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Old 04-23-2007, 04:07 PM   #1111  
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i have nothing to add to your conversation, but i have ABSOLUTELY enjoyed all the salty and schweaty balls references. indeed!
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Old 04-23-2007, 05:33 PM   #1112  
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Originally Posted by emmysmom View Post
Nicole - if you go to msn's home page, you'll see his picture. Click on it and you'll find an article from a woman sticking up for him and you can listen to the nasty voicemail that he left his 12 year old daughter.
I am in NO WAY defending Alec Baldwin.. As far as I'm concerned, I've always considered him an ***...


I would say that Kim Bassinger is just as abusive in this as he is, for releasing that voice mail to the media and thereby making her daughter the subject of scrutiny.. Some say that what Alec did has scarred her for life.. I say what Kim did is JUST as likely to scar her.. A responsible parent who wants to protect her child would have turned the tape over to her lawyer and proceeded to follow this up in court, letting lawyers and judges dole out any punishment they felt was needed.

What Alec did was wrong, but at least, had she done the right thing, this could have been kept under wraps and their daughter would have been protected, at least for a while..

Granted, we don't know that Kim was the one who released the tape, but I'll bet you dollars to doughnut (sugar and fat free, of course) that she did.. Who else would have access to it?

Also, perhaps Kim's obvious hatred toward Alec played into why the daughter wasn't on the phone when he called, knowing that his obvious hatred for her (Kim) would lead him into blowing his top as he is known to do, so she could use it against him...

I don't know.. but as with the Imus case, I think we all, as a society need to not jump to conclusions by only going by what we hear in the media...

All that said, I think Alec Baldwin is a no-talent scumbag who should have made good on his promise to leave the country when GW was elected...

Ok... I'm off my soapbox now...
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:06 PM   #1113  
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You absolutely have a point, Dan. And while I think that the message was nasty that he left, I failed to mention that I'm not completely blaming him. Yes, it was a little extreme to say what he did to his 12 year old, but I can kinda relate. I have a 10 year old stepdaughter, and there are so many times when my DH cannot get through to even say hello to her. Her mom switches cell phone numbers, doesn't have an answering machine at the house, doesn't encourage her to talk to her dad AT ALL. My husband has never left nasty messages, but believe me...after not getting through on the phone, it's tough not to get angry. He just didn't control his temper. And I absolutely agree that Kim Bassinger is adding fuel to the fire.
Not that I'm a huge fan...I'm just sympathetic as a stepmom
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:14 PM   #1114  
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Tina - thanks for the compliment :-)

Alec & his family - last I heard the lawyer for Kim Basinger was being questioned for releasing the nasty words from Alec. And who knows?? Maybe this little girls isn't the sweet 11 year old that we'd imagine her to be? Maybe she really is a little pig! Just a thought.
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Old 04-23-2007, 07:27 PM   #1115  
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Golley guys/gals... On the days I got time to hang around the board, everybody went to sleep... On the day I was busy with stupid meetings, and pushing paperwork, you guys/gals chat up a storm!!! I had to catch up 3 pages worth of reading!!! And boy, you'uns are funny!
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Old 04-23-2007, 09:39 PM   #1116  
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Default the first communion photos. Your daugher looks like a princess. That is just the kind of dress I would put on my little girls. Love it.........did I mention how cute she is? Also...........I LOVE your ODS's red hair. I think it is awesome!!! I had a college professor say that in America, we are far too conservative.....that our teens need to find ways to express themselves.....and as parents.......we need to let them find their way. I don't know how you feel about it all......but I think he is too cool. You have a beautiful family......and I got a giggle out of the caption, Me and All My Children. I may steal that one........ Ok, now I am going to go check out Alec Baldwin........
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Old 04-23-2007, 09:47 PM   #1117  
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Ok, just listened to Alec's message..........and maybe I am evil.....but it made me kind of laugh. I do not think it was ok to say........believe me......but anyone who has parented an 11, 12, 13, 14, and so on year old child has felt the exact same way. He is just a dummy for saying it. That's all. I am still kind of laughing......I guess I am a bit twisted. Now, that being said, if it was my daughter that these words were said to......I'd be going crazy and want to stick a fork in him.......soooooooo, there ya have it. That's my story, and I'm stickin to it. P.S. I may need to go to parenting classes......cuz I have said some really dumb things in my time......I guess I am just lucky that I am not a superstar, huh?
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Old 04-23-2007, 09:54 PM   #1118  
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Wendy II - I just took a second to look at your daughter's communion photo and what I have to ask is how are you going to top that beautiful dress for prom? or her wedding? I'm an unbiased party here, but I can tell you Toria (love her name by the way) stands out in her class as the prettiest young lady. In some other pictures you have posted, I thought maybe she had a little tomboy in her, but those pictures paint a whole different picture. What a good looking family you have...!
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Old 04-23-2007, 09:55 PM   #1119  
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Nicole - You ARE a super least in my book.
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Old 04-23-2007, 10:19 PM   #1120  
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Oh, guys, this is what really happened with Alec.......
And, thanks Joni XOXO
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Old 04-23-2007, 11:43 PM   #1121  
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Hey guys! I'm new here and I thought I'd pop into this thread to say hi. Ya'll sure are a bunch of funny people. The posts have been cracking me up!
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Old 04-24-2007, 08:12 AM   #1122  
Danette lawl march 20/07
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Good morning all

