Featherweights For those with just a few pounds, or trying to lose those last few pounds.

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Old 08-21-2010, 01:07 PM   #361  
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Hi all- I just joined 3FC to give myself more accountablity. I am subject to a few diverging attitudes from friends and family. My girlfriends who are larger than me don't be leive I have weight to lose and my mom is always asking me if I went to the gym today. I do know without going to the gym, I won't lose weight. I'm not comfortable where I am at, and I know that is the important part. Unfortunately, I have yoyo'd down to 15 lbs from current for three years. I really want to go lower than that so I really need help and support.

I am really happy to find this board. Thanks you for having me!
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Old 08-21-2010, 02:14 PM   #362  
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FLSydsMomLosingIt and crimsons to the Feathers
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Old 08-26-2010, 12:21 PM   #363  
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I am back I was here a few years ago and surpased my goal. Life happened (seperation, back to school and baby#5)and I gained some weight back I have lost a bit but am having a hard time sticking to things like I did before. The baby turns 2 on friday and I still have the 15 pounds that I put on before getting pregnant, when I went back to school, and 5 from my pregnancy. I am hoping that this site will be as helpful this time as it was last.
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Old 08-26-2010, 10:06 PM   #364  
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back Canadian Mom ... You can do this, we'll be here to help you!
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Old 09-14-2010, 03:06 AM   #365  
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Hey All, I'm so glad for the clarification as to what exactly constitutes as a "Featherweight", I thought this is where the teeny tiny folk hung out and felt like I didn't belong, turns out it's just for those with a little more to lose so I guess I do belong, yay for belonging! I'm currently at 142, my highest was 199, I managed to get to 132 almost two years ago.....then gained some back (needless to say I could kick myself), but I'm on track now, focusing on the future, feeling good and ready to drop this last wee bit. It helps that my wedding is approaching, there's nothing like having to fit in a wedding dress for some added motivation! Looking forward to reading around the featherweights section.

Last edited by bananapancakes; 09-30-2010 at 09:27 PM.
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Old 09-26-2010, 01:19 PM   #366  
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I hope to join the feathers soon! I was 103-108 my whole life. Then a big trauma last year and BOOM! 160. 160????!!!!! I couldn't get it off to save my life. A fabulous trainer to the rescue. I've lost 25 lbs. in a month, and hope to finish it off with 25 this month. At the rate I'm going, I will be under 120 by Oct. 12. I do not have a formal job, so I can pop down to my community gym several times a day for a half hour of cardio. It's working!!!!
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Old 09-26-2010, 03:38 PM   #367  
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Default thanks god for this !

Hey you all !

I am so happy to find this place ! I can complain however I want without having to be concerned of being melodramatic !

I have 15 pounds to lose, and it just seem IMPOSSIBLE to manage.
I have to study, and work...I can't stop eating when I am studying, else my focus will lose it ! Whan can I do ?
I am now studying, I haven't worked out today, I ate two moon cakes and this fried sandwich thing sold for 80 cents downstairs my house. I feel really guilty ! I need a maid w will do my groceries and buy my vegetables hihi

Jiayou you guys ! We can do this ! we are so close to our goal !
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Old 09-30-2010, 08:45 AM   #368  
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@crimson: Wow, 25 lbs in a month- w.t.g!!! You have obviously been bustin' your butt! I thought my 13 was great.....well, it's still great but jeezo, 25....aaaalright! I only work part time so I'm able to workout often without any problems- I feel for the people who've got to squish workouts in with their full time jobs, being a parent etc...

Chrystelle, welcome! You can snack while you study, just snack smarter. You can do it!
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Old 09-30-2010, 10:03 AM   #369  
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bananapancakes, chrystelle6 and crimsons ALL
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Old 10-05-2010, 12:24 PM   #370  
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Default Hi! :D

Hey, all! I'm new and am totally psyched by this particular group. I only have a few pounds to lose, but they're TOUGH, so I need some cheerleading.

I'm 5'5" and was pretty slender as a kid and in my early and mid 20s, usually hovering between 100 and 115 lbs. (closer to 100 was a little too small for me; that was more my "I'm under stress" weight). However, I was also a very heavy smoker, and smoking cigarettes totally does screwy things with your metabolism. As soon as I met my now DH (a non-smoker) and quit that bad little habit, I very rapidly went up to almost 150. I think also suddenly eating like a 6'5" 250-pound man had something to do with it as well. Since I'd never had to worry about my weight before, I had NO IDEA what to do about portion control when the person you're eating with is twice your size. Plus, getting older and having a more sedentary job... well, it just all compounded on me, and here I am. I was also on a very crummy BCP for a while that made me retain a lot of water.

Now, though, I'm smoke-free for over five years. I exercise a lot and enjoy it a lot (I used to work out over the years just for fun, so I never worried WHAT I did or if it caused weight loss; now I'm all about effective workouts). I try to eat right without "dieting" per se, and I now I use much smaller plates than the hubs. I started my weight loss plan in July and saw no progress until last month, when I suddenly dropped 7 lbs. pretty quickly. I'm so glad that happened, too; I was starting to get discouraged!

Anyway, my ultimate goal is to get back to the 115 range, but I'll be ecstatic to see 125 again sometime soon. So that's my story!
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Old 10-05-2010, 01:50 PM   #371  
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I found two forums where I really couldn't fit in because I only have a few pounds to loose. But whether its a few or a few hundred... why does it matter THAT much... The principles are the same.
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Old 10-09-2010, 12:47 AM   #372  
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Hello everyone.
I used to be an active member years ago. My lowest weight was 115, about 7 years ago. My highest.148. I just didn't keep on top of it. I stopped weighing myself and stopped exercising
and before I knew it the weight was back.
About myself, I love exercise. I love the gym,
zumba, 30 Day Shred, Denise Austins bootcamp,
basketball and ice skating.

I have 2 kids 9 and 10. I live in Japan, just outside
of Tokyo.
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Old 10-13-2010, 09:41 AM   #373  
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Default Im new and I think this would be a great group to help me.

Hi im Stephanie. Im 45 and hit the scale today at 158. Im truly unhappy with the way my clothes look on me. I have been 140 a few years back but little by little it crept back on. My goal is to look & feel much better about myself by Thanksgiving.
I have a few goals... drink more water
walk everyday for 45 minutes
and of course lose the fat !!
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Old 10-14-2010, 05:01 AM   #374  
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Hey guys!

My weight has been all over the place -- a high of 200, a low of about 90, and I'm 5'5". This year, I got up to almost 187. Back in May, I finally decided that I had enough! I got in gear and am happy to say that I've been going strong ever since.

Right now, I feel like I look pretty good at my weight, and people have been complimenting me. My husband/family would prefer that I didn't lose more weight, but I would like to try another 15-20 at least, just to get to where I feel the most confident. I had some old clothes in storage that are the smaller sizes. Some of them I've been able to get back into (size US 6/7/8), and some are motivation for when I lose more.

Anyway, I went on a trip to America and I was able to maintain and not gain anything back. When I came back here, it took a few days, but I finally got back on the exercise wagon, and I've lost 6 pounds since I came back (2 or so weeks ago). That's another thing -- I was losing so much more quickly at first, so it's hard to be satisfied with 7 pounds here, 5 pounds there.

Anyway, that's my story for now. I really like this particular forum and I enjoy reading your stories here.

Last edited by fivestone; 12-03-2010 at 08:32 PM.
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Old 10-14-2010, 06:46 AM   #375  
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Wow, fivestone, you have really come a long way! Good luck with that last little bit! You can do it!
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