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Old 10-03-2004, 05:46 PM   #1  
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Default Core Support Board #2

Spryng, I've been thinking the same thing. So post away everyone.
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Old 10-03-2004, 07:21 PM   #2  
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Thanks Janette! Now maybe I can keep up! LOL!
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Old 10-03-2004, 08:29 PM   #3  
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Ditto what Spryng said - thanks Janette!
I am trying hard to get excited about going back to work tomorrow after having almost two weeks off and its really hard! It was a great vacation and I think I did pretty well following Core. We made it a sort of foody holiday and took great foods with us to cook and avoided restaurants almost completely. We found a new organic farm near the beach house and the owner wandered through the gardens with us to choose fresh herbs, fingerling potatoes, squash and all sorts of greens. It was wonderful. My biggest hurdles were wine, olive oil and butter. We visited several good wineries on the way to the coast and between those tastings (and purchases) and cooking with butter and oil - I am sure that I overdid it on WPAs. Long beach walks and hiking along the coast to watch the whales play helped conteract any overages but I chose not to not keep track of WPAs. Weigh-in should be interesting tomorrow and I hope I don't regret that choice.

Best wishes to everyone for a great week!
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Old 10-03-2004, 10:11 PM   #4  
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Sorry guys....I posted in the other one before looking!

So I'll re-post here....

Thanks Vickie for the recipe. I'm going to buy the ingredients tomorrow and try it out and I'll let you know how it turns out. It sounds soooo good.

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Old 10-04-2004, 12:23 AM   #5  
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Default Frozen Yogurt

I've read quite a few posts about adding ff/sf chocolate pudding mix to ff plain yogurt....but has anyone tried to freeze it? My husband loves frozen yogurt for work. He says once it's thawed for a while it's like ice cream. So, I'm gonna try it tonight and I'll let you all know how it turns out tomorrow.

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Old 10-04-2004, 07:02 AM   #6  
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Susie, I think everyone needs a break every once in a while. At least you chose healthy foods to eat. I can relate to not wanting to go back to work--it's hard enough after the weekend but 2 whole weeks!

I am taking a couple of days off this week but it's not for fun. I think this may be one of the worse weeks I have had in a very long time. My daughter is waiting for the results on tests after getting an abnormal pap. She has to go to court tomorrow with her son for something that happens 3 years ago when he was with his dad. My DIL called me Saturday to tell me that she and my son are splitting up. Two of the most beautiful little girls you could ever hope to see. Even though I love my DIL, I know from experience how hard it is to keep in touch with the grandkids when the other parent has custody. Breaks my heart to go through this again.

Talk about stress hormones. I am beginning to think there is something to all the hype we have been getting about the stress hormone depositing fat around the stomach area. I know that is where it shows up first on me and the last to leave.

I will get through this. I will not let this hinder my weight loss journey. I did 15 minutes on the treadmill this morning--kept my promise to exercise early in the day. I got in 45 minutes with Sweatin to the Oldies on Saturday and mowed the front yard with a push mower on Sunday.

Gotta go get ready for work. Talk to you later.
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Old 10-04-2004, 08:12 AM   #7  
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Hang in there, Janette. Stress is tough. So THAT explain my "middle" situation!
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Old 10-04-2004, 10:14 AM   #8  
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Good morning all!
Janette, sounds like you have had a rough week! Hang in there! ((((HUG))))

Jade, I have heard of people making their own icecream of sorts, I guess it's kinda a controversy at times, but I know I froze a smoothie once and then added some sf chocolate syrup on it and it tasted just like icecream! Very good. You'll have to let us know how the frozen yogurt comes out.

Susie, hope your WI goes great today and your vacation sounded so wonderful!

Since I don't post much on this thread I guess I can tell everyone a little about myself (for those who don't know me) I'm Spryng, mother of 3. My dh is an OTR truck driver and is only home once every two weeks or so. I've been on ww now for almost 13 months! Hit my goal weight back in april and have been struggling with trying to get to my personal goal weight, but since Core was released the weight has been coming off again! I'm only 2 lbs away from my goal weight. I have fallen in love with Core. Those last few months on flex I was getting really tired of counting pts, I wanted to just quit counting pts and wing it... but in my mind I thought I'd be cheating so I wouldn't let myself quit counting. Then Core was released and it was exactly what I was looking for! I quickly switched to it and have been loving it ever since. I make tons of new recipes every month (many from this site) and that keeps me from getting bored. I've struggled with my weight since getting married 6 years ago so to finally feel in control again and to actually like my body again (I'm sure many of you know how a pregnancy can wreck a figure) is a big step for me. I'm actually getting self esteem again! I forgot what that was like. Well I guess that is me in a nutshell, lol. I'm going to try and keep up with the thread now so I hope to get to know many of you soon!
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Old 10-04-2004, 10:29 AM   #9  
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Hi Spryng! Nice to meet you. I'm Vickie, 48, retired early from the Federal government and focusing on myself for the first time in 30 years. I've 150 pounds to lose but try to think of it as 10% at a time or it becomes too overwhelming. I've tried every diet (including Optifast) under the sun but Core seems to be something I can stick to for the next 2-3 years while I finally get this weight off.

