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Old 08-05-2009, 09:33 PM   #61  
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Oh wow I'm getting on here so late. Don't know what I've done with the day. Made a big salad and put grilled chicken on it. I can tell its time to get somemore food items in the house. I'd kill for a home grown tomato. Wish I could find a road side stand. What is everyone doing? Tomorrow I think its clean out the fridge day. Ugh......

Talitha- Woo Hoo new cabinets. Lucky woman, I'm in such envy. You go girl on the competion. I so hope you win......

Solly- Darn thats bad you have shingles. I had them on my leg once and boy was it painful. And it took forever to get rid of. I can't believe the floods you had.

Crystle- Can't wait till you plant your fall garden. I really love hearing about what you grow and cook.

Guess I'll go watch Bobby Flay cook wonderful apple pie in a paper bag.
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:18 AM   #62  
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Not much time this morning but I wanted to pop in and hope that would be a trigger to better eating today. We are on vacation and part of vacation is going out to eat, which we did last night. A pizza buffet is one hard place to be "good". I wasn't and even tasted several of the dessert. But today is a new day.

Hope ya'll are having a GREAT week so far.

Love and hugs,
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:22 AM   #63  
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MEOWEE I feel it's def easier in summer to stay on track!!!!! I think cuz of the less clothes thing. I wear less clothes and it a constint reminder that I'm unhappy with what I see... in the winter months a decent pair of jeans and a long sleve shirt can hide alot!
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:23 AM   #64  
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Old 08-06-2009, 01:59 PM   #65  
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Time to fix lunch. Which is breakfast for us. So is usually eggs and something. Then do some laundry and stuff. Hope everyone is having a good day.

Crystle- Sounds like the vacation is going well. You have to enjoy it and then hop back on. Its just important that you're posting.

Want- I agree summer is easier to eat right. Not only are the close lighter but there are nice fruits and veggies in season. Why then am I having such a hard darn time???????? LOL
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Old 08-06-2009, 03:48 PM   #66  
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Hi Ladies, nothing much going on here. Shingles are burning like fire. Off and on it feels like I am having chest pains. Maybe if I could rest and relax instead of running myself ragged they may go away or not hurt as bad. Is there anything else I can get? Last night I had to go out by myself and I had 4 places to go. I had to take this stupid boot off and on 8 times. I was fit to be tied by the time I got home.

Crystle, now lets not talk about Fall yet. We haven't had a good summer here yet. It is finally going to warm up this weekend. You can start again after vacation. Enjoy, just don't go overboard. Gee, that is so easy to say to someone else

Toni, I haven't seen many home grown tomatoes yet. Does't bother me as I don't like tomatoes, wish I did, but DH does.

Wantingtobe140, Welcome to our group. I agree about the clothes. Plus winter time we seem to hibernate and eat comfort foods.

Guess I will take off. Have a few things to do for the shower tonight. Sure wish the cleaning fairy would come and clean my house. I think my baby may be stopping by for a minute tonight so that will make me happy. have a great evening.
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Old 08-06-2009, 05:17 PM   #67  
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Hello Ladies!

So far, so good on the new doctor. They called to tell me my diabetes was not in control...well, I knew that...and I need to go in sooner than originally said. So next week I have a follow up visit. We shall see what she says then. I have definite ideas of what the course of action should be.... Consequently, I am trying to be more careful in my eating. I realize I was a bit lax...and eating some whites that I should be avoiding.

Saturday is my grandson's third birthday party. They are having it here at our pool. We have a wedding to go to in the morning, then will come home to the party in full swing. That is better than last year when we missed his second birthday party because Tom insisted on going to his mother's family reunion. We will miss that this year.

Tomorrow I am going to a free cooking class/demo at Whole Foods for Paninnis and cold tomato soup. I have an abundance of ripe tomatoes... looking forward to it!

I have a new walking buddy, which is very encouraging. She is a friend of mine who lives a few doors down the street. We have known each other for many years, and our children played together. She is a good reliable I am excited!

I will try and be more consistent at checking in.

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Old 08-06-2009, 08:04 PM   #68  
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Ok, so who wants to start some motivation in here? Anyone want to reinstate a weekly weigh-in at least?

