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Old 04-20-2021, 08:19 PM   #181  
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The casino was ok but not great. We didn't lose all our money we took but did NOT come out ahead. I was starving when we got home. Shaky hungry, so I ate. I had a big salad with some deli turkey and cheese chopped into it. I used to rarely eat salad but now that I've been making them at home I like them. I shred carrots and radishes, cut up cucumbers and onion, and today I had some green and black olives. DH made a sandwich but I did not.

Trish, I read something about rashes and it can be your body getting rid of toxins. I hope it clears up. I remember you getting that in the past. We buy Benadryl cream
​for that too. The pills can really knock me out.

I was thinking about my naps. Today I was at the casino so naturally no nap. But I am not sleepy now. I think it happens after I eat and could have something to do with blood sugar. This started after I started fasting. Blood sugar goes down when I fast and would go up when I eat. I didn't eat all day so no blood sugar and no sleepiness. The salad shouldn't effect my blood sugar much.


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Old 04-20-2021, 11:10 PM   #182  
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Carol Sue I have associated my sleepiness to my eating too since it usually happens right after our 3 o'clock meal. I hadn't thought about the bs being low during fast and raised after I eat. I think because I can get tired and sleepy before I eat when I fast longer than 16 hrs.

I forget about the chef like salads, I could have those at night sometime too.

My 8 hr window went very well. My calories were over 1300 calories, but macros balanced beautifully. So it has been a good day. Benedryl cream would be very helpful with healing. The rash on the side of my stomach is fading. The ones in the crease of my arm are slower healing probably because of bending so much and sweating. I use medicated powder on the rashes to keep them dry as much as possible.
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Old 04-21-2021, 02:53 AM   #183  
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Haven't gone to bed yet because of the potty issues. I decided to look up rashes and keto. I actually have a Keto Rash. I can choose to ride it out or I can raise my carbs and not go into ketosis which just might be what I will do. Although I know it is, it looks awful and I don't feel comfortable going any where. The article says that it might go away within a few weeks on its own. I will complete this week on the plan and then decide what to do if it hasn't begun to fade. It also suggested eating carbs between 50 and 100 g and not go into ketosis. If things aren't better by the end of the week, I will do that.

Glad to know the cause. I think I know what is causing my potty issues so I will work on making changes to that too.
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Old 04-21-2021, 08:14 AM   #184  
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Trish, I am sorry to hear you,are getting Keto Rash. I remember you getting it before. My friend lowered her carbs to 100 then kept lowering them until she started to lose weight and settled in around 50-60. I guess Keto just isn't for you but low carb will work just as well. I haven't been having a lot of carbs but I like some of them too much to give them up completely. I haven't tracked for a while so I don't know where I stand but my stix don't change color so I'm not in ketosis. My fasting app says I get into ketosis according to the length of my fast but the stix don't show it.

I went right to sleep last night, no tv. Fitbit gave me a sleep score of 89. I never had a score that high. I hope the fasting is improving my sleep. I am not ready to say that I will never go back to my old way of eating but I've never stuck to this this long. We bought bakery buns when we bought the deli meat and I almost made a sandwich. I was thinking that I didn't eat all day so it would be ok but that was the old thinking. I was completely satisfied when I ate my salad and was no longer hungry. That bun might have led me to eat another one and I'd be off to the races. I keep telling myself that I want to be thin more than I want _________, in this case, the sandwich.

In the book it said that you should not have a weight goal. You know what you want your body to look like so you should have a body goal. When you get there you will know. I mainly want my belly gone but I don't know if that can happen because of the way my surgery destroyed my ab muscles. But I will try.

Its snowing big flakes and everything is covered but the roads. The roads might be too warm.


My fast was only 15 hours overnight. I just wanted to eat this morning and I think it was because I ate so late last night. So I gave in around 11 and ate but I was not hungry. I made lasagne for dinner at 3 and started fasting again. I was still not hungry but I've told you I don't get hungry very often. Then I got sleepy and took a nap. Blood sugar? Nope! When I got up it was 2.5 hours after eating lasagna and blood sugar was 113. I thought that can't be right so I tested again and it was 114. Doesn't make sense. I don't think I took G. I don't usually take it without reading first. I will keep testing and take it when it starts to go up. I'm not supposed to do that but I'm afraid of a hypo.

