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Old 09-22-2009, 04:55 PM   #181  
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Oh boy look at everyone! How encourageing. Its so good to see the board rolling. I'm just having a terrible time. I can't seem to get on the treadmill or even make it through a whole day of eating right. I'm going to try to get to doing better right now. DID YA HEAR ME I said right now! This very minute I vow to do better and quit messing around.

Crystle- Come on girlfriend we can do this! We've done it before and we can do it again. Reach way down and pull it up......

Bob- Woopie gal its good to see you. How are you feeling? How is Kate? I miss hearing from you so bad. Come on and join us again.....

Chris- I do remember you and its so good to have you back. Stay with us. We need each other.

Solly- WOO HOO can't wait for BL tonight. I really do hope to draw some inspiration from it. I ashamed to say that dang treadmill is still calling for me.

Ellen- Oh I think about you walking all the time. I want to be that way so bad. I'll try try try....

Thanks so much for your encouragement. You all are great!!!

Chicken breast and a salad for dinner.....
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Old 09-22-2009, 06:16 PM   #182  
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Oh boy I did it. Walked on my treadmill and had a small dish of fresh cut up fruit. Its a start!!!!! Woopie.....
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Old 09-23-2009, 03:32 PM   #183  
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Well, I've got the gaining weight thing down pat. I hit over the 190 mark yesterday. I was crushed. Today is a new day right? I came to the board and saw so many familiar faces and fell very encouraged.

Bob...Hey you! Nothing in the garden right now. If the rain lets up I'm going to try and get my winter garden in. I'm a bit late but there are still several things I hope will greens, beets, turnips, carrots and cabbage if I can find some plants.

Solly...I can't think of anything legal to fry but I fry for the guys. I don't fry often but when I do I hate to waste the oil. I did find a no-no that they just love and that was breaded fried grits. I wish I could say I didn't try them but I did.

Toni...WTG getting on that treadmill!!!! You rock. I think this afternoon I am going to get off my tootie and take a small walk. It's been over six months since I've done and serious walking.

Helen...Wow! That's a lot of rain.

HappyNow...welcome back! ((hugzz))

Talitha...if you're peeking in....hope you are doing well on your contest.

I haven't eaten yet today and after coming to the board I feel guilty about eating my crackers and soup so now I have to come up with a new plan for lunch.

Praying ya'll are having a GREAT day.

God bless,
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Old 09-23-2009, 05:02 PM   #184  
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Ya'll rock! Got out and put in 30 minutes walking. I called a friend and time flew..LOL

Love and hugs,
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Old 09-23-2009, 05:46 PM   #185  
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Yippee you did it Crystle..... YOU GO GIRL........ Have an infection and went to the doctors today. He gave me a big shot and some antibiotics. I don't feel so good but I'm sure I'm on the mend. Eating has been good. I had an egg, 2 sausage links and a piece of toast for breakfast and a healthy soup for lunch.

Hope everyone is having a good day.....
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Old 09-24-2009, 12:01 PM   #186  
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Default Good morning

It felt so good to get out and walk yesterday. I had plans for today but so far it is rainy. Yuck. Water weight is gone so ticker is almost right. But I didn't like seeing the higher numbers and it really has motivated me. I don't want to gain back all that was lost. My biggest food struggle yesterday was saltines. There is one pack left in the house. I'll be SO glad when they are gone. It's funny the foods that are our "comfort" foods.

Toni...Hope you feel better soon. Soup sounds good. This cooler weather always makes me hungry for soups and gumbos.

((Everybody)) Hope you are having a great day and that the daily struggles and stresses roll off your back.

God bless,
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Old 09-24-2009, 03:34 PM   #187  
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Hello..... Just had a wonderful turkey, swiss cheese, lettuce and tomato sand. for lunch. Only had a banana for breakfast so I was hungry. I'm a little weak and shakey today so I'm resting lots in my recliner.

Crystle- I know how those trigger foods are. I'm always glad when they're out of the house. Hope it stops raining so you can have a little walk. Keep strong!!!!

Think I'll try and snooze a bit. But not to long, I like the new Dr. Oz show at 3.
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Old 09-25-2009, 09:18 AM   #188  
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Hello, everyone! Not much to report. Still walking every morning...rain or shine! Thankfully, it has been shine the last few mornings. My neighbor is a slave driver! Rain is not an excuse to skip walking as far as she is concerned! What a blessing she is!

