The Biggest Loser - Winning by Losing For discussion of the NBC tv show The Biggest Loser and the book Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels

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Old 09-07-2006, 05:08 AM   #841  
Nikkii from Australia
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Thanks, yes it has been a real shock for us all here, and all is in moarning. Steve lived 20 mins from me, it is just so terrible!
Yes it is 2.2lbs per kilo.
Fantastic effort for going to the gym. I spent today in bed, and TAFE for 1 hour.
Keep well. Does anyone use the chat room?
Nikkii xxx
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Old 09-07-2006, 05:11 AM   #842  
Nikkii from Australia
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My auntie is hurt worse, as i dont know if you remember when the fishing trawler sank out side noosa qld few months ago, and the skipper could not be found....? Well that was my uncle Ross Irwin. Now it is Steve Irwin. All in the same year!
Nikkii xxx
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Old 09-07-2006, 09:06 AM   #843  
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Morning-The construction is finished. It looks great. It has actually been two months since the fire. Though it seemed endless at time I think the crew did it in pretty decent time and I am pleased with their craftsmanship. Now it is time to reclaim my space and get things put back together.

I have had a good week after ANOTHER less than stellar Sunday. What's up with Sunday's? This one was not an all day indiscretion but a labor day party where I let my gaurd down. I really have been giving myself a talking to.

Like you Nikki I am hovering at 195 and after losing 60lbs. it has gotten much harder to drop a lb.

Having a great week of diet and exercise and then blowing it on an evening of Maragritas isn't going to do it for me. It is time to jettison the cocktail hour which I have somehow let myself do a bit more lately. When I was losing so good I was drinking coffee at parties and I know I have to do so again.

BUT, my muscles just keep getting better. I am really noticing my legs lately, I think all the extra hiking has helped out there. I am feeling really strong during workouts. I am amazed that I can now do 15 men style push-ups. When did that happen!?!
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Old 09-07-2006, 09:21 AM   #844  
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ledom.....well my friend....those kind of things just don't happen OVERNIGHT!!! You've been a true workhorse, and those muscles of your's are the proof. HOLY COW....15 mens pushups? YOU ROCK!!!

Nikki.....sorry to hear about your uncle. Fingers crossed for your family to come through this hardship.

Last nights sleep was a terrible time. I've developed this kind of hacking cough that gets worse in the night. Its a flem clearing hack.**sorry** for those of you that haven't eaten breakfast yet..... Keeps me from falling asleep and wakes me up from a sleep. Allergies!!! HATE' EM!!! Needless to say now that I'm up, I would love to go back to bed again. Gotta get to the gym though, so we'll see. Ds has a meeting for the newspaper tonight, then tae kwon do, then soccer. Won't be getting home until 8pm !!!! Its one of those CRAZY CRAZY days
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Old 09-08-2006, 12:03 AM   #845  
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Hi chickies!

Welcome Nicole!! So cool to have another chick from down under! Sorry about your uncle and Steve. I hope you are feeling better by now.
I haven't ever tried the chat room...are we ever all online at the same time?

Speaking of people who I hope are feeling better - Twinklgirl! Hows that wisdom tooth? I bet the new hair cut is great!! They are great for a mood booster.

angel-eyes...ewwww...allergies suck! Nothing medication-wise helps with the stuffyness? DH likes Flonase....good for you getting yourself off to the gym.

ledom - woo hoo!! Finally done with chaos!! Well at least from the house, huh? 15 pushups - you go girl!! That's about where I am...well for the first 2 the 3rd one it's more like 10..

