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Old 09-17-2009, 11:30 AM   #166  
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Default Good morning.

I had a good eating day yesterday minus the sugar wafers. Today is a good day so far...just my coffee.

Solly...I am so proud of how hard you work out. You have been a constant since I've meet you.

Toni...I'm sorry you are having troubles with your laptop still. Hang in there.

((Everybody)) Praying you have a great day.

God bless,
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Old 09-18-2009, 08:45 AM   #167  
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Happy Friday

Boy am I glad this week is over. It has been very stressfull, so much that my stomach has been killing me all week and when I get home, I'm ok. Back to work, sick again. I kinow it is stress but until we get an issue resolved it will be like that.

My DD wants to do a yard sale tomorrow so I have been gathering clothing and stuff no longer used in my house. I guess anything I make is better than nothing.

Toni, computers are the pits when they are not working. Hope you can get it fixed soon.

Crystle, better get rid of those sugar wafers. God job on your eating.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
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Old 09-18-2009, 11:30 AM   #168  
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Default Howdy

It's another drizzly day here in Texas. After this summrs drought it's needed but it is getting old. Calorie wise I had a good day yesterday. Plan wise I could have done without the small cone. Having things in the house for the kids seems to be my pitfall. That being said each day seems to be getting more on track.

((Everybody)) I hope and pray ya'll have a fantastic weekend.

Love and hugs,
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Old 09-18-2009, 08:15 PM   #169  
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Oh wow is it Friday already?! DH had to work so we didn't get to shop. But I have lots of tomatoes and cucumbers to eat. But only 1 peach left. Hope we go tomorrow. Eating has just been so so. Tonight I made some kind of asian chicken in a package and it was awful. We only ate a few bites of it. Thats what I get for being lazy.

Crystle- Wow glad you're getting rain but know after a bit of it it can be depressing. We're supposed to get ours next week. Still a few problems with my laptop. Darn I'm tired of that.

Solly-Hope you have a stress free relaxing week end.

Off to kick back.....
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Old 09-20-2009, 06:56 PM   #170  
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Got our grocery shopping done yesterday. It rained on us all the way there and back. DH worked on my computer all today and so knock on wood I'm running fine. I ate a few chips today and a small serving of hash browns with my egg this morning. Need to get busy and eat tomatoes. Not much going on today.....
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Old 09-20-2009, 10:58 PM   #171  
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Hi everybody, I'm sorry to tell you all that Meowee passed away this afternoon. She lost to a very aggressive and unexpected bout with cancer. We have a condolence thread going on here. Please leave any thoughts you might want to share with her family. I'll send them the link so they can see how much she meant to everybody here.
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Old 09-20-2009, 11:21 PM   #172  
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I'm so sorry about Linda. She was a dear person...
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Old 09-21-2009, 11:55 AM   #173  
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I'm so sorry to hear about Meowee. Cancer is a horrible disease. She is in a much better place and pain free. May she rest in peace.
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Old 09-21-2009, 12:05 PM   #174  
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Hi ladies

It is raining here and expected to rain all week. We got about 4-5" just yesterday. I hope it tops by Friday, we are leaving for Del Hollow lake for 3 days on Friday. Beleive me, I am so ready to go and get away.

Eating was not good over the weekend. I just told my DD yesterday we need to figure out what to do. I am so tired of this.

I am trying to be good this week. I know eating over the weekend will not be good. No sense kiddig myself. So I have all week to figure this out.

Crystle, sounds like it is raining everywhere. We really needed it though. Our grass is like straw.

Toni, my fridge is almost empty too. I love it when I have a full fridge and have choices to make. Now I am struggleing trying to find things to eat for lunch and dinner.

We did great at our yard sale. Four of us made over $750. I made about $140 and my DD about $220. Of course, mine is almost gone. Took the family to dinner and bought DH some beer and other things.

Got to run and do some work. Yuk!
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Old 09-21-2009, 12:31 PM   #175  
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Well here it is Monday and a new week. I'm hopeing so bad to get back to eating right and walking on the treadmill. I need to put a stop to this yo you eating. Its crazy and I'm going no where but up on the scale. This is one of those times I have to take an hour at a time. I feel no resolve to try and lose weight. What in the heck is wrong with me. I can get no inspiration.

Solly- Sounds like we're in the same boat. Whats going on here. I've got to figure it out too..... Slow steps!

Off I go to cook.
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Old 09-21-2009, 01:55 PM   #176  
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Default Good afternoon

I'm very sad to hear about meowee.

Toni...I was reading your post and you could put my name in place of yours. I am struggling and lacking the key to being faithful.

Solly...sounds like ya'll had a great garage sale. I love going to them. We went to the flea marker and found a few goodies yesterday. My favorite was a fry daddy for one dollar. I plugged it in and it works. It's smaller than most fryers for I will not have to use a half a gallon of oil to fry a couple of things.


