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Old 04-04-2021, 11:50 AM   #91  
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Carol: my kids ate pretty well, but did get KD and chicken nuggets from time to time. DH is a skinny carbolic (I used to be one, but more with sweets) and when my eldest was little, she asked for fries, mashed potatoes, and rice for her birthday dinner. She eats less of those now, but still love them. My faves are fries and crispy hash browns. Rice and mashed potatoes only to hold the sauce or gravy from the rest of the meal, otherwise don't need em. So the cauliflower rice is fine for me, it does the same. I have not decided about my meal today, I think I will just skip the potatoes and eat the veggies and salad on the side and the ham. The tiramisu can be the "carb" since there are some in it. I do love the sweets. In the old days, I occasionally ate an entire bag of cookies with my afternoon tea. Had to stop that bad habit.

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Old 04-04-2021, 11:57 AM   #92  
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I only had a 14.5 HR fast overnight. I ate 2 pickled eggs at 10:30, then my neighbor came over with deviled eggs and I had 2 halves. So I've had my eggs for the day. My ham was done but I put it back in to brown and now its overcooked. I realize I might bump up tomorrow from the ham but its water weight so I won't worry. Its a holiday. I don't know what sides they will have today but ill be careful.

I like all potatoes but fried are my LEAST favorite. But I don't eat big helpings and skip them altogether often. I like rice with stir fry but DH doesn't so I rarely have it. Bread and bread products like stuffing, bagels, English muffins are my kryptonite. I work hard to limit them.

I remember the Easter I was 7. We went to my sister's. I ate so much candy and other junk food and no one stopped me. When we got home I threw up everywhere. I'm just glad I didn't do it at my sisters or in their car and so was she. What an Easter memory.

I'm all dressed and ready to go but we aren't leaving til 1:30.

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Old 04-04-2021, 03:12 PM   #93  
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I had a 17 hr fast yesterday. I would like to make it longer. I think I need to stop tracking but I wouldn't be able to watch the carbs, fat and protein like I am trying to do which is becoming trying. It is so much easier to just watch the calories and forget the rest. As usual my problem is working at eating as much as they say I should. I kept the macros in check and ate 1500 calories and weight is down, .6 lbs back down to 187.4 so I am wondering if what they say about not eating enough is the problem. Plus I'm not sure how much is IF along with this way of eating. The big problem is going to be when I cook recipes and I don't know how to figure the counts on MFP. I will figure it out. I might check into Livestrong's my plate. The only reason I didn't use them before was they didn't have as many food items as MFP does.

DS and BIL are coming over long enough to bring me some of the clothes that she can't wear any more and isn't sure she ever will since she has gained back about 30 lbs. I pray she will be able to get back OP. It bothers me when she gets in one of these moods but I know I cannot push her because if I do she will never get back on. So we talk diets and pray. Being the oldest I feel the need to bean example to her.

Mad One of the problems I have doing WW here in this town is finding low fat and fat free products. It makes it very difficult to do a FF or LF diet. I think most people are doing low carb or keto or no diet at all. I see that as I am going back to low carb that my FBG is stuck at 99 for 3 days and that is very encouraging to me. I did look up tiramisu on YouTube and it looks really good. The only thing I have never seen or heard of was mascarpone cheese in the recipes I saw. I was getting ready to watch a video on how to make it when DS called to tell me they are coming over. DH isn't a cake eater, but I liked the idea of making my own mug cake using my own sweetener instead of buying the expensive one from WW so I know what is in it. It just be something I will like. I watched one guy who adjusted the sweetness to please his daughter so it wasn't too sweet.

Carol Sue I seem to be losing my cravings for sweets especially sugar sweet. I bought some Atkins bars and they aren't as good as they used to be. I do like ice cream and buy the no added sugar. I noticed yesterday that they have YouTube videos of making keto ice cream and want to see if I can find one of those that I might like.

Not sure what we will have for our meal today since I'm not in the mood to cook. I ate 2 oz of Texas Beef Sausage with a slice of Velveeta cheese for brunch and I guess the fat in it was enough to satisfy me so I will make whatever DH wants. The only thing I know we will have everyday at 3 is a salad. Spring is here and next week we start having temperatures in the 80s. YEA! I see some nice big salads in my future along with some keto/low carb friendly fruits.

Pipsicle Hope things have gone well for you this week.

Have a nice Easter Sunday everybody.
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Old 04-04-2021, 06:59 PM   #94  
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Trish, I think it is very hard to use MFP for your own recipes. I don't use it anymore except once in a while when I want to know how I did that day. Our meal at step son's was great. Even DH ate it. Their ham was moist and tasty. She had a delicious vegetable casserole with Brussels sprouts. I'll have to get the recipe. We had my potato salad, Easter cheese and beet horseradish and she had things like olives and pickled artichokes. Step son had deer sausage and deer kielbassi. I had a small piece just to taste. I wasn't stuffed but I was satisfied. I might be up tomorrow because it was a full meal but it was a holiday. I'll get back on track.

