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Old 12-01-2004, 08:29 PM   #121  
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Oh, holy smoke, Vickie!!! Go to -- create a free account, and there you can put in your food and watch your calories, or actually anything that you want to watch. Atkins people keep tabs on their carbs there. You can choose to make your account private or open it up to the world! You can put in custom foods, plus there are thousands of foods in their lists. Take a look!!!
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Old 12-01-2004, 09:27 PM   #122  
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Hi ladies,

Been away for a couple of diet! Ha

I am going to look into that website Kathy sounds like a great ideal. I usually keep track on core of what i eat. Once I added the points and it was around the flex schedule for me. I like to use my wpa's whenever or save them for a night out. But I don't count activity points at all. I figure any activity that I do is a bonus for me. It takes me 50 minutes to do 3.5 miles. But before you gasp, I started out doing only half of that in an hour. And sometimes I only went a block. I had some back surgery in March and really started walking in August and built up to the 3.5 miles. I would like to do 5 miles but time will tell. We also started a walking program at work. They gave us a pedometer and a spreadsheet and we record our steps over a 12 week program. I started out very low in steps but have increased by almost 150%!! This is a major accomplishment for me and I am proud. Walking is the cheapest activity we can do. And in the winter I don't travel to town for the many white outs!

Has anyone ever tried this:

1/2 c FF Ricotta cheese
1/4 unsweetened cocoa poder tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 package splenda

Mix it together and serve chilled with mini chocolate chips if you like. 261 calories, 15 g protien, 17 g carb, 14 g fat, 9 g saturated fat, 166 mg sodium, 42 mg choleserol and 0 fibre

that is close to 5 points........but would it be core?? Or do you think it is an abuse food. A friend of mine gave it to me out of her South Beach Recipe book. There is also a lime, vanilla, almond and lemon one done the same way???
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Old 12-01-2004, 09:36 PM   #123  
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For lunch I always have a bag of veggies cut up and I mix them around, celery, carrots, cucumbers, peppers of all colors, cauliflower etc etc. I am a real lettuce salad person too so i might have one of those with tuna. I love the new flavoured tunas that they have out now. I can eat them alone or on the salad. If i put them onthe salad I dont use a dressing. another favorite is a sunshine salad, cottage cheese and fruit. Love it! My least favourite is probably yogurt. I will eat that in the morning by at lunch it does not satisfy me. I always try and have a protein. I will have my fruits at snacks. Today we went out for lunch and I had a Beef Taco salad, but I did not dress it with the dressing nor did I eat the bowl! And it was huge, I brought most of it home.

Nashville cat--Water water water!! Hard to drink at first but then you actually get a thrist for it. At least I do anyways. And if I get tired of water, I add lemon juice to it to spark it up. I have 2 cups of decaf in the morning. Hardly any soft drinks......I can count on 1 hand how many I have had in the last 6 weeks. I do like the Crystal lite for a switch too but I don't have it every day. Someone said that they drink their water with a straw and it goes down better! Maybe you can try that. I also like green tea and the south african red tea.

Weigh in tomorrow night ---- hoping to change the scale a little bit!!!!

Cheers ladies!
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Old 12-02-2004, 06:56 AM   #124  
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Thanks, Kathy. It really is a cool site. I looked at it this morning when I couldn't sleep. I'll be going back to play later. I'll need to create a lot of custom foods if I want to get an accurate idea of what I'm eating. I like being able to see the breakdown of my foods. Great site....everyone should check it out!
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Old 12-02-2004, 07:11 AM   #125  
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Frannie, your recipe sounds good. The only thing I'm not sure about is the cocoa powder. It might be Core. Obviously, the chips would have to be counted. I'll check later when I can get to my book.
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Old 12-02-2004, 03:28 PM   #126  
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Hi all! Really quickly, I had a 1.2 lbs. gain last week. Hopefully it was lingering TOM water. This was my first gain in the program and was bummed for a bit. Had already that Thanksgiving was off program, it was but it was funny that I made very good choices in spite of being "off-program" for the week.

Had no chips at Mexican restaurant and ordered spinach enchiladas, no bread at steak restaurant, had their sirloin salad which is mostly CORE and so amazing; which made eating their phenomenal cheesecake less earth-shattering!!! I guess because these were planned cheats and b/c I didn't want to do any major damage I didn't stray that drastically.

Still not working out, now I'm just too lazy to get up early, but that will change in the coming days, b/c I've been losing without working out, but I beleive my streak of luck has run out.

Hope everyone is well! Good luck on your weigh-ins! Instead of weighing in tonight, I will do it Saturday morning.
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Old 12-02-2004, 06:21 PM   #127  
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I just typed a post and lost the entire thing....doesn't that just #@!!*!@!~!@$ you off :-) :-) I'll be back later..................but the good news is ...............
I Had a good ONCORE 3 down!!
Hope everyone else did too.....
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Old 12-02-2004, 07:19 PM   #128  
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FRANNIE - how did you bring your tracker over??
Please help!! thanks :-)
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Old 12-02-2004, 08:15 PM   #129  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a quick note to thank those of you who offered some luncheon items. I really appreciate it. I also want to thank whoever posted the lemon meringue recipe. I took it for lunch today but didn't put on the coolwhip. It really was very tasty.

