, Yeah on that 2 pounds. You are right, baby steps. You'll get back totally soon. Sorry about the stuff at work. Hope things are better by now.

Thunderwoman, WTG on 2 more pounds. You willb e at that pre-birth wt before you know it. You have every reason to be proud of your kiddies. They sound precious.

Mcjonjon. Welcome. I must have missed your first post. This is a great place. Looking forward to getting to know you.

Quilter. Got a kick out of the cheesecake. Can't believe that's the first time you made it. I want to but no agave. It's great. Tell Kimmy we said Hi and hurry back.

Melf, They had those water massages at the mall in Nashville. I wanted to try it soo bad.

Gracious, hope you had fun at the races. Much better than staying home and working.

Sef, WOW! Congrats on getting out of the plus sizes. I remember when I first did it, I was so afraid that I would be right back there the next time. So far so good. It's a great feeling isn't it.

Country, Boy that snack sounds good. Gonna have to try it. I'm not a big fruit lover either.

This weeks Posts:

Gracious, You and I started about the same time. I was so hoping to be at goal by that time. I guess I won't make it either. But I like your thinking. We have to make the most of the remaining time. Let's Do It!!

Again, I must have missed you. Welcome to our board. This is a great place to get support and friendship. BTW,I only weight on WIW. It's less depressing.

Cherylco, WTG on making it through the weekend. Yes this is a great WOE. I will stick with this forever. I don't want to be fat any more.

Have a good one!

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Old 08-26-2002, 10:16 AM   #8  
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Default Good Monday Morning

Well TOM is here and so I must stay away from the scale so as not to be discouraged - I have a bit of a bloat going on from TOM and even DS said when is the baby due! I got the headache to go with it all, DS is home sick (being cared for by my Gram) - Summer time cold..... I made more curried chicken salad for lunch today with celery, apple, red grapes, onion, chicken - serving it with the whole wheat pita bread.... yummy! Last night's dinner was eggplant, zucchini, onion and chicken sausages grilled on the George Foreman....and Serene came over and had some as was pretty yummy as I love vegetables!

Sef - that is wonderful about the size difference and now I am even more determined to be able to shop in the same section as you!!!! I look forward to that day when I can go to any store and look at clothes....and not pay more for plus sizes! Think of all the money you will save shopping at the regular section!

Gracious - I hope that the lady gets a job soon for your sake!!! I bet it is a scary thing to not know... but, I am sure she must need to work, and then she will definitely need your services....

JRed - I am right there with you suffering through TOM! So, hopefully you and I will see a good weight loss next WIW when TOM says Bye Bye!!!!!

Cheryl - I know how you feel - it is a good feeling to not feel like you are on a diet! Also, it is great to be aware of all the junk in processed foods... I have been trying to stick to all natural and making my own from helps - it helps also because I control the sodium level as well.... Good for you to be feeling so good!

Serene: Better start posting, get back on track, You are Missed!!! The board is here for help you....not just here to post the good stuff....they will send the wagon along to pick you up if you just post!!!!!

Well better get back to work here - we are busy - boss back from his mini vacaion.

Hope everyone has a good 100% OP day!

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Old 08-26-2002, 10:33 AM   #9  
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HiedieHo All!

Thought I'd do a check before heading out to NH this morning.

THUNDER: You just ramble on all you want! We all like to talk about our little ones, a;though mine aren't so little!
Glad babe is recuperating from the jaundice. You will soon be better too. Good thoughts and hugs going your way!

Oops! Can't vote again! My birthday is October.

DEB: Why is it everyone likes to think of ways to use my name? There's a young man who always said "Shirley you jest!" when he saw me at work. One day in an elevator full of people I thought to do something to his family jewels that would change his beautiful baritone to soprano. He covered himself quickly, which made us all laugh. Then he would greet me with "Shirley goodness and mercy......"! We had a lot of fun when I was working! I was the old lady of the therapists ansd some of them. like Ray, were good friends as well.

TRANQUIL: Never thought of the clothes being cheaper in regular section! I was just darned pleased to be there!

Here's my MM contribution:

Charles Schultz Philosophy
Give this some thought!

You don't actually have to take the quiz. Just read the email straight through, and you'll get the point (an awesome one) that it is trying to make!

Take this quiz:

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields.

But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel_appreciated and

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

6. Name half a dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you.


The lesson:

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards.

They are the ones that care. {Like all of you here!}

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia."

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Old 08-26-2002, 10:44 AM   #10  
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Default One last quick post

Hey everyone!

I'm having the gallbladder surgery tomorrow, so probably won't be on for a few days. I can only imagine how much reading I'll have to do to catch up!

We have a final walk-thru of the house on Thursday, and if all goes well, we'll close on Friday!

So hopefully by the time I get back on, I'll be recovering well, and a homeowner!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me! :

Hope to see you all soon!

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Old 08-26-2002, 10:52 AM   #11  
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I need some threats from the dungeon master.
I let sugar sneek back in......I think I need to detox.
I have been OP 85%. I have not gained much back...just a # or so, I really want to lose 10 more 3's by october, my b-day. I need to get serious!!

