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Old 04-20-2007, 09:42 PM   #1006  
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Beautiful day here today too. We celebrated Earth Day a little early at the office and armed everyone with trash bags and rubber gloves and everyone went outside for 30 minutes to pick up garbage and beautify our area. Here's the thing that bothered me. My group headed to the school yard across the road from our office, and we found PLENTY of trash...cans, juice boxes, water bottle lids galore. What I can't figure out is why the principal didn't have the little monsters out cleaning up their own mess. This was a city wide challenge...20 minutes per person to beautify our city. I would rather have picked up garbage at an old age home or something and left the kids to pick up their own mess.

Hi Cassie -- Sounds like a busy life! I love your new Avatar, you look fantastic.

Wendy -- Your lasik surgery sounds exciting! Do you wear contacts or glasses now? Enjoy your time off.

Happy birthday Dan! I hope you made your goal!

Juliemarie -- I'm very excited for you! I was lucky enough to arrive at our local airport one night at the same time as a flight from Hong Kong that was bringing two little babies to their new families. I was frozen there, in the luggage area, just watching the scene play out. It was an incredible moment, I felt so lucky to just see it.

Nicole -- That's fabulous about your dad, really great. Kudos to you for sticking to plan and losing another 1.8! Way to go!

Katie -- Yahoo! Great news about your Dad! How's your blood sugar?

Kristen -- How exciting! I can't wait to hear all about stabilization. I see you've now dipped a good 2lbs below goal...way to go!

Lettie -- You've got a lot of stress to deal with. I'm sending you lots of energy vibes to see you through this next week.

Jill -- Congrats on your 3lb loss! I'm not sure how I would be in that situation...I guess it would depend on how long I'd been plateauing, how hungry I felt, and whether or not TOM was on the
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:08 PM   #1007  
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Hey guys--I finally changed my avatar (temporary I am sure) but it's also bigger in my profile. I love my family!! My little one is every bit the stinker she looks like in the photo--she is being a bear lately!
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:01 PM   #1008  
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Nicole - Missed your post earlier. That's great about your Dad. Hope things continue to go well for him.

Angie - I first got glasses in the 6th grade, then moved onto contacts in the 9th. I've mostly worn contacts since then, but I do wear glasses from time to time. In fact, I've been wearing them for the past month in preparation for the surgery, and I will be SO glad to throw them in the trash next week!! Or, is there some place you can donate used eyeglasses??? I'll have to ask my eye dr about that.

Good night all!! Gonna be a busy weekend. DD has TWO birthday parties tomorrow, but we're nixing her soccer game at 8:30 in the morning. She's still a little weak from her stomach bug earlier in the week, so I think it's more important that she sleep in. Plus, she fell asleep outside in the swing at my mom's today after school, and she DOES NOT nap. Poor little thing was tired out!!
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Old 04-21-2007, 07:48 AM   #1009  
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Good morning! I am trying to catch up on all the posts but am running out the door this morning. Our community (2100 homes) is having our semi-annual yard sale so I am heading out with my SIL and the kids. My parents have been in town for a week and I have eaten out ALOT! The last night was horrible....bananas fosters!!!!! I am sure I will get the counselor from He** at my next visit...grrr. I think I am going to do FF to make up for my poor choices this week.

DAN - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you had a GREAT day )

CASSIE - LOVE your new look so beautiful and skinny and your kids are just adorable.

NICOLE- Big hugs to you girlfriend....The post about your Dad hit home and I know how you felt hearing your dad admit he has a problem. You and your family are in my prayers.

I will catch up with later ....Good luck to everyone...Have a SUPER day!!!!

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Old 04-21-2007, 10:44 AM   #1010  
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Hope everyone can stay POP this weekend. I am going to try & spend a little time outside because it looks like it may be a sunny British Columbia day
We sold one of our chihuahua puppies yesterday so it was kind of sad but I think she went to a good home.
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Old 04-21-2007, 12:59 PM   #1011  
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Hi gang.. Don't know if Liz will post later, but I'll go ahead and post our WI results..

She's down another pound.. That makes a little over 2 for her for the week, and while that may not sound out of the ordinary, for "plateau girl", it's a big achievement.. Seems like the really strict "stick to it!!" talk they gave her worked...

