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Old 12-08-2004, 09:51 AM   #166  
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I really liked this recipe but don't try to double it. It needs to be blended alot to make the ricotta creamy and doubled it overburdened my blender.

Chocolate Mousse

2 packages FF/SF Jello Chocolate Fudge Instant Puddingservings
8 ounces FF ricotta cheese
1 cup water
1 cup evaporated skimmed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
I added 4 packets of Splenda because I like stuff really sweet!

Put all above in a blender or food processor. Blend till creamy.
Serves 4-8

NOTE: Any kind of FF/SF Jello pudding mix will work.
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Old 12-08-2004, 10:52 AM   #167  
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Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I have read all the post. You guys are so encouraging and it's good for me to read the board everyday. Sometimes I just don't have time to post. Today is my meeting. I'll post tommorrow with my results.

I have a weigh-in ritual I don't eat before I go and I always wear the same outfit. Actually I have 2 outfits I wear. At this point I have to do what works for me. Have a nice day all.
I really love the Core program. You guys are the best.
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Old 12-08-2004, 12:15 PM   #168  
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Mercee, just stop in whenever you can. Good luck today!
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Old 12-08-2004, 06:47 PM   #169  
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Thank you Vickie for your support and the great recipes. Me not doing so well this week can't even compare to what you and your husband went through. I am sorry to hear that, and hope you are both feeling well

I too am glad I wrote when I did...I could see the writing on the wall if I didn't. I promised myself this go round I wasn't going to fail, and I won't. Yes I had a major slip these past few days. I am better today and know what I must do. I must just DO IT!! No fooling around, just eat Core and call it a day. It isn't bad. I can do this I know can. I just get a little I have been successful with Core and what the heck came over me, I don't know. But with the help of you and the others I think I am Ok. Now as far as weigh in, I am not going to mess around, I am going to stick with my Saturday and if I get a 'craving' on Friday nite, I will have to deal with it, or have something GOOD and use my WPA. I start thinking, and then I get in trouble :-) trick is....... Don't Think
KATHY- I might just take you up on the 'bad girl' notes, once I figure out how to PM...thank you for being there too for me. I have to do this Kathy and I know you and everyone here feel the same.
FRANNIE - I drink 2 - 32 oz of water a day (64 total) I think I do good at that, it's those blasted sweets I crave, but I believer Vickie is right, a solid week off that stuff will do it, it did in the past, and the FF SF things you all mentioned will work for me. Then maybe just maybe on a Saturday I will TREAT myself to something......Next Saturday that is..........Maybe!!!
Thank you again for being have only reiterated what I have known all the long.....this is the best support board out there......
and the only one I visit any more.....Have a good one out there. Be safe and be well, and stay warm..........Linda
Everyone else have a great OP day and hope you all are doing well....
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Old 12-08-2004, 06:49 PM   #170  
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PS - Mercee, Good Luck to you. Yes this is a great board. Lots of comrady here. I know for me this board works.
Hope all went well...Any Core secrets that work for you??
What do you find yourself 'snacking' on?

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Old 12-08-2004, 07:02 PM   #171  
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Linda--sounds like you are drinking lots and lots of water alright. I agree with Vickie in that we can not deprive ourselves of a sweet tooth....we just have to ensure that it is sf/ff.......Vickie thanks for posting all those recipes! They all sounds great. I went to make the Lemon Merignue one the other you think I could use plain yogurt......I have 2 grocery stores to choose from and neither one had Lemon yogurt....will give it a try for sure. I have to admit my biggest craving besides chocolate was bread but after being on core I think I might eat 2 breads a week (points counted of course) and hardly any potatoe......but I love sweet potatoe!! Yummy

Mercee...welcome aboard anytime! Always nice to compare notes, secrets, etc etc

Vickie hope you are feeling better today. What a night you had.....ugh. Be thankful you are only a little sore. Sounds like the other driver was multi-tasking in the wrong place.....hard lesson learnt I am sure.

Well, off for my was pouring out yesterday so I did not go and I missed it so own private think time!

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Old 12-08-2004, 07:21 PM   #172  
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Linda -- feel free to call on me anytime. We can complain to each other and maybe also do some hiney kicking!!

Vickie -- I am SO glad you and your hubby are alright! That must have really be scary!

Everybody -- just hang in there! One day ... no wait, one MINUTE at a time! We can do this!
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Old 12-08-2004, 07:52 PM   #173  
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Linda, Frannie, Kathy, thanks all for your good wishes. I had a really tough day and succumbed to pizza. I had about 15 pounds left but it's never a good thing to do especially the night before a weigh in! Sigh.....I am such a stress eater. I fought the urge all day until dinner time. We are still waiting to talk to the Officer to file the report so that we can do all the other things. Oh Well, we aren't the first and we won't be the last to go through this. Current thinking is that car will probably be totaled. was in great shape and covered by warranty for three more years. Tomorrow, back to Core!

Onward and downward...or something hokey like that!
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Old 12-08-2004, 07:52 PM   #174  
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Ha!!!! Hope my mistake wasn't prophetic! I meant 15 points not pounds! LOL
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Old 12-08-2004, 07:59 PM   #175  
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Frannie, I think you can use plain yogurt but then you better be sure to use the lemon extract. I would think you would need it without the lemon in the yogurt.