I've been logging my food this week and exercise. ANyone want to join me? Even take some small steps? If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. We can do this!!!

b: grapefruit juice, 1 boiled egg, 1 c cantaloupe
s: apple, green tea
l: 1/2 black rice with sprouted lentils, 1 c. peas and carrots, green tea
s: carrot and celery sticks w/ 2T homemade hummus
d: Peruvian Tuna on a salad, cut veggies, 1/2c black rice w/sprouted lentils
CHEAT: about 6 bites of icecream from Bruesters :sigh But I didn't order any for me, just ate a few bites of DH's
EXERCISE: 1/2 h bootcamp, 20min treadmill, 1hr water aerobics

b:2eggs scrambled w/ onions, turnip greens and goat cheese, 1 link turkey sausage, 1 c honeydew, green tea
s: grapes, green tea
l: Peruvian Tuna on a salad, cut veggies, 1/2c black rice w/sprouted lentils (gotta get this all eaten! :lol)
s: MORE grapes. They're soooo goood!
D: Masaman Curry w/ brown rice. Side salad w/ homemade fat free ginger dressing
s: celery sticks, clementine, greentea
EXERCISE: 1 hr bootcamp, 20 min abs

b: 2 eggs scrambled w/ turnip greens and onions, 1/2 grapefruit, green tea
s: apple
l: salsa w/ 1 c celery and carrot sticks, salad w/ salsa for dressing, small cup Caldo de Pollo (at La Parilla. Didn't finish soup or salad)
s: 1 c red cherries
d: Tuna on a salad. again. (it's just easy)
s: 2T cheesy beer dip w/ celery (game night)
EXERCISE: 1 hr bootcamp

Last edited by Talitha; 08-06-2009 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 08-07-2009, 08:23 AM   #69  
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Bootcamp kicked my butt this morning. I feel great!!

I'm only down 1/2 lb for the week. I think I'm hitting a plateau, which would be fine if it weren't the LAST WEEK of the competition!! I may go all veggies and meat for the next 7 days. No dairy (after this yummy mocha I'm sipping...) no carbs..... Just a few days to see if it gets me over the hump.
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Old 08-07-2009, 03:44 PM   #70  
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Happy Friday ladies

Whew, it's been a busy morning. We had a proposal to do today and of course they didn't start on it until last night. So I had about 3 hours of typing this morning plus tons of other stuff to do on it.

Having my DD's shower on Sunday so have lots to do tomorrow to get ready for it. It should be fun. It is really a cook-out/shower for our family to get to see the baby.

Ellen, I can't beleive your GS is 3 already. My how time flies. Have fun, I know he will. Hope you can get your diabetes in line before going back to the dr.

Talitha. I am for the weekly weigh-in and whatever else it takes. I hoe you can beat that plateau before the end of the competiton. I think you are going to win. I don't think you have to worry about the bites of ice cream. All that exercise will wipe that out.

Only 45 minutes left to this work day. Can't wait to get home. Have a great weekend everyone
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Old 08-08-2009, 10:19 AM   #71  
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It is so awesome to see everyone at the board. It really helps to know we share common struggles with food, plateaus and sometimes the craziness of life. Supper was the best thing on my menu last night. I made a shrimp Parmesan sauce and served it over whole wheat. My whole family need to get back to the whole wheat again. The hard part about that is that is raises my grocery bill quite a bit the healthier we eat as a family. But no excuses. I have over a 100 pounds of wheat in the freezer. I just need to get off my hiney and start making fresh pasta and bread. Most of the laziness has come from bad eating. My energy level and emotions have both taken a nose dive since eating sugar and other "white" foods. The heat level here in Texas hasn't helped much either.

Talitha...I think it's a great idea to have a weigh-in. Having someone else see my failures or successes really motivates me to do better. Once vacation is over I'm gonna start journaling again. I have fit day the home addition and it is very helpful for counting calories and writing down my daily thoughts.

Solly..Sorry that you are having to deal with the shingles. Robert wasn't able to find anything that really helped him. He actually had to take pain pills if I remember correctly and he doesn't take pain pills. Hope you have great weather for your shower. ((hugzz))

Ellen...oh my gosh time flies. It's hard to believe it's been three years. I know I shouldn't be too surprised since Lilly is going to be 4 in Oct. The older we get the faster time gets for sure. Praying the new doctor will be able to help you get your sugar back in order.

