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Old 04-23-2021, 12:08 PM   #196  
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Mad I think it is wonderful that you have a safe place to go eat and have GF foods to order. That is awesome. I think it is great that you are planning things for the children during the pandemic because they need it. So many children are having problems because of the lockdowns we have had here in US.

Carol Sue The Half Day Keto diet doesn't sound like a keto diet to me either. It actual just sounds more like a low carb diet done with IF which I was doing before I decided to try to ease into keto. Which means to me that any plan would work with IF. He even suggested some things I didn't understand. I know that keto allows you to drink coffee with HWC or some other low carb creamer. He says not to use coffee creamer because of the calories. The strange thing is that HWC has 40 calories and my coffee creamer has only 15. After reading his book, I don't see why I can't do a semi-CAD plan with IF and get the same results.

I don't eat breakfast any more and I can go until 3 without eating anything most days and just drink coffee or water doing a 2MAD within a 4 or 5 hr eating window. So I can have any starchy food I want at 3 o'clock meal making it more lie a CAD 1 hr eating window to keep insulin surge down each day and then make my end of the day meal a low carb no starches meal. It will be similar to the way CAD day works except I can have any non-starchy low carb veggie that I want. This will work out great for me because I have found that my FBG seems to be normal this way. It was 95 again this morning and has been in the 90s most days this week. My weight seems to like this too. Being Friday and the fact that I had to get up early even though I am not going to the beauty shop since they were delivering my freezer between 9 and 1 pm my weight was up a little like always is on Friday. (Good thing I got up early because they called me they were on their way at about 8:45 am.) And as usual on Friday, the weight was up but only .6 lb but I still kept the 185 so I'm happy with that.

I didn't think I was eating low enough carbs to ever get into keto., because it seems that all the keto types from Strict to Dirty all says the carbs are to be 5% of calories which I don't think I could ever do because that means that the fat would have to be 70% since I only eat 25 % protein so it can stay around 90 g. and there is no way I can eat that much fat. However, I can do the 2MAD and use a little bit of fat at each meal from most of the food I eat like the whole milk at lunch and not actually add fat to my meal. I don't always want fat like butter on my veggies. There are only a few veggies I would add it to.

I hope your doctor's appointment goes well. The doctor probably will try to talk you into the vaccine so be prepared. I felt I had to get mine to please everybody else, but I won't hash that any more. What is done is done and that is it.

I love how things seem to work themselves out. I got my new freezer and I could have gone to the beauty shop except I don't want to drive since I've been taking Benadryl and it makes me sleepy. Baby sister called this morning and they have found a house to rent while they are looking for one to buy. I will transfer everything from the deep freezer to the new upright in the house either late tonight or early tomorrow morning. It will be ready for her to take to her rent house whenever she gets the house and starts moving in. That is amazing to me how God just puts things in place.

Have nice day everybody.

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Old 04-23-2021, 12:18 PM   #197  
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Carol Sue 7.4 is acceptable to our doctor for DH A1c but DH isn't happy with it either. It is good news about the triglycerides down 100 pts. The fasting and the way you have changed your plan is showing. That is great that your doctor didn't push you to take the vaccine. My DD in Arkansas can't get the vaccine at her doctor's office at all. The only way she can get it is to have someone drive her to Little Rock if she gets on a list or she can get it at Walgreens when they get them in, but they don't have it there. Then here in TX the doctors and most work places are the ones making sure that people get it. What is confusing to me about all this is why a doctor's office wouldn't even give it if it is really as necessary as they say. The whole thing is a big puzzle I don't even want to hear about any more. I am glad that there are a lot of research studies going on concerning it now all over the world. So maybe someone will come up with a good solid answer someday.

Glad your appointment went well, but wonder why your bp was so high?
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Old 04-23-2021, 07:35 PM   #198  
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Trish, I was really surprised that the doctor didn't mention the vaccine. I doubt if he gives the shots in his office because he is in the complex owned by the hospital and they have the vaccine clinic in a building all its own there. I could walk to it from his office. Some doctors might not have a place to store it. I noticed they are giving the vaccine in Wal-Mart and they announced the last time I was there that they are accepting walk ins, no appointment needed. So many people are hesitant to get it and that might keep from getting herd immunity. I don't know what the answer is unless they make it mandatory. I am glad for the people who got it and are OK.
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Old 04-24-2021, 12:01 AM   #199  
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DH fixed my of and everything works but wifi. So he is going to order ​​​me a new one. I am typing this on my kindle. Not easy for me so may have to wait till I get the new one to post but will try to check in once a day till I get it.
I had a good eating day.

