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Old 11-28-2004, 10:37 AM   #91  
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I too have found that the inches/clothes fitting is more noticeable than the weight. I take that as a good thing--maybe we can wear the size we want at a higher weight (easier to maintain) than previously thought. We can always hope!

Congrats on everyone who made it through Thanksgiving successfully. Now we need to focus on the real temptations--i.e. Christmas Cookies (love em)
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Old 11-29-2004, 09:26 AM   #92  
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Ok....I need some help. I've been walking on the treadmill every day but I'm a bit bored. I tried to do Sweating to the Oldies but don't have an uncarpeted place to do it and the one I have is too advanced. I also have a Denise Austen tape but it is too advanced for me at this point. I cannot walk 4.0 MPH yet! Can any of you recommend a good basic exercise tape that you've tried and liked? I could buy the WW basic tape but would like to get some tried and true opinions first.

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Old 11-29-2004, 09:51 AM   #93  
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Hi all,

Well I had my weigh in the day before Thanksgiving and was down .2 Lbs for a total of 19 in 8 weeks which is great I think. At first I felt a little bummed but at least it's a lost. I'll see what happens this week.

Vickie - I sometimes use the walk away the pinds tape. They came in a set of 3 with 2 lb. weight balls and one tape is 1 mile, one is 2 miles and one is 3 miles. I hope this info helps. I plan to try and start posting daily.
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Old 11-29-2004, 05:12 PM   #94  
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Default Hi All..............

It has been a while since I have posted here. So Glad I found the NEW board Janette started (thanks)
Don't know if you remember me, but I see a lot of familiar names. Lots of encouraging posts going on, as always. Thank Goodness, 'cause I need it. I thought I'd go off Core because I was somewhat bored. Tired of the Fruit thing after a while.
Tried Flex, then core again, then Flex Core, Felx, Making myself nuts........etc, etc.
In the past month I have put on 6 lbs, from constantly switching I can't seem to be satisified with which program I am trying, although Core was VERY GOOD to me.
I do not, I repeat DO NOT want to gain back what I worked soooo hard for, 6 lbs is more than enough. I have been reading your posts the past few days deciding what to do, this, after I went out Sunday and bought Flex type foods.
I still have my core things and I am thinking, should I, shouldn't I??
Sure could use some positive feedback. Vickie/Janette you are always so UPBEAT, a few good words from you would be appreciated.
I'll check back........but till then, thanks for listening.....Linda (Sunny 734)
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Old 11-30-2004, 12:54 AM   #95  
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I remember you Sunny Linda! I sure an sorry to hear that your are struggling to find your niche. I'm glad you're considering Core again. For me, it was such a healthy program. Flex can be healthy too if you make good choices, which I did NOT!

JMHO is that you need to commit to one program or the other. I don't personally think it's fair to either program to switch back and forth even though I know that WW presents that as an option. When I decided to try Core I said I was going to give it a minimum of a month and now I'm happy I did. I've 3 months under my belt and feeling pretty good most days. Deciding which one is the hard part! I'm lucky because from day one I knew that Core was for me. I no longer have the horrible hunger and cravings.

If you had some success with Core then why not give it another whirl? What made you give up on Core? Maybe we can help you deal with your decision if we knew what was making you switch back and forth. As far as the flex foods could still use them up with WPA's on Core.

I'm glad you came back to talk to us Linda.

P.S. Thanks for the kind words!
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Old 11-30-2004, 12:57 AM   #96  
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Mercee, those are some impressive numbers. I am happy for you but very jealous!

Thanks for the information on your tape. Who makes it and where did you buy it?
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Old 11-30-2004, 07:52 AM   #97  
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I think she's talking about the Walk Away the Pounds tapes by Leslie Sansone. I like them a lot too. They're easy to pick up, and if you get the set of three, you can vary your exercise level. I got the introductory DVD from WW a while back that had clips from their exercise video on it. It seemed similar to WWAP, actually. Both would be good, and not too complicated.

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Old 11-30-2004, 10:00 AM   #98  
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Thanks Angela. My Niece and Sister are using the Leslie Sansone set of tapes and they like them. The recommendations for her tapes are piling up!
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Old 11-30-2004, 11:30 AM   #99  
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Hi Everyone,

Sunny Linda -- I, too, am having difficulty sticking to either program at the moment. I am still exercising but seemed stressed at the moment. I, too, have gained 8 lbs. back from messing around. Perhaps we can help each other get back on track. It isn't easy but I know we can do it. All we need to do is make a plan and stick to it. I am always great for breakfast and lunch and then something goes wrong. Perhaps this is the day I can get through the whole day. I even have some sf pudding in the fridge but for some reason it isn't something I want. Keep in touch!

