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Old 12-03-2004, 08:30 PM   #136  
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FRANNIE- I just figured tickerfactory out, and adding to your signature thing,tested it, and it worked..... here it is...........whooo hoooo I hope when I enter the next time the sunflower moves down some more.....wish me luck....
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Old 12-03-2004, 09:22 PM   #137  
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I picked Thursday weigh in for a couple of reasons. The most important one is that the Leader I liked from downtown Chicago does a Thursday night meeting in the suburbs 10 minutes from my house. I liked her alot...she's a real motivator so I chose her meeting. I also like Thursday because I too use my WPA's on the weekend and wanted time to recover from any bloating or what I perceive to be over-indulgence.

Linda, I'm proud of you. Just remember one day....maybe one meal at a time. Put your head down and keep plugging away. Maybe it would be a good idea to have something available to munch on while you cook dinner. Sounds like you are very hungry when you hit the door. I always have something hot to drink. I've heard that warm beverages relax your stomach muscles (after all growling is nothing more than your stomach cramping, right?!). Since you like chocolate, how about SF/FF Swiss Miss hot chocolate? I make mine with skim. It has more "body" that way and I get a milk serving in. Just a know I can't help myself! LOL
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Old 12-03-2004, 09:25 PM   #138  
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Wow Linda! I didn't realize you had already lost so much weight. You are amazing. 9.6 pounds to goal. You'll be there before you know it!
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Old 12-04-2004, 06:10 AM   #139  
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Good EARLY Saturday mornin' ALL....When I did my tickerfactory tape, I was so excited that I forgot to mention I weighed that day. I am so used to weighing on Saturday that I kept saying I'll will let you all know on Saturday. Sometimes in post we want to say so much and forget.
Anyway.....when I started Tuesday I was 134.4 and yesterday 132.7 down 1.7---I'll take it!! So that is when I did my tickerfactory thing. I have sooo much running around to do today (will be out the door by 8:00 it's 5:45am right now, that I knew I wouldn't have time, but I will be on program that is for sure. 1.7 is 1.7 down.
VICKIE I do feel the need for something when I get in, but I am wondering if that is mind over matter??? Maybe I should hold off for a few minutes, I'll test that next week, although the SF FF Swiss Miss sounds good and relaxing, but is it CORE and if not how many pts? And YES thank God for your 'great' suggestions, what would we do without ya!! See our little cheerleader
I like your theory of Thursday w/i beside the fact that your leader is very motivating, which IS very important. See weighing midweek just makes more sense because I do like to use my WPA on the weekend and need time to regroup, although honestly I don't go overboard. Too afraid.
I just am in that mode of weighing on Saturday except for yesterday. I don't know what kind of affect it will have on me if I switch midstream. What do you think?? Like someone at my meeting told me.."the scale doesn't know what day of the week it is" that's true, and eventually it will all balance out, so maybe I will give it a try. Even though my loss was tiny my clothes feel better than they did a few weeks ago, so that is a good thing. I am thinking of going and getting weighed on Tues just because that will be one week since I restarted CORE. I'll see. Now I need to get into some walking, but at the end of the day I am so exhausted I don't have an ounce of energy, guess that is when I should push myself, but just can't. I have soooo many of Leslie Sansones tapes, that I can tell you word for word what everyone says on them, after a while I unfortunately got tired of them
So I don't use them. I'd rather walk outside and here there is no weather excuse....except for the occasional hurricane thank God that is over (for now)
I hope everyone is having a good week or had a good week. I would love to hear why you all weigh in on the day you chose....this will help me determine what I should do also.
Well it's 6:00AM and I have to get the ball rolling.....lots to get done, before the crowds start coming out. Tis the season, ya know.
And Vickie God Bless you for being able to watch "It's A Wonderful Life" more that once
I am hoping to see more posts on my visit back later....till then, have a great day out there.........and where exactly is there??? Me, I am S. Florida, but I am a New Yorker - Not Long Island, never been there. It's amazing that we are all from different parts of the country and perhaps outside and have such a comrady going on........Just love this board.....C-ya all later.....Lilnda
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Old 12-04-2004, 06:14 AM   #140  
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Remember this motto to live by:

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely
in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOOOO HOOOOO what a ride!"
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Old 12-04-2004, 10:19 AM   #141  
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Linda, if Ididn't know better I'd say you were on a sugar high this morning!!!! You sound so happy. Maybe you should try exercising in the morning. You are obviously a morning person. BTW, 1.7 is NOT a little loss. That would have been one of my bigger losses on Core. I'm losing an average of 1.5 per week on Core. The SF/FF Swiss Miss is Core but you can only have it once a day like the smoothies. As I recall, it doesn't say SF on the front, you just know it is because it contains aspartme and only has about 25 calories.

I love your motto. It's what I did earlier in life. Now I'm trying to balance it out to make sure that I don't slide sidways into the grave too early. LOL!!!!

