Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: How many times a week do you exercise 20 minutes or more?
Exercise, me? NEVER! 4 11.43%
1-2 times a week 5 14.29%
3-4 times a week 16 45.71%
5-6 times a week 10 28.57%
EVERY DAY!!! 0 0%
Voters: 35. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-26-2001, 05:46 AM   #1  
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This is the SUGAR BUSTERS WEEKLY SUPPORT BOARD where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please visit our BIO BOARD where you can learn more about everyone who is on this board:[/url

Please make sure you post your BIO on the NEWEST VERSION of our BIO BOARD everyone!!!! This is going to be updated next week!

Our MARCH 2001 RECIPE BOARD can be located at the link below:[/url

We have FOUR INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often:





We also now have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on:

WANT TO POST YOUR WEEKLY WEIGHT LOSS INFO and BE COUNTED in our weekly totals of pounds lost?? Go to the WEEKLY WEIGH IN BOARD BELOW to post your stats!

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit NEW REPLY NOT NEW THREAD then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. Also, when the board gets to the 2nd & 3rd page, sometimes it may take a little longer for your message to appear, you can refresh your browser, or wait, but it will show up! If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit reply located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


Last edited by Debelli; 03-26-2001 at 05:51 AM.
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Old 03-26-2001, 05:53 AM   #2  
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Default It's a NEW WEEK!!!!

Good Monday Morning Everyone!

It's another glorious morning in paradise. Getting ready to take Michael to school then go for my walk and then I'm off to Broward with Sharon for the day, then Lauren is preforming at the Youth Fair tonight (drama) so I may not be able to check in til late tonight.

Hope you all had a wonderful SB weekend. Nothing eventful for me, just the usual.

Thanks for those of you who responded to my e-mail about the new boards. I'd like to start these two boards next week, when we start the new boards for April. ALSO, what do you think about the idea of putting the birthdays of the month in as well somewhere at the beginning of the month. COMMENTS, PLEASE!

Another subject that was briefly touched upon a few weeks ago, that I'd like to look at a bit more is how we can possibly support the 3FC's site. I finally got around to reading Suzanne's message of how it costs them $1,000 a month to maintain this website and funds are very low because advertising is sparse. It's totally voluntary, but they'd be really appreciative for a monetary donation, whatever they may be. I know personally, I can't afford to give much, but I do plan on sending something to her. I just can't imagine what I would do if they planned to pull the plug on this site. I will be making a small donation IN HONOR OF THE GALS ON THE SB BOARD! If anyone else is interested, you can send a donation to:

Suzanne Barnett, 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet! PO Box 5063 Johnson City TN 37604

I'd really love to have her realize that not only are we very supportive to each other, but of the site as well, so if you are able to do so, please, if you are able to make a contribution, no matter how small, please do, and make sure you mention it's from the SB board!

IT's MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY and here's my contribution:


A decision is more than a wish. When you decide to get something done, it will get done. When you truly decide, it's more than just a vague intention. It's more than saying you're going to do it. It's more than hoping to get it done someday. It is a commitment that you make to yourself. When you truly decide, it will happen.

What have you decided to do? Look around you. Look at your life. Look at the person you've become. Look at what you've accomplished and you'll see exactly what you've decided to do.

What will you decide to do now? You have the ability to achieve whatever you decide to achieve, to become the person you decide to become, to live the life you decide to live.

Yet ability alone will not get you there. All the resources in the world, by themselves, will not get you there. Opportunity alone will not get you there. You must decide to get yourself there. Then it will happen.

-- Ralph Marston


It's interesting to see last weeks poll and how people stay on plan. What do you all think of the polling results?

QUILTER sent me the 3 pics from our little get-together, finally, they came through. I will post one each time I post: ) The one below shows, from left to right: QUILTER, DEBELLI, BIGO, SHARON & ANN-Ann is Narda's friend who came along, and Sharon, you all know if my friend I'll post the other 2 later on today.

Well gals, I've gotta walk, literally. I will check in with you all later this evening. Have a wonderful day and a fabulous week.

PLEASE REMEMBER, TOMORROW IS TUESDAY TIPS DAY so if you have any great tips you'd like to share with the board that will be useful for us in following this WOE, please try to post them tomorrow.