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Old 04-21-2021, 06:23 PM   #185  
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Carol Sue I have read quite a bit about the side affects of keto dieting and I am not sure it is worth it. In fact, the WW low fat dieting looks better. Saying that, I also think that South Beach Diet might be better than Keto because it was a low fat low carb plan. I really think the fat is the problem for me. I've never done really well with high fat. I finally took my anti-diarrhea pills to stop it.

I watched Dr. Berg on YouTube talking about diarrhea and keto and he says it comes from adding too much fat too fast and suggests cutting back on the fat and cut out some of the veggies like cabbage, onion, garlic and spinach for about 4 weeks and then start adding it back slowly. I also read that keto diet makes you feel cold all the time. I have been experiencing that as well.

I changed the macro balances to 25% protein, 25% carbs and 50% fat. That keeps my carbs around 75 g right between 50 and 100. I would like to keep them there as as long as I can.

I had 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon and then I had the problem soon after. It makes me not want to eat them for a while. We had chicken pot pie for lunch and a small salad made with the veggies recommended by Dr. Berg. Pretty plain and small compared to what I usually eat. I don't plan to eat anything else today. I'm taking Benadryl to prevent the rash itch so it makes me sleepy. So this will be 2MAD within a 4 hr window.

DH ordered the part for my computer and it will be here Friday so he will probably fix it this weekend. No beauty shop Friday. Because beautician is sharing a friends salon space and her friend had booked appoints for Friday morning and it is her beauty shop, my beautician had to move all of us to the afternoon. Since I need to be here for them to deliver the freezer, I canceled my appointment. This will also give ma another week of not having to go anywhere and hopefully get rid of the rash and other problems due to keto.

It is cold here today but thankfully no snow or rain. Stay warm Carol Sue. Now for that nap.

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Old 04-21-2021, 07:38 PM   #186  
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Trish, I am also having potty issues and I'm not doing Keto. It started last night after I ate the salad and all day today. I used to get this if we went out to eat and I had salad. We had to come straight home. Maybe this is why I rarely eat salad. I think Mad said she had it the last time she fasted. I've also been cold but its very cold here today.

Keto is a good WOE for some but not for others. I don't eat low fat but I don't add extra fat. I'm just not comfortable doing that. It is said to control hunger but I don't get hungry. Maybe the fat I get naturally is enough. We haven't had bacon for ages. DH bought sausage recently but I didn't eat much. I like eggs by themselves. I know you like bacon but maybe you should go back to the Canadian bacon you ate before. You could do the low carb without the high fat. It worked for you before.

My blood sugar was at 132 3 hours after my meal so the 2 hour spike is not typical. I believe the meat and cheese in the lasagna slows the rise of blood sugar from the pasta.

I hope you get your computer fixed and your freezer delivery.
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Old 04-21-2021, 09:11 PM   #187  
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Carol Sue I actually had a dry sandwich made with sliced roast beef DH bought at Sam's on SLMG bread. I learned from DH DM that you can have a meat sandwich without mayo and it is pretty good. And I actually enjoyed it.

I think I'm going to go back to low carb low fat. I don't like fat free WW pushes and the stores do not cater to low fat any way, And I obviously can't eat all that fat on keto either. I read on one of the FB keto groups where a girl was talking of having the bowel issues and how embarrassed she was and how she has a routine when she gets off work and heads home that she calls her boyfriend for him to open thing up and be ready to help her get in the house because she might not make it without an accident. One thing I do know is that 77 yrs of age I do not want to deal with that.

Since I am still going to do a form of low carb, I can still use some of the recipes but not use a lot of fat. I noticed that a lot of the keto people can eat bacon, but it is recommended not to because of the nitrates etc. In fact, I'm wondering if the chemicals in the bacon as well as the fat is the big problem for me. That would be what it would take to get me to quit eating bacon which I know I need to do. I will continue to eat moderately low fat and low carb. I just don't care to deal with the bowel issues or the rashes. I will have to work things out so I can continue to lose weight.

