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Old 03-05-2007, 10:10 PM   #106  
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What type of features does the $99 scale have? I have a digital scale and I love it, my only problem thow is that it automatically rezero's if I remove the plate.
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Old 03-05-2007, 10:46 PM   #107  
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welcome woodlily! i just started here yesterday as well...looks like there are a few newbies then. i agree that losing weight slowly and healthily is the best method because the main thing is to teach yourself to moderate and have a healthy diet for life.

catstongue, welcome to you as well! starting with 1800 calories a day is probably a good idea for you just so that, as you said, you can slowly adjust into the diet mode. its all about moderation! if you feel like you are ready to go lower or if you arent losing weight, then just bring it down a little. you can do it!!

my total calories for my first day back on the diet is 937. kinda low, but i didnt feel very hungry today.
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Old 03-06-2007, 06:20 AM   #108  
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Morning! I'm under 1100 cals for yesterday thanks mostly to a trip to the dentist. I'll probably have more than that today.
Be good everyone!
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Old 03-06-2007, 07:19 AM   #109  
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Good morning to all you calorie counters out there. Helloooo.

I didn't have a great day yesterday, not awful either. Today should be better, I will be spending the morning having an endoscopy. Can't eat before (or during, well duh) and for a bit after. So I should be skipping breakfast, and maybe a snack as well.

Monday's calories- somewhere in the 1400 range.

Have a great day everyone. Healthy and safe.
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Old 03-06-2007, 08:24 AM   #110  
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catstongue-don't worry about your calorie level compared to everyone else's. The main difference in calorie levels for each person are:

~Their current weight
~Their exercise level

People who weigh more can eat a higher calorie level per day and still lose-when I first start losing weight after each baby-I lose the first 5-10 pounds EASILY on 1800 calories a day, before I have to drop it down to 1700. I can then usually stay at that level for a while longer before moving it down to 1600. Those who are at 1200, 1300, and 1400 levels are usually those who have been losing longer than you have-and who have had to drop to get things going again, or those who started out with not a lot to lose.

A 140 pound woman only trying to lose 7-10 pounds is going to start off lower than someone who is 170 trying to lose 30, because she is closer to goal, and smaller-so her body needs less. Make sense?

Those who exercise more are also burning more calories, so they can eat more and still lose. It is a very personal thing-everyone is at a different level that is working for THEM.

Hello to everyone else!!!

Today is cardio day and dance technique...and I have lots of errands to run.
I'll check back later!
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Old 03-06-2007, 08:41 AM   #111  
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hi everyone!! I haven't been on in ages...Exercise is going well, but I really need to reign in my eating. Not all bad just too many treats. I gotta get the kids ready for the day will try to post later.
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Old 03-06-2007, 08:49 AM   #112  
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Good Morning
I hate posting my calories for yesterday because the Calorie Police might arrest me. We checked MIL out of the hospital, ran her errands, blah, blah, blah! you get the picture.
Once you get behind in eating, it's hard to catch up and I'm not a junk eater so it's double hard to catch up. Well, that's a fib, I do eat SF/FF pudding with SF/FF Cool Whip daily but that's about it.
Fiber...61 grams
Vitamins/Salmon Oil/Fiber supplements
Fiber One, dry
Flat Out toasted with Herbs
Homemade Vegetable soup
Cooked Cabbage & Carrots
Pistachio/Coconut pudding with Cool Whip and sprinkling of Fiber One
Chicken Vegetable soup, lots of it.
Skim Milk
Evening snack: more Pudding w/Cool Whip, sprinkling of F.One.
Melissa... Thanks for printing your name, it's so much easier typing out a short name rather than our user names plus makes it more personal.
Littlered...I'm a tad dizzy when I step off the treadmill and Walking suggested you get your blood pressure checked. That would make sense because I do have low blood pressure and that might be your problem too.
Rai... We thought the old "keep it simple" thread moved fast, this one really speeds by. If I don't check in everyday, it takes forever to read all the posts.
Walking... Great calories yesterday! I purchased a second digital scale last week (I wanted one that could weigh a whole batch of soup) on E-Bay and I paid $2.30 for a brand new one. It weighs up to 11 pounds. You might check there too, they have a zillion of them.
Cats Tongue...
Cheryl... What kind of ice skating do you do? I spent many hours on the ice in my youth, we were too poor to buy new skates so my dad purchased a pair of used hockey skates that I shared with my two sisters. Not only were they too big but no tip to stop on, but I felt lucky to have them.
Woodlily...I'll see if I can remember how to post pictures from our last snow. NO, we didn't get the ice the second time around but we have more snow and ICE predicted for this afternoon,
Susan... Jump down from Cananda and kick me! I just snooped on your Fitday again and noticed the TVP soup. Darn, I keep forgetting I have that. Yesterday I made a big batch of Chicken soup, I should have added some TVP.
Robin...Good luck today on your tests. I have a cholesterol test next monday and I can't eat anything before that either. I don't mind not eating the food, but missing my pot of coffee in the morning just about kills me.
Hi to everyone who hasn't checked in yet this morning!
Two of the pictures are from our back yard and the one in front has snow higher than my car. Hard to tell at the angle I took the picture, it's take forever to melt in the spring.
I better get my butt in gear and head back into town to check on MIL.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 12-27-2010 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 03-06-2007, 09:49 AM   #113  
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Good morning all.

First I wanted to say congrats to all the big weight looses this week! I cant wait to be able to say I had a loss too.

Also, hello to all the new girls. This is a great site.

My calories for yesterday, 1474.

And for the info on my dizzy problem, I will start to monitor my blood pressure, right after I run. It its not normal, I am calling the Dr. Thanks for the advise. I am inclined to have lower blood pressure.

