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Old 05-22-2021, 01:06 PM   #346  
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Mad Enjoy your trip and holiday at the cottage. It is nice you can have visits with friends now.

Carol Sue I am in such a habit of weighing everyday that it is automatic. There was a time in my life when I never got on the scale or worried about weight but that was so long ago, I can't remember when it was.

My weight was up to 186.6 and I have made the decision to get this under control. I decided that I did so well on WWSF last may so as of this morning I am back on the WW SF plan with IF I plan of a 2MAD within 5 hr eating window. I'm not going to join WW because they don't provide info on WWSF plan. I have the fiber slider and am kind of using it to measure things that are considered 0 pts foods and I am trying to eat mostly from the list of 0 pts foods. I have a list I got off line and printed out when I did it before. At this time, I am also counting calories on MFP but not paying attention to the macros. I don't think working around macros has helped me do anything but overeat and gain a few lbs. I am still using the almond milk but it is 1 or 2 pts and I would rather do the 0% milk with 0 pts so will probably switch to that when this almond milk is gone. I have a new carton which I will take to baby sister when I see her Monday. Us 3 sisters are going out for breakfast and I have some keto foods I will give her plus, I bought a big bag of fresh mandarin oranges and her little grandsons love them as much as I do so I am taking part of them to them so they won't go bad.

I had a nice big WW breakfast with approximately 500 calories but 3 or 4 pts since I don't know how to count the pts in my homemade yogurt. It is made with H&H so probably isn't high except that it is the regular H&H with more fat. I'm not adding fat to any of of my food so hopefully it will be okay. So not going to worry about fat too much as this will be more of a low fat not a fat free food plan for me. Any way I read if you eat enough at breakfast that you won't eat as much the rest of the day so I hope that 2 good healthy meals will keep me from being hungry at night.

Have a nice day dear ones.
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Old 05-22-2021, 03:42 PM   #347  
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Today I had eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast. I had the last chicken leg for lunch with the other half of my piece of chocolate cake. No plans for dinner. DH is making French fries. I don't know if I'll eat any thing or not. I have half an hour to decide then its fasting time.

I am in a habit of weighing now, too, now that I have this new scale. I think it helps me stay on track.. Before I would go for days or weeks without weighing because I felt fat and didn't want to see a bad number. Eventually I would face the music.
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Old 05-23-2021, 01:35 AM   #348  
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Well I didn't count all the calories but I did eat within 8 hrs. I'm sure I ate too much food. I've been tired but stayed up to wash clothes. Right now I am going to just work on staying within 8 hrs eating window and eat as healthy as possible. No other big rules at at this time.
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Old 05-23-2021, 08:02 AM   #349  
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I ate within 8 hour window, 1200 calories which is what MFP allows me but wt is up to 190.5. No bowel movement for 2 days. Slept good, feel good. No breakfast yet. Trish, we just need to reset. We will be fine. I've read several times that after losing weight our metabolism is slower than a person of similar weight who never lost weight. I imagine there are ways to increase metabolism. I still don't understand that fasting does not slow metabolism.

Washing machine is coming between 1-5 pm. How can I be excited about a washing machine?

I wanted to wash one last load yesterday but DH didn't want it to be wet because a junk hauler friend of his is coming to haul it away later. So I have a load ready to test the new one once its hooked up. DH got tired of replacing hoses so he bought stainless steel hoses.

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Old 05-23-2021, 09:33 AM   #350  
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Trish: I am so glad you are making this change early on. I agree with not joining and paying to do a WW plan when you know how to do it so well. You did great on that plan and it really worked for you, so I have great faith it will do the same again. Go for it. And good for you for making the leap now and not later. I too struggle with meal sizes with keto, and was definitely over eating on eating days. I am doing better now, but still not making much progress lately.

Carol: I was going to write a long post about vaccines and reassurances about safety, but felt that might feel patronizing and start flame wars etc. So I will just reassure you about the safety, and the need to take precautions if you don't or can't vaccinate. Being older and having other health issues puts us at high risk of a more serious course of disease IF we do get COvid19, so be prepared to mask and take other precautions for a long time to come. I have a cousin who is also feeling very negative about vaccinating. She has severe asthma and other health issues, so I do worry, but am reassured she is masking and taking other precautions.

Did not have a great night of sleep, so DH is taking Buddy out for a walk this am and I will do the afternoon walk. We did a lot of gardening yesterday and I was quite sore. But even with pain meds I was uncomfortable and just could not sleep for quite a while. But I did sleep late, so overall, I am not too bad.