I posted my scooter pics here. No furry pants this time.
I've done spin classes 3 days this goes so fast and my heart rate stays way the heck up there almost the whole time.
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Old 09-08-2006, 02:26 AM   #846  
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Hi Girls!
Well, today was weigh in, and it should shock nobody when i say i didn't lose a thing, not that it bothers me. I would have been more shocked had i lost something. I plan on having a solid week this week (note: i no longer say i'm going to have a kick butt week, every time i say that something bad always happens!)
I still love my haircut, i can't believe i was so worried about having it chopped off! I've washed my hair by now, and isn't it funny how is never looks the same as when the hairdresser does it!?! That's a mystery i'd like answered!
I also went to the dentist today, and i was expecting bad news... thought they we're going to rip out the tooth. But apparently i'm just a giant wuss! The tooth was infected, but the pain i have now is normal because the tooth is coming up straight and fine. I just have to deal with the pain. Also got some new clothes today, i have started wearing more colourful things, which is nice. I like having new clothes. Wow, new clothes, new haircut, i'm like a whole new woman! Look out world, here comes Twinkle!

Chick- i still have to get up the nerve to go to a spin class, you seem to really enjoy them, so i better get my butt moving in the direction of the gym!

Angel- You take care of yourself girl. Can't the doctor do something? Give you some medication that would help? anything? Feel better soon!

Ledom- I can picture you being totally ripped! And yeah, you put in the hard work for those muscles, you should be very proud of them! I know i'm in love with my biceps!

Nikki- I hope you're feeling ok. It's all just so sad. All of Australia is mourning, and now the news that Peter Brock has died. I loved him.. i don't know what's going on! That's two Aussie icons in a week!
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Old 09-08-2006, 05:10 AM   #847  
Nikkii from Australia
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Hi twinkeGirl, yes it is sad to see them gone...there just isnt much words to say when in moarning.... well i am sick as a dog and spent 4 hours at the doctors on drugs andnibuliser, as he was debating on hospiatlising me. Instead i have to take advert/ventolin by nibuliser every 4 hours, prenisolone, panamax, anitbiotics and go back monday. I have to work at the football tomorrow, as i am a sports trainer/massage therapist, and if i dont go they have to forfit the game, and they are in semi finals, so they will be pissed! so i wont be doing much other than fill water bottles and ice ankles knees etc.. see how i am monday if i have to go to hospital, nut i feel that i will be ok.
I have withdrawals from training already and feel like i have gained 10kg...
Anyway enough on me,,,,, i hope the world is rocked by your new look!! I feels great to pamper yourself. Have you treated yourself to a massage? You should....!
Talk soon
Nikkii xxx
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Old 09-08-2006, 06:04 AM   #848  
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Hey Nikkii,
I am so sorry to hear that you are so sick! That's terrible! Gosh, i hope you don't have to go into hospital, that would be terrible. Don't worry about the exercise right now, just concentrate on getting better, and i'm certain you haven't gained 10kgs!!! A bunch of balloons to brighten your day! I hope you feel better soon, i'll be sending you lost of healthy thoughts.

I haven't had a massage yet, i have a thing about being naked with other people, plus i'm really ultra sensitive to pain. I plan on getting one when i reach my ultimate goal.
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Old 09-08-2006, 07:43 AM   #849  
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Thanks heaps.....kisses to you. Well the massage thing, a professional massage therapist resepects the privacy to the client at all times, as they can risked being sued for unprofessionalism, so you dont have to worry about being naked,,,,if it helps go with a female therapist first. I would suggest a hawiian massage rather than a sports/remedial massage. It would be more relaxing and should be no pain. I do it, and i have had it done to me, and it is sooooo nice. But when i know i have a specific problem, i will have a sports/remedial and embrace the
well i am sitting here with dried apricots, a hot water bottle to my chest cause i am sick of sittling in bed!, so i will go for the night and take my nibuliser....have a good day or night....check in tomorrow
Nikkii xxx
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Old 09-08-2006, 12:36 PM   #850  
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Hi girls!!

Nikki.....You must be really sick!!! wow, lots of meds. I hope you listen to the dr. and get better!!! It would be a shame for your football team to forfeit if you stayed home, is there someone else that could cover you? pics!! Great job on working out this week. I used to do the chat room a few years ago, but the format changed somewhat and now the odd time I pop in and no one is there.

ledom.....HOw you doing? any weekend plans?

twinkle......glad to hear that the tooth will be saved. sorry that the pain continues though... I'm pretty lucky with my hair, it turns out just like the hairdresser does it. Got any pics to share?

