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Old 08-20-2009, 09:59 PM   #106  
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Default Good evening

Thanks Toni. I"m staying put. It's just so much easier to share successes than failures. But that is the nature of weight loss for me. Good years and bad years. I'm hoping and praying that the good years are on the way.. Today was a GREAT day. I stayed totally legal, probably ate a bit much. Breakfast was onions, celery, broccoli and butternut sautéed in a little olive oil with some fresh tomato on the side. My whole family actually ate the same thing. That really helps. Lunch was high in calories. I had cheese and lunch meat. Dinner was London Broil, portabella, sautéed zucchini, and a side salad. I'm stuffed like a tick. I also snacked on a few grapes here and there...maybe five or six.

Love and hugs,
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Old 08-21-2009, 11:28 AM   #107  
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Default Good morning

I fell like a board hog.. I got a wonderful surprise when I weighed in this morning. I was 184. After yesterday's shocking high I'm excited. I'm not gonna bother with the ticker because it's close enough. LOL Eating has been fine this morning. Kind of a munching morning. I made my hubby ham with zucchini and squash and sampled while I plated his food.

Hope ya'll have a GREAT weekend. Be encouraged, we're still in it to win it. You are all awesome and such a joy to be on this journey with.

God bless,
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Old 08-21-2009, 12:44 PM   #108  
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Hi ladies,

Well it is WIF (weight in Friday) like Talitha suggested. I am happy to report that the scale is still down to 177. I haven't seen that number in awhile. Can't explain why it is down with all the bad eating for the last 5 weeks,but I will take it.

Crystle, don't you even think about leaving us. That would be like never talking to one of your friends again and not getting the support that you need when you are down. One day at a time. That is all I am looking at right now. Hang in there.

Toni, Yum! BBQ is my favorite thing. Have you tried SP fries. I buy them already made, but you could makeyour own. Yummy! We will probably have bbq tomorrow at my great niece's birthday party. But no cake for me. It will be the snacks and wine that will be giving me fits. But I will try to be good. My DD is doing WW and she is being really good, so maybe that will help.

Where is everyone?

Only plans for the weekend is the party tomorrow and then we are baby sitting for a few hours.

Have a gret weekend everyone.
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Old 08-21-2009, 01:16 PM   #109  
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Hello all.... Just talked to my son in Iraq on SKYPE. Its so fun to see him on the video. Thats the best darn website. And I can talk and see him everyday if I want to. I just couldn't weigh in today. I'm just not ready to get on the scale.

Crystle- You've made me hungry for some butternut squash. It sounds so
good all sauteed up like that. I'm so happy you lost this week.

Solly- Have a good week end. I'd say thats a real good weight loss.....

Well I just woke up and am going to finish my coffee and make some breakfast.
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Old 08-22-2009, 06:23 PM   #110  
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Default Howdy

Just popping in to say hi. Nothing much going on this weekend. I just put some red beans on for dinner. We had a left over beef steak so I through that in. Not sure how it will come out but I'm sure it will be okay...good...that's another story..LOL

((Everybody)) Hope you are having a SUPER weekend.

Love and hugs,
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Old 08-24-2009, 10:09 AM   #111  
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Hello Ladies! I have had a terrible week, full of ups and downs emotionally. The new script for insulin is not helping my blood sugar levels, so I don't know what the next step is. I am eating its extra frustrating to be doing things right and still not see results. I don't know why this surprises me. I ate perfectly for years and never lost a pound. I am just tired of it all, and want it to go away.

In more cheerful news, my grandson came over yesterday to play for a bit. What a ray of sunshine he is!

Off to run errands!

Last edited by Ellen; 08-24-2009 at 10:29 AM.
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Old 08-24-2009, 11:22 AM   #112  
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Default Good morning

The beans came out great. We had brown rice with them. My mom also made beans so when I went to visit her yesterday I had beans two more times. Good thing I digest them well.. Today is a slow day so I'm sitting here drinking my skim coffee milk. It's so much more tasty with two percent milk but I'm being a good girl.

Ellen...((hugzz)) Hang in there. I can only imagine how discouraging it can be at times. But you WILL get this figured out. Have you ever tried adding the cinnamon capsules to your plan or aloe juice?

I've accomplished nothing so far this morning so I'll scat for now and sneak back on later.

((Everybody)) YOU all ROCK! Believe in yourself and trust God.

God bless,
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Old 08-24-2009, 01:55 PM   #113  
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Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well. Weekend was ok. Eating was about 80% on plan. Weight has stayed the same. Got to have my grandson all Saturday and Saturday night. That was a picker-upper.

Back to the foot doctor today. Still broken but healing. Still have to use the bone stimulator 3 hrs a day and wear the boot for at least 3 more weeks. I a bummed. Don't know why, cause I knew it would be this. Just glad it is some better so we don't have to do surgery.

Ellen, I am so sorry for your ups and downs. I would think there was something that can be done to regulate your blood sugar Have you called the office and checked with them. Maybe it just takes time. Hang in there. You are right about those grandbabies. They sure akeyour troubles go away for awhile.

Toni, How neat is Skype. I just saw a commercial for that last night. That is just awesome that you can talk to your son everyday. I would be for sure. That hyas to make it a little easier to bear.

Crystle, beans beans and more beans. Your hubby must love you a lot. ha-ha. We must have been posting at the same time last Friday. Congrats on your weight-in. Glad you were pleasantly surprised.