I think you are doing good Trish. Weight is going down nicely. You will get the numbers figured out. I hope your sister gets back on track too.
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Old 04-04-2021, 09:14 PM   #95  
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Carol Sue Y'all's Easter dinner sounds like it was delicious and you did very well with your meal not getting stuffed but it sounds like you were satisfied. Sounds like an IE meal to me.

We had a chicken pot pie and salad. However, my eating was still fine today within 8 hrs but I didn't balance the macros. That isn't easy to do when I still cook foods that DH likes to eat. I'm not sure I am going to worry about it. Today I was able to keep my calories between 1200 and 1300. For now I will just make it my priority to keep calories less than 1400 calories and as balanced as possible, but necessarily macro balanced.
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Old 04-04-2021, 10:28 PM   #96  
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Just a quick note to say I don't have any new info this am. I spent the weekend skiing....
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Old 04-05-2021, 07:34 AM   #97  
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Pipsicle: at least you are being active. I know it does not make us lose weight, but being overweight and active is healthier than being overweight and a sloth. Good for you. It also provides nice activity and fun with your family. Before too long there won't be anymore skiing, so getting it in while you can is wonderful.

I stayed at 161 today, after eating 2 days in a row, so I am pleased. I was careful to stick to plan in spite of having dessert last night. Everyone enjoyed the tiramisu and my red cabbage slaw which is so colourful and yummy. DH had his ham and potatoes, though I only tasted each. So we were both happy. DD was here and we had a good visit.
All was well at the cottage, and DH figured out why the electric bill was so high. At least no squatters for the police to deal with.
With DD here for the dinner, we discussed opening the place up later in the month. DH had dental surgery booked again, so we are planning for putting the water line in either ourselves if DH and I can go in the week of the 19th (but the ice must be off the lake at least!) or have the service do it the week of the 26th. Either way, a stay of more than 2 days (hardly worth the 7 hour drive if you don't stay for longer) without water for showering is just not on. So the plans are being made.

Trish: I didn't think WW was still doing low fat? Low fat has been proven to be a problem, which is why we are not seeing many of those products, although the yogurt industry is still selling lots of non-fat yogurts. But they also have some nice high fat varieties. I hope you can figure things out, I agree, counting "macros" is no fun. At least my way, I can look at my plan, make sure I don't have much starch or sugar, and figure out where to add extra fat. (like more butter on my steamed broccoli).

Carol: that is funny to have an Easter memory of getting sick on all the candy. I wonder if that is part of why you are not so big on sweets? It sounds like a big impact on you anyhow.

Easter Monday here is usually a holiday, but the banks are open and I have an appointment later today. Otherwise just looking forward to another sunny and warm day. That is a wonderful thing to say.

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Old 04-05-2021, 07:36 AM   #98  
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Sounds like a fun active weekend, Pipsicle!

I am in shock this AM. After enjoying a wonderful holiday meal I am down .2 to 189.8. I really expected a bump up from the sodium in the ham but maybe the way he cooks it cuts the sodium. Now to hold the loss and continue downward.

Trish, I still eat some carbs, but sparingly. I know I will never give up bread! I don't count how many grams but I know its less than I used to eat. I have protein at most meals and vegetables too. If I am not stuffed I know I'm eating less than before. And my fasts are a little bit longer than they were before. I think I'm eating the way a normal eater does and they don't count anything. I know you try to follow a plan exactly, but if you're losing and you feel good I wouldn't worry about hitting those macros exactly. When I tried to eat the recommended protein I gained and I was miserable. Don't drive yourself nutty! LOL The end justifies the means.

I have to record my weight on the Pound a week Challenge. I finally show a loss!


I ate at 9:30. 2 pickled eggs and leftover Brussels sprouts casserole. I only had a 16 HR fast which seems short but its normal. After eating I reset my fasting app to keep me from eating now til dinner. We will probably eat out somewhere. The fasting app works so well for me. I don't want to eat once I set a fast because I want to see how long I go.

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Old 04-05-2021, 11:21 AM   #99  
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Pipsicle Sounds like a fun weekend for you and it is nice when you can get your exercise doing something you love and enjoy because it is fun.

Mad Glad you are doing so well with your eating etc. I hope things go well with getting the water at the cottage so you can shower. Also I pray DH dental surgery goes well and he recovers quickly with no problems.
I was surprised that WW still used so much low fat products too. You can eat the full fat products but they are so high in points that it discourages you from doing so. However, they are heavy on fruits and veggies and not so much protein and none of the protein can have any fat without counting. They encourage low fat cuts like chicken breasts, ground turkey or chicken instead of beef which DH and I don't like. It is a high carb, low fat plan which is nice for a while but my hair was thinning and dry etc. I can eat healthy fats in moderation but not high like keto so I just have to figure out how to make it work for me so I keep my hair, healthy skin and nails etc.