Bobbie, your yard looks like ours did on Valentines. Thank
God Thats all Gone!

As for Scales, I bought my from ebay, it is a postal scale, and does all the good things mentioned above. Got it for $22 including shipping. It weights up to 50 lbs.
I use this scale everyday. If not weighed, I measure everything, I believe that is how to get an idea what we really eat. I also try to use a smaller plate.

Alright, Susan and Bobbie, what is TVP SOUP? I love soup.
Low fat?

Well, I guess I need to move my butt. Get up and do something. Treadmill today. Hope to twice.

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Old 03-06-2007, 10:08 AM   #114  
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Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I'm pretty bummed. My scale hasn't budged at all in a bit and actually went up slightly :-( I don't know why though. I've stayed in my calorie range and have been walking the treadmill and doing the watp videos. The only thing that I can think of is that I'm not drinking enough water. [sigh]. I'm starting to feel a bit discouraged. I need to see the scale move somewhat to keep me going....
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Old 03-06-2007, 10:56 AM   #115  
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Good morning. Calories were horrible yesterday. After my breakfast mishap, I knew I had to cut back, so it was salads for lunch and dinner. After dinner I was sitting at about 1350 and then DD announced she had the dreaded GSC (should I spell it out? Girl Scout Cookies!)!!! I then proceeded to eat almost 300 calories of cookies.
And I didn't count my glass of wine.
So you can see why my scale went up this morning.

Today I'll be better. So far, egg whites on a 50 cal ww tortilla (someone told me about LA Tortillas--they're a little smaller, but 95% fat free, ww and low carb). Lunch is salad and I'm making homemade empanadas using won ton wrappers instead of pastry for dinner tonight.

TVP soup is soup with TVP (textured vegetable protein) added. I have 3 bags of Bob's Red Mill TVP and haven't opened any to use, but got a ton of recipes off the internet last week. Prior to this, I was using the Morning Star Farms crumbles in a few things.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 03-06-2007, 11:27 AM   #116  
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Hey ladies

As for me, last week I averaged 1450 a day so the last 2 days I've had 1900. I was really starving and needed to replenish my energy levels. I feel nice and full this morning with lots of energy, so plan on getting back on track with around 1550 or less (let's hope!) for the next few days as the scale WAS finally moving.

I did go up 1 pound from my loss of last week but that's possibly to be expected after going up in a calories right after a loss, but once I lower the calories it should go back down. Hey, dealing with the fluctuations is something you have to put up if you weigh daily so I dont stress it.

Allison, how are you cooking your empanadas? I've only had them deep fried so I wasn't sure. What filling? Sounds like a good idea.

I changed a lasagna recipe the other night so have lots of lasagna for today still. Turkey rather than beef; whole wheat rather than white pasta; fat free ricotta; fat free mozzerella; and part skim mozzerella. DH liked it and didn't even notice the FF cheese and the whole wheat pasta. He does prefer the beef but tough, its not that healthy (I had to explain to him about saturated fats but I dont think he was paying attention).

Not sure what advice to give Angielynn, but sometimes the scale just doesnt move for a few weeks and then you'll get a few pounds right off the bat after that. But you've gotta stick with it for that to happen. Keep on your plan and you WILL lose!

Hey Robin, you star

Good day friends
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Old 03-06-2007, 11:53 AM   #117  
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Good morning all!

I had a bad weekend due to not planning snacks or meal while traveling. Note to self: Pack food before going on trips. I've told myself no more excuses. I'm going to New York and San Francisco this summer, so that's my inspiration.

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 03-06-2007, 12:21 PM   #118  
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Bobbi, Whoa that's a lot of snow. I live in Chicago and we are still getting lake effect snow, but nothing compared to what you have out there.

Calories for Monday:
Total Cal: 1269
Fat: 27g ( 20%)
Carbs: 183 g (50%)
Fiber: 31g
Protein: 85g (28%)

I want to get my fiber intake up to at least 40g/day.

I ran (or should I say jog since I am so slow) 5 miles today. I did it in 61 minutes, about 2 minutes slower than last week, but hey some days it is like that. My husband was trying to pressure me to run faster , but I sai NO WAY! I know my pace, and I'm not trying to kill myself. He wanted to run a 10min/mile pace...Ugggh, no...that is not least not yet. Thursday I'm going to do some speed work.

Okay, I have another question about the scales. Does anyone have a scale in which you can:
Put the plate on the scale, then zero the scale,add some food, take the plate off the scale, put some more food on the plate, then put the plate back on the scale and the scale gives you a reading that is the food plus more food....Okay, that is very confusing...let me give an example.

I have a plate that weighs 10 g. I put it on the scale and zero the scale. Now I add 20 grams of food to the plate. I take the plate off the scale and add food2 to the plate. If you were to put that plat back on the scale, what reading would you get? My scale would give me a reading that is the sum of the plate and both foods. I am looking for a scale that would give me a reading that is just the sum of both foods. In other words, I want a scale that does not rezero itself everytime I move the plate. Does anyone have a scale like this? If so, what brand is it? How much did it cost?
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Old 03-06-2007, 12:21 PM   #119  
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Morning! I just use the plainest canned tomatoes I can find, some chicken stock and chopped cabbage. Add in some TVP and it's filling, warm and low fat. A nice alternative to chilly salads in the chilly winter.
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Old 03-06-2007, 01:18 PM   #120  
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rai, that run is awesome! I find running really hard and rarely do it, 5 miles is extraordinary..I used to do that in my peak of condition when I was around 24. LOL

Susan, that cabbage soup sounds very nice right it is 10 degrees here and WINDY! brrrrrrrrrr
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