Carol Sue I heard they can't make vaccine mandatory but you never know these days.

Hope you rest good to night.
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Old 04-24-2021, 06:20 AM   #200  
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Trish, I hope you get your new pc soon. I usually post on my Kindle but just got a new 10" which makes it easier.j

I ate late last night so started a new fast at 8 pm. Its early so I won't get weighed til later.

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Old 04-24-2021, 09:11 AM   #201  
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Hi friends: just a hello, did not weigh today after my wonderful but high carb meal yesterday. I had the enchilada and DH and DD had tacos, so we all had a good meal of our choosing.
I did not eat the "whole enchilada" and can have leftovers today if I want. I do want to eat before going over to the children's house because I got cupcakes to put candles on for the birthday, and I don't want to be obsessing over the sweets, even though they are GF. It should just be a fun time. I do not plan to jump on their trampoline or try out the stilts we got her. At my age, that just sounds like an opportunity to injure myself. It is warmer and sunny today again, and the weather will be more seasonal and not so cold from here on. Hurray.

Carol: I agree, getting the A1C down will be good for you and should help your blood pressure as well. More of the IF and careful portions should do it. But no one is perfect.

Have a good day and a lovely weekend.
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Old 04-24-2021, 01:22 PM   #202  
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A quick check in here on DH pc. I can't use this much either as he has it on very small font and I barely can see it and won't mess with his settings.

Funny thing that happened early this morning. I went to bed and was almost asleep although up and down with potty issues again and DH came in and said the internet had started working on my computer. So we decided to cancel the new one he had ordered from Amazon to save the money and not buy right now. I was having such potty issues that I decided to get up and got on pc and was online for a few minutes checking email erasing junk and all of a sudden the internet stopped working again and hasn't worked since. DH went back on Amazon and reordered the new computer. Here is the strange thing that is funny. When he ordered it the first time it was going to be here Tuesday. When he reordered it, it will be here Monday. So that is better. So I should be back online on it Tuesday. Not sure I will be posting again before then.

I do have a new low this morning of 184.4 and FBG was 97. I wish I knew what was causing the potty issues. I don't like having it but I love being able to lose the weight. So still want to do the low carb and I will just ride it out for now and see how it goes. Rash is getting better but itches like crazy as it is healing. Thank God I have a good ointment DS told me about years that is helping with that. I'm wondering if taking so much Benadryl for the itching is causing problems for me. I need to look that up and see what the side effects are. I will try to stop taking it and rely on the ointment to ease the itchiness.

Y'all have a good weekend and I'll be back Tuesday.
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Old 04-24-2021, 02:26 PM   #203  
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Trish, I'm sorry you are having issues with the itch and potty issues. I know how you feel about the weight loss, though.

The past 24 hours have been terrible for me. First of all my potty issues have gone in reverse which is just as bad if not worse and I've had a carb fest. Its because DH bought some Italian bread. Once I gave in to that I was off to the races and its been a carb fest. Instantly back to my old eating habits of stuffing myself and feeling terrible. I have to nip this in the bud and start a fast right now, 2 pm. I hope to fast 20-24 hours. It will be harder starting with a belly full of carbs but I REFUSE to go back to 190. Lucky for me DH does not want dinner but is making fries for himself. I will get back on the wagon and coast back home.


Trish, this is funny, but DH tried to get on our PC and got a weird message. Neither of us knows anything but I played around and I'm doing a system restore. I don't know if it will work. He always blames it on me but now I don't use the pc except once a month when I pay bills. I use my Kindle otherwise. He is on the PC every night, but nothing is ever his fault.

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Old 04-25-2021, 07:49 AM   #204  
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It took 2 hours to run the restore on our computer. It was done at 11 pm. I took it back to March 2021 and it looked like it was operating correctly but we won't really know until DH tries to get on it again. I'm not touching it.

I am still having reverse potty issues probably caused by all the carb crap I ate. (inhaled). I will not get on the scale until this is resolved. I have enough stress as it is. I've been fasting since 2 pm yesterday, just a diet coke and water. I know the coke was not fasting friendly but I thought maybe the carbonation would help. It did not. I'm not hungry but if someone sets food in front of me I would eat it. I'm not even craving anything right now except more black coffee.

I need to go to the store this morning for ground beef. I have some peppers I want to stuff.

