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Old 07-25-2009, 02:14 PM   #46  
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Hi, Everyone

It is super hot & dry !!! I pray it will rain soon. Nothing new here but the same ole same ole. I hate to pay good money just to feel like kaka. Oh well ...only two more treatments until the next go round.

Tomorrow is our 6th anniversary & we're going to Martinsville to see some friends. It feels as if we've been married FOREVER. LOL. I so love my DH,he's wonderful. I do find holidays & special dates hard...we never celebrated much when I was growing up. We were too poor & then my mom started studing with the witnesses...sooo. I'm learning slowly

Crystle : We had banty hens & a rooster I named Percy. He was a hoot. Poor boy thought he was human. Unfortunately coyotes got a hold of all. I miss them. Keep Praying for your situation! God is good & he loves you always.

Toni:Veggies..Yumm. Stay cool & well.

Talithia: You look Fantastic, Great job! Your competitiveness is definitelly paying off. Stay sane.LOL

Ellen: Great to hear from you. The pool shops ALWAYS charge a fortune in the summer time. My parents had a pool & filled it in due to rediculous prices. They spent a grand every season.

Bob: How's Kate? Praying for you two.

Love & Blessings

Last edited by ATSBeautiful; 07-25-2009 at 02:17 PM.
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Old 07-27-2009, 11:34 PM   #47  
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Default Good evening

Eating has not been good...especially since my hubby made and decorated a giant cookie tonight. *smile* Even though I'm not doing right I'm not leaving. I really am trying to get back on track.

Mary I hope your last two treatments go quickly and you feel tons better when it is all over.

Toni, Solly, Ellen, Bob, everybody ((hugzz))

God bless,
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Old 07-28-2009, 06:11 PM   #48  
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Hello everyone! I have had a rotten day. It all started last night when I could not fall asleep. Last time I looked at the clock was 5:30! Then Tom left at 8, and kissed me good bye which woke me, and I fell back asleep only to have the phone ring at 9:10 with some salesman...grrr. So I have been up since then, with a one hour nap this afternoon. Boy am I dragging!

I am back in a no man's land with doctors. I am so tired of not having a decent doctor. Makes me want to scream! My prescriptons are about out and one doctor I considered could not give me an appointment until September!! That sure is not going to work. I left a message with another one, and I am keeping my fingers crossed they call back and have an earlier time available for me.

Hope all is well with everyone!

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Old 07-29-2009, 05:16 PM   #49  
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So, I'm at home with a sinus infection. I've had it fo r5 weeks now and keep trying to ignore it. I think I'm getting better and then I feel worse again. Today is miserable. I can't really take antibiotics because I'm Bfing the baby, but if it goes another week we're going to have to try something.
My monday weigh-in was good. 178.6 BUT today I was back up to 180. I ate a big dinner last night with DH's family and we didn't eat until 8pm so that may acount for most of it. With how miserable I feel today, I bet I'll make up for some of it. Completely have lost my appetite.
Yesterday was Lucas' 3rd Bday so that's why the fam was over. We made chicken salad sandwiches and had a picnic at DH's softball game for the church league. I was running around and didn't get to eat until the game was mostly over. By that time was was starving and ate too much, including a large handfull of Doritos and I'm NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT CORN!! I'm obviously paying for it today. We got home and had cake and icecream at 9:45 and rushed the kids to bed. The cake was a mess. I tried to make a wheat, corn, soy free cake, which usually turns out good. Unfortunately, I completely forgot to add the sugar or the extra cocoa powder. Duhhh.. I poured some jello over it to sweeten it up (it did have some pudding in it so was slightly sweet) and added cream cheese frosting. With the vanilla ice cream it wasn't too bad. But overall it wasn't great to I had no problem taking a few bites and throwing out the rest of my serving.

Bob- What a great loss! you're such a BOL (Big Ol Loser )

Ellen- My parents have sunk so much money into their pool. It's insane. And it doesn't get used much. I wish I lived closer and we could!

ATS- Happy Anniversary!!! I have a hard time with holidays, too. I get ery disturbed at how much people spend especially if they really can't afford it. It's stressful to me. But I gerw up one of 10 kids and we were thrilled with our ONE $20 gift each year and a few pair of socks and underwear.

Country- Put the cookie down, woman!!!
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Old 07-30-2009, 11:29 PM   #50  
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Hello everyone! I called a new doctor yesterday and got a real live person! They gave me an appt. for today and I went. I think this may be good! I liked her, the office was nice, the staff was nice...

Its time for bed...will check in tomorrow and I hope there are some posts to read! Where is everyone?

