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Old 09-10-2009, 11:05 AM   #151  
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hey ladies. Just checking in. The next round of my competition starts tomorrow, and I'll have a good bit of work moderating. My goal is to be in the top 5.
As of this morning I was at 174.0 which is down .6 from when I won. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to maintain at ALL. So I'm pretty proud of myself even if it is just a month holding steady. As of tomorrow I get serious about eating and exercise again so that I can get to my final goal. At 160 I actually will be an 8 and even be able to wear some 6s. I know it makes no sense. But I think that's the right size for me. I don't want to be a solid 6. I don't think I could maintain it. We'll see!

So who's weighing in with me tomorrow and getting their butts in gear for the holiday season??? Come on. You can be your own gift!
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Old 09-10-2009, 01:32 PM   #152  
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Talitha, I'm with you. I'm back to the gym and if I get this boot off soon I will start back with my trainer. Good luck to you. I know you ca do it.

Toni, Found that yet? The temps have been so moderate here and I imagine the same with you. It's hard to think of it as summer. I am afraid what winter will bring.

Crystle, You are one talented lady, cooking, crocheting, teaching. You can do it all. You amaze me.

Nothing going on here. I did not go to the gym this morning, but brought my clothes to go right after work. I was exhausted last night and went to bed early. Eating is good so far. Off to the foot doc this afternoon to see if my foot is better. It may be better, but I knw I won't get the boot off today. :sad:

Have a great evening.
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Old 09-10-2009, 04:11 PM   #153  
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Good afternoon. I'm having a cup of white tea. Its so good and smells so good. Soon it will really be tea drinking weather. All is fine here. I ate badly at breakfast and its kind of colored my day. Even though I'm trying not to focus on it. We're having pork steaks and salad for dinner. DH is going to grill them. Not the best thing but grilling will help.

Solly- Looks like this week end will be a better time for me to dig out the treadmill. This day is flying by and tomorrow I have an appointment with a dermotolgist. Hope you get to work out a bit this evening. How much longer for the boot?

Talitha- Wow thats so good maintaining your weight for a month. Good luck on the contest. You should make a good moderaitor.

Hey Crystle and Ellen. What are you all doing?
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Old 09-10-2009, 05:30 PM   #154  
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Default Howdy ya'll

Good afternoon. Today has been a very good eating day. A little on the low side so I'm getting hungry. Hopefully I won't engorge myself this evening. I'm trying a new recipe for bread that you don't have to knead. We'll see how it comes out either later or tomorrow. You make the dough and it holds up to a week in the fridge if it's wheat and two weeks if it's white flour. Mine is all whole wheat.

Talitha...wtg on maintaining and the slight loss. are so sweet. Praying your get a good report from your doctor.

Toni...Tea sounds good. I'm waiting on the cooler weather. Tea and soup season is a favorite of mine...and chili and stew...LOL

Ellen...((hugzz)) hope you are having good numbers with your sugar levels.

God bless,
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Old 09-11-2009, 11:54 AM   #155  
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Hi ladies,

Well today is WIF, and I am at 183 today. I'll take since Tuesday I was at 192. That was enought to scare me into eating and exercising. Hope I can make it thru the weekend. DH offerd to take me out to eat last night, but I declined and we ate spaghetti instead. Tonight I will take him up on it.

No plans for the weekend. The foot doc said 2 1/2 more weeks and then I should be able to go to a hard sole shoe. We will see. I want to be able to walk in the breast cancer walk (3 miles) on Oct 10th.

Toni, I love hot tea just about any time. Hope you can dig out the :tread; this weekend. WE are never going to eat perfectly at every meal. I think it is so important not to let that affect the rest of your meals. I know that is a big problem of mine that I need to work on. One bad choice every now and then wil not hurt our efforts if we can get right back on track with the next meal. So don't beat yourself up about your breakfast. I am trying hard to realize that mysef.

Crystle, I can smell your bread from here. Hope it turns out. Good job on your eating.

Ellen, how are you doing today? We are missing you.

Bob, you got everyone back on here and now you take off. Come on back.