I have tons to do today, but I wanted to stop by and say hello. There is a meeting here tomorrow and I must clean, but I have to take dinner to a family with a new baby, and I have to shop first. Then I have to work on my presentation for the women's has to be at least in outline form for the meeting tomorrow. Yikes!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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Old 09-25-2009, 02:05 PM   #189  
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Howdy ho...... Its just a beautiful day here in the Ozarks. Still not feeling to good but glad to have the rain and gloom gone. Just had breakfast. One egg, 2 sausage links, ww toast and oj. I wanted oatmeal but Steve wasn't going for it today. Not well enough to walk on the treadmill yet but soon I hope.

Ellen- What a wonderful walking buddy. Thats so darn great. I think you're doing so good. Sounds like you're very busy. Take time for your self....

Hey ho girls.... You know we need a fresh post here we are into fall and still on the summerthing. Can anyone do that? Fresh starts are always so good.

Last edited by Toni48; 09-25-2009 at 02:09 PM. Reason: Needed to add more.
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Old 09-25-2009, 02:50 PM   #190  
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Default Good afternoon

No walking yesterday but I'm going to head out this afternoon. Talk about stiff. It's been a LONG time since walking has made me sore. I can feel it in my shins and my back. Eating has been going very well. There are things that are not SB legal but calories are within range and the no-no's are almost out of the house.
My ticker is accurate. I weighed in this morning for my weekly weigh in.

Is there anything ya'll would like to be shared that would make the board more fun or encouraging for you? I'm committed and able to be more active.

Ellen...I hear you about walking rain or shine. I used to have a walking buddy and we would slosh through the mud and keep on walking. By myself I just can't be that motivated. It's a bit muddy out there today but at least it isn't raining. It's cloudy though. We went all summer with no rain and now we are getting bits almost every day. It is so dry that even with all this rain the pond is still down by about 10 feet or so.

Toni...sure hope you feel better soon. I agree with you about the board. Maybe one of these days it will become very active again and need weekly changes. Wouldn't that be great.

Solly...don't you have plans this weekend? Hope you have a blast.

Happy and Bob...hope ya'll are still hanging around. It's great to see familiar faces.

((Everybody)) Praying you have a super weekend.

God bless,

Last edited by CountryMom4Him; 09-25-2009 at 02:54 PM.
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Old 09-25-2009, 07:34 PM   #191  
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Default Good evening.

I hope ya'll don't mind another back to back post. This afternoon went really well. My youngest has decided to be my new walking buddy. That really helps the time to go by faster. We put in 30 minutes.

We're having turkey chili for dinner. I put too much sage in it but it is still edible. They are having cornbread and I"m going to finish off the offending saltines.

Do you have any plans for the weekend? We don't have any yet but some garage sales would be fun.

God bless,
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:28 PM   #192  
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Steve is being a sweetie and making us grilled cheese on rye bread for dinner. But I sure could use a bowl of your turkey chili. I'm so happy Crystle you got you a walking buddy.
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Old 09-26-2009, 12:58 AM   #193  
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Hi Ladies! I could not sleep, as usual! I am having a meeting here tomorrow afternoon and I MUST clean up the pigsty! The kitchen table is covered with old mail....some of these ladies coming to the meeting have never been here. I don't mind if they know I am a clutter person, but there is TOO much! I hate cleaning! I really do!

Its supposed to rain heavily tomorrow. Not something we want to hear around here after last weeks flooding.

I made the BEST recipe for dinner tonight. I am eliminating gluten from my diet, to see if I feel better off it, so I re-did the recipe to make it gluten free, and was so pleased in how it turned out. It was a Pork Oscar- pork medallions sauteed, then topped with sauteed asparagus and mushrooms and Bearnaise sauce. Yum!

Off to try and sleep!
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Old 09-26-2009, 02:23 PM   #194  
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Happy Saturday..... I slept in today and am just having a good ole lazy Sunday. Glad I got my laundry done yesterday so I'm free today. I'm doing pretty good on the eating part of my week. And now to make it through the week end. Hopeing by Monday I can get back on the treadmill.

Ellen- Wow your dinner sounds so good. I hope that gluten free helps you. Between the walking and the eating good you're the star!!! Don't envy you with the clean up. Hope all goes well today.

Well I'm off to get food....... Be back later.....
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Old 09-27-2009, 05:54 PM   #195  
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Default Good afternoon

Howdy ya'll. I am whooped. The winter garden is in. This year I am trying: beets, swiss chard, curly leaf mustard, collards, turnips, radish, carrots and broccoli. If I get to the store I'm also gonna look for some cabbages but I don't have that yet. It was so hot outside it felt funny planting for the winter. But the heat with give the seeds a good start before too cool of weather sets in.

Hope ya'll are having a super weekend.

God bless,
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