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Old 05-11-2021, 05:11 PM   #286  
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Trish this book is $0 on Amazon. It is One Meal A Day Intermittent Fasting by Kate McCarthy. I think you would like it. I'm finding it very informative but you really don't know if what you're reading is true. Everybody has something different to say.

I don't think you should worry about sodium. Your sodium is not high when checked by your doctor and your BP might actually be too low.

I feel the same as you about the Keto bread. It doesn't taste bad. It actually tastes good but the thickness and texture isn't great. I prefer the multi seed to the wheat. But the 45 calorie bread is also a good choice.

Today DH got a Big Mac and fries and I ate a leftover taco. That was fine with me. I really hate to waste food. I didn't get weighed today. I feel fat, plus my day was screwed up by the way I slept then got up then slept again.

Tomorrow should be better.
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Old 05-11-2021, 07:43 PM   #287  
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Carol Sue Thanks. I got the book and read the 1st chapter. She pretty much verifies what we have read in Dr. Fung's books and others. Plus we have seen in action some of what she has experienced through our own Mad's experienced in her fasting.

When I first read Dr. Rachel Heller's story in the original CAD and how she actually lost all her weight eating OMAD, it inspired me to eat that way and when I married DH and moved to FL I mostly ate a small breakfast snack and usually ate round noon and nothing afterwards. When DH and I moved to SC and started going to the church that was close where we lived, we started going to Wednesday night Bible study and they always had a meal catered and ate before class. I love pork chops and they had them most Wednesday evening, but we explained to them that we didn't eat that late but we would visit with them while they ate and we drank unsweetened tea. We even followed that rule when we went them to start the new church. By then I would even make or buy food to take for snacks at our Sunday night class, but I would never eat any of it... not even a bite. I was so afraid that if I ate anything that after our 3ish meal that I would never be able to stop eating at night. I didn't know much about fasting but I was fasting and low carbing. Now here I find myself trying to get back to the old way that helped me lose weight again. Weird isn't it.

Next week I will work at doing a longer and cleaner 16 to 20 hr fast since part of my liquid drinking during my fast right now does have calories in it from collagen and SF creamer. I know some people don't worry about that but if I'm going to fast, I want the health benefits from it that I want get if I'm putting calories in my drinks. Even though I do put the calories in my coffee, I am still getting a minimum of 16 to 17 hrs clean fasts.
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Old 05-12-2021, 05:19 AM   #288  
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Couldn't sleep again. I slept very deep for a few hours then woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep. I have some things on my mind and that causes sleeplessness. One thing is the guy never came back to start our air condition. I know he has a full time job. But I want to get my basement back to normal. We pulled things out to give him room to work. I know we don't need the air condition right now.

Trish, I fasted in the 70s. I lived alone so no one knew. It was taboo back then. I did not eat Saturday and Sunday. I did drink diet soda which I know you shouldn't do. As for your coffee, I think if you are losing and the coffee helps you get through the fast then do it. Whatever it takes. I would like to do OMAD but prefer 2 so I can have a late breakfast. On days I skip breakfast I could do OMAD. I will have to do some shorter fasts for a while to get back into it. I'm very wobbly, not sticking to it.

I want to know how you make your cheese crisps. I see several different ways online. I want to make some but not if they make me break my fast.


I went back to bed and got a few more hours of sleep but I'm still at a deficit. I feel terrible. I also ate breakfast at 10 AM, a bit early. I am going to go back to shorter fasts, 16-18 hours. 2MAD and work on not eating after dinner. I will gradually bring my breakfast to lunch and then go to 20 hour fasts again. I have to get this under control before I start to regain.

I think this is casino day.

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 05-12-2021 at 10:38 AM.
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Old 05-12-2021, 01:23 PM   #289  
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Carol Sue Some people put pinches of shredded cheese the size they want on a plate and microwave their cheese chips. I usually want mine with a salad in place of crackers and used to use pinches of shredded cheese but lately I use cheese chunks. I put parchment paper on a pan and place however many chunks I wantn and cook them in the convection oven on about 350 degrees but you really have to keep an eye on them or they will burn. I don't know if I have to spray the parchment paper but I do so them come up easier. I can make them in either of my little ovens while I am making our salads and cooking meat either on the stove or in the other little oven. You have to watch them any way for the crispness you want them to be. I really like mine with a little crisp around the edges.