Miami, FL

Last edited by Debelli; 03-26-2001 at 05:56 AM.
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Old 03-26-2001, 05:59 AM   #3  
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BEE125's post was on the wrong board and I wanted to get it over to the correct one, so I moved it here-hope you don't mind BEE!!!!

Hi Im New

Hi all Im new here and from New Zealand.

Im not new to cutting sugar as keeping my consumption under control after that 1st bite has been a big problem for as long as I can remember.

Ive had past stints at abstaining for as long as 6 months but then manage to kid myself Im cured and as soon as I think I can have a casual relationship with sugar Im done for !!

I want to lose weight and joined WW (for the 3rd time ) last October. Then since no foods are "banned" I tried to eat a little of everything, but I just CANT when it comes to refined food. It has to be all or nothing I accept that now.

You guys are all on the road to where i want to go so Im jumping aboard

I havnt had anything with sugar or flour for 5 days.
I was 160lb 5 days ago and 170lb last October.
Everything I "desire" to eat has now been taken away (or at least thats the way it seems).
About twice a day (or more) Im get ting hit big time (just about shaking)by cravings to open that cookie tin.
I can smell one from 10 feet away.

From what Ive been reading (I dont have the book as yet) you do eat flour? Must be Stone ground whole meal? Is that right?

But you dont eat potatoes???

Im so pleased to find you and be here, any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Old 03-26-2001, 06:54 AM   #4  
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Default I pasted in my post from late last night!

It was beautiful here the last 3 days. I've got spring fever so bad. I really want to start wearing crop pants and sandals - MAJOR faux pas in this part of the South to wear white before Easter and after Labor Day, and it appears that some other trends kinda follow that trend. Though I do break out the crops with the 3/4 sleeve tops this weekend. Still too cool for sandals yet. Won't be too much longer.

Hubby and I went running today, just a quick 1 1/2 around the neighborhood. Was great to get out. I can tell a big difference in the amount of weight I'm not carrying now that marathon training this time will be much easier.

Has anyone else found that the more the lose the more "skin" they're willing to show? I find that I don't want lose fitting dresses anymore (had to fire Omar the tent-maker). I tend to want things that have a sightly deeper neck-line (V vs. round), be more fitted and have a true waist, etc. Last weekend I went had my short hair cut even shorter because my face isn't so round. Then I hopped on down to the Gap and bought some low rise jeans that are kinda figure hugging. I refer to them as my "J-Lo" (Jennifer Lopez) jeans. I've even tried on a few swimsuits! Am I going crazy? I don't plan on dressing scantily, I guess I just don't have the need or desire to hide in my clothes anymore. It's liberating!

There are so many posts and I want to respond to them all. Here's my attempt:

BOB - I like Calphalon too. We have a lot in common - I had a dachshund as I kid and still love them (My Dixie is a chocolate Lab, kinda big, but she thinks she's a lap dog), I work in an allied health field (aren't you too?), I like all the voyuer t.v. shows, as God as my witness I too love GWTW, I am working on lowering my cholesterol, I like SEC sports (Even though I now live in ACC county), I grew up on football,etc. You cracked me up with the "inspector general comment!" Duke made to the Final 4. Think they'll win the whole shabang? All cheers appreciated. They are more of a local favorite for me. I live 45 minutes from Wake Forest, UNC, NC - Glad that Skeeter is winking again. Don't you love it after they've had a bath? We call it "1/2-heimers."State and Duke! This is basketball country!

LAMAP - Good that you are finally getting some sleep. There was an article on the site recently about how important sleep is to weight loss.

OVERCOME - You're a stamping machine! I think I missed what you and BOB were taking about with the Metamucil, but my guess is that it was A "dookey" issue. My response is Fibercon! Pass the cookies!

MARGARET A - Yeah to you for going to the gym!

IDLBLOND - Thanks for your moving anecdote.

GUESSWHO - Welcome to our group. Hope your book comes soon. Keep those questions coming. Moving to Sweden? Fabulous. I lived in Germany for slightly less than a year. Europe is a wonderful place to live. Will you be there long term? Do you speak the language? Congrats on your 50 lb loss!