I want to get the feeling back that Cheryl has.....when you can look at a tempting food a pass it up. I had it once and I need to get it back.

Keep on describing how great it feels when you stay on track!! I really need to hear it!!

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Old 08-26-2002, 11:19 AM   #12  
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Toni--What’s the 5 day challenge the others are talking about? I was not here the end of last week, so missed it.

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating our 39th anniversary. We lounged, slept late, played golf 3 times on the pitch and putt course at the resort, went to the Cirque du Soleil circus show at Disney, and had 2 lovely dinners. All in all, a great time. Our most interesting conversation was over dinner on Saturday talking about why we fell in love with each other. My DH is a sweetheart!!

Back to real life now. We got home yesterday about 2 pm and found our fish pond only half full. Apparently one of the little decorative spitters got turned a little bit and was spitting water OUT of our pond. Over the 2 days it took the water level right down. So my DH got in the pond and did a little maintenance work--trimming dead leaves off the water lilies, repotting a couple of plants, scribbing some algae off the rocks, and we are in the process of slowly refilling the pond. We have to do it slowly, in stages, so the colder chlorinated water doesn't shock the fish.

Got my 3.5 miles in this morning. It is definitely cooler up here in Central Fla. High should be about 90 today. That's really amazing when you consider that August and Sept. are probably our 2 hottest months. I wish all our summers could be like this one.

Gotta go and study French. Have class tonight and I did not look at a French book all weekend. A bientôt.
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Old 08-26-2002, 01:34 PM   #13  
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NY TIMES ARTICLE- I don't agree with the Atkins diet. Shortterm, yes. But no the rest of your life. When you consume too many proteins over a long period of time, your liver can't break the proteins down anymore and you can actually die! I know of a man that stayed on it for 6 months and lost alot of weight- but then he died. They should be writing aout SB, where you can have some of the good carbs and it's a more practical way of eating with nothing but benefits if you continue it the rest of your life. Okay, I'm getting off my soapbox now

Beth- congrats on the 2 pounds. I think that's a terrific way of getting back on the wagon!

Jenn- hope your recovery is short and you'll be back on your feet in no time.

I had wondered what happened to the Houston Medical show- haven't been able to find it. So sad to find out that the resident with the brain tumor died. Does anyone know how the Mom did about the cancer in her stomach?

Anyway, I have learned a lesson- no nuts in this house(besides the ones who gotta stay,lol). I simply cannot eat a serving. It turns into several servings. Anyone else like this? I'm still holding at 230- no loss and thankfully, no gain. I plan to be at 229 by WIW. Gotta go..
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Old 08-26-2002, 02:34 PM   #14  
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Hi all

Just a quick post to say. I decided to post at work instead of waiting until I am home. Boy I've sure missed alot. This week I am committing to working out 5 days.

Deb-- Are you refering to the carbolite drink??

Gracious- I'll be praying you get the call for babysitting. I have a Canadian visiting my nephew from Quebec is here. They arrived Sat. and are staying until September 5.

Mcjonjon- Welcome to the board This is a great place with great people.

Jenn- Praying everything goes well with your surgery. Congrats on the house.

Heart- I know how you feel I had that kind of day on Friday. You still feel bad even if everything is legal. I've decided to stop buying the nuts also. I just Can't eat one serving.

Well hello to all those I missed!!!

Serene- I hope your job hunting goes well.

I hope to check back later!!!
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Old 08-26-2002, 04:03 PM   #15  
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Hey everybody! I've been AWOL for a few days. Buy toward the end of last week and then Saturday--when I finally had a day off, my internet explorer was acting up and I couldn't surf the web! Yesterday was church ALL DAY LONG!

I've decided to take a leave of absence from my church duties during the month of October and the first week of November. Otherwise I won't survive the election cycle. As it is now, Saturday is my only shot at a day off and between church and campaigns--somebody (if not both) manages to schedule something on Saturdays.

Eating was not the greatest this weekend. Yesterday especially. Today has been better. In fact I made myself a good, lunch--baed salmon filet and green beans--in hopes that I can avoid the late afternoon hunger. I also brought an ounce and a half of cashews with me to the office this afternoon.

I did splurge this weekend and bought a digital scale. It goes to four places (I forget who recommended that). I haven't unpacked it yet, but plan to do so tonight. I also bought a digital food scale. I'm curious about how much food I'm really eating, so I thought I'd measure for a while and see. For example, my salmon was 6 3/4 oz and I had 6 oz of green beans. I weighed out the cashews too.

Normally, I don't like weighing and counting stuff, but I need to learn more about appropriate portions.

Tonight I'm thinking I'll make a taco salad with Lettuce and hamburger and tomatoes, cheese and a little taco sauce.

Jenn--good luck on the surgery tommorrow--I'll be thinking about you. We can celebrate our birthdays next week!

SEF--did I ever tell you that SEF are my initials? Congrats on the smaller sizes!

BOB--Hmmmm, is the week from h**l over yet?

DEB--roses--that's sweet (in the good way). I think something has happened to the earth's gravitational pull. That's why we seem to be stuck at weights that seems a little high for all the freakin work we are doing! That's it--gravity has gotten stronger.

ok--back to work. Have a good day everyone!

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