I never took the nap although I did relax as I want to be able to sleep tonight. BTW I'm glad you got a good nights sleep last night.
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Old 04-22-2021, 08:20 AM   #188  
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Trish: I don't think Keto has ever agreed with you. I also think that you may be getting too much protein the way you were eating. As we age, we don't need as much protein.
I don't think you should go too low with the fat, but the balanced way you were eating was agreeing with you and you were losing weight and feeling good.

Carol: maybe you need to make the salads, but maybe its a time of year. Sometimes it feels un-natural to eat a lot of leafy greens in the winter weather, but it seems more normal in the spring again. I notice I have been eating and enjoying more salad lately. It was also good when DD was here, she and I agreed on a salad "recipe". The leafy stuff was the base, and we needed to add; crunch veggies, something creamy (feta or blue cheese, or avocado usually) some seedy thing like pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds, and something pickled, we usually had olives or artichoke hearts.
And we both liked a good olive oil based dressing. This kind of salad does not keep well as leftovers, so we got it down to a science how much we needed to make without having leftovers.
Its been hard since she moved out, I may make that tomorrow when she is here.

I had a binge on Tuesday evening, and I am 162 after fasting yesterday.
Have a good day friends.
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Old 04-22-2021, 08:51 AM   #189  
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Trish, I did not sleep well at all last night. I could tell, and my score was only 73. And my weight is up. How could my weight be up when I spent the day in the bathroom? I understand you wanting to switch back to low fat. You lost well on it before. I'm still under 190 but I'm disappointed that my weight went up instead of down. I did not have as long a fast and ate when I was not hungry. I refuse to go back to 190.

I read a lot (you know that!) about diet, weight loss, low carb, and very many people insist that high fat is the way to go. But there are some revered doctors that say not to eat high fat. I don't think any doctor would recommend a WOE that caused bad side effects. If your body just can't handle the extra fat it doesn't make sense to continue eating it. Personally, I don't like the taste of high fat except when its natural such as avocado, olives, nuts etc. Fatty meat or greasy food doesn't appeal to me. I prefer the meanest ground meat and do not like eating chicken skin.

I eat a sandwich of just meat without mayo. But if I make a big sandwich that has lettuce and tomato it has to have mayo. DH also doesn't put mayo on just meat either.

I'm hoping I can fast longer today and my weight goes back down. Since I stopped eating breakfast DH has started eating pancakes more often. That's what he had today and they are not of interest to me. I have no plans for dinner so far.

Mad, I have read that we need MORE protein as we age to maintain muscle mass, to improve balance and mobility. In fact, I thought Trish was doing better when she was including the protein shakes. I am thinking of doing that myself.

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Old 04-22-2021, 02:34 PM   #190  
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Carol Sue I also wondered how I could lose so much stuff with the potty issues and either gain or stay the same weight. It just never made any sense to me. Dr. Berg says that you liver needs to make bile and it is causing the food you eat to just pass right through the intestines really fast. That made me think of something I read somewhere that the problem some doctors have with people eating high fat is that you are not losing the stored fat because you are just losing the fat you just ate. I think that is why some doctors recommend not eating a very high fat diet. I can eat some fats, like butter and once in a while avocado but I don't like the fat of chicken or beef. However, I do like pork fat if it is cooked crispy but not soft.

Mad I try to keep my protein around 90 grams and on days I don't get enough I use the protein shakes to bring it up to or close to 90. Every since I read that a woman doctor said that women should not eat more than 90 grams of protein because eating more causes cancer, I try not to go over 90 grams.

I also got an email which I haven't listened to yet about why you don't need to worry about fiber on Keto. Just from what I read to peak my interest, it sounds like the high fat may take the place of the fiber. I'm not sure I like that. The reason I stopped taking Metformin was because I could not go any where because I never knew when I was going to have to run to the bathroom to keep from having an accident and I could end up in the bathroom for a very long. (I remember the day I thought I was going to get locked in the church because I was stuck in the restroom.) Keto weight loss isn't worth that to me. I can do WW and not have those problems. So I always have that plan to fall back on if I need to. Saying that, I would rather have the benefits of low carb and will see if I can make that work for me if I possibility can. I will give this a little more time and see if the problems will subside like it is supposed to do. On WW I ate more often to keep from being hungry where as on LCMF, I don't have to do that because I'm not hungry. I sometimes have to make myself eat. So the difference for me is satiation.