I will post more tomorrow. Today was my full day at the office.

Take care all,
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Old 12-02-2004, 08:42 PM   #130  
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Torrey, sounds like things are getting back to normal for you. Good Luck on Saturday.

Linda, 3 days back on Core....Congratulations. Isn't it a great feeling when you accomplish what you set out to do?!

Nita, I hope the lunch ideas helped and I'm really glad you liked the Lemon Meringue. I thought it was something that might appeal to alot of people. I'll be making it again myself and experimenting with different flavors.

I had some GREAT news myself tonight. Despite my fears, I lost 2.2 pounds at my weigh in tonight! 18.6 down. I told my Niece who is my program partner that I didn't believe that the scale could be correct. She told me to stop being Ms. Glum!!!!!!! I'm still finding it hard to believe but I am very happy. I'm shooting for at least 20 pounds down by Christmas.
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Old 12-02-2004, 09:53 PM   #131  
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Hey Hey Hey!!

-1.9lbs at weigh in tonight!! Whoo hooo!! Love it. Can't believe it but love it. Lots os walking I think is what really helped. Not going out in the blizzard tonight tho will wait till tomorrow.

Linda, I copied and pasted the tickerfactory signature into my signature on this site. And each time you move the scale you have to start all over again with you ticker signature. Takes some time but well worth the showing!! I copied the first option. The other 2 options that they give you don't seem to work for me.

I copied that recipe right from that book....the ricotta cheese one. But my ricotta cheese is 33 calories per 1/2 cup. So I am thinking that they used the full blown ricotta cheese to come up with the 200+ calories. Anyway, I made it. It is light, mousse type dessert. I would use a bit more splenda the next time.

Congrats Linda! Way to go. I believe that you are going to make and probably surpass your Christmas goal!!!! You go girl!
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Old 12-02-2004, 09:55 PM   #132  
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Default Checking in!

Hi everybody!

I haven't had much time to post since coming back from Calif. for Thanksgiving, but I just wanted to check in. I got my 2nd 10 pound ribbon today! I'm so happy because I did terrible during our trip. Thanksgiving turned into a 3 day feast. We stayed with my parents and didn't really have much control over the food. I did manage to make oatmeal every morning at breakfast, so DH and I had that every morning. We went back on core just as soon as we started our long drive back home, and I exercised every day since Monday. I'm resting tomorrow for sure!

I'm so glad Core is there to go back to after blowing it for a few days!
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Old 12-03-2004, 08:39 AM   #133  
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Frannie, real nice weigh in! I tried the recipe when I was on South Beach. I didn't care for the texture. I much preferred the puddings with FF cottage cheese. The ricotta on SB was definitely low fat or full fat. SB doesn't believe in any FF cheese or salad dressings. Too bad it didn't work for me!

Carol, glad you're home and congratulations on your loss. 21.4 is VERY impressive. Personally, I can't wait until I hit the 25 pound mark. That will get me excited!
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Old 12-03-2004, 10:33 AM   #134  
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WOW, Vickie, Frannie and Carol congratulations on the losses!!!!!! Linda congrats on doing CORE one day at a time. Perfect attitude!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. May post more later!!!!

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Old 12-03-2004, 06:47 PM   #135  
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Well Good TGIF evening everyone!! Let's see if I can do this right this time.
Well today Day4 back on and still doing good, although I almost had a weak moment when I first got home, but I didn't ( Good for me!!)
VICKIE - what a great loss!! that is fabulous.
FRANNIE - good for you too!!
TXLAWCHICK - don't feel bad I gained back 6 lbs in 4 weeks, after working sooooo hard on this. I went back to points and totally messed up, so I only have myself to blame. But I'm back with CORE and doing good. I feel the difference already. I will weigh in tomorrow even though I only re-started this on Tuesday, what the heck right??
VINCAR - great going on the 2ND - 10 lb proud, friend.
BINDY - I went over to too but a little too involved and need more time to learn my way around, but it looks great, thanks

I am hanging in there with CORE and really do find it so much easier than counting pts. I'll tell ya, I tried going back it I went waayyyy out of control. The moment thoughs bad carbs got in my body, it was all downhill from there. So my big treat at night if I choose to have one is WW choc cream Smoothie...and we don't have to count the points....whoooo hoooo.
I usually use my WPA on Saturdays, how about you. When do most of you weigh in and why that particular day? I was thinking of w/i on Wednesday, this way on Friday night when I have a craving I can without the thought of "oh no I can't, I have to w/i tomorrow" Any thoughts??
I will let you know how w/i goes tomorrow......
FRANNIE I'm going to try that tickerfactory thing. I doubt I can do it, but I'll try. Thanks for the info.
NITA how are you doing...hanging in there???
Have a good evening all..........."talk" with you all tomorrow......Linda
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