Featherweights For those with just a few pounds, or trying to lose those last few pounds.

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Old 03-02-2014, 11:46 PM   #511  
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I'm new to all this, just started Jenny Craig last week at 73Kg (160lbs).

Feeling like I could use somewhere to go when I feel the urge to eat something I shouldn't!

Lets face it no-one understands more about that neurotic moment when the fridge door is open and you've consumed half your weekly shopping in the space of an advert break more than other people that have been there lol!

Any way's hope to get involved and join in some conversations ")
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Old 03-03-2014, 08:27 AM   #512  
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Hello all....I was a skinny minnie my whole life....but then things started to change. I was in a difficult marriage and started turning to food for comfort. My life the past ten years or so has been yo yo dieting. Gaining and losing, losing and gaining...I need to put an end to it. I'm the heaviest i've ever been in my life. Although I am not obese by any means I truly don't need extra 20 lbs on my small frame. I would be happy losing 15. I am doing Atkins diet and the atkins thread is filled with mostly people with a lot of weight to lose and i don't feel comfortable going on there and whining about my 15 lbs. I guess I can understand the mindset, but at the same time i wish people realized that if your head isn't in the right place losing 20 lbs is just as difficult as losing 100. My weight watchers leader told me that years ago and i believe it. So that's my story and i'm sticking to it!!!!
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Old 04-07-2014, 02:43 PM   #513  
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hi everyone! i'd like to lose just about 10 lbs more...i'm still dealing with an 18 lbs gain when i started a desk job after college. i'm about halfway there!
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Old 04-07-2014, 05:06 PM   #514  
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I am with you' lost 18 a yr ago and it came back on slowly over 8 mo. Gained back 14 of it. I'm 5'. 4" and 144, I did the ideal protein diet that was veryyyyy restrictive. 3 of their meals and snacks and then 2 c veggies 2 times a day and 6-8 oz of meat. The last 3 months I have been super good doing Greek yogurt smoothies with a gluten free protein powder with spinach, almond butter, flax and flax oil for 3 meals a day along with veggies and chicken or fish. Lost 2 lbs during week but on weekends I would have maybe 6 glasses of wine or drinks over weekend' gained back what I lost during week. All my friends lose weight while still being able to have some fun on the weekends! I exercise with an assortment of cardio and strength 5-7 days a week for 30-45 min each workout... I am so up set that I'm doing everything ....... Right except have a few drinks on weekend, anyone else the same way?i am 52 years old.
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Old 04-11-2014, 01:09 PM   #515  
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Hello I'm brand new and never been on any forums . Just started back at WW and can't stop bingeing. Keep trying everyday. Although I do lots of exercise I give into emotional eating, and now it's a habit which I've been doing for over a year ( this time). I need all the help I can get please. 😕
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Old 04-26-2014, 03:02 AM   #516  
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Smile Hi new to this forum

I have been trying to lose about 14 pounds for the last 18 months. Not loosing the weight though. I have reduced meat intake and increased veges & salad. I tried buying some of the vegetarian meals also from the supermarket but they didn't do anything either....but I also saw the ingredients and wasn't happy with what i read, so I have stopped buying them.
I have tried to eat more at lunch and smaller meal at night... still no luck..

The last 2 months I have been taking coffee bean capsules to reduce craving & eating.... I look at myself today and still see my big belly which I don't like...

I am keen to take a look at your forum and see what some of you have done. I am searching different newletters etc to help ???.

Kind regards
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Old 05-08-2014, 08:27 AM   #517  
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I am really glad to find this post! I sit about 5-6 pounds over the weight I want all of a sudden even though I am super healthy. It seems to have coincided with turning 40. Glad there is a forum for Featherweights!
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Old 06-18-2014, 01:26 PM   #518  
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this is so exciting. Finding this community. I have always been yoyo. Sometimes weighing a lot. More than 200 lbs. other times not as much. Recently I have been a good weight. BUT in the past month I have been having problems with it. I gained weight. I have to take off 5 lbs.

And more important, I need to get back on the rigid plan. its what works well for me. No sugar. None. Not even samples at grocery stores. Sugar is my gateway drug, so to speak.

So last night after the worst 2 day slip in 1 1/2 years I vowed to get back on the diet plan. Not only to lose those 5 lbs I gained. But to also go back to where I was able to stay stable. No sugar. Refined or otherwise. Its poison for me. And no more buying peanutbutter for the house. Because I cannot control how much I eat.