Weight back down to 183.2. I've decided that I will fast 16 hrs with 0 calories and my I will do an 8 hr window that will start with only coffee with my Collagen and Stevia and SF creamer and I will end it with the same. within that 8 hrs, I will have 2MAD that will probably be 5 hrs apart since I will eat breakfast/brunch most days around 11 am and have dinner around 3 or 3:30. On Fridays when I go shopping after I leave the beauty shop, I will just plan for Friday to be a OMAD. I am working to keep my net carbs between 40 and 70 grams. We are having McD CB today and I will bring mine home and discord the bun and have it on the keto bread and I am having chips of some sort instead of fries. I am not really fond of Quest chips but some on FB keto or low carb groups use it so I figure that I learned to like unsweetened almond milk by adding liquid Stevia to it so I can learn to like Quest. I will check that out at Walmart today. Either way my net carbs will be 41 today. Also eating no carbs at breakfast and eating them all at one meal like it is done on CAD should be a good thing for my blood sugar which was back down to 100 this morning.

Carol Sue There were days when I was younger and single when I didn't eat but one meal. I had bosses that ran me out of the office during lunch because I would rather work through my lunch hour than go somewhere to grab a bite. So I would just go walk around town or browse through a store because I wasn't hungry. There were days when I ate only because I was expected to eat. I didn't really know that people fasted back then or if I did, it didn't mean anything to me as this was just the way I ate. I seldom ate just to be eating and I just didn't get hungry.

I find it interesting that after all these years we are learning that the way you and I ate growing up was the healthiest way to eat and that we were taught or influenced by others to eat the way some are now learning is not healthy.

I hope the guy gets out today to get the air conditioner finished. DS called and said it is cold and windy outside today. We won't complain since we don't have to run our air or our heat right now as we know the hot days are just around the corner. We both loved having $100 electric bills this month. In fact, I can't remember when mine was ever that low before. It was 61 degrees when we were talking and I think the wind makes it feel colder.

Hope everybody has a good day.

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Old 05-12-2021, 07:35 PM   #290  
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Trish we pay $63 per month for electric and $113 per month for Gas on the budget payments. We have heat, hot water tank,, stove and dryer that used Gas.

I will try the cheese crisps.

The casino trip wasn't good but I won $500 on the Mega Million lottery.
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Old 05-12-2021, 11:21 PM   #291  
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Well I stayed within my 8 hr plan with food within 4 of them. Calories were high but macros were good. Just hope I don't have a gain.

Congratulations on the $500 win.

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Old 05-13-2021, 07:09 AM   #292  
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I ate when I got home from the casino, eggs and toast. I just can't stay in my fasting window, but I think that's because I was so tired. But weight is 189 so that's good.

I fell asleep in my recliner at 8 pm. I woke up at 10:30 and DH had gone to bed. I went to bed and crashed until 6 am. I really needed that. Maybe that's why my weight is down.

Trish, I hope you don't show a gain. Your body probably needed those extra calories. You do well most days and maybe are too low some days so your body gets extra when it can. Recently I have read so much about how our bodies work and the results of our eating. I read yesterday that our bodies are not in a fasted state until 8-12 hours after our meal. So some people, like my DH might never be in a fasted state. He eats something before bed every night and also first thing in the morning. And he keeps candy on his bedside table. He truly believes you have to have food coming in at all times. The only time he wasn't eating like that was in the hospital and he lost 28 lbs in 3 weeks. His clothes were just hanging on him. He ate very little. But he never eats a big meal and never finishes anything. Always leaves food on his plate. When I'm cooking he comes in and tells me I'm not cooking enough, but there's always food left to be thrown away.