Toni...Hang in there. I think there are so many little things that cause us to lose focus or struggle with our weight. For me it's a control issue. There are areas out of control in my life right now and it's showing in my out of control eating. God and I have been talking about it. I know that I know that I need to let go and let God but sometimes that is easier said than done. But no more excuses. Food is not my comfort or my idol so I'm gonna stop whining and eat like I know I should. ((hugzz))

Wanting2b140...hello. I don't believe we've meet before. Good luck on your journey. My original goal was 140 but my body just wouldn't go there. I did maintain 154 for about four years. The last two or so years I haven't been so good but I'm hoping to get back there.

Gonna finish this awesome glass of iced coffee and start my do nothing day. Let's see if that happens or chores happen..LOL Wishing ya'll the best weekend full of love and precious memories. When tempted remember you are worth saying no.

Love and hugs,

Last edited by CountryMom4Him; 08-08-2009 at 10:23 AM.
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Old 08-08-2009, 08:22 PM   #72  
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Yea DH just started the barbeque and we're going to grill steaks. Have to figure out if I'm just making a salad with it. Got lots of house stuff done today so I'm really happy. Yesterday we went to the social security office for DH to file and then to grocery shopping. What a busy day.

Crystle- That shrimp dish sounds so wonderful. You cook the best stuff! Mine is so plain jane. I know what you mean about the control thing. I have so much trouble. And right now I'm on a sweets thing. Love your posts....

Ellen- Oh boy a walking buddy. That helps so much. I hope you get your blood sugar in control and this new doctor listens to you....

Talitha- I think your menu is great. It used to help me to post it. I need to do that again. Keep up the good work. I'm rooting for you to win the contest....

Better go get stuff ready for dinner....

Solly- How are the shingles. Hope they're getting better. Hope the shower is so much fun and you didn't work to hard getting ready for it.
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Old 08-10-2009, 09:17 AM   #73  
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Good morning ladies.

Gosh here it is Monday already. how the weekends fly by.
The shower went well, exxcept this morning I found a whole plate of tomatoes an onions that I cut up and no one got out of the fridge. So now I have all this left. Shame I don't like tomatoes. She got lots of nice things and tons of books. We had everyone bring a book instead of a card with their gift.

Shingles are still causing lots of pain. Really just in one spot. I was lucky I only have about 8 leisions. I go to get an epidural in my neck this afternoon and he said that will help with the shingles.

Time to get back on track with eating and exercising. I wanted to go to the gym this morning but I could not sleep last night. So needless to say I didn't even hear DH's alarm. But there is nothing to prevent me from eating right today. Back to journaling my food and counting calories.

Crystle, Praying your can get your "out of control issues" solved and get to a good place. I loved your closing line. It is so true.

Toni, Sounds like you accomplished a lot in one day. Hoep you had a good weekend.

Ellen, how is your walking buddy working out?

Bob, where are you?

Off to get some work done. Yuk!
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Old 08-10-2009, 03:13 PM   #74  
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Hello everyone! I can't tell you what a great blessing my neighbor has been. She rings my doorbell every morning at excuses! I have walked every day for 45 minutes since we started. I am encouraged. Blood sugar is still high, but coming down bit by bit...which is best.

I am SO sleepy today. Not sure why! I took a nap this morning after I got home from walking, and I am seriously thinking of taking another. Caffeine has not helped much at all! I think a dip in the pool would help, but Tom shocked it last night, so the chlorine levels are too high to get in safely.

The party over the weekend went well. Once Kaeleb figured out the presents were for him, and all full of good things, he was VERY enthusiastic. It was cute. I wish I had a picture of the cake. I baked it and Ruth decorated it. It was train with about five cars...with animals on it. Just adorable! I had a very small piece and was pleased with my took off the icing and tossed it.

Its HOT here...and school started today. Its crazy, but almost every school system started today. I guess they are trying to move to year round school....

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Old 08-10-2009, 03:55 PM   #75  
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Wow we just had a nice summer rain and it sure cooled it down here. I know its just temporary. Having trouble with acid reflux today so it is making me sleepy so I might just try to take a nap. Eating has been fine today.

Solly- Dang the shingles. Hope you can get back to the gym tomorrow. I've got to dig my treadmill out again and try to start back on it. I'm letting this summer pass me by.

Ellen- Good for you walking so much. 45 minutes is just right. Glad the party was a success....

Hey Crystle, Tabitha, and Bob where are you?
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