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Old 04-03-2007, 04:29 PM   #166  
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Originally Posted by Kimphin View Post
Also, I'd have to day that Thai food is also high on the sodium side, but Dan is the salt police, not me.
I've been waiting for Dan to chastise me for the salt but he seems to be slacking up on his salt police responsibilities <tapping foot>
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Old 04-03-2007, 04:36 PM   #167  
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Thanks for all the support guys The funny thing is I was just talking to her on the computer & she was telling me how stressed she was. She was saying that she only had $15 until the middle of the month & she is only getting 3 days a week at work and she is going to have to try and pawn her TV and DVD player. I just said yeah it is tough having bills and no money. I think she was hoping I would say that I would give her money. We told her when she moved out that she was welcome back to live by our rules but there would be no money help when she was on her own. I wasn't a bad teenager but my sister and brothers were challenging. So I know one day hopefully she will see the wisdom of her parents. The tough thing is that my health is a challenge as well so she may not have the luxury of 15 yrs to come around.
Joni- I am sooo gullible I thought that you had painted those bunnies!
Nicole - good luck on your interview!
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Old 04-03-2007, 04:43 PM   #168  
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Nicole – Maybe HD would let you just work in their garden center for the summer…you could get free plants!
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Old 04-03-2007, 04:48 PM   #169  
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Originally Posted by smjezzy View Post
I've been waiting for Dan to chastise me for the salt but he seems to be slacking up on his salt police responsibilities <tapping foot>


It's always a good bet that when you eat any kind of Asian food, there's gonna be plenty of salt added... I'm just as guilty.. Liz and I still occassionally visit the buffet at the mall... But we limit what we intake and we make sure that we select foods that aren't swimming in sauce..

At a sit down restaurant, ask if you can get the sauce on the side... We do that at the Pei Wei place near the mall.. They just cook the meat and veg in the wok and give us a cup of sauce for dipping.. Much like with salad dressing..

I was whipping up some pad thai noodles the other night and noticed that the included sauce packet, if used, kicks up the sodium count to close to 1,000 mg (!!!), so I just ditched that and used lower sodium teriaki and soy, along with a healthy dash of low (50 mg) chipotle chile sauce and it was great..
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Old 04-03-2007, 04:54 PM   #170  
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Hi guys,

Thought I'd do a quick stop in on my last break of the day. I can tell ya one thing - I have never had this much trouble doing TO before. I am hungry. I have just finished my supper and I thought I made enough but apparently I was wrong. And I am not going home after work right away so I'll have to deal with it until I get home. Lord knows there won't be anything I can eat at the ex's place tonight. He is lucky most days if there is bread in the house let alone anything else!!! I have some chicken left at home so I know I can have some of that once I get there and then tonight I am getting something cooked for tomorrow. I'll have to take supper to work tomorrow too as I am working till 9 doing OT. But I'll make it - I am just stubborn enough. I just hope it was worth it when I get weighed on thursday!!!

Well, this was short and to the point. I have just over an hour left here before I can leave for the day.

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Old 04-03-2007, 05:17 PM   #171  
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You'll make it!!!
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Old 04-03-2007, 05:34 PM   #172  
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Originally Posted by Dan2112 View Post
You'll make it!!!
LOVE the new pic DAN!
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Old 04-03-2007, 05:38 PM   #173  
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Dan - love the new crack me up.

Barb - My best friend is going through the exact same thing as you. Her daughter decided life was too hard at home and moved out the day after she turned 18. Thing is she really doesn't have a place to live, so she has been bouncing from friend to friend. My best friend is heartbroken and worries about her constantly. At least so far she is still going to school...high school!
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Old 04-03-2007, 05:48 PM   #174  
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Hey Everybody! I'm still floating on clound 9 today about breaking the 60's. Anyway, had some meetings today, so been kind of busy. Looks like everyone is in a chatty mood today. I am watching Oprah right now...what is your calling. Right now, it is being a SAHM. Never would have thought so four years ago while sitting in my corporate office, but this is one thing I am certain about.

