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Old 02-17-2008, 08:02 PM   #811  
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Ugh. This weekend was a total bust. I add crap yesterday and today and had no exercise. I went to a wine and chocolate tasting yesterday which wasn't so bad because I didn't eat much, but after that I had chocolate cake, cheese, salami, etc at my cousin's house. Today I went out to eat for lunch and it was not good. No exercise again today. I have a feeling the scale is not going to be pretty in the morning for my weigh in.

I'm not sure why I let myself go so much this weekend. I've been doing pretty good since January 1 but this weekend was just awful. I think I need to have a talk with myself before I go to bed tonight and reevaluate what I am doing. I am at the point of being so close to goal but I have to step up the staying on plan and exercise to get to where I want to be.

I am going to post my weight in the morning even if it is a gain. I hold myself accountable for everything I do in this challenge, and I don't want to take a freebie just because I have a gain. I know this may upset some people, but to me this challenge is about posting your weight no matter what - lose, maintain or gain - because then you are holding yourself accountable and it will help me push harder next week. I apologize in advance for putting anyone off by this, but it is how I feel.

I hope everyone had a relaxing night.
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Old 02-17-2008, 08:35 PM   #812  
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Good evening ladies!

I know that TOM is imminent. I'm glad I posted my weigh-in yesterday. I stepped on the scale this morning... and BAM, up 3 pounds! So, the bloat has begun... yee haw.

I made a TASTY Beef Stew using a recipe in the newest Weight Watchers magazine. It's my first time to ever make Beef stew and it turned out YUMMY!

I also bought couscous at the store last night. I'm determined to try it.

I guess we're starting the whole foods challenge tomorrow, right Soul?

No time for personals tonight. I just finished my accounting test and now it's off to do a Math test..... yee haw again! lol
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Old 02-17-2008, 08:41 PM   #813  
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Originally Posted by losinitin07 View Post
Hello every one I had to stop by and tell every one I'm a grammie again let me introduce to you Ashlyn Mya born at 3:59 pm today 6 lbs and 11oz and 18 inches both mom and baby are doing just great so is the dad.I just had to share my excitement with ya all. This makes 4 and another due in July.
I have tried to eat as many veggies and fruits as I can has any one tried an ugly fruit there from Jamaica really good .
I have not tried couscous yet but I think the next time I go shopping I will try some.
Michie yeah shopping is so much more fun it's exciting to try some thing on and it fits.
Every one else have a great week .
I jus love babies!!!!!

I may have to hold on on this whole foods challenge for a while if I can join y'all at all. Money is tight for the next 2 to 3 weeks (as if it's not always, lol) so I had to buy what was affordable and unfortuanatley alot of the "good for you" foods are too expensive. They blame the draught on everything, grrrrr....I DID manage to get me some apples, pears, bananas, whole grain bread and cereal, but that's about it. sigh...

Dude was sick this weekend, he's such a pain when he's sick and now Matt isn't feeling well and I've had a sinus headache for a while and it's pounding.

Last edited by Diva; 02-17-2008 at 08:54 PM.
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Old 02-17-2008, 09:35 PM   #814  
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Thank you Diva
London Julz - I've never taken accounting it easy or is it hard. math was never my favorite subject.
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Old 02-18-2008, 01:15 AM   #815  
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Hey everyone! Just wanted to drop by to say hello! I only lost a pound this week, but I'm just happy to consistently see the scale moving down instead of up! Can't wait to see everyone else's numbers tomorrow.

Diva - I hear ya about the money! Eating healthy is sooooo much more expensive. I went grocery shopping this weekend and got fruit, veggies, lean meat, almonds, whole grain bread & cereal, etc. I spent 3 TIMES what I usually spend on food by getting all this healthy crap. I don't know how long we can afford to keep this up!

Losinit07 - CONGRATULATIONS!!! You gotta show us some pics when you can! Awww, I love babies! Mine is growing too fast.

Julz - I know what you mean about the Bringing Sexy Back song! It just always has a way of making me feel good! I have never heard that song without smiling.

Selina - Yay! Thanx for popping in! Can't wait for her party! I don't think I'll meet my goal by then, but who cares...I'm still celebrating and not gonna worry about it!

Hope you all have a happy Monday!!!
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Old 02-18-2008, 02:16 AM   #816  
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I'll confess too. I ate way too much this weekend. Yuck. Well, it actually started w/ Valentines Day, which led to 2 days of fondue. This weekend we went out with friend's to a new restaurant and sampled almost the whole menu...literally.