I'm down a couple as well, so while I didn't make my birthday goal, I came just a few ounces shy... (DAMMIT!)...

Anyway.. we're off to deal with soccer and shopping and a baseball game tonight.. yee haa...!
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Old 04-21-2007, 02:36 PM   #1012  
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Happy Saturday everyone,

The gods finally gave us some sunshine and spring like temps for a change. Yesterday and today and the next couple of days are gorgeous. It is nice to finally be able to open all the windows in my apartment and let some fresh air blow through.

Wendy - around here the Red Cross take used glasses and they use them for seniors/low income families. If they can't use the lenses they can certainly use the frames and it saves some people $$ that normally would have trouble getting glasses they might need. Maybe give them a try. Just a thought.

I went to the grocery store today and stocked up on all my good stuff so I have no excuses this week. Iam still without a diary as I didn't make it to COD this week due to work. I did OT earlier today as well and my center closes at 1 on saturday. But monday I am definitely going in to get weighed - no matter how bad it is. I was off plan all week. Not really bad but not eating enough for sure. So, I am going to make a good meal tonight and then do a small turkey or chicken or something tomorrow so I have leftovers for a few days. I am doing FF on Monday and Tuesday as well so I am going to get my oranges for that tomorrow.

I am spending part of the day tomorrow with the furkid. In two weeks I will have a whole week with her. Mind you I have to go to the ex's house each day but he is at a bowling tournament all week and I have the week off so I will likely stop in each day to see her.

Well, I have laundry and vacuuming calling my name and a few other chores I haven't yet completed this week. I'll be back later!!
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Old 04-21-2007, 02:57 PM   #1013  
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hey everyone. just thought i'd check in for today since i was pretty busy yesterday. it's a nice day here today and i just got off work about an hour ago, so, just going to relax the rest of the day. i need to get a workout in, so i can make my 3/week workout goal, but i'll do it.
not much else going on really.
our new kitty is still getting used to his new home and still a bit timid and scared..he tends to hide under the bed, but he's slowly coming around. we decided to keep his name that he was already given when we adopted him: scooter! it's just too cute and suits him just right. he's getting declawed this coming thursday (just the front) and is already spayed. he's very sweet and loves attention, but needs to warm up to you first.

hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Old 04-21-2007, 04:20 PM   #1014  
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Hey Everybody!

Dan- Happy Belated Birthday!!! Congrats on your goal...some is better than none...

Liz- You PB! (Plateau Breaker) WTG!

Cassie- Your new avatar is marvelous! Good for you that you got to meet with the Regional Manager and got changed over to blue. I'm a firm believer in more food on the plans for extra busy folks like us.

Joni- The link was cute...but little potty mouth...I'm just glad she's not mine. Will F. is a hoot! Also, that was nice of you to send Pearl a card. I hope she gets back with you.

JM- It's almost time! I'm adopted and thank God for it. (I met my biological family...)I am certain that just as much as you are excited to receive her, she will be just as excited to be with you. There's nothing like a mother's love...blood or not. Have fun with your last bit of shopping!

Nicole- It's good that your father is opening up. Alcoholics know they have a problem but usually don't see another way to cope with the real issues. Maybe with everyone being super supportive during his surgery, he may finally be realizing that he has options, other than alcohol to soothe him. Whatever the reason, keep embracing him. Sounds like true family love to me.

BobbySam-Keep up the good work!

Lettie- Stay motivated, girly! You can do it!

NC Wendy- Although you posted your Chick Filet meal on yesterday, it still sounds good today. I love those shakes...drank them all through my last pregnancy. Oh how I miss being a food junkie. Good Luck on the Lasik!

Nancy- Sz 10!!! Great NSV! I can only dream of that right now...but one day it will be a reality for me.

MTDeb- I like this avator, too. Your cut is very chic'. It fits you very well. And thanks for the plan.

Kristie- Unlimited veggies...I have to raise my hand on this one. I am a veggie queen!!! Love them! I hope they let you add like a donut or something soon. I would be a mad woman by now!

Kim- In-laws...I know what you mean. Good Luck and stay away from the cake, if you can!

Who else? Sorry if I am leaving anyone out but I have Mommy Brain today.