Let me know how it turns out. I always have plain in the house but not lemon. It might be nice to make it without a special yogurt purchase.
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Old 12-08-2004, 08:14 PM   #176  
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Hi Everyone,

You gals surely are great support.

Sunny -- I, too, am still having problems getting completely back OP. I am so good until I come home after bowling and have to be in the kitchen to make dinner. If it wasn't that I had to feed my DH, I really wouldn't cook at all. Yesterday I tried eating an orange instead of what I really wanted--well, you guess it, I still had the other item. We are so lucky that we have internet access and these ladies at 3Fat Chicks put together this website. It really helped me to lose 50 lbs. 2 years ago. I have gained back about 8 of those pounds and I really need to get them back off. Everyone in my family is on some kind of medication and I am choosing to exercise and eat right in order to keep the blood pressure down.

Thanks for caring and sharing your recipes. I made the carmel apple one and even my DH enjoyed it. One thing I have learned when it comes to making the ffsf pudding is I bought these 1/2 cup containers with lids and I just put 4 of them in the fridge and they really stay better than just putting the pudding in a bowl. It is also readily available to eat.

Well I had better go--Clay Aiken is having his Christmas program on in less than an hour and he is one of my very favorite persons!

Take care all and tomorrow I will give it my all, I promise!!!!!

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Old 12-09-2004, 10:02 AM   #177  
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The support here is really great. I had my meeting last night and I lost 5.6 lbs. after a maintain last week. I have now lost a total of 24.6 lbs after 11 weeks. I really love this program.

Linda- Take it one day at a time and remember each day is a new start. Even if we feel we have blown it one day we don't have to drown in guilt we can just start again.
As for snacks I eat the sf pudding, sf jello and 94% popcorn by Orville. The good thing for me is I don't have a sweet tooth so this works in my favor. But right befor TOM I crave chocolate and I buy the SF fudge bars. This craving use to really do me in but since starting Core I don't crave as much. You are so close to goal I know that you can do it.

Vickie- I am glad you and your husband were not seriously injured. I hope the
soreness leaves soon. You are a great cheerleader on this board.

I hope everyone has a great day today. Hoping for the best for all of us.

Last edited by Mercee; 12-09-2004 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 12-09-2004, 12:36 PM   #178  
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Hello all. Not weighing in until Saturday.

VICKIE: I am so glad that you and your husband are okay!

LINDA: Keep coming here, b/c this is one saving grace in dealing with those off days, we've all been there and we are here to help. I find that having things around that I enjoy is key. I love crustless pumpkin pie and I decided that if I wanted it for breakfast w/a glass of milk, that's okay AND it's CORE. B/C of the advise of someone on this board, I will have non-catastrophic, somewhat CORE friendly sandwich fixings in the house around TOM, b/c I have an insane craving for sandwiches then.

I've tried to make my CORE meals, interesting and exciting, which frankly is not as hard as one would think. I've been known to call ahead or hit the 'net to restaurants to determine what I will have on outings. But sometimes, you just need to splurge, as of the last few weeks, I've had the rituals of having a free for all on Thursdays after weigh-ins (within some sort of reason), but that progressed from not just Thursdays, but throughout the weekend. I believe that that behavior has hindered more of a loss, although I've only had one gain (it was the jeans, I'm convinced ; ) Anyway, I know that I love to go out for dinner or have a great splurge. What I've decided this week was to move my weigh-ins to Saturday morning, morning weight is always best AND I have designated Saturdays as free day. Last Friday night, I went to a cocktail party and their were two dips that I only allowed myself a couple bites of, I decided however, to make the dips on my own in normal portions and reserve them for Saturday and Sunday, which I did. I had what I wanted and I passed what I didn't eat once satisfied to family. I say all of that to say this, there are ways to work this plan AND not completely wig out and feel completely deprived. One of the dips was 7-layer and aside from the cheese & chips, it was all CORE. I found myself buying FF Sour Cream, refried beans AND everything else was already CORE. It turned out great! I actually will make it in this weekend.

But I know that in this journey, I need to do what I need to do to make this work. Now if I can just get my butt up to workout!!!!

Just be STRONG and when you feel you can't, we will be STRONG for you!

GOOD LUCK you guys!
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Old 12-09-2004, 04:21 PM   #179  
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Can someone please tell me how to add the ticker at the bottom? I can't seem to get this right. Thanks.
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Old 12-09-2004, 05:43 PM   #180  
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Hello to everyone. I haven't been on for awhile but I am glad for all the posts. Linda you sound just like me for the past few days. The sweets are my big hangup. Thanks for the recipes Vicki I am going to make the chocolate mousse and get some sfff fudge bars. The other day I was wanting candy I thought. So I said go ahead, no one is stopping you. You can do whatever you want. Eat all you want doesnt matter it is your decision. Do you know after giving myself permission I lost the desire for it! Back on OP and not feeling the fight for candy. I agree with one day, one meal, one minute. I feel much better eating the Core foods. Thanks for all the help.
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