Carol Sue I know my doctors always thought I cut my calories too low and of course MFP says no less than 1000. My SC doctor is the one who led me to MFP and used it himself. I seem to lose better when I eat more calories so maybe that is why we both lose better when we eat a little more. Who knows. I'm glad your weight is coming down.

Weight this morning bounced up to 188.2 but FBG was 95. So I think I'm on the right track. I know I can't eat high fat because I don't like it but I do need the healthy fats in moderation. I need enough fat and protein to to keep healthy hair, skin and nails etc. So I think I will work at getting those 2 where they need to be and forget the rest of it. Carol Sue I think eating normal food in moderation and not worrying about all the formulas is probably the best way to eat. I don't know if I will lose weight but maybe I will at least be healthy.

I've done half my exercise today. I want to get back to the bike this week and even though we are going to local store today to get a few things, I am going to do the bike this morning and let my walking at the store just be extra. I want to get in my routine. Like you say Mad exercise doesn't help us lose weight but it does help us in so many other ways. So I need to get back to doing what I was doing when I first moved here.

Hope everyone has a nice day.
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Old 04-05-2021, 08:54 PM   #100  
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Found a group on FB... Keto for Beginners and for Women. I found info on how to do Keto which I copied and printed. It had rules for clean keto and for dirty keto which I consider me doing dirty keto since I do more of a low to moderate carb. One thing I did learn on there about the macro counts is this. #1 On Dirty Keto you don't have to count the carbs. #2 Once you set your carbs and protein grams, the rest is fat, but that doesn't mean you have to eat that much fat. It is just there. I am very happy about that since I don't like eating all that fat. I think as long as I can stay out of the red on MFP with each one of those micros then I will be fine.

I found it interesting to learn that too much protein can make your blood sugar high. I don't remember ever reading that before. I read once that you should keep your protein around 90ish which I try to do any way. Since I do more of a dirty keto, I will try to keep my carbs around 70. Hard to be exact on MFP but will try to keep it close. Today has been an 8 hr eating window. Brunch and dinner are more like snacks than meals with most calories and carbs at lunch. Calories are around 1200 today and I had McD's Double CB and almost 1/2 of medium order French Fries. I did weigh them to be sure. I just may be able to pull this off.

Carol Sue You said I am always trying to follow a diet plan. I'm not going to follow a diet plan per se. I just want to eat what I want when I want it and stay within the guidelines I have set for myself. I am learning a lot of people do the keto/low carb along with Intermittent Fasting. This is going to be my new lifestyle as well instead of a diet.
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Old 04-06-2021, 08:04 AM   #101  
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I didn't weigh yet today. I'm afraid to. We were going to eat out yesterday but DHs back hurt so we didn't. When he got up he told me to make spaghetti because its fast. So high carbs yesterday. I used to love spaghetti but not anymore. It's just ok. I shouldn't have eaten it but I did with some meatballs.

We are throwing our ham out. It is so dry with no flavor. The worst ham I ever had. DH thinks its because it was in the freezer. I think it was ok until I put it back in the oven to brown. I don't need it but I hate to waste food.

Trish, I only meant that you usually follow a plan exact. I think the way you are doing it is great. I think if you eat more protein than your body is using it is stored as glucose. That's what happened when I tried to follow Dr Naiman.and do 100 +GM of protein. He promotes a lot of exercise and weight training which would require that higher protein. But at 75 i am not going to do that high intensity. I felt like I was forcing it. I just want to be a normal eater.

I naturally eat a variety of foods that provide nutrients. If I eat the right quantity I will lose weight. I don't feel like I'm dieting. I'm learning to eat like a normal person. I don't eat grains, though. I don't even know what they would be. I have cut back on bread because I haven't been earing breakfast, so no toast. What other grains are there? I eat very little fruit either. Sometimes a half banana or an apple. I read about the benefits of apple phenols so I try to eat them but I never think of eating fruit. This is almost the way I lost weight at 21 but I lost faster then. I exercised more then, too. I didn't even realise I lost weight until I got out my summer clothes and they hung on me.

I don't know what we will eat today. I still have some pickled eggs, which I love. DH is eating toast for breakfast. I don't have much to make for dinner, maybe grilled chicken tenderloins.

Now I have to decide if I'm going to weigh or not.
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Old 04-06-2021, 01:39 PM   #102  
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Carol Sue You mentioning me wanting to follow a plan just helped me to see that I am not one to follow a diet exactly long term mainly because it doesn't work for me any more than it does for you because we are cooking for our picky hubbies. We both need something that fits our lifestyle so it can be a lifestyle and not a diet.

