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Old 04-04-2007, 11:46 AM   #211  
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Good morning all! Lots to catch up on already around here.

Dan - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the avatar!

Nicole - Your interview story cracked me up. Sorry you had to go through such crap, but that's what you get when someone in corporate for a big company makes the rules for each location. Cluelessness.

OK... picked up (well, really paid a LOT for) my chef whites and my knife/tool kit today. They asked me what size I was and I told them I really had no idea. The guy looks at me like how could you not know, and then I told him that I just lost 70lbs and I have no clue. So I run back and forth to the ladies room and it turns out I have a size large in the chef coat (with a lot of room, but I didn't want it to be tight over the hip/butt area), and ... get this... size MEDIUM pants. WOO HOO. I tried on the large first thinking I was being quite hopeful, but they were huge. The mediums fit nice and I have room in them. Since I just had a huge Passover dinner the last two nights, this was a very welcome thing. And I look pretty cute in them, I must say. Then they took my student ID picture and I actually didn't have a double chin.

It's really weird because I still see myself as the 260lb person. When doctors ask me how much I weigh I still want to say 2-something. DH and I were talking about a trip to Disney and I was thinking about fitting in the rides and realized I won't have that problem. All of those things that I used to worry about, I'm still finding it strange that I don't have to worry about it. I'm no longer the biggest girl in the room when I go somewhere. It's strange how thoughts like that become ingrained.

OK... way off topic there. Just started rambling. Gotta get some work done. Chat later.
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Old 04-04-2007, 11:53 AM   #212  
Let's try this again . .
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Cassi-how exciting! It's so fun to start a new "chapter" in your life like that . . . .and congrats on the medium pants. Someday . . .I will join you . . .

Nicole-I HATE interviews like that! Makes me want to gouge my eye out. And role-playing? gimme a break! My last visit with the social worker was to go over the topics in this workbook they gave me- a lot of touchy feely exercises I just couldn't bring myself to do. "Imagine your child and draw a picture of him/her . . ." Of course-you would need to do this before receiving the assignment/pic of your child. . . .I really don't get the point of stuff like that-anyone could act out or reply the "perfect" way-but that doesn't mean they'll react that way in reality.
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Old 04-04-2007, 11:57 AM   #213  
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Great NSV Cassi! What a confidence booster as you start this school thing!

LOL - when you said you picked up your knives I heard Padma saying in my head "please pack your knives and go" (Top Chef) I'm insane, I know (which brings up a good question - if you know you are insane, are you really insane???)
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:22 PM   #214  
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Cassi..........please post a picture in your chef whites...........i really wanted to say costume for some dumb reason...but this is for real exciting..............anyway....please post us a picture of you in your whites..........hat and all. Is it starting to feel real now?

Kim...........good question............and I have no clue
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:24 PM   #215  
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JM...........did you have a hard time not laughing..........I guess I just HATE wasting time......I just wanna say......"hey, either you like me and think I am qualified for whatever..........or you don't." We all usually know within the first 5 minutes if things are going to work out or not anyway........
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:31 PM   #216  
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Morning all...

Glad my new avatar got a laugh from you... I just figured I'd start living up to everyone's expectations..

I'm taking the afternoon off as I have an appointment to see a chiropracter for my shoulder... I don't expect it's anything serious...

But in the meantime, I'm having willpower concerns... I'm hungry, and there's a green chile cheeseburger with my name on it less than a mile away...

I'm sure I'll survive..

Hope you're all having a POP day...
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:40 PM   #217  
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Cassi - Big Big congrats. You're story got me all teary eyed. How proud you must be of yourself. Size medium?? YOUGOGIRL! I'm so happy for you.

Keep going and we'll all be waiting for the day you send pics of yourself as a graduate in a size small chefs garb!
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:40 PM   #218  
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i just made the best thing ever.

i took a low carb wrap and 1/2 banana and rf peanut butter and cream cheese and melted the peanut butter for a few seconds, spread that and the cream cheese on the wrap and put the cut banana on it and rolled it up.
so like 1/2 protein, 1 fruit, 1 fat and 1 starch. it was great.
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:41 PM   #219  
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Originally Posted by Dan2112 View Post
But in the meantime, I'm having willpower concerns... I'm hungry, and there's a green chile cheeseburger with my name on it less than a mile away...

I'm sure I'll survive..

Hope you're all having a POP day...
It actually says DON not Dan. You're safe.
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:51 PM   #220  
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So here I am, new to the area and not much of a blogger, I have to admit. The positive support here is so nice that I had to join. I hope my blogs look as fancy as some of yours does someday.

I have been on LAWL for only 3 weeks and this Thursday, April 5th will be my 4 weeks, time to be weighed and measured. Up to this point I have lost almost 11 lbs. I think that is good, my clothes are already beginning to feel different. This diet is much easier than anything I've ever tried before!

My goal is to lose 30 pounds before June 11th, when we fly to Las Vegas for a week! Positive thinking is the key!

Have a great day all and happy losing!
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:06 PM   #221  
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Welcome Roxie!!! You will defintely find a lot of support here and an 11 pound loss so far is AWESOME!!!!!!!
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:07 PM   #222  
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Welcome RoxieRoost! Jump in whenever you want!
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:09 PM   #223  
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welcome roxie, this is an amazing group on here!
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:10 PM   #224  
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Hi all,

Dan- The avatar cracks me up. Step away from the green chile cheeseburger!!

Kristen- Good idea for the white paint on the bangs fix. Kim is right, it will save tons of money at the salon. Hope you get some awesomely cute pictures of the girls. You are a stronger person than me to give up coffee for 40 days. I could do it in the summertime, but no way when it's still cold out. Maybe you should just get an IV drip inserted in 3 days and just live off of the coffee intravenously

Kim- Don't feel bad for wanting a day to yourself. I don't have any children and usually I get one day off during the week and then every other weekend off. I LOVE my weekday off, if I want to lock myself up in the house and lounge in my jammies, I do.

Katie- Was rolling on the floor with the scenario!! BTW the puppy is too cute! Good luck with TO.

Nicole- The HD is across the street from our store. I can't tell you how many times customers have been sent to our store by the HD employees. When I say you can get that over at HD, they say" they said they don't carry it and sent me here." So I proceed to tell them exactly where it is in the store over there. So Kim is right about most of the employees not knowing squat about what they have, and it's sad that the regular customers know more about the store than the employees.

JM- The mahi-mahi recipe sounds just delish.

Lea ann- Hi

Kim2- Yay on getting the TT scheduled so fast. I bet you are so excited!

Cassi- congrats on getting your whites and having them in a smaller size than you expected!! I'm with Nicole- let's see a pic of you in the whites. I understand completely about still seeing yourself at the higher weight. I always want to wander into the plus size section at the store, and how come I am seeing so many cute clothes in the plus size section now that weren't there when I could wear them?!?!

Roxi- welcome to the group!!

I'm up for a Memorial day Challenge. It's 7 weeks after Easter.
What do you all say?

My scale said 169.7 this morn with my jammies on, so hopefully it will still in the 60's when I go WI . That would just jazz me up!!
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:14 PM   #225  
Kate - LAWL since 10/06
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Deb - WOOHOO to 160's!!!!

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