DEB - You are so close to your goal. I am green with envy and full of joy for You! I know that if I keep working on it I will be where you are soon. We all know we can't do it overnight. It's like eating an elephant; "One bight at at time." I can remember being one of those beligerant teen agers and arguing with my Mom. That never got the end result that I was hoping for. I too found myself getting a little miffed that I wanted a pair of 12's at TJ Maxx tonight and all they had in this particular pant was a 10 and a 14. I almost bought the 10's in hopes that they would fit in about a month but decided not to.

CHERI45 - Glad that you felt like exercising! Taxes Hmm? Not a whole lotta fun!

SPARKLESCAMP - Onolicious - I got it. Wonder who else did? How fun to be 27 again. I feel like I'm 27, act like I'm 27, and get frequently asked if I'm 28, but alas, I'l be 35 in June. I think that I will just start telling people that I'm 28! I would love to go out dancing just for fun! My hubby likes to watch me dance, not much on the participating though. Did you ever see any of the Real World housemates at Local Motion or anyother hangouts? We were there when they were taping the show or just after they wrapped. The BayWatch people were also just getting started.

QUILTER - Thanks for your kind comments! Regarding sick when working out, that is a sure sign that you are overdoing it unless it is a strange coincidence. When you get back in it, don't go more frequently than every other day at first.

Okay - I think that's everyone.

In regards to this previous post regarding my desire to wear clothes that show more flesh, I am NOT interested in duplicating J-Los' Oscar night look! Did she LQQK in the mirror? As BOB would say, My GAWD!

Have a good night.



I wasn't quite finished!
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Old 03-26-2001, 06:58 AM   #5  
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Default Man, it is EARLY

Good morning. Need to get this posted and head for the shower. I was back up a pound this morning. But truly TOM is now so I'm not sweating it.

Rosalie----YUKKKKKKK!!! If I had to start every meal by eating oil, I know right where I’d end the meal. In the bathroom driving the porcelain bus. Nasty. Where did you get your oatmeal/ww bread recipe? I’ve never made bread by hand. Is it truly easy enough for a novice to take on? Lelie’s infomercial has been on at least three different channels. Mostly the stations that ALWAYS air stuff like that. I think I saw it again yesterday. It will probably air all the time for a while and then fade out into infomercial oblivion. Let me know if you want a phone number. I’ll try and remember to jot it down. I’ll also look for a website.

MELF--Thanks for the breakfast idea. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cottage cheese and really love finding new things to eat with it. Do you eat yogurt? That works too when you are out of milk. As a matter of fact, I never use milk on my puffed Kashi, just the yogurt.

AMSER---Great talking to you last night Once again, I’m glad you had a good vacation and that it was safe for everyone. You also made me LOL about the lotto. Wish you’d have one too . . . since I didn’t buy a ticket! Ha!

ANNETTE---If you get to lurk during vacation, here’s my message: HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!! We’ll miss you but will wait for your return.

FROG---Thanks for your tip on the exercise. I always start out and go every single day. So I think I’ll try the every other until I feel it’s safe to increase. You made me LOL abou the JL clothing line. We didn’t watch the oscars last night . . . those ppl are all so self absorbed I just can’t stomach it. But do like to see the clothes. When you referred to JL, I immediately though of that horrendous green dress from a couple of years ago. I’m sure you remember. HA!

DEB---Hope your eyes are better. That skin around them is so delicate, take care. Thanks for posting the picture. Ain't we sweet?

BEE 125---Welcome to the board. Yes, this is the way to lose weight. Your cravings will soon vanish and you'll be able to concentrate on losing. Only once in a great while do I find I have a craving and it's always after I' ve eaten someting off program. A good reason to stay on track.

Now I have to tell you a story about my father-in-law. This should really appeal to all the walkers in our group. First let me say that he’s a great guy and I love him dearly. He’s retired and is REALLY into taking care of his body. He eats very healthy food and works out every day at a local fitness club. Well a while back he got this idea that he’d set a goal for himself at the gym. So he decided to walk to Denver from Cincinnati. Not literally walk there, but keep track of his miles on the treadmill or the track and see how long it takes. I think he may have set a deadline date, but I’m not sure. The local newspaper heard about this, so they interviewed him and it was in the paper last week. Cool, huh? I think it’s a great idea. Really puts those miles you all hoof into perfect perspective.

