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Old 09-27-2009, 10:26 PM   #196  
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Well its been a good week end. I've tried to rest allot to get rid of this infection I have. DH has been a big help with meals etc. Tonight he grilled pork steaks and then I had sliced tomatoes and cucumber with it. This morning he fried bacon so I could make me a bacon and tomato sandwich.

Crystle- Wow what a day you've had. Thats so great you got a winter garden out. I hope you find your cabbage to go with it. It will be well worth the work. Yum!

Hope everyone had a nice week end.
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Old 09-28-2009, 09:31 AM   #197  
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I've been trying to post since last week....I had to buy a new computer and I swear I could understand Greek easier! The dang thing won't let me do anything that I want, download what I want etc....I hate change

I wanted to update y'all on Kate. She's just not doing well at all. My Brother thinks she has given up. I'm blaming the new meds from the hospital this summer. I took her to the Dr on Friday and they are weening her from one of them to see if that helps the mental status. She isn't eating or drinking enough to keep a bird alive. The Dr said to get her sugar free drinks like ensure and boost. I bought the one for Diabetics in the strawberry and cream made her sick. I'm at my wits end and just don't know what to do.

I'll be back directly....

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Old 09-28-2009, 02:29 PM   #198  
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hi everyone,

its good to be back, thanks for the welcomes! i have had a good week eating, need to push the body to start walking again. i have lost 5lbs this week, but the blood sugar is still too high, so i have a call in to the dr. need to tweak the meds again.

bob: good to see you on the board, my thought and prayers are with you, hope Kate is doing better.

will write more later....

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Old 09-28-2009, 02:33 PM   #199  
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Hi everyone. Well here it is Monday and we have a new week. All is fine here and eating good.

Bob- I'm so sorry about Kate. I'll keep her and you too in my prayers and thoughts. Hope taking her off the med makes her rally around. Hope you get that computer going........ Aren't they a pain.

Better go get something out of the freezer for dinner.
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Old 09-28-2009, 05:27 PM   #200  
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Good afternoon. Not much going on today. Did a little cleaning earlier and just finished hanging the clothes on the line. It is so hot this afternoon. A front is coming through this afternoon and it should be nice and cool tonight. I did find a neat website off of the Rachael Ray show. They sell dry groceries like deoderant and things and offer coupons with free shipping. I ordered 18 items and barely spent over 14 so I was very happy. Plus I have enough shampoor for months..LOL

Bob...I am so sorry that Kate is not feeling very well. Praying that God will ignite that thing inside of her that makes her fight to eat and get stronger. That she would be encouraged and strengthened. In Jesus' name.

Toni...I think it's so cool your hubby will cook for you. If I had to rely on mine I'd starve. That's an idea, at least I would lose some weight.

Happy...praying you get your meds just right for your sugar. My mom and sister have both battled with their sugar for years. It's a real pain.


God bless,
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Old 09-29-2009, 11:41 AM   #201  
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Morning! (barely still morning, but I made it!)

Walked this morning..came home and ate some gluten free pancakes (not all that vanilla cardboard, but better than a poke in the eye) then headed down to the rapid transit station to pick up my son. He was down at a friend's house near downtown and rode the train out home this morning. Its freakin' COLD. I actually wore a hoodie to stay warm while walking. I am considering the warmth of my bed, and the invigorating benefits of a nap.

Eating is so so. Gluten free stuff tends to be a lot of rice, potato, etc. type stuff that is not too Sugarbusters friendly. I am trying to be selective and seek out the whole grain rice stuff. Its not easy, but I anticipate it getting easier as I figure my way along.

COUNTRY: That is awesome that you have the winter garden done! We are still getting a lot of okra, but our tomatoes are gone...and this is early for that I might add! We have some collards planted, but they are not doing much. Tom tried to plant some spinach in peat pots but the seed was old and so far, nothing has come up. I may run by the garden center and get some more seeds.

TONI: Are you doing your treadmill? Good for you eating well! How is the weather? Did you get a lot of rain the past few weeks like we did? It caught us up though...the drought may be over. Hooray!

HAPPY: I can so relate to the blood sugar issues. My doctor made me start on insulin and I am NOT happy. It does not seem to be doing much for my morning numbers, so I now have instructions on raising it daily until I hit where she wants me to be. All I can think of is how much harder than it already is losing weight is going to be. sigh.

BOB: Oh, dear. I just read a good article about depression in the elderly. They rarely discuss it because of the stigma that generation has on mental illness. Could it be she would benefit from an anti depressant? Praying for her, you and the doctors...

I have a Greek meatloaf in the crockpot for dinner tonight. The recipe sounds great, and I will let you all know if it turns out ok. I got it out of my low carb crockpot cookbook. Nice thing is that there are no fillers in it. I was prepared to sub gluten free oatmeal...but did not have to!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Old 09-29-2009, 04:40 PM   #202  
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Hi Ladies

Sorry I was MIA. I was gone Friday and yesterday was so busy and we had a bid today. We had a gret time at the lake this weekend. It rained for 12 straight hours on Sat and harder than I have ever seen. But we talked and laughed and drank and ate and ate and ate. So we did not mind it. We would clean up breakfast and out would come the snacks. I am petrified to get on the scale. I need a couple days of diuretics to get rid of some of the water.