This morning my weight was down to 185. FBG was 95. This is another reason to do low carb and not WW. My FBG doesn't go that low on WW. I do know that the low carb even moderately low fat does help my bs which makes me think I need to stay low carb. I need to talk to DBS and find out how she is going to do the keto plan. I remember her saying she has to do low carb low fat. I think we both love the keto/low carb recipes.

Today, I am going to cook chicken nuggets that I make with chicken tenders. I am going to try making them with almond flour. At least I will use almond flour on mine. I've been comparing some of the processed foods I use. Example Light dressing with full fat dressings. If the carb counts are the same or not a big difference, I will keep the light products and not use the full fat ones. I thought I was a filthy keto eater but since I can't stay in ketosis and eat only 5% carbs, I am just a low carber.

We will get my new freezer tomorrow and I got a message from UPS that my pc part will be in tomorrow afternoon. So I think I will have DH work on my pc this weekend. So depending on how long it takes him to get it fixed which should only take a few hours, I will only be off here for a day.

I've decided to pay the $29 to download the ebook on The Half Day Keto diet because if there is a way to do keto without the side effects which he says you won't experience doing his plan, then I can still do keto and enjoy the benefits. I like seeing the 185 and would love to see it continue going down if possible, However, at this point I could live with maintaining at this weight if I could. Like Carol Sue, I just don't want to see 190 again. And the further down I can get from 200 and say would be even better.

Have nice day everyone.

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Old 04-22-2021, 06:48 PM   #191  
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Trish, some doctors say that you should not eat high fat if you have fat on your body to be burned and some others say its not true, that the fat you eat has nothing to do with the fat you burn. I guess it just depends on who sounds more believable. It seems to make sense. I don't know who to believe. I'm just glad I'm not counting anything but just eating whatever, but not too much. There are people on the LC forum who eat very strict but struggle to lose. I guess we are after the same results. Today DH and I were talking about people we know who have lost noticeable weight but none of them have kept it off. That is very discouraging. I would not want to regain. That would be devastating, but I have to lose it before I start to worry about regaining.

I had a 22 hour fast then had a salmon salad at Texas Roadhouse. I was fine all day but came home with potty issues again. Maybe its the salad, maybe the dressing. Or maybe eating after the fast. I don't know. Sometimes a fast is very easy but other times I think about food all day.
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Old 04-22-2021, 08:36 PM   #192  
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I finished reading the eBook and found it quite interesting mainly because I already do some of what he says do. Like I don't eat anything until noon. He says people don't really need to eat breakfast and of course we already know that. Rather than measure everything with scales or measuring spoons and cups, he says use your hands palm, fist and thumb. In fact the plan he uses has fat but not really extremely high fat. Protein at a meal is to be the size of your palm. You are to eat starchy carb which is determined by how much exercise you do. Sedentary should have a little bit of starchy carb because that is where we get energy. However, you are to use certain carbs like potato, sweet potato, rice and quinoa. There was another one but can't remember it right now. The serving is to be no larger than the size of you fist. You can start with a serving the size 1/4 or 1/2 the size of your fist so you can see how it effects your weight loss. Then you can have a serving of veggies which he didn't specify how much but his sample shows just a regular serving size. You are to eat a full fat food at each meal which is to be the same size as your thumb. His theory of using your hand for measuring measuring your food is that you will eat only what you need. Any way, I am think I can do this. He has a tea you can make yourself or order it from him and drink it when you are fasting like for breakfast you only have a cup of coffee or tea but I am not sure I will drink it. However, I can drink tea and I can also put cinnamon in my yogurt and blueberries which seems to go with the evening snack he suggests eating before bedtime. You can have Stevia and Heavy cream but not coffee cream. I may use the coffee cream any way.

He says that we wake up every morning in the state of ketosis so if we don't eat breakfast till lunch, we stay in ketosis until then and still get the same benefits and lose weight. He says you will lose weight steadily. If you have a meal or special occasion and you have to eat what some people call a cheat day like if DS and I want to go out for breakfast some time, then just do it. You just include it as part of the plan. So no off days or breaking with the plan because that is part of the plan, I think this is very doable so I'm going to do it. It sounds very easy considering it isn't much different from what I was doing before I decided to do full keto. The good thing is that I don't really have to track anything because there is no calorie or carb counting since all that seems to be built into the plan. He says you eat this way till you get down to the weight you want, This is when you use your fist to measure just how many carbs you need to stop your weight loss and stay where you are. He says you add it back 1/4 fist size at a time until you know how much you need to eat to maintain. I figure it is worth a shot.