Have a great monday. I may be on late tonight. Will try and do the TM when I get home from tutoring. So I may just be too pooped. If so, see you on Tuesday.

Take care.
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Old 03-26-2001, 08:47 AM   #6  
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Good Monday morning! I hope you all have some motivaton for me today-so far Deb yours hit the spot with me!! I want this so bad but can't stop cheating and i know its stopping me from acheiving my goal that i keep saying i want sooooo bad I know i am a constant whiner! but i guess i feel comfortable whining here!
I really don't know what happens in my brain sometimes. I had a terrible week end! I mean terrible. I have started over today (yes it is only 8:30!) I just keep justifyiing my cheating if that makes sense! I have been very faithful with the excersise its just this food latley!!!! UGGGG I need to get jiggy with it! Thanks for listening!
Deb sorry i didn't get to tell you congrats on the anniversary!!!! You Rock! i know no one is perfect on this WOE but i think you come close! can i move in for a month? lol

Well i probably won't be around this week to post i do lurk everyday!!!! Hope you all have a great week. My Dads sister passed on Saturday so i will be busy with those types of things and i am having alot of stress hmmmm think thats why i am just ruining all my sucess? O.k lets get motivated -RIGHT?
201.2/143 ?/135 or lower to get to the BMI i should be at uggggggggggggg!
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Old 03-26-2001, 09:23 AM   #7  
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Default Monday, Monday

Good morning, thank goodness it's a new week. I am going to make bread this week since I am on Spring Break. I have a few SB recipes from the cookbook Sugar Bust For Life. It's a great companion book to the original, has lists in the back of brand names of legal foods. As soon as I saw Cardini's Original Caesar Dressing on the list, I knew SB was for me!

My parents have a new baby...a little filly named Cayenne (yes, she is a red color). I am off to see her and enjoy a day at the farm.

A thought: Where you are is an okay place to be, but it's not an okay place to stay. That applies to more than just weight. Peace...
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Old 03-26-2001, 10:04 AM   #8  
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"There will never be a day when we won't need dedication, discipline, energy, and the feeling that we can change things for the better." - George Sheehan

DEB - Thanks for the picture and the info regarding additional ways we can support the board.

Have a beautiful Monday!

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Old 03-26-2001, 10:42 AM   #9  
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Default Morning everyone!

I have been away from the board for a few days while I have been on the road. I am now officially on vacation in NC!

Frog--It's cold up here! I think it will be a little while yet before we break those sandals out! I went to my Niece's soccer game yesterday and we wrapped up like it was the middle of January! Oh well, at least it is great to be able to watch the NCAA tournament this weekend with people who truly understand basketball. Those SEC folks don't--bless their hearts. For the next week I'm transforming myself into a Duke fan (actually always root for Duke anyway except for the days they play State).

Welcome to all the newcomers! You can learn so much from this board and the good wommin on it! We are all about getting rid of sugars, refined flours, potatoes (except those sweet ones), corn, rice (except the brown) and pastas made from enriched flours (WW is fine and dandy). Oh yes--and carrots are EVIL!

Other than that you can eat almost anything else (and there really is more left out there than you think). We enjoy proteins, whole grain carbs, veggies, fruit, dairy and a moderate amount of fat in our diets.

I've got a couple of on the road stories:

Saturday I was in the car for more than 8 hours. This has always been difficult for me because fast food is so SB unfriendly. But because it's Lent eating off program is not an option for me. This is what I did. I had a big breakfast--eggs, bacon (non-sugarcured) whole wheat pancakesand SF syrup. Then I took some grapes to munch on in the car and an ATkins bar for lunch. It worked fine. The breakfast kept me from being hungrymost of the morning and when I did geta little hungry in the afternoon, the Atkins bar was very satisfying. When I got to my parents house they had steaks, salads and sweet potatoes for dinner.

Yesterday we went to visit my brother andhis family. MY DB is eating low fat, while Iam eating lowcarbs. My poor sister-in-law was trying to figure out how to feed everyone and keep both of us on program. She cooked Chicken pot pie for the family and bakedchicken breaks for DB and me. I really appreciated the support and told her so. I explained thatordinarily I'dbe a little more flexible, but because I made strick observance of SB my Lenten observance I wanted to stay with it. She said she wanted me to stay with it and was more than happy to accomodate us. I think I'll have to take her a small gift when I go for another visit later in the week. BTW--my brother has lost 23 lbs!