BOB, I am so sorry to hear about Kate. My dad did the same thing when my mom passed away. There was nothing wrong and he literally willed himself to die. But then, he snapped out of it and lived several more years. I still say my mom had a good talking to him. I hope they can either give her something or change her meds. You both are in my prayers.

Crystle, I am so happy that you have a walking buddy. Now you have no excuse.

Ellen, hope you are finding new gluten free foods. I had a good laugh over your pancakes. Wow, what a great walking partner.

Toni, sorry you are feeling bad. Hope you are on the mend soon. Good job to Dh cooking for you.

Happy, glad you are still with us and WTG on those 5 lbs.

Almost time to head home. I have to stop at the store. I am totally w/o food and I am going to stock up on fruits and veggies. I have to get serious as my "black" pants were too tight this morning.

Have a graet evening
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Old 09-29-2009, 11:43 PM   #203  
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Darn had cornbread tonight and some scoop chips too. Don't know why when I was doing so good. I'd like to blame it on me not feeling good. Going back to the doctor tomorrow. Hope he can do something for me. And not put me in the hospital.

Ellen- Love your post.... Since I'm not feeling well I haven't been on the treadmill. You're my hero with all that walking. Not much rain and its gotten cool here at night. I kind of like it.

Solly- Sounds like you've been plain busy. Get back up on that wagon.
Me too.....

Well time to shut down for the night.....

Crystle- Yea my DH would probably starve out of laziness. Today is his first day of retirement. Oh dear!!

Last edited by Toni48; 09-29-2009 at 11:45 PM. Reason: forgot something.
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Old 09-30-2009, 12:04 PM   #204  
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Default Good morning

It is SO beautiful outside this morning. It feels like fall. Sorry I didn't make it to the board yesterday. I recieve these neat little tips in the mail daily and thought I would share some with ya'll from time to time if you would like them. Here is one I thought was really neat:

Many times the hardest part about eating healthy is other people's influence. There's no doubt that there will be times when people will encourage you to eat the foods you'd rather avoid. The best way to handle these pushers is to decline politely and feel good about it when you say it. Don't be critical, and try not to make it a big deal. A simple "No, thank you" is the best way to go. If they still persist, then explain to them that you've made a resolution to eat a healthier diet.

Ellen...praying that as you change your medicine and diet that those numbers come into line. It's just a matter of time before you get it worked out. How was that meatloaf? I'm a HUGE meatloaf fan.

Toni...I'm sorry that you are still feeling poorly. Praying you don't have to go to the hospital.

Solly...Glad ya'll made the most of the weekend despite the rain. Hopefully the scales will be kind.


God bless,
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Old 09-30-2009, 04:12 PM   #205  
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Ellen, Hoping you don't have to go to the hospital. Dh retired just in time to take care of you.

Crystle, l love your tips, if it were only that easy. Most of the time "that person" tempting me is usually "me"!

Eating is good. Haven't been able to get to the gym this week. I hate myself for that.

Almost time to go home. Have a great evening.
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Old 10-01-2009, 05:51 PM   #206  
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Laying Lo cause I still don't feel well....
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Old 10-01-2009, 05:57 PM   #207  
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Default Howdy

Hope ya'll are having a good afternoon. I'm battling a sinus headache but other than that doing well. Eating has been so so...scales are about the same, up or down a pound or two either direction.

Love and hugs,
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Old 10-01-2009, 11:07 PM   #208  
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Well, I had hoped it would not come down to this, but I see they are closing our forum due to inactivity. Understandable. Guess we need to just have a Sugarbuster thread over in the General Diet plan area...

Its been a great place and I have met some wonderful people here..... I am so sad to see it end. I joined seven years ago, and I have met at least a dozen folks from this board in person. There were times when I know I would not have made it without the encouragement of those of you here.

Good night....
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Old 10-01-2009, 11:16 PM   #209  
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Oh my gosh no...... I feel like crying I don't want to lose you ladies.... What can we do?
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Old 10-02-2009, 09:01 AM   #210  
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No good news today. I expected it was coming. I'm like Toni, what can we do? Where can we meet?

Like Ellen, I have been hear 7 years and have "met" some wonderful people. Friends. I would hate not to be able to keep in tough with all of you. I guessw we could exchange emails on a private message and keep in touch that way or get a face book page.

Let me know if anyone comes up with something. When are they closing this site?

Toni, feel better soon.

I am taking off half a day to keep my GS while my dd attends our art fair we hae each year. we will go Sunday, but schools are closed so al lthe teachers go on Friday. Over 300,000 people attend each day. It is a mad house and expensive, but it is tradition that we go. Better for me, I get to babysit.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will not know where to find anyone. I am sending some of you my emails so keep me posted.
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