It sounds like the rest of you folks are doing very well--your positive feedback is very important to those of us who are having a difficult time!

Take care,
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Old 11-30-2004, 11:53 AM   #100  
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Nita, I'm sorry you're struggling too but real glad to see you coming back to the board. It means you and Linda want to get back on program. I'll help in whatever way I can.

Have you tried the Crustless Pumpking Pie? My Niece made it for thanksgiving and it was wonderful. Or try this Lemon Meringue Pie recipe. I'm not sure who created it so I can't give credit. It was forwarded to me by my Niece and I made it last nigt. Very easy and very yummy.

Lemon Meringue Cups
1 Small box sugar free lemon Jello
1 cup boiling water
1 cup sugar free/fat free lemon yogurt (count points)
3 packets of Splenda (I used 8 and thought it was still tart!)
1 Teaspoon lemon extract (I didn't use this and thought it was very lemony)

Dissolve Jello in the boiling water and let sit until it gets to room temperature. Before the Jello sets, stir in the Splenda and lemon extract. Fold in the yogurt and spoon into 4, 1/2 cup indidivudal servings. Cover and refrigerate. Tastes like the middle of a lemon meringue pie. Top with Fat Free Cool Whip.

You can make this with any flavor Jello and yogurt/extracts.
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Old 11-30-2004, 01:48 PM   #101  
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Smile Kettle Corn

Is Kettle Corn a core food?
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Old 11-30-2004, 03:32 PM   #102  
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Hi all,

You guys are right the tapes are by Leslie Sansone. What I really like about them is when it is cold outside I can still get in a walk. ( I AM WORKING HARD TO MAKE THIS DAILY) Vickie there is no need to be jealous I have 90 more lbs to go so I will be at this for a while. ( I know you are only joking). Can you imagine how great it will be when we all reach our goals. I dont know anything about the Kettle Corn I just use Orville's 94% fat free. I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT DAY.
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Old 11-30-2004, 05:15 PM   #103  
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Hello again.....thanks for the welcome back Vickie and's good to be back here.
Well today was my first full day back on Core, and I feel sooo much better, not at all 'starving' I didn't say that once today. Right now, as I write to have curb my appetite I am having a cup of Plain Cous Cous. This will hold me until my husband gets home and we eat dinner....which will be.....WW spagetti, shrimp with Red Clam Sauce - which is a Core item...for dessert, which if you remember is my BIG need, is vanilla smoothie, mixed with frozen strawberrie, mix till THICK, and eat it with a spoon.
I think coming back here is a hugh help. Reading everyday what and how everyone else is doing. You all seem to be doing rather well. Vickie you still seem to be "our cheerleader" and God knows I missed that. You always address each and everyone of us. You're awesome.....and should consider being a leader in the very near future.
Marcee 19 lbs in 8 weeks...that is are quite the inspiration for me getting and staying with Core. I think my mind is pretty well made up now Nita. Core is such a no brainer. You eat core foods you don't have to worry, simple as that.
I will probably use my WPA on Saturday. I have no right to have any till then anyway:-) Someone said that on Core - your clothes just seem to fit looser, how true is that. I found that also. Why in the world I thought I could do points again, is beyond me. This coming from someone who SWORE she would NEVER do core.....go figure!!!
Well my new day one is about over and I feel good. This is a good thing. I wish everyone else a great eve ahead and a good tomorrow. I will be back tomorrow to check in. Perhaps I should do that daily to get the feed back I need and the support that means so much and that is so important.
We ALL need the support of one another.
As for the Kettle core, I believe it is NOT core. It's what they call one of those "abuse" foods. Taste too good I guess!
See you all back here tomorrow.....till then be well........Linda
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Old 11-30-2004, 05:16 PM   #104  
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oh, my smoothie is a WW smoothie.....CORE!!!!
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Old 11-30-2004, 07:05 PM   #105  
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Hi Linda and welcome back! You sound so committed......I know you will love staying on core. I was such a bread lover before but you know I really don't miss it. Yesterday I had some whole wheat toast (counted the points). I eat a lot of veggies for snacks in between meals. It must be the crunch factor for me!

For exercise Vickie I can't help ya too much. I am a walker. 3.5 miles last night and that does not include my parking at the very back walking through the day. I have asked for a mp3 player at Christmas so I can stay out longer then I do. I do have an eliptical which I use while I watch a favorite show......and in inclement weather...I live in a snow belt.

Thanks for the Lemon Meringue Pie recipe. Looks yummy...will have to go look to see what I have for the ingredients! You are right Janette.....Christmas cookies what are we going to do??? Not make any? Right! haha

Cheers ladies......
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