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Old 08-01-2009, 10:26 PM   #51  
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Default Good evening

Howdy ya'll. If I were to put last week on a stress monitor it would be broken. Eating unfortunately followed. I won't begin to list all of the eating violations. It would be a book. Even with the bad eating I'm trying to have some good eating.

Ellen...awesome on finding a new doctor. I hope you get to keep this one. ((hugzz))

Talitha...hope you are feeling better soon. are ya'll? I really miss when you aren't at the board.

Ya'll have any ideas how be can make the board more active or is everyone just that busy?

Love and hugs,
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Old 08-03-2009, 11:02 AM   #52  
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Hi ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA. Work is crazy and then I was off a couple days to stay with the baby. That is so much fun. Sure wishI could do it all the time.
I have a dr appt for my foot in a few minutes. I don't expect to get out of this boot, but I hope it is healinhg so I don't need surgery. I think I will have him look at my boob while I am there (think a foot dr will look at boobs). I have some rash or bite that is itching e to death. My fear is that it is shingles. Then I could not be around the baby. Oh No!

Mary, happy anniversary. I had mine last week 36 years. I will be glad to send you some of our rain. That is all we have had here.

Crystle, hang in there lady. I have been eotional eating for 3 weeks now and I was shocked when I faced the scale this morning. I had lost about 7 pounds somehow. My clothes don't feel like it since I have not been exercisng. I'm still not sure that can be right if yo knew all I have eaten. Praying your problems go away and you can get back on track. Glad to hear you are staying.

Ellen, good to see your post. Hope this new doc works for you. I need to find a new GP since mine moved way across town.

Talitha, Congrats on your loss. You are doing awesome. Wish we had something like that here. I bet running after all those kiddos keeps you trim.

Got to get to the doc. See you tomorrow.
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Old 08-03-2009, 05:47 PM   #53  
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Hey Kiddo's!!!

I know that I'm one of the people I'm getting ready to preach at, but if everyone doesn't get to posting, THE CHICKS are gonna delete our forum and make us post in the general lobby...I would hate for that to happen since we've been doing this in our own place for so long. PLEASE DON'T LURK....POST....HELP US KEEP OUR FORUM OUR OWN!!!

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Old 08-03-2009, 10:32 PM   #54  
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Oh boy finally on. My laptop went down and I couldn't find my password for 3fatchicks. I just got it in an old book I had. Sorry I've been missing. You're right Bob we've got to post or lose our forum. My computer is at Dell being fixed again for the third time. Hope they can figure out why I keep losing the Mother Board. Eating hasn't been great but I keep plugging along.

Mary- Hope you're feeling okay.

Crystle- Hop back up on the wagon. You can do it girl.......

Talitha- Hows the sinus infection? Seems like all of us are having a rough time with eating.

Ellen- Hows the pool this summer. Hope that doctor turns out to be a good one.

Solly- Hows the foot? Sounds like you're having a good time with the grandbaby....

Bob- How is Kate? Did she get out of the hospital?

Well I'll be back tomorrow cause I get in to post..... Sleep well.
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Old 08-04-2009, 10:50 AM   #55  
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Default Good morning

Howdy ya'll. We are on vacation this week so if I'm hit and miss that is why. My eating is still not in check but today is a new day and so far so good. I'm enjoying my cup of iced coffee made with skim milk. I watched a Rachel Ray episode that showed saving old coffee in ice cube trays. When you use those the ice coffee doesn't get watered down. Ever since then I've been hooked. I drink one in the morning and one at night.

They opened a new farmers market in the down about 30 minutes from here. I can't wait to check it out.

Congratulations Mary and Solly. We had our anniversary this past week also.

Solly...Are you totally in love with the new baby? They have such a way of stealing our hearts. Britt is due in about 9 weeks. She is getting a 4D ultra sound Friday. She showed me some online and they are so life like. I can hardly wait to sneak a peek. Hope you terrible itching goes away. My hubby had shingles once and the pain was way worse than any itching so I pray you don't have them.

Toni...Sorry that your computer is down but so glad you have a back-up. I love hearing from you. ((hugzz))

Thanks Bob for the encouragement. Losing the board would be a huge loss. In the early days it was so vibrant and active. I'm totally committed to helping and being encouraging in any way I can.

Remember you are the best you there is and you are worth the effort. ((Everybody))

God bless,
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Old 08-04-2009, 12:33 PM   #56  
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Hi ladies,

Well I guess i am like the groundhog, six more weeks in this boot. I alsohave to use a bone stimulator. Yuk! I had the foot doc look at by breast (bet he hadn't been asked to do that before) and he did not think it was shingles. I am still not sure so I am getting ready to go to my RA doc ad have tem look at it. I would hate to cancel my DD's shower Sunday and by SIL's birthday dinner tonight.