Have a lovely day, its hot here already
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Old 05-23-2021, 11:43 AM   #351  
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Fatmad Thanks for the encouragement. I love low carb/keto benefits but often worry about not getting enough calcium with it since my bones are weak and I hope to strengthen them with diet and exercise. I knew a woman in my sister's church years ago who was really strict Atkins and her bones became feeble although she seems fine now when I've seen her. However, I don't know what she ate plus we didn't have nut milks then either. I do worry about not getting enough protein now but will keep working on that as well. I hope you get some rest and feel better as the day goes along today.

Carol Sue I don't know why we get excited about appliances but I felt the same way about the new freezer. Not so much about the fridge. I do like the side by side fridge but it sure is a lot smaller than the other one, but at least I can reach everything in it. I just can't put as much in it as I could in the other one. It keeps me from over buying some foods so I guess it is okay. And both the upright freezer and the fridge freezer are full. But at least I can organize it better and I know what is in there. I just don't always want to cook it these days. I hope to come out of that.

I am thinking I'm not eating enough because following the WWSF plan I eat a little more than the 1200 calories but my weight was back down to 185 this morning. I am going to work at not overeating though. I am going to enjoy being able to having a variety of different foods and just count the calories on MFP although they aren't accurate with their count. I am having Multigrain cherrios for breakfast later and had to use the Canadian calorie count to even get close to the count on the box because all the others were too low. I had rather use the Canadian count which was higher than a count that was lower that someone put in there.

Doctors and dieticians always say I should eat more calories than 1200, it is hard for me to do that, but I just can't believe I could lose weight eating 1800 calories a day. I do allow myself 1500 for high days but don't like to go above 1300 each day.

I don't understand how IF works either but I do remember that people who didn't even change their diet and ate within a eating window everyday lost weight. The longer the window the slower the weight loss but it would happen. So I think as long as we can stay within 6 to 8 hrs that the weight will come off. I think our bodies stall and has to reset to keep going down. I have to just remember that and keep doing what I am doing. This is the point where I think I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not.

Have a great day my treasured friends.

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Old 05-23-2021, 07:38 PM   #352  
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Trish there was a woman on LC who did Atkins but every time she stalled she would eat a cupcake and weight would start moving again. I'm not recommending that, just telling her story! Ha ha

Mad, I have heard both pros and cons of the vaccine. I know that the risk of severe side effects is small but if you are that one person having that severe side effect risks are of no consequence. If I decide to get it it will be a quick decision.

The truck is just pulling in..


Its here and in good condition. DH decided he wants new hoses so it won't be set up til tomorrow. Some things about it I can't figure out but I'll read the manual. Now he's waiting for the junk hauler.

After not having a BM for 2 days I now have potty issues. I made mac and cheese and roasted Brussels sprouts. They were very good. I wish I had made more. I sprayed the pan with butter spray then sprayed and salted the sprouts. Yummy.
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Old 05-23-2021, 09:36 PM   #353  
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Well, I had a high calorie and high everything but did stay under 1500 calories and within 8 hrs. For some reason, that is all I can do at this time. Hoping to eventually getting things back under control. But for now it is what it is.l

In the morning I am going to go get baby sister and we will meet DS at Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I hope to eating less.
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Old 05-23-2021, 09:55 PM   #354  
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Trish, I did that for a few days. It happens. I am doing better but can't get back to waiting for brunch to eat my eggs, and therefore can't get an eating window smaller than 8 hours. I don't know why it is that once you get off track it is so hard to get back on.
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Old 05-23-2021, 10:48 PM   #355  
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It looks like things are about to turn around. Next week I should be able to confirm a half a pound loss of the regain.
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Old 05-24-2021, 07:14 AM   #356  
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I'm so glad to hear that Pipsicle! Weight loss is hard, even when you do everything right.

I'm still maintaining, right at 190. I will try to wait until noon to eat.

The junk man came for the washer late last night. Today we have to go for hoses. If he had known he wanted new ones he should have had them here and the delivery guys would have set it all up for him. He made more work for himself. We have a list for Wal-Mart, too. They sell hoses but DH wants the stainless steel ones from Home Depot. So today I will be running around in the rain. Am I complaining? Yes I am!