Out temps are due to go back to the 80s this week and we have not done anything about the air conditioning. I think we would get a better price if we do the air and furnace together. He doesn't want to do the furnace. He's the boss, but if the furnace quits in the middle of winter I'm going to a hotel.


I bit the bullet and got on the scale. I figured I'm not going to get anywhere by hiding from the truth. I'm up 1.4 lb to 188.4, but still not 190, so now I am back on track. No major damage done. I can do this. I'm planning a salad for brunch, but first I have to get to the store before the Sunday crowd hits.

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Old 04-26-2021, 02:18 AM   #205  
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Not much has changed but still hanging in there....
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Old 04-26-2021, 07:30 AM   #206  
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I feel fat today,,so no scale. My fasting hours are getting shorter. Still at least 16 hours but that one day when I really did poorly has me on a bad track. This is how it works for me. Once I fall off the wagon I can't get right back on. I don't think I over ate but I didn't fast as long. The longer fasts kept me from snacking indiscriminately.

I slept pretty good. Fitbit scored it an 85. I'm really glad my sleep has improved.

Our pc is working again but we lost our bookmarks. I think they are there but I can't get them to restore . its nothing really important.

Glad you are still hanging in too, Pipsicle. This weight loss stuff is not for sissies.


I made it thru to an almost 17 HR fast. That seems so short after I was doing 20+ but it is reasonable. I think I will have to work my way up to longer which I can usually do when we go to the casino. Changes have to be made gradually to make them become a habit, a permanent change.

I want to make the stuffed peppers today for dinner. I'm trying to bring back some of the meals DH would eat in the past. We still like to eat out a couple times a week but we're choosing places with a higher quality of foods and they cost more. We haven't had fast food for a long time. I think you can get healthy fast food if you're careful, and only do it occasionally. I'm not totally against it.

I have a lot of energy today and want to do some laundry and cleaning.


DH got on the pc and found the bookmarks! Now we have to make sure the printer still works. Trish, I think you said your new computer is coming today. That's exciting. I would hang onto the old one. Maybe someone can get it to work.

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Old 04-26-2021, 01:51 PM   #207  
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My new computer is supposed to be here sometime today. I hope it will come this afternoon so DH can set it up so I can be back online by tomorrow if not tonight.

Pipsicle Good to hear from you and hope things will improve for you soon.

Carol Sue Glad you are still under 290. I think we are still getting back to eating the way that is how we ate when we were young. I am now fasting from around 7 or 8 pm until 3 or 4 in the afternoon. So I am getting a long fast each day. I might could eat one meal a day but haven't done that yet. I am just thankful that I can do this.

Weight this morning was 183.8. So the weight is moving fairly well now. I am actually eating whatever I want at 3 pm and then mostly having a snack at night. I am just thankful that it is working.

Babysister found a house to rent while they look to buy. They applied for it yesterday and I figure they will probably go get there stuff and move in this weekend or next week. Three of her sons will go with them and move them back. It will be nice when they get back here.

I hope everyone has a good day and hopefully I'll be back online on the new pc tomorrow.
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Old 04-26-2021, 02:30 PM   #208  
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Trish, I know you will be happy to have your other sister nearby. The 3 of you together again.

My peppers are ready and just need to be heated up when we're ready to eat. I'm not hungry yet and neither is DH.

DH got information from 2 neighbors who had their air condition replaced. One looks promising so I hope DH gets an estimate soon.

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Old 04-27-2021, 01:23 AM   #209  
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Don't know what happened but I'm online right now on old pc. Didn't get new one yet but supposed to come tomorrow or by 29th. So just checking in real quick before it goes off again. Will be back as soon as I can. Had another good day. I just don't get hungry right now. Still have potty issues at time but not sure why so guess it will finally play itself out. I hope.

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Old 04-27-2021, 05:57 AM   #210  
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Trish, I'm glad you are able to check in, but I miss hearing from you. I like hearing the details of what you're doing with eating.

I forced myself to get on the scale and its 189.8, so barely under 190. Another bad day yesterday. I was so stuffed when I went to bed I was so uncomfortable. It would help if I went to the bathroom but not 2 lbs. I will be busy today so I hope to get back on track. I still don't get hungry but just want things. I know from the past if I give in once it takes a while to get back to it. I hope I can do it today or I will be back to 190. This is my last chance to correct this but I'm glad I still have this chance.

I'm up early today. We have to take the dog for his hair cut. I have to request our voting ballots. That was on my mind.

I got all my laundry done yesterday. We did not get a hold of the air condition guy. That has to be resolved before the hot weather comes or I'm going to a hotel! LOL
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