There areno reliablescales here so I won't be posting my weight this week (unless I go out and buy some--an urge I'm trying to resist). I think freedom from the one-eyedmonster will be the best vacation of all!

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Old 03-26-2001, 11:29 AM   #10  
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Good Monday morning all. Hope your weekend was fine!

I never got to meet Annette. I was truly hoping she would call, or e-mail me her phone number, but I never heard from her. I did get an e-mail after I got home, and I believe that she was getting ready to go on her trip, and so this was not a good time for her. I found out that I was about 30 minutes from where she lives. I spent my Saturday afternoon doing some counted cross stitch that I pick up whenever we travel, or when I have a free block of time away from home.

Daytona Beach was a busy place with quite a few spring breakers there. Lot's of cars on the beach about 4 pm. I am not a sun worshipper so I never really went down to the beach or sat around the pool during our Saturday afternoon break. All the others there went out for Saturday night dinner, but another woman and I stayed in and cooked a SB legal supper: pan grilled teryaki chicken breast, fresh steamed cauliflower and broccoli, and green salad. There were lots of snacky food and I succummed a bit. I am a muncher!!

My mother is a huge Duke fan, Frog and Fillise. My stepdad worked as an administrator at the university hospital there, so she has followed Duke football closely. Looks like the ACC will be in the finals. The neatest thing I ever saw at an ACC Bball game was at a Wake Forest Duke game in Winston-Salem. The cheerleaders did a stunt with a surfboard from which they had removed the bottom fin. The Deacon stood on the surfboard on the Bball floor and the cheerleaders layed down under the board and rolled over and over, "surfing" the board down the court. It was neat.

Welcome newbies.

Well, I'll sign off. Have lots of work to do today. Deb, I enjoyed the picture of y'all in Naples. Everyone looks cute.
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Old 03-26-2001, 11:53 AM   #11  
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Hi everyone!

Just a quick note to let you all know that I got on the scales this morning and I am now back to 273.5


Well, I have tons of errands to do and I have to get my walk in. I'll be back later.

Have a great SB Day!

Oh, and welcome Bee, this is a great board and everyone here is very supportive. You will not regreat coming here.

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Old 03-26-2001, 01:28 PM   #12  
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Default Another day to Bust Sugars!

I have a question for you walkers...Do you walk before or after breakfast??? When I walk in the am, I have been walking before eating, but it seems like that is not a good idea because I'm soooo exhausted when I get back. On the other hand, I don't want to walk right after eating either. Please tell me what works best for you?

Got my 3.3 miles done in 52 minutes this am. Good news too. Remember a while back I said I had a problem with Tachycardia? Well this walking is really good for my CV system cause my heart rate was only 112 when I got back this am! Scale said 162 this am, but was 163 yesterday, so I'm waiting till WIW for the official count.

Debelli, listing Birthdays would be a great idea!!!
Thanks for posting the picutre of Quilter & the group. Gee, BOB is the shortest of the bunch! Just kidding BOB.

OVERCOME, Thanks for posting that cookie site. Sure will check that one out. You really are into baking alot aren't you? Too bad you live so far away... I have some good salad dressing receipes...will try to post a couple later today.

Cheri, You go girl, you're doing great with your walking. I find that the walking is helping my back problem too. I haven't had to go to the Chiropractor since I started walking. This sure is a lot cheaper too!! LOL.
I'm afraid I get on the scale everyday too. Can't stand not to, & I also get upset when it goes up, but it does help me to be more cautious of what I eat that day.

Debbie, I never find anything at garage sales...well, hardly ever..LOL You mentioned selter water. I read somewhere that you can add a couple of herbal tea bags in a bottle of selter & let it stand a couple of hours & then add your own sweetner. Was it you that posted that? I haven't tried it yet, but I just picked up a bottle of it & plan to try it out. That WILD ORANGE TEA sure sounds good. Will have to try that the next time I go into Lafayette. BTW, what do you think of the Somerizing plan? Sounds alot like SB, except for the combining idea. She sure does have some good recipes in her book. Tried a couple of them & will post some later.