Off to get something done here. Have a great day.
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Old 08-24-2009, 04:19 PM   #114  
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Default Gobble Gobble Gobble

Just call me a turkey. I am stuffed. Lunch was...are you ready..yes none other than beans...LOL Good thing I like leftovers. I threw in some raw onions, fresh tomato and topped all of it off with cayenne pepper. To top off a great meal I'm washing it down with an ice cold glass of tea. Breakfast was sparse so I really enjoyed lunch. Dinner is going to be lasagna and salad. Right now I can't imagine being hungry enough to enjoy it but there is no doubt by the time dinner gets here I'll be ready. It's not too often I don't have room for a meal.

Solly...I am so sorry that you are battling with feeling down. ((Big Giant Hugs)) How awesome you got to spend time with your grand baby. I'm looking forward to Mavericks arrival. He won't replace Lilly but I think it will help with the loss of not being able to see her very often.

Toni...where you at today? Are you having a super day? If not I hope it gets tons better.

Bob...sure miss your sense of humor and the spice you add to the board. are you and your precious little ones?

My boys are getting rowdy..that means they want my attention. Catch ya'll later.

Love and hugs,
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Old 08-24-2009, 08:46 PM   #115  
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Howdy.... Had company from Colorado today. We've been waiting all week end for them to come by. I made (and you're going to laugh) a big pot of beans and cornbread. They loved them and ate well and then had to take off. Glad they went with full bellies. The time was short but it was so nice.

Ellen- I'm so sorry you're having such a bad time with your blood sugar. When do you go back to the doctor?

Solly- Darn 3 weeks. I know you must be miserable. Glad you got to have that grandbaby. You aren't spoiling him are you?

Crystle- Yea for beans. They're so good for you.... Think I'll freeze mine for next week.

Think I feel a nap coming on in my big chair. Jackson is already sound asleep.
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Old 08-25-2009, 10:16 AM   #116  
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Default Banana Nut bread

Good morning. I don't know about ya'll but I love the ends of the banana nut bread. Yesterday I had bananas going bad so I made four loaves. Good news is I only ate the ends off of one loaf. I cut them thin and added butter. Oh they were so good. Other than that I had a good eating day. fumy you had beans also. I see a new eating trend..LOL How nice that you got to visit with your friends.


Got tons of things I should be doing this morning. Hope ya'll have a SUPER day.

God bless,
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Old 08-25-2009, 03:11 PM   #117  
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Not much going on here at the old homestead.... I'm resting up from having company yesterday so am sort of lazy. Thawing out pork chops for dinner, think I'll have that with a baked sweet potato and a small salad.

Crystle- Oh wow banana bread means danger for me. I love, love, love, it. I wouldn't be able to stop eating it at the heels.

Solly- Hope you're having a good day.....

Ellen-Hows the blood sugar?

Talitha- Where are you?

Hey Bob and Mary!
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:26 AM   #118  
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Morning! I walked with my neighbor this morning, as we usually do, then took my basket down to the fig tree and spent some time picking figs. I will make another batch of low sugar fig perserves when I get back from lunch. I am going to meet a young friend from church for lunch at the Chinese place we like. She just got married a few weeks ago, and just got back from her honeymoon trip to Brazil! I am looking forward to hearing all her stories.

Yesterday I actually saw some good numbers when I checked my blood sugar, so I am having a bit of hope here. This morning was not great, but I will see what happens when I check this afternoon.

My mother in law is coming to visit tomorrow, so I have tons to do to be ready for her. She will stay until Sunday afternoon. I hope she gets to see both the daughter and her husband already had some plans, and HIS mother is keeping the baby. They said they would try and come by when they got back. If she were not leaving on Sunday it would be easy to have everyone here for dinner on Sunday. sigh

I need to go get ready to go to lunch!
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Old 08-26-2009, 06:42 PM   #119  
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Just checking in. All is going okay. Went to the doctor cause my back is out and he gave me some pills. If its not better by Friday I have to go back for exrays. I hate taking more pills.

Ellen- I'm so happy you're doing a bit better. Hopefully it will continue.

Where are the rest of ya?????????????????????????????

Off to make some leftovers for dinner....
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Old 08-27-2009, 08:21 AM   #120  
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Sorry I have MIA, we have been super busy and I was not in the mood to post.

Those great numbers on the scale magically disappeared. I weighed on Monday and was up 10 lbs. I move the scale around on the floor and got all kinds of differen numbers. So I guess I really don't weigh 177 back at 183 this morning. Bummer.

Still fighting the pain of the shingles. It is so hard to wear a bra. But obviously I need one. ha-ha

Crystle, sounds like beans are the meal of choice here. I love them too. I could easily make a meal out of them. Meat is so disgusting to me lately that maybe I will turn to beans.

Toni, sorry about your back. Did you do something to cause it? I know what you mean about the pills. I take so many each day plus all the vitamins. Some mornings, I just can't do it. Now I may have to add something like Fosamax. I had to do a 24 urine collection to see if I am losing calcium. My bone density test was good so they are baffeled about the fracture.

Ellen, I know how much you love those visits from your MIL. I am glad your numbers are looking better. Maybe it will just take time. I hope your MIL gets to see the grandbabies. It would be a shame if she didn't.

We have a bid tomorrow so I had better get busy with all my forms. have a great day.
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