Today I cut up the amazing treats I made for the chiropractic office I am going to. But I resisted eating even a crumb of it. Quite a difference from what I did on Monday or Tuesday. And then there was the weekend of the 7th of June. And before then it was June 1st and 2nd. This cannot continue. Its very bad for me. I can go off the diet. But not with sugar. And not in such an unreasonable way. Its emotionally and physically unhealthy. I am back on the straight and narrow. Losing the 5 lbs I gained. And then working to keep it off. This lifetime battle with weight has been exhausting. i dont know how better to say it.
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Old 06-25-2014, 04:07 AM   #519  
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Hi Stefania, i joined last week and posted here. If you look at the post dates, its not an active or interactive thread. But I did want to answer. AND I am totally happy to post anytime here.

I think this website is awesome. The people are great. having 25 or less l bs to lose is just as good reason to be here as 100 0r 200. You will find lots of acceptance encouragment and bonding. Or thats what I notice here on the various threads and areas of the website.

For me, it doesnt matter how little I have to lose, its still hard. Especially when I am not in the groove, which I am not in at the moment. And then of course there is the future. Maintence. Glad you found your way here. Glad I did also. I am still so new.

i hope you feel better soon. The flu can be horrible.

Last edited by flower123; 06-25-2014 at 04:32 AM.
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Old 01-04-2015, 12:58 PM   #520  
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Glad I found this. My journey started with wanting to lose 45 pounds. I have 21 to go and although I try and stay optimistic it is hard. Nice to see how others feel.
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Old 01-13-2015, 01:58 AM   #521  
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Hi, everyone!

I am sooo glad I found this place. I am really sick of hearing from my friends that I don't need to be on a diet because "I don't look fat". To be honest, I'd really rather not wait until the point where it actually becomes noticeable. I've been in the 120s for most of my adult life, but after a difficult year-long battle with depression, I ended up shooting into the mid 140s, gaining mostly in my hips and thighs. Because of where it falls, and because I'm only barely into an overweight BMI, people think I "look fine"... but I notice the difference, and I want that weight off!

At my last weigh-in, I had lost 5 lbs. on the South Beach Diet (I'm a little more than halfway through Phase 1), and I'm hopeful to get back to a weight that's healthier for me while learning how to eat better in the long run.
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Old 01-25-2015, 07:57 AM   #522  
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I've seen the great support here, and I'm trying to lose those last 15 or so pounds. I hope I have something to offer, also.

I did post my Christmas week to now results in the "January Weigh-In" thread, and really feel good about the accountability. I think it was an influence in my decision - or move in that direction, lol - to give myself kind of a stringent goal for this week of getting back down to at least the pre-Christmas weight.

I have a habit of sitting too much, so I really appreciate the inspiration!
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Old 02-04-2015, 12:30 PM   #523  
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My name is Nicola! if everything works out, I am hoping to lose around 46.5 pounds. I am a binge eater. When I feel life/or my goals are just too intense I eat myself into oblivion. I find that I am either 100% on track with a weight loss program or 100% destructive and eating terribly-gaining back all the weight I worked so hard to lose. I am frustrated. In the summer I went from 226.5-202.5. By the new year I weighed in at 218. I lost control. Now I am weighing myself everyday hoping to see the numbers going down. I may only have 29 pounds to go, but it feels very overwhelming most of the time.

Last edited by nicolas89; 02-04-2015 at 12:31 PM.
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Old 02-12-2015, 04:37 PM   #524  
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Hello this is my first post.

I was so glad to find the featherweights group here. In clothes I look skinny, an XL t-shirt covers where I'm fattest. I'm so sick of people saying that I am their Ideal weight. I am skinny everywhere except my lower abdomen. I am very small boned. I have to wear children's watchbands. When I was young I looked best at 107 pounds. I am old now and I think 115 would be a better weight.

I have orders from my Doctor to lose because of my apple shape. Plus I have diabetes. (the family curse)

I refuse to just give up trying to lose this weight. I have tried all kinds of different diets. They all mostly work until they don't anymore.

Heaviest weight-157

I really love the smilies here.
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Old 02-12-2015, 04:50 PM   #525  
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Welcome! I hope we can encourage you with your weight loss goals and your journey to become healthier.

Originally Posted by Dynxagain View Post
I'm so sick of people saying that I am their Ideal weight.
Oh, I really can't stand when people say that, because it's often unreasonable. My boyfriend, who is well above 6 feet tall, has an ideal weight of 195, which is skinny on him as it is - I would be completely aghast if he aspired to be my weight, and 195 on me would be obese!!

Granted, that's an extreme example, but it serves my point - what's ideal for some is not for others, and it's so frustrating when people ignore that!

I've actually developed a response for people who discourage me for reasons like that... "Everyone needs to eat healthy, no matter their weight. If I'm too thin to lose weight by eating healthy, then the worst it can do is just keep me where I'm at. It won't hurt me!"

Maybe not the wittiest response, but it's the truth!

Last edited by Lluvia; 02-12-2015 at 04:55 PM.
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