SparkleScamp, It sounds like you & Frog & I are all 3 about the same size, give a lb or 2. I'm hoping to get down to my mini goal of 150 for vacation time which is the first week of June. Got 12-13 lbs to go.

BOB, I know how family visits can be difficult, but I'm sure you'll do fine with your visitors. You really sound like you would be the gracious hostess. Hey, I found a Chicken recipe page & thought of you. Alot of these are low glycemic recipes.

Quilter, yes I am feeling better. Thanks for asking. I can relate to what you said about missing out on the posts & feeling left out. On the 12 hr work days when I can't seem to keep up with the reading, I do feel like that too. But not for long. Once I get caught up on the reading I'm ok again. I love to read your posts. You always have lots to say. I'm really not much of a conversationalist (is that really a word?) I do seem to end up with long posts when I have time to read them all though.

Annette, I agree, sometimes life just gets toooo hectic & we need to just slow things down, but where do we make the cuts? If you're like me, it's not easy & you just go full speed ahead till something gives...LOL Hope you have a really nice trip to PA.

Rosalie, we missed you on board! I know what you mean about walking alot at work. Sometimes I wish I had a meter to check how much I really walk there. I think that does count, I noticed that on they have it listed for walking at work.

amseraphim, Yes we miss you. Glad to see you back. Ocala is a nice area. I believe that it's near Silver Springs? We went there a few years ago. Glad to hear that you were able to stay mostly OP this while you were away. Yes, it's sad to hear about the drought. We were like that here last summer. We didn't cut grass but maybe 3 times all summer cause our grass was dead! We're ok now & praying that things will soon be better in Fla.

Well ya'll, I only responded to last weeks board & have not got a chance to read for today, but I just got a call to go work some OT this evening, so I need to iron a uniform. Hope to check in tomorrow after work!
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Old 03-26-2001, 05:45 PM   #13  
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HELP argh! I just spent the past HOUR composing a post and then accidentally pressed escape on my keyboard! ARGH! So, more later folks.
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Old 03-26-2001, 07:12 PM   #14  
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Just a quick note before fixing some dinner! I made the mistake of "taking the grocery store tour" after work and just got home!

DEB: I had dropped Suzanne a note asking if we could send a donation directly to her and now you post this. I'm so glad we can do this without using a credit card.
I'm not a fan of doing that. My GAWD if everyone sent her a dollar every month, they would have NO BOARD WORRIES! What's a good figure do you think?

Jenny: WELCOME Glad to have you with us. Just join right'll be a master in no time!

FROG: I had to read your post OUT LOUD at work today. I'm ALWAYS preaching the NO WHITE SHOES to everyone! Of course they don't listen, and I SHUDDER everytime someone walks in with them on!
Yes, it's me who works in healthcare, and when I saw that dress last night....THOSE WERE JUST MY WORDS!

Mary: Thanks for the recipes..I bought CHICKEN tonight at the grocery!

Well.....gotta scoot...

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Old 03-26-2001, 07:44 PM   #15  
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Good evening everyone

Kim - The recipe for the oatmeal bread came from the web site of Robin Hood Flours @ www. I adapted the recipe for SB also changed a couple of things to make it easier. It doesn't require any kneading except for a few minutes to get it into shape. Also I only leave it to rise once in the pan. I am sure it would be easy enough for any novice to make. I will post the recipe on the March Recipe Board. I just had a quick look at Leslie Sansone's web site. There's info there about products she advertises on QVC so I will check it out later.

Deb - Thanks for posting the address of Suzanne. I would definitely like to send something to support this board. I would hate the thought of it closing for want of funds. That's a great picture of you, Kim, Bob and friends. Thanks for posting it. I think listing birthdays is a neat idea. Sorry you won't make it to Canada this time. Who knows, maybe some time in the future we will have the opportunity to meet.

Melf - When I do my "Indoor Walk" (video) I like to do it before breakfast, after my morning coffee. I don't like to eat breakfast until about 9-9.30am and also like you don't fancy exercising right after eating. If I waited until after breakfast then I would probably never get it done. My walk, though, is shorter than yours - it's just 30 minutes for the 2 Mile Walk. When the weather warms up I may try going out for a real walk.

Well, I am thinking of going for a swim tonite, soon as I get the dishes done. They didn't work me too hard at work to-day so I have a little energy left.

Will check in later.

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