I am happy that all the running around this morning kept me from eating until noon. I bought fresh salad fixins so we had salads for lunch. I had a hard cooked egg in mine. We went to Home Depot first. We bought hoses, a sewer cover as ours is broken, A piece of heater vent and stair carpet treads for the cellar steps. Then we went to Wal-Mart and I got all the things on my list plus some others. Then we went to Goodwill as it was senior discount day. We never find anything on discount day.

I have been reading on how to lose visceral fat, as I have a lot. It recommends low carb with plenty of protein and lots of fruits and veggies. 6 servings of veggies sounds like a lot but a serving is very small. When I eat cooked veggies I usually have more than I serving, two or 3 and I usually have a couple cups when I eat a salad.

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Old 05-24-2021, 02:32 PM   #357  
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Pipsicle Glad to hear from you and hope things are starting to work for you as it sounds like it is. You have worked so hard and it is so difficult when we feel like wote are doing everything right and nothing looks like it is working.

Carol Sue I would love that kind of low carb plan as I do like eating protein but not overdoing it and I love fruit and veggies. I think that would be easy to do most days and my try that starting tomorrow although we will be going to Walmart tomorrow and DH will be getting KFC. But then the original battered chicken will be the only starchy carb I will be eating. At least it will be a start. I always love fruit this time of the year and of course on WWSF most fruit and veggies are 0 pts and I like keeping to the 0 pts foods so I don't have to count.

Glad you are going to be able to get the washer going now that your Hubby has the hoses he wants.

Weighed 2 hrs early but it was only up .4 lb which from the tightness of my shoes was water weight. I know I went way over on sodium foods yesterday. I could see it and feel it in my feet last night and when I took my sandals when I got home they were extremely indented however, when I checked my bp this morning it was very good.

I had a wonderful time with DS and baby sister. We have decided that we need to do our birthdays by ourselves like we did today. I saw my BIL when I dropped off BS and we decided that we need to plan a BBQ sometime soon. I have pit which hasn't been used in years but I would love to have them all over. BS DIL twin sister was our waitress at Cracker Barrel and today is her's and her twins birthday. It was nice seeing her as we celebrated BS BD. She is an absolute sweetheart.

I ate pretty much in line with WW SF plan. The only thing I had that would have been pts was the half biscuit that I ate. So I did very well and have my plan for the day so that I will be able to stay within 1200 calories today. I am really going to work at staying between 1200 and 1300 calories for a while and using low carb plan you are reading Carol Sue as my base guide.

Fatmad Hope you have a great time at the cottage.

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Old 05-24-2021, 04:13 PM   #358  
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Trish, when I eat KFC I consider that my whole meal because it has protein,,fat and carb when you consider the skin and breading. DH pulls the skin and breading off.

We tried a load in the washer. I don't like that it locks and you have to press stop and wait til it stops to open it. DH wanted to see it agitating but you can't. My old one you could open and then it stopped. Also you have to close the lid for the water to go in. Its just different and I will get used to it. I don't understand all the settings.

I finished eating in 4 hours. We had pizza for dinner. Over 1000 calories but I don't know how many calories this pizza is. Carbs, protein and fat were all around 60 gms but I'm not counting.
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Old 05-24-2021, 05:33 PM   #359  
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Carol Sue I agree there are things about some of the newer appliances that are so different from what we were used to. I assume of the things they do is to protect children and is probably good but then we older folks have to adapt. LOL My front loader locks too and if I need to open it to put something into it that I missed I have to wait for it to stop and then when I open the door water leaks out on the floor. Then when I close the door I have always thought the wash starts over instead of continuing but I'm not sure. I like the safety for kids since it would be easy for a child to open but it took some getting used to. I hope you will enjoy yours and it will do a good job for you.

I've had my 2 meals for today and it is my plan not to eat anything else and fast until breakfast tomorrow. I need to drink lots of water today. I told BS that I can't do keto because I can't eat all the fat. We didn't talk about what she does, but she says she can't eat a lot of fat either.

I just got an Livestrong newsletter that says macros are not all that important because we people need some carbs for energy. I didn't read all of it but I had already decided that I am not going to be trying to balance them. I have spent my whole life trying to follow strict rules of diets and while I will keep up with calories while doing WWSF, I just don't want to spend the time it would take to try to balance macros. I just don't want to spend my life thinking about food what I am eating to that extent.
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Old 05-24-2021, 05:56 PM   #360  
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Trish, I don't want to count anything either and that's why I like IF. I can eat whatever I want but most of what I want is healthy.

I like to put soap in and mix it with some water then put the clothes in. I can't do that now. You could not do that with a front loader. I will just get used to it.
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