Well I went to the COD yesterday for WI and was up .6 I was really upset about this because I was POP for 5 weeks now except for 1 day 2 weeks ago.
The reason for the upset is I know my cloths were looser and was expecting at least a 2 pound loss. I was just really frustrating ......being POP and drinking the tea and no lites for 7 days and drinking the lemon water which I discovered I love!!!!!!! When I signed up they put me on red with no lites but I wanted to try the lites and loved them and was loosing with them. Now that i'm without lites I gain!!! What do you alll think ?Do you think they should up my portions? Just curious because I was POP all week with three WI and only lost .2 for the week

Also yesterday was the last day of week 5 for me and they have never sugested TO I only did FF when I started and lost a pound
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Old 04-24-2007, 08:27 AM   #1123  
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Nicole - Welcome.. Cracking each other up is the only way we can stay sane while dieting.. You'll soon learn that!

Dannette... RELAX... You'll find that many here lose inches faster than pounds.. Just because you were up a bit, doesn't mean you're not ALSO gaining a healthier body. Besides, did you WI after eating? .6 could also be water, so make sure you're getting in at least 64 oz. to flush your system...

You're going through what we've all gone through multiple times.. This weight loss thing takes time and there will be ups and downs.. Your body is still adjusting to the fact that you're treating it better and sometimes it doesn't know what to think... I would wait until your next WI before thinking about TO...

You'll be fine!
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Old 04-24-2007, 09:13 AM   #1124  
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Nothing like reading the posts here to get my day started right! LOL I laugh out loud literally all the time and the kids in my class look at me like I've lost my mind!

WI yesterday was about what I expected. Up 1.4, confessed all my food sins, got a new diary cause I got frustrated and threw mine in the trash. Sooo new week, the game is on! I'm getting the rest of this weight off! I was whining to my DH yesterday and he said HEY, slow down a minute, look at how far you've come! Whats a pound in the grand scheme of things! And he's right, sometimes we just need to remember the good stuff and stop dwelling on the negative!

Joni-no oven for me, WI wasnt as bad as it could have been! LOL

Danette- Hang in there, even the little losses add up! At least it moved down and not up :-)

Nicole- Welcome, we're always good for a laugh. Some of more than others! LOL

Kristen- sorry your daughter is having a rough time. Mine never went to daycare but I do remember leaving them with a babysitter occasionally and left with them clinging to my leg, breaks your heart.

OMG I made the Sweet and Sour chicken out of the cookbook last night and all I can say is YUMMMMM!!! DH loved it, kept saying are you sure this is on your diet? LOL Its nice to eat something OP and feel like you're cheating!

Hope everybody has an amazing day!!!
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Old 04-24-2007, 09:50 AM   #1125  
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Originally Posted by Mama Nicole View Post
Oh, guys, this is what really happened with Alec.......
And, thanks Joni XOXO
Too funny.

OK my 2 cents. Sure she released the tape. Yes it was highly inappropriate. Seems to me it was meant specifically to hurt his career, we have no control over what happens in the court..ask OJ... What a peach she is!

Now for Mr Wonderful. How do you talk like that to a child. I've never had any desire to call my son a pig. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my almost adult male child alone with Alec Baldwin much less a 11 year old girl.

He and Kim were meant for each other, how could it possibly go wrong. I think we should start an effort to get them back together so we can stop hearing about their petty crap. Get the friggin divorce already and fade to black.
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