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Old 05-13-2021, 09:27 AM   #293  
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I just read an article written in 1953 about obesity and the treatment. It said that when you reduce your food intake your body reduces your metabolism. We have always heard that. It went on to say that when you eat carboholics they produce an enzyme (private) that blocks the burning of fat. This occurs more in people with more fat and less in people of normal weight. When you eliminate/reduce carbs and eat only protein and fat the enzyme is reduced and fat is oxydized with no reduction of metabolism. Its amazing to me that this article was written in 1953. I remember the first diet I was on, an exchange diet, only allowed 2 servings of bread products per day but never explained why or referred to it as carb reduction. Carb restriction seems like such a newer concept in weight loss and I never saw it explained in this way.

I don't know if further research has dismissed this theory because now it is explained that carbs are turned to glucose and your body burns glucose until its gone and then switches to burning fat Either way could be right.

I have also read that carbs cause an intense pleasure sensation in the brain which makes you want more carbs and its an endless cycle. I think this is why DH eats so many carbs, and even more so his brother. His brother says he cannot eat meat or vegetables or he gets "sick." He eats carbs and sweets all day long. I think his body cannot live without that pleasure sensation. I really don't understand how he can live getting no nutrients at all.
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Old 05-13-2021, 02:15 PM   #294  
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Carol Sue I did have a .8 lb bounce up, but I know it was not only because of the chips but the fact that I didn’t offset it with enough water. I think the higher carb makes me sleepy because I fell asleep in my chair and also went to bed earlier than usual and still got up at almost 9 am. I don’t mind bump ups when I know why they happen. I do seem to need some carbs for energy but too much can be a problem. I probably would do better to eat smaller amounts throughout the day but have never been brave enough to try it because of the FBS readings. IR makes that frightening.

I find it interesting when I read of things they have known from research etc in years past that didn’t really catch on and still doesn't.

We watched the doctor who does that Autopsy show where he looks at why certain people die. We watched one on Stephen Jobs last night. He was a vegetarian who lived on fruit and carrots at one time and decided not to have the surgery that could have saved his life because he chose to try alternative methods. It turns out that the fruit diet he was eating to heal his cancer actually was feeding his cancer. By the time he decided to have he surgery that could have saved his life, the cancer had spread to from his pancreas to his liver. Even after the surgery, he refused to eat the protein and fat diet they say would have helped heal him, he refused and continued the diet that was causing his problem and killed him.

I learn a lot from those shows when you see that there are certain foods that we need to be eating and how important it is to be sure we get the nutrition that our bodies need.

I’m working on a OMAD today. I am not tracking on MFP because it just causes me to eat when I’m not really hungry. I would like to use the plan I am on along with what I call intuitive eating although it isn’t actually follow rules of IE because I just want to go back to eating only if and when I am hungry. So can’t say I am doing OMAD everyday, but I will do it as often as I can. I just don’t want to do it as a rule that is written in stone. I want to go back to eating the way I ate when I naturally lost weight without any real rules.

Spaghetti is on the menu for today with salad and garlic toast made with the keto bread and ghee. I’ve decided that I can keep Atkins bars in my purse so that when I’m out and need something I can use one of those and stay OP. For now, my coffee, water, green tea and zero cold drinks will get me through the longer fasting days with most of those hours being 0 calories.

Carol Sue Has the guy come by to finish his AC job? I wondered how it would go when he said one evening this week as that could be Friday or Saturday even. I hope he gets it done before you need the air.

Mad I hope things are going well for you and that your DH is feeling himself again.

Have a great day everybody.
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Old 05-13-2021, 04:59 PM   #295  
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We were just talking about the air condition guy. He has not called but he works a full time job so he might come on the weekend. If he does not, DH will call him. I told DH that he got paid so he doesn't need to come. We won't need the air condition in the next 10 days at least, but that's not the point. He was paid to do it and I want my basement back to normal.

You can call your eating Mindful Eating because that is similar to IE.

We went to Rodneys today because I was hungry for the salmon salad. I love salmon. DH had the grilled salmon with fries and a salad. He would not like the salmon salad because it is field greens. He only likes iceberg lettuce.