God bless,
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Old 09-21-2009, 08:10 PM   #177  
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Couldn't stand it any longer...had to come on here and see y'all!! I was sorry to read about Linda...bless her heart, she sure did fight...may she rest in peace now that she's free of pain.

SOLLY...Had to come on here and brag on my DEFENSE on Saturday!! I think we showed the gator's that they don't have a hold on everyone like they thought they did!! I hate for anyone to be sick, but I'm jumping up and down about their first string being down with the flu...THE CATS can beat them Saturday and I'll be right here tuned in to help them along!!
CONGRATS on what y'all made on your yardsale...too bad it's about gone, I was going to ask for a loan!!

TONI...what's up sweetie??? Hope everything is good with you

CRYSTLE...What's in the garden? Did you plant anything to come up late? I can't find any good greenbeans's been so hot there aren't even any pole beans!! What's a girl to do???

I'm off to watch the dancing....I want Tom Delay off of there early!!


p.s. what's wrong with my post count???? Look at that low number!!

Last edited by BOBatwork; 09-21-2009 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:49 PM   #178  
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Default im back.....

hi girls,

my name is chris, i did sugarbusters 6 years ago and lost about 40 pounds with the help of this wonderful supportive board. my username at that time was bigknightsmomma (bkm), i remember bob, quilter, debelli, and some of the ladies i met on the site who got to meet each other in orlando.

i am having some health issuues and have lost some but i definitely need the online encouragement.

taking one day at a time,

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Old 09-22-2009, 03:25 PM   #179  
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Hi ladies,

Let's tip this boar over and hit the ground running. We can do it. One day at a time.

Oh my Gawd, look what Old Smokie drug back in here.

Bob, so glad to see your post. Yes the game was a good one. Thought they might pull it out. The baby wore his UK outfit for our game and SIL changed him into his TN orange for their game. I doubt that UK will fare any better. We are a 23 point underdog. How have you been? Working yet? How is Kate? Please stay on here. We are dwindling quickly.

Happynow. I remember you. (I used to go by Jack-Kay). Glad to see you back. Shows you know where to come.

Now if we could only get Ellen posting again. Maybe if we all yell loud enough she will come.

Have a great day.
Toni, the BL is on tonight, maybe you can get some motivation from that. Been on the yet?

Crystle, Fry Baby, now what would be frying that is legal to eat? I used to have one of those. Maybe you bought mine!
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Old 09-22-2009, 04:02 PM   #180  
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Hello ladies! I was gone all last week to Jacksonville to visit with my young friends who moved there last year. I actually rode down with the wife and their baby to keep her company, then flew back on Saturday afternoon. My flight was delayed due to the rain here in Atlanta. The flight was coming from ATL to JAX, then back... My eating in JAX was friend is quite the health food nut. The worst I did was french fries at lunch one day and fried seafood another day. I did not eat inbetween meals and my portions were good. I forgot to weigh to see if I lost...

We have had about 16 inches of rain here since Friday. The downtown expressway was closed due to flooding. Our pool was within an inch of overflowing. (it has a leak somewhere, and is slowly receding...) The yard is full of puddles, and the creeks and rivers are at flood stage and worse. It is way above the 100 year flood level - some of the worst ever recorded here. Some areas had in excessive of 20 inches over two days. We are very close to a few of them. Today, the sun came out and there is some blue sky. After over a week of rain, it is very welcome. I left beautiful sunny weather in JAX on Saturday, and flew into this mess.

I was terribly saddened to hear about Meowee. She was my co-mod and friend. I knew she was sick, but I never imagined her illness would progress so fast.

HAPPY: I remember you! You might remember me as Monet. I took over for Debelli when she dropped off the board, and modded for a while, then left about two years ago due to lack of time. I try and get here frequently and check in! Nice to have you back!

BOB: As I live and breathe, its BOB! Nice to see you! Now SIT! STAY!
I may be coming to Sarasota in a few months. Interested in meeting me face to face finally?

SOLLY: I heard ya! I was MIA due to my trip...but here I am! I need to be more regular, so feel free to nail my shoes to the floor in here.

TONI: Get on the treadmill! I have been walking every morning...rain or shine! It feels good! (my neighbor that I walk with is almost as crazy as I am...and she shows up in a poncho or with an umbrella...tells me a little rain is NO excuse! I LOVE it!)

COUNTRY:When we cleaned out my husband's uncle's house, we found two fryers that had never been used. A large one I gave to my son in law, and a fry baby I kept. I used it every day for a month or two, but have not pulled it out now for a while...good thing too! I was frying EVERYTHING! When I was looking at recipes for fried pickles, and snickers bars, I decided I needed to put some brakes on it! Haha!

Off to work on dinner!
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