I read difference in Keto and Dirty Keto and Low carb diets. I am definitely doing LCHF but doing it more like dirty because I use processed foods which says you may lose slower but it will come off. I can get some really good recipe ideas from them keto low carb groups and even on YouTube, but I definitely won't make all of them because I don't want to spend my time making them when I can buy it ready made at the store. I know that isn't best and I spent most of my married life especially in my younger years being the good wife and Mom who made almost everything from scratch. DH doesn't care whether it is from scratch or not so I will go the easy way when I can. Saying that I definitely want to find a low carb ice cream I can make at home without sugar alcohols.

I read that low carb can be between 10% - 30% of calories so I set mine at 25%. I can't remember what percentage I have to set it at on at MFP for protein but I did that and let the rest of the percentage be fat. This is doable for me even with the carby foods we eat and I can also get my fiber in which I really need, because I don't like taking laxatives. In fact, I checked my tortillas and they are low carb and so is my Lavish flat bread and they have fiber in them.

I always loved the taquito breakfast I ate at Whataburger. So I made my own this morning with 2 eggs, ham, cheese and 1/2 avocado on a low carb tortilla. I will start eating these and just alternate the kinds of meat and cheese in them. Today I had an oz of ham and sl Velveeta cheese. We are having pizza today and I will make mine on the low carb Joseph's Flax Oat Bran Lavish flatbread. I'll finish my day with home made yogurt with berries. I'll end the day with 86 net carbs and a good amount of fiber and 89 g protein which is close enough to 90. Amazing thing is that the fat percentage is high but it is only 58 grams so I think that is pretty good.

I was so sleepy when I went to bed but couldn't sleep so got up 2 hrs later so I took 1/2 of OTC sleeping pill. Now I am groggy today, but I am pushing forward. I did 2 miles, 22 minutes, on the bike trying to get a minimum of 4 days on it this week. So a nap is probably in the near future. Weight was back down to 187.6. Seems to be bouncing which could mean a loss soon. FBG was 98. I am so thrilled with the fact that my FBG readings has been in the 90x everyday this month giving me the incentive to keep doing this.

Have a great day everybody.
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Old 04-06-2021, 02:08 PM   #103  
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Trish, your glucose numbers are fantastic! Mine improve when I cut carbs and fast but will never be as low as yours I don't think, but who knows?

I don't like to cook recipes. I like to cook grilled meat with a vegetable, like grilled steak, chicken or pork chops, or sometimes a roast,but I'm getting tired of roast and DH just tolerates it. I don't want to cook. I like eating out and since we paid off all our bills we have more money for eating out. That way we can each order what we like. I eat fat, but not high fat. It gives me acid reflux. I use butter, full fat cheese, no low fat products but just don't look for added fat.

The only ice cream I like is Dairy Queen, and it has to be from the DQ in Herminie. Other DQ are not the same. I don't eat it often but when I do, that is my dinner, so I'm not getting any more calories than I usually do. I make it work for me.

I was in Wal-Mart today and there were people getting their vaccine. I asked which one they have and its J&J so if I get it that's probably where I will go.

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Old 04-07-2021, 06:52 AM   #104  
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I didn't weigh yesterday. This morning it at 5am I was 190.0 up .2, not much but still that 9 number that I'm sick of. They say you should weigh at the same time every day and I'd probably be lower around 10. But .2? Although its the hated 9 number, who cares about .2 lb? It doesn't make my pants tight.

Yesterday we sat on the porch for the first time . The weather was beautiful. I believe another house is going up for sale. An elderly woman across the street passed away and her son who lived with her cannot afford to keep the house. So we watched them empty it. Sad.

I had another carby dinner yesterday. We went to Bob Evans and had Chicken and Noodle Deep Dish. Its a buttermilk biscuit topped with a scoop of mashed potatoes covered with their chicken noodle soup. Its small but very good.

I did t have any other carbs yesterday and I hope to make it up today. Its casino day but if DHs back still hurts we might not go. I don't want him to get there and not be able to drive home. I told him he threw his back out sitting in the casino chairs. LOL

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Old 04-07-2021, 10:25 AM   #105  
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I was 161 this am after my eating day yesterday. I did not see 159 yesterday after my fast. I am hoping for that tomorrow, but not sure I am there yet.
I am doing better with sleep and getting my stuff done and not feeling overwhelmed. Even though it did not seem to work magically when I first started it, I will credit the trazadone with keeping the trend going. I think I have been having some anxiety, it just did not manifest the usual way. I was not worrying in my head, but I was checking the news constantly, and probably doing too much Covid19 surfing and research.
I have my doctor's appointment this after and will see what she says/suggests. I still think CBT is what I need, just need a way for it to be covered so I don't use up what's left of my health spending account on it.
In any case, I'm treading water pretty well, but want to get to shore someday.!

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