The CDC changed the mask recommendations for those who are vaccinated. I think the mask wearing is just about over unless the cases rise. When we were out today everyone had masks.
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Old 05-13-2021, 05:16 PM   #296  
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159 this am after eating OMAD yesterday. I am doing OMAD again today. I made a meatloaf and its something DH and I can eat together. we are doing ok. He is optimistic that he can do more soon, but I am not planning on it. To that end I am hiring a dog walker for the weekend. I am getting my 2nd vaccine tomorrow and I expect to be one of those who will get a strong immune reaction and feel crummy. I am actually wondering if that is a part of why I am so fatigued, but still feeling that way over 2 months after the first one would be a bit much. But perhaps this one will kick start some other good things too.
Carol: in the first book, the Obesity Code Dr. Fung talks about the early research, and how "diet specialists" came up with theories that they did not test or research well, and they "forgot" the early research and scientific findings.
I hope everyone has a good day.

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Old 05-13-2021, 05:45 PM   #297  
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Carol Sue I agree that I am doing more of a Mindful Eating plan. I haven’t heard the CDC update but will be very glad when all this is over. I carry a mask in my purse at all times and wear it when I go where it is required. I notice some things are getting back to normal. At least now when we go to Walmart they have both doors open so we can go in closer to the pharmacy. I got tickled at DH yesterday because he is so used to going out the one door they used to keep open and headed toward that door without even thinking about it. I had to get his attention since we were parked on the isle just in front of the other door.

Mad I had more problems from the first vaccine rather than the second although I never had any bad reactions. I had fever in the injection area and arm was sore but the biggest thing I noticed was I was tired and sleepy after both. Not sure how long that lasted. Hope you do well. Which one are y’all getting. We had the Pfeizer. I think the work about the same from what I’ve heard from people had the other one. Like you I just planned to not have to do anything after we had ours just in case. So good choice.

Spaghetti was good. I ate the sauce on a multigrain pasta and ate a little much. I told DH that spaghetti is something I don't want all the time. I have to be in the mood for it. I think because it was the meal ex-SIL and I made a lot when our kids were little because it was inexpensive and goes a long way. I used to save the little bit that is left over but no more. It ends up going down the garbage disposal in a few weeks so I just threw it away today. I didn't have to do that when DGS lived with us. LOL

So far I have had just the one meal so now I am working on another one tomorrow. I would like to be able to have just OMAD through Sunday. I am going to see if I can do that.
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Old 05-13-2021, 09:01 PM   #298  
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Mad, I am glad you and DH are feeling a little better. I hope you do well with your vaccine.

Trish, they opened our other Wal-Mart door months ago. I thought it was stupid if you wanted just a prescription you had to walk all the way across the store and then back again. We always park on the grocery side and then I am the one who walks to the pharmacy for things we need. I got a call from them today but didn't feel like going there. DH needs bread so we will go tomorrow. I HATE to go on weekends.

The state of Ohio is having a lottery for anyone who gets the vaccine. Then they will draw names and give away 5 prizes of $1M. For the teens 16-18 years old they are giving a prize of tuition to an Ohio college of their choice. I don't know if they are spending taxpayer money for this, and what about the people who already got the vaccine. Are they included?
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Old 05-14-2021, 06:50 AM   #299  
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I did OMAD as planned last night, and stayed at 159 for this am. Slept better, but still tired.
Going to walk Buddy a bit later, its still cold. Our days are warming nicely, but still cold overnight. Its zero (32 to you) degrees out there, frost on the car.
have a good day
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Old 05-14-2021, 10:35 AM   #300  
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Mad, we had the same low temps last night as you did. Not typical for mid May. Its warm enough now that DH is outside in short sleeves.

I am at 17 hours and still not hungry . DH made eggs and sausage but mine is still sitting there to be heated up around noon. Slept last night 8 hours but Fitbit says it wasn't great sleep. I feel ok.

Not much else is new today.
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