I have an appt to see the dr. in a few hours. I hope she gives me something for this hacking cough....last night it was a good 2.5 hours before I could sleep (2 am). I felt really bad coughing and spewing because dh came in really late on a flight back from Chicago....turns out he was so exhausted he didn't even hear me coughing. I ended up spending about 30 min in the bathroom trying to stop....over the counter meds just don't work.
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Old 09-08-2006, 04:32 PM   #851  
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Hi Angel eyes, i hope you get better to. Its currently 6.30 am, i had to take my meds at 6am, and we have to vote here today, and yes i have to go to the football as no one can replace me, but i have others there to help get me started with the massage,,,,so hopefully the guys will be sympathetic to me today, but we all know what guys are like at the best of
The medication so far hasnt done much justice to my chest...and if anything it is just making my hands shake like i am nervous.....but i have to push on....
nikkii xxx
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Old 09-09-2006, 05:57 AM   #852  
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i just got home from the football, i didnt do very much while i was there, i had alot of support which was great, both sides lost in the semi final, so i am finished working there for the rest of the year. My temp feels like it has gone down, but my chest still isnt too good.... Anyway....keep pumping the meds in, .....
Nikkii xxx
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Old 09-10-2006, 10:03 AM   #853  
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gina- Those scooters look like so much fun. Is one of the pictures of your scooter? How long have you been doing that and is it your standard mode of transportation or a weekend hobby ride? I live in a town that holds an annual Harley fesitval. I know, totally different bike, but it is interesting phenomenon to have thousands of Harley's in town at once.

Girls who are ailing - get well soon!!!!

I had a pretty good week, actually a great week. Fri. I partied when I thought I wouldn't, but I think I might have gotten it out of my system. Seems I was able to contain it to Friday night. I have gotten in all my workouts this week which was a major goal, and today, Sunday, I am will be extra cautious not to fall into the the habit of the last 2 Sundays. I think I am ready to leave this little two month maintenance and drop some serious lbs. again.

I want to do that before the holidays hit.
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Old 09-11-2006, 06:38 AM   #854  
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Hi Ledom, great to see that you are having fun.. you need to unwind now and then, but lest you are still working out!
Well today, i went to the doctors, little improvement, but still on meds...i had a massive asthma attack in a pet store after being there for 1 min,,,,i was dry reaching and couighing, so i had to hurry to the toilet as you can imagin why,,,,lol,,,,sitting there leaking from everywhere,,,,lol contained myself and got over it....
I havent taken my asthma meds tonight so far and i am actually feeling better in the i will skip it and see how i am in the morning...
I am back to work at the gym tomorrow, as i need the i hope i dont fit infront of a client....
I hope all that are sick as well to get better....thinking of you all,,,
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Old 09-11-2006, 07:18 AM   #855  
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Hi Girls!
Ledom- I know you can kick- butt and lose the pounds when your maintenance time is up. And of course we'll all be here to support you the whole way!
Nikkii- You take care of yourself, and don't push yourself too hard! Feel better soon! And thanks for the info. on getting a massage. I will look into it in a little while.
Angel- I will share photos when i get to my ultimate goal, hopefully around Christmas time. But i'm kind of self- concious still at the moment. But i have got photos of th ejourney, so you'll get to see them eventually! And how are you feeling? Any better? You getting any more sleep?
Chick- Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing!

I had a good day today! I finally got a solid workout in. Did my 45 mins of weights and an hour on the treadmill. I didn't really feel like it at all, and i wasn't all pumped up when i finished, but i did it, so i'm happy with that. I had a minor blow out with my food over the weekend, but i plan on working it all off plus some this week. What can i say? I suddenly became powerless before the Ham and Chesse pizza!
Have a great week, girls!

9/11- May we never forget.
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