Talitha, anxious to see how your WIF went.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old 09-11-2009, 05:39 PM   #156  
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Back from the doctor and am so tired. He froze a couple of places on my face. I have to call him in 4 to 6 weeks if the spots aren't gone. We ate mexican food so it wasnt the best choice. Think I have to go rest. Maybe I'll be back later.
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Old 09-13-2009, 04:54 PM   #157  
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Having a lazy Sunday today. Eating has been good. Had a bacon and tomato sandwich on ww toast for breakfast/lunch today. We're going to grill steaks for dinner and have a salad with that. Wish I had some squash to go with it. Guess I'll go in and wrap a box for son in Iraq. Hope you're all having a good day.
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Old 09-14-2009, 02:17 PM   #158  
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My my come on ladies lets hear from someone. Where are you all?
Just had my bacon and tomato sand. for breakfast/lunch. The lady that gave me my homegrown tomatoes said I could come tomorrow and get some more. Oh boy they're so good. Got to run....
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Old 09-14-2009, 06:50 PM   #159  
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Well Solly you're my inspiration for me digging out my treadmill today. At last. Tomorrow Tuesday I start walking on it. Yippee I'm so happy.
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Old 09-15-2009, 04:42 PM   #160  
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Hi ladies,

Where is everyone, Poor Toni is all alone here.

Toni, WTG girl getting out that Slow and steady is the way.

Finally got back to the gym this week. I am always glad I went when I leave, but getting up and getting there is so hard.

We got some great news today. The court for terminating the birth mother's rights was today. So that is such a relief. We don't have to worry any more. I sure don't see how we could ever have to give him back anyway. I am so thankful to that girl. I think and pray for her every day.

Not much going on here. Talk to you all (hopefully more) tomorrow.
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Old 09-15-2009, 08:18 PM   #161  
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Howdy..... I'm sad to say I didn't get to start on my treadmill yet. I may still tonight but today has been so busy. Eating has been good. Another bacon, tomato sand. on whole wheat bread for breakfast/lunch. And a small hamburger patty with a large salad with homegrown tomatoes and cucumbers in it. I'm also having a couple of small glasses of wine. The Biggest Loser starts tonight. I love that show.

Solly- You're doing so good. Keep up the good work. I'm so happy for your precious Grandbaby.......
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Old 09-15-2009, 08:57 PM   #162  
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Default Good evening ya'll!

Believe it or not I had to take back the third tower. We went with a different brand this time. Praying this one works. I've been eating like I'm a skinny girl trying to put on weight..ugh. But this moment starts a new day right? I'm watching biggest loser and reminding myself that it takes desire and belief. I think I've been missing the believing part since it has been such a struggle.

((Everybody)) Hang in there.

God bless,
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Old 09-15-2009, 11:36 PM   #163  
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Default Baked Brown Rice by Alton Brown

Basic Recipe:
2 cups long-, medium- or short-grain brown rice
2-1/3 cups water
2 teaspoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 375 F and move a rack to the middle position.
Spread the rice into an 8-inch square, glass baking dish.
In a covered saucepan on the stove, bring the water and butter or oil to a boil over high heat.
Once it begins to boil, stir in the salt and pour over the rice and cover the baking dish tightly with a double layer of foil or tight fitting lid.
Bake for one hour, until tender. Remove from the oven and uncover.
Fluff the rice with a fork, cover with a clean kitchen towel; let rice stand 5 minutes.
Uncover for another 5 minutes, then serve immediately.
Serves 4 to 6.

Sometimes I slightly brown the rice in the oil and add sauteed mushrooms and onions to make a sort of pilaf. Chicken stock works well as a substitute for water.
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Old 09-16-2009, 03:36 PM   #164  
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Good afternoon ladies

Made it to the gym today. Sure didn't feel like it. Back hurt, neck hurt and was sick at my stomach. It was a struggle. "Things" going on at work so maybe that is why my stomach is upset.

Toni, I am so mad, I didn't realize the BL started lat night and only caught the last hour. I hate that I missed the introductions. I love, love that show. I'm going to join you with the wine tonight. We have bunco and a whole bottle won't be enough to get over this work crap.

Crystle, the thing the one guy said about he was destroying his life and chosing a hambruger over his children, made me think. I believe that is what we do everytime we overeat or make bad choices. We need to be more conscience when we go to make bad choices.



Have a great night
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Old 09-16-2009, 05:41 PM   #165  
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Can you believe the dell tech put me off another day. This is silly. I'm never going to get my laptop fixed. I didn't eat a big breakfast so I've been snacking all day. Legal but still snacking. Haven't figured out whats for dinner tonight.

Solly-I'm sorry you're having such a bad day. Sounds like a very painful work out. Hope I can get some inspiration from Biggest Loser....

Okay I'm off. Come on ladies and start posting.......
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