I'm happily married to my best friend for nearly fourteen years, my first his second. We have no children but love animals. We have a Scottish Terrier dog, named Cassie and a Scottish Fold Cat, name Cameo whom we adore! We are also extreme baseball fans....Chicago White Cubs!

I love to cook and my husband has been happily trying all my new recipes. He has diabetes so Core is great for him as well. So far, high blood pressure is my only problem but I desperately want to get the weight off before something bad happens. I'd also LOVE to be off the medicine. Another of my goals.

I hope you share some of your own personal recipe creations. I'm a little tired of the entree core recipes because they all have tomato in them. I like tomato but not every night. Anything without tomato would be very much appreciated!
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Old 10-04-2004, 11:08 AM   #10  
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Hi Vickie! I think that is great that you are focusing just on each 10%, how much have you lost on core so far? I do have lots of recipes to share and I post them on this board so if you want to check them out then feel free.
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Old 10-04-2004, 11:53 AM   #11  
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Janette - I am so sorry that you have all of this to deal with at one time. It sounds like a years worth of stress all rolled into one week. You and your family will be in my thoughts and I really hope that your daughter's health turns out to be fine after the repeat testings, and that the other stuff works itself out for the better. I can't imagine how much you be worried about your family.

Hi Vickie - I had to laugh at your term "extreme baseball fans" and reference to the White Sox. I am a die hard Mariners fan and guess I must be an extreme fan too after the terrible season they had.

Sryng - thanks for the link!
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Old 10-04-2004, 12:02 PM   #12  
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Actually that's a nice idea to make introductions. I'm 47 and married for a year as of next week! He was well worth the wait-- he's my cook, house-husband, and all around nice guy. I work full time but 3 days a week I can work from home, which is lovely. I'm a professor and I'm trying to finish up a PhD in the next few months. I have three "big boned" cats. My main reason to be here is to eat in a healthy way and I find that core really promotes that. I also have 17 pounds or so to lose to get in the healthy BMI range and so I'm slowly working towards that goal.

I lost my mind food wise this weekend and made some really good discoveries. Refined carbs give me a hangover and make me feel unwell. I am just LOVING my core foods today.

Have a lovely Monday, everyone!
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Old 10-04-2004, 03:18 PM   #13  
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I'll add my intro, too, as I don't think I've done one.

I'm 32, married for 4 years next month. I have 2 year old twin boys that keep me pretty busy and I work fulltime as a liaison between small minority & woman-owned businesses and my employer.

I previously did Atkins and went down from 220 to 187.5 but was at a stand still for a while and getting pretty tired of low carbing. Anyway, I had to find something I could live with, so CORE was introduced at a perfect time for me. It's been a pretty easy transition, am really enjoying it and am losing weight again.
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Old 10-04-2004, 04:14 PM   #14  
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I never did an intro either.

I am Heather and recently moved from TX to Greenville, SC (although we are moving back in a year or so). I have a 4 year old and 5 year old. I am a WW lifetime member but managed to gain 15 pounds back in the stressfull move (um...can you tell I didn't want to go? ). Anyway since April I had tried to go back to strict flex and I would lose a few then get tired of counting and gain a couple. I was down about 5 when I started Core. I have now lost about 8 more on Core. I am LOVING it! It seems almost too good to be true. I tended to eat towards Core anyway so it hasn't been a big change.

I love reading daily menus and new recipes. I love to cook!
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Old 10-04-2004, 04:35 PM   #15  
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Hi guys!
My intro: I am a mother of two teenagers, age 49 and married to a great guy who works way too hard to support us all. I am a ww lifetime member who went "off the wagon" and has had great trouble staying on track. The Core foods are really helping me, I think.
I try to be imaginative and combine the core foods to incorporate them into what my family eats. Have been encountering opposition to whole wheat pasta and brown rice, so far. So, that makes things a bit difficult at times as I've been cooking two side dishes, etc. some of the time lately.
Linda in NH
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