As far as me...I am doing good. Been MIA from the board, but my youngest is sick. So, been busy with him and my blasted HOA. I'm the treasurer and I chair a comittee...I am not making any plans to run again next year. Now LAWL stuff....This is the first time in all of my 10 weeks on the plan that I have lost at every WI during a week. I lost 6lbs total in 10 days since transferring to a new COD. So, yeah me! And, without even calling those sales people...oh, I mean counselors, from my old COD, they added back those wasted weeks to my plan. What else? COD wants me to increase my rate of loss, but hey, I'm doing the best I can. I'm just a slow loser...

Well, off to eat some sweet potato fries while everyone else wolfs down their McDonalds. Dang, I miss those fries. Have a sweet POP day everybody!
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Old 04-21-2007, 06:19 PM   #1015  
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Hey all-

Cassi- Love the new avatar. You're looking pretty hot there chick.

Lea Ann- Love the family pic!!

Letisha- Thank you! and You're welcome!!

Dan- Happy belated birthday.

Friday morning, I had to be to work at 5. The roads were wet from all the rain and the bridges were extremely icy. Too bad I didn't know that before hand. I had a little meeting of metal to the cement and guard rail. I messed up both of my bumpers and just a small part of the back fender by the bumper. There was a police officer on the other side of the interstate giving a speeding ticket, so he heard the whole thing. When he came over to check on me, he was amazed that I had so little damage from the way it sounded. I was pretty surprised too. The bridge was going over the river and the ditch just past the end of the guard rail is pretty steep, so I guess I was pretty lucky to just end up with a little damage and being shook up, compared to ending up in the river or flipping the truck in the ditch. My guardian angel was definitely looking after me. Thank God!!
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Old 04-21-2007, 06:26 PM   #1016  
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Deb - I'm sorry to hear about your accident and glad that it wasn't worse. With the terrible winter we've had it's amazing there weren't more accidents!

So, glad you are OK.
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Old 04-21-2007, 06:40 PM   #1017  
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Dan & Liz - Congratulations!!!! I know Liz must be floating on cloud 9. Dan 2oz IS goal...count the 2oz as my b-day gift to you :-)

Alannah - I am right there with you. I have been eating out a lot and know the scale will not be in my favor when I go to the COD. I have made good choices but not the best. I am going to join you with FF on Monday...WE CAN DO IT!

Jillian - Your kitty sounds so precious...I have a cat and a bunny rabbit!!!!

Letisha - I hope your baby gets well soon. WTG on your loss. I am a slow loser too and I don't pay any attention to the COD weight loss calcs. If I am losing and happy with it then so be it!!!

Joni - The link was funny! I felt so guility listening to that little angel cuss but I did laugh my hiney off!!!

The yard sale was not as good as in the past but we had a GREAT time! After that I went to the outlet mall and bought a new suit and a couple of summer blazers etc. I am trying not to buy too much, as I don't plan on being a fat A** for ever! LOL We should start an LAWL swap. I have so many clothes, all in various sizes, that I can't wear anymore (either too big or too little) that are in excellent condition. What do you guys think?
I waited too long to eat today and then had a little bit of ice cream with my lunch...I really really need to start FF on Monday! Dinner will have to be a salad and lemon water.
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Old 04-21-2007, 06:43 PM   #1018  
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Deb - Wow, sorry to hear about your accident! I am glad it was minor and that you are OK. By the way, I LOVE your new hair cut. You look fabulous and are such a major inspiration. I love reading your posts, you always keep it real and I totally appreciate that.
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Old 04-21-2007, 07:39 PM   #1019  
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Hey gang..

Deb.. So sorry about the crash.. Even if there's no physical injury, the mental strain can drive one crazy.. Just stay away from the salt..
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Old 04-21-2007, 07:57 PM   #1020  
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deb--sorry to hear about your accident. i completely know what you mean about slippery roads since i'm a midwestern girl of's been odd being out of that weather for the past year. i sometimes miss it, but not all the crappy driving conditions. glad to hear you're ok.

debbie--the clothes swap sounds fabulous! i've been holding off on buying stuff too for the most part. ebay is a great place to find cheap stuff too!

happy belated bday dan! hope you had a great day!
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