Not having to track, I see no reason why I should have to eat anything when I am not hungry at least at night or at least the snack he says is important for me to eat at night before I go to bed. However, I still want to have my longer fasts so I will have a cut off at least within 8 hr eating window. In fact, I want to keep it within a 4 or 5 hr eating window.

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Old 04-23-2021, 07:18 AM   #193  
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Trish, this sounds like Keto/IF but I don't think Keto eats that much carb. I have checked Ketones first thing and I am not in ketosis but I figure that's because I eat some carbs. I think as long as you lose, it doesn't really matter if you are in ketosis. They say that black coffee puts you in ketosis but even after all the coffee I drink I am not in ketosis. My fasting app also tells you what stage you are in as your fast progresses but that is not accurate because they are just going by the hours. It cannot test you. I like seeing it, though.

My bump up yesterday must have been false because I am at 187.0 today. That made me happy. I looked back on my records and I was 189 at the doctors last time and I will probably be there with clothes today. So I didn't lose, but I've lost the weight I gained over the 6 months since my appointment. I hope they got my lab results. If not this is a wasted appointment. They are not on the portal and they usually call me with my A1c but they did not.

I slept great until 2 AM then woke up worried about the doctor. He is going to want me to get the vaccine. I don't want to be bullied into it. I want it to be my decision.

Last night I was looking online for why I don't feel hungry. All I kept finding was why I don't have an appetite. I have an appetite. Some days if I'm not busy I think about food all day and want to eat it. But I don't get the empty hungry feeling in my stomach. Want is not hunger. Sometimes after a longer fast I get it, and sometimes I actually get shaky. So I know that as hunger and I eat. But I don't want to eat unless I'm truly hungry and that takes at least a 20 hour fast. If I eat at noon I have to make it something really small or I won't be hungry for dinner at 4, and most of the time if I eat at noon I want to keep eating everything in sight. If I don't eat I can control it better. Unfortunately I can control it best if we are at the casino! LOL. I would like to eat like this the rest of my life. I can make exceptions for occasions when I'm with others and can rearrange my meals. I hope the lack of control goes away eventually because I want to eat like a normal person, don't think about it so much. When I was gaining my weight I was NEVER hungry. I ate 3 meals, plus snacks, plus before I went to bed. I ate at lunchtime at work and also on breaks. I didn't know what hunger felt like. I felt stuffed all the time. I didn't think I was eating more than everyone else because my coworkers ate often too. I didn't realize until I started this IF just how long I can go before getting hungry. This amazes me.

I guess its time for me to get ready to go.

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Old 04-23-2021, 08:19 AM   #194  
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I am 162.5 after eating yesterday. I ate Keto, but did not spill any ketones. I am planning OMAD today, but not Keto. DD is coming over and we are having takeout from a GF Taco place. The owner has a kid with celiac disease, so the whole menu is gluten free, so a very safe place. Because its not low carb, I rarely eat there, but decided I just wanted it. I love the complex flavours of good Mexican food. Its a treat, but I will enjoy. Orders GF cupcakes from a GF bakery for tomorrow for a little birthday celebration for one of my little girls. We got her "pogo stilts" . We are going with physical activities this year, because kids need stuff to do. She is a good active kid, so I think this will be a hit. Can't wait.
Have a good day friends: however you are eating or not eating!
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Old 04-23-2021, 11:29 AM   #195  
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Well, my A1c is 7.4. The doctor says that's fine but its not fine for me. I knew my readings were high for Feb and Mar so I'm not really surprised. But I vow it will be better next time. I was happy to see my triglycerides came down 100 points but they are still too high for me so I will bring them down too. Unfortunately my BP was sky high so he added still another pill and I have to go back in a month. He never mentioned the vaccine so I didn't either. All that worry for nothing.

My fast today was 18 hours and that seems so short! LOL
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