P.S. I'm in the far Southern suburbs of Chicago.
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Old 12-04-2004, 10:56 AM   #142  
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Sunny, that motto was awesome! lol
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Old 12-04-2004, 01:24 PM   #143  
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Just in from early morning's a jungle out there!! It was cool outside when I started out and now it's HOT!! The warm weather take SO much out of the holidays.
I know back home they are chilly but hey it's winter and the holidays at least seem like them.
Yes Vickie I am MOST definetly a morning person, you are very persepctive. But I am up at 5:15 and leave for work at 6:45, and since it is still dark out there I won't walk not for any other reason except TOO many crawly things here in S. Florida :-) for me. Why am I here then you may all wonder, because my husband just loves it....and to think it was MY idea to come here......cannot STAND those creepy little geikgos....yuck!!
Anyway I had a good lunch, my own version of my core soup.....1/4 can of Campbells Green Pea, mixed with FF chicken broth, cup of Barly 1/2 c cous cous, and 1/2 cup peas and carrots....deee-lish!! and filling!! I am toying over whether or not I should use some WPA today, since Saturday really is my day to renew but I did afterall restart this on Tuesday.....As for 1.7 yes it is good, don't get me wrong, I just hope it wasn't a fluke thing, since you can't get on both scales at the meetings!!! Now I don't know what to do about w/i again.....this coming Tues or next Saturday?????
I did buy the WW scale by Conair, it's pretty awesome and right on target, but I don't understand what the Delta numbers are......anyone out there????? Maybe I'll weigh on mine on Tues and WW on Saturday....I'm not to obessed am I?? It is just that I have worked so hard to get this weight off and screwed up the past two weeks. I promised myself I wouldn't do that again, and I did....I did go out and buy some new things last week and today....small sizes so I don't get carried away. I finally threw out ALL my 12, and 14's and the few 16's I had. That took me a year to do. Now I have my 10's and 8's depending on the maker. I finally realized why WW tells us to get rid of the fat's too easy to 'slip' back into I donated them. Now I have no choice or rather I do.....stay FOCUSED!!!!! and with the daily help of all of you, I think I can, I think I can...
How is everyone else's weekend and day going??? Will check back later on and tomorrow for the most need support, motivation and inspiration.....
Be well...........Linda
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Old 12-04-2004, 02:40 PM   #144  
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Linda, I think I can count reading your post as exercise! You wore me out, girl! What energy!!!!

Today we're putting up the lights outside, finishing the tree decorating, and putting out all the other inside Christmas decorations. The tree is huge and it takes us all to put it up. In fact, check out this cute picture of what my cat did while we turned our backs on the ladder:

Well, better get back and help my DH before he starts yelling at me.
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Old 12-04-2004, 10:58 PM   #145  
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Linda, I certainly understand not wanting to walk outside at that hour. When I was still working I'd get up at 4:30 and walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes. Physically, that was all I could do then. Then I'd shower and leave for work by 6:30. I know, I'm a lunatic. My problem was that if I didn't do that I'd never exercise. My job was in downtown Chicago. I'd get home at 6:00 pm and make dinner and fall down on the couch exhausted. Now you can see why I'm so happy that I'm retired. You are so close to your goal that I wouldn't make myself crazy about the exercise. With 131+ pounds to lose, I HAVE to continue to make myself crazy!

Where are you in Florida? Hubby and I love Sarasota. We haven't been there since the White Sox moved their Spring Training camp. Before that we used to go every other year. Florida is gorgeous in the Spring....much better than Chicago!

Also, can you tell me the make and model of your WW scale. I want to buy one but want to make sure that I get one that someone recommends. They have several models on Amazon but the reviews are very mixed. Many folks are saying that you can get very inconsistent readings. My generic scale is dead. Think it's because I get on and off.....oh.....a million times a day?!

Don't forget to take time to celebrate your success. I'd kill to be able to wear size 16. You should be so proud of yourself!
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Old 12-04-2004, 11:01 PM   #146  
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Kathy, Hubby and I did the same today. More to come tomorrow! Just wanted to tell you that your home looks lovely! the way, you look like a woman who is VERY close to her goal. Maybe all that extra exercise today helped!
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Old 12-05-2004, 08:41 PM   #147  
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Oops, that's my daughter!! But thanks! And finally all the decorating is done.

I swear tomorrow will be better, and that's all I'm going to say. Somehow weekends are just terrible around here; I guess because we're busy doing all the stuff we had to put off during the week, and there's no time to cook and pay attention to what I eat. I didn't exactly overdo it, but didn't stick to plan and feel bad for it.
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Old 12-05-2004, 09:59 PM   #148  
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I figured you were just into older men! LOL!!!

I'm still messing around with my decorating. Close but not quite finished.
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Old 12-05-2004, 10:16 PM   #149  
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LOL, Vickie!! Nope, in fact my husband is 13 years younger than me! Not my first marriage, of course.
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Old 12-05-2004, 10:20 PM   #150  
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Hey There you all!

Just in from a long hockey weekend............5 games for me as a fan. Ugh......ready for some shopping to counteract it! Gotta go and get that tree tomorrow so we can get in the spirit of things. We have not even turned our lights on outside and all it needs is an extension cord. Busy lives we all lead eh?

I loved hearing where everyone is from. Me....I live on Lake Huron in Ontario. But I am a Springfield Illinois girl at heart. Been here 22 years now. (Married a Canadian) I would love some of that Floridian weather right now. We have had snow the last 3 days then a big rain storm washed it away. Oh well, at least it was not horizontal snow......hate those days. Well, actually when the highways are closed I love them because I don't go anywhere...

Hopefully, I had a good CORE weekend. + a few little points! I was good and stayed out of the beer and wine. Had a light cooler and that was it. Stayed away from the chips too. Ate out all weekend but notice that most places serve a lite menu so took advantage of that......salmon and steamed veggies....yummy!

Back to work tomorrow! See ya in the movies.

Glad the signature from tickerfactory worked for ya.
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