Cassi- Good Luck to you and your venture into cooking school! Great for you to take a chance on yourself and not being complacent. You obviously have a great support system at home.

Deb in Nashville- Now which one are you in the picture again ??? JK! I know what you mean about taking the last "fat" picture of yourself. However, because I am such a ham, I find myself in front of camera...just as recent as last week.

Bobby- Keep on losing. It's amazing how we have lost about the same amount of weight. Have a POP day.

Joni- Congrats on the 2lbs. It's the "pollen" in the water here in GA that's helping us lose the lbs. Yeah- that's it. Man, my nose is going to fall off soon from blowing every few minutes.

Kim- Just wanted to say hey to you! You are always so upbeat.

JulieM- 2lbs sounds good! I still use Dreft and my baby is just 7 months. I love the smell of baby clothes.

Dan- Nice pic. You look much happier in this one. Liz must have given you a big hug before going to work that day. Glad you are at least maintaining...I read your posts from the weekend.

Barb- I'm trying the chicken pizza tonight, too. Deb's cookbook is a life saver!

Libby- Sounds like you are an amazingly smart woman, too!

Kim 2- I'm glad you answered Shannon's question. I wanted to ask but as a newbie, I wasn't sure. Thanks!

Wendy - WTG! You will hit goal any day now!

Kristen- I agree with you about the SS Monster. Kick him to the curb! You are doing great! Heck, you are a SUPA STAH!

Angie- I'll be stealing a cream egg myself. Hope that helps you feel better.

Nichole- How did the interview go?

And to anyone else I am leaving out...sorry, but I have got to start dinner. I will let you know how the pizza goes. TC!
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:00 PM   #175  
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OMG - Lmao at Dan and his new avatar!! What a great way to end a perfectly cruddy day.. thanks Dan for the giggle!!
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:29 PM   #176  
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Dan - Love the new avatar! I needed the laugh
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:30 PM   #177  
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Okay I SO needed that.. thank you Dan!!!
If anyone has no clue what we are talking about.. scroll up to Dan's new avatar.. Cassi warning you may bust a rib laughing.. I nearly did.!
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:38 PM   #178  
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Dan - That's just too funny!!

I used to be the Salt Police here at work. To the point, the girls would cover my eyes before they salt their food. I've always pretended to have a heart attack when they use the salt. They even put in a few extra dashed just to see me roll my eyes! Crazy people. But now, one of the girls is having major health problems. Dr ordered to lose over 150 pounds (she's over 300), and all of a sudden, they started reporting to me their daily weight. We have a manuel big o'fashioned scale in the office. The kind you move the weights around. To the point they printed out a spreadsheet for me to track who loses the most! I'm thinking Office Biggest Loser Challenge!

That was awesome, Dan, simply awesome!!
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Old 04-03-2007, 07:39 PM   #179  
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Dan - you're a mess! How's the birthday challenge progressing...

Barb - Not only do I believe in "payback" but I also believe in "tough love." You are definitely doing the right thing. Hope she comes around. Libby speaks from experience, so I would definitely listen to what she has to say.

Kim - too funny...sounds like something that would happen here in Georgia!
When I was a kid the people down the block did that because they got paint in their hair, but they were smokers too.... and apparently did not rinse well enough.... and accidentally lit themselves on fire (3 of them). They all burned their hair off!
Letisha - another Georgia gal; bet you were happy to see the rain wipe away some of that pollen. I know I was.

Nicole - ah...on second thought, based on these types of comments, perhaps you DO need that job at HD!
"really fun to buy dreft," AND "the laundry is always there waiting for me………so I’m never bored!!!"
I have to tape AI tonight; too much going on. I hate though when I don't vote. At this point, I'm convinced Sanjaya is going to win and next year they'll have to figure out a way to fix the voting mess.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:00 PM   #180  
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Dan - You are TOO funny!!

Been in a great mood since WI today. Even got out and took a walk with DH and the girls tonight. Wanted to enjoy the nice weather, since it's going to get cold again in the next couple of days. Hope everyone has a great night!!
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