Thanks BOB, I promise to do better on posting. How is Kate doing?

Toni, glad you found your pw and are back on here.

Country, That is so exciting to share in all the pregnancy experiences. Things have changed so much these days. We love ours even though she did not give birth, probably more so, if that is possible.

Off to the doc.
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Old 08-04-2009, 07:01 PM   #57  
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Here in Missouri we had such wonderful July weather in the 80's and now we have horrible Aug. weather 95's. Eeeeeek. Trying to stay cool, and poor DH doesn't have air cond. in the shop where he works and is half sick when he comes home for dinner break. He's so happy he's retireing soon. Eating has been okay today. Having pork cutlets for dinner.

Crystle-The iced coffee sounds good and refreshing. And what a neat idea to freeze coffee cubes. Wish I could go to the Farmers market with you. I would love that. Even though I live in a small rural town there isn't a place to buy good vegetables for 200 miles. I wish so bad I had some to can up. I haven't been able to grow a garden in years.

Solly- Can't believe you're stuck in that boot for six more weeks. How miserable. Hope your RA can tell you what it is and get it cleared up. Hope you get to enjoy the birthday dinner. And DD's shower on Sunday.

Guess I'd better go start dinner. Have a good evening and stay cool....
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Old 08-05-2009, 09:11 AM   #58  
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Hey everyone. I'm TRYING to be more consistent at checking in. It's hard to do with 4 munchkins, a business to run AND a house in construction!

We ordered the kitchen cabinets last week and they'll be in on the 24th I just can't believe it!! It's been 5 years!!

I have 10 days left to my competition. Solly, all it is is a group of local moms who decided to challenge each other. It's a board very similar to this. We each send in a $20 gift card to Target, follow the rules and stay accountable, then the winner takes most (2nd and 3rd get a little). We have 27 ppl this round, so it will be about $450 for first. And I'm still in first.

Ellen- I hope this Doc works out. I hate having to switch around!

Solly- on of the other BL competitors is having foot surgery tomorrow and will be in a cast for 14 weeks (most of next round). She's got a whole set up of floor exercises and cardio planned.

Crystal- Oh man! I thought I made that coffee-cube thing u p myself!! That's what I do! LOL

Toni- we're having the same weather switch here. Stinks So glad to have you back
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:07 AM   #59  
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Good morning ladies

Well the RA doc confirmed that it is shingles. I had a sneakly suspiscion when my whole side was sore to the tought. She gave me a prescription for Valtrex (which I forgot to take this morning) and a soak to use. Lucyily I only have 6 leisons and they should go away quickly. I am not contagious so I can stil see my baby and have the shower. We did not do SIL's dinner last night. It was horrible here. Don't know if any of you saw the news where we were flooded. Over 9" if rain. 6" within an one hour period.

Talitha, Wow $450 from Target can be well spent. Congrats to you. Now keep hanging in there. I find it very hard to do cardio with a cast on your foot. Hoping these shingles get better and I can get to the gym next week.

Toni, I will gladly send you our weather. It is horrible. I love the 90's so send it my way. We haven't even got to get in the pool but a couple of times this summer.

Crystle, BOB, Ellen, Mary Hope you are having a great day.

Got to go, we have another bid today.
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Old 08-05-2009, 12:50 PM   #60  
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Default Hey ya'll

Good afternoon. One word to describe Texas right now "Hot". I am so ready for fall. Robert tilled the garden yesterday so it's ready for fall planting. Most of that won't be for another month though. I'm tempted to do a few peas but with the lack of rain I really don't know if it would be worth the effort.

Last night's super was actually pretty healthy. I made a creole sauce for the talapia and served it over rice with broccoli on the side. It wasn't the best rice but I didn't eat seconds.

Solly...I'm so sorry you have the shingles. I remember how tender Robert was. He can tolerate extreme pain without complaint but the shingles actually sent him to the doctor he was so sore. You are so right about the grand baby, birth or adoption they are too precious for words. And I can't wait to hear all the stories as yours grows.

Toni...Too bad you don't live closer we could go together. My hubby will take me but he'll pout the whole time..LOL He does not like to shop. Praying you get a break in the weather soon.

Talitha..thanks for popping in, especially since you are so busy. We love hearing how you are doing. I think that each lady here adds something special to the board.

Ellen, Bob and Mary..hope you are having a super week so far.

God bless,
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