NoVA: Post whatever you want, we're here to support you! We're all apparently in the same boat.

Losinit: on the new . So happy for you!

Diva: Healthy food can break the bank. Maybe you can do some canned veggies or frozen as much as possible. They are a little cheaper than fresh.
I feel your pain after being out of work for many months!

By the way, does the challenge start on Monday?
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Old 02-18-2008, 05:38 AM   #817  
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NoVaVTFan - don't worry, over the long term it is all about consistency, not being are doing this, and you have been successful, keep going and give yourself a big hug for all your efforts!

michie and cagee, and all you other ladies who like a little soul in your music, if you like Winehouse, check out Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings. Sharon Jones is amazing, her voice, how she holds herself, the confidence just spings from her!

losinitin07 - Congratulations on the new little person in your family!!!!

diva - great job in your efforts with the c25k! it took a really long time for be to really feel like a "runner," and at the point where i was building up to 3 miles, 5 miles seemed like something only the gods of running were physically able to do, and then was building up to 5, it seemed like 10 was something that only the gods of running could do...but after i ran my first half marathon (a good 10 years after i started running) i decided i better stop asking myself if i was reeeaaaallllly a runner. and trust me, when i was 17 i couldn't run a mile...i couldn't run for 10 minutes has just been a slow building up of tiny successes and efforts..and even when i have stopped running for a couple of months, just going back to it and starting again...

rainlips - you too! really, good job with the running!

TatianaHdz - congratulations on your pound! i am with you 100%, better 1 lb down then 1 lb down, always.

As for the cost of fruits and veggies, I think hope4me is right, I've read that frozen veggies actually tend to have equal (or better?) nutritional value then fresh counterparts if the fresh have had to travel a long way... you might also look to see if there is a "soon to expire" shelf somewhere in your grocery store. I know mine has one, and you have to eat the veg/fruit pretty much that day or the next...but they are super discounted...

soulbliss - i am in on the "out" of the box challenge! thanks for taking the initiative on it.

and a hug to all the rest of us!!!!
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Old 02-18-2008, 05:44 AM   #818  
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Also, I have really been enjoying the 101cookbooks website ( I wanted to share a recipe that I have been using..for egg salad. It is SO good..and healthy..I use low fat yogurt, and walnuts and add way more apple (I use 2 eggs, 1/2 an onion, and 1/2 an apple, walnuts..then I slice the rest of the apple and arrange the slices in a little fan on the edge of my salad plate..)and just make it with 2 eggs at a time. Then I put it on top of a big greens and veg salad with a little vinegrette...

Curried Egg Salad Recipe

5 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder (your favorite)
3 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 big pinches of salt

1/2 small onion, chopped
1/2 medium apple, chopped
1/4 cup pecans, toasted and chopped
1 small bunch of chives, minced

First off, you need to boil the eggs properly (the key to good egg salad!). Place the eggs in a pot and cover with cold water by a 1/2-inch or so. Bring to a gentle boil. Now turn off the heat, cover, and let sit for exactly seven minutes. Have a big bowl of ice water ready and when the eggs are done cooking and place them in the ice bath for three minutes or so - long enough to stop the cooking.

While the eggs are boiling/cooling, combine the yogurt, curry powder and salt in a tiny bowl. Set aside.

Crack and peel each egg, and place in a medium mixing bowl. Add the curried yogurt, onions, apple, pecans, and chives. Now mash with a fork. Don't overdo it, you want the egg mixture to have some texture. If you need to add a bit more plain yogurt to moisten up the mixture a bit, go for it a bit at a time. taste and add more salt if needed. Enjoy as-is, or served wrapped in lettuce or between two slices of good, toasted bread.

Serves 3-4

Last edited by chickichickibangbang; 02-18-2008 at 05:48 AM.
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Old 02-18-2008, 07:23 AM   #819  
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Good Morning black team! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Mine was way too short, but they usually are. This is going to be a busy week so I'm sure it will just fly by. This week I go under the needle I get my tattoo outlined on Wednesday. Anyone with babies know if they still sell Diaper changing pads. I've looked at a couple stores around here and I can't find any, my friends says they are a cheaper alternative to the pads they sell at the tat shop.

chicki-thanks for the recipe, it looks yummy! I checked out the website and added it to my favs. I see some veggie burgers I wanna try making. I'm thinking it will be cheaper to make my own than buying morningstar or boca.

Tatiana-Great job on the 1lb! No matter if its one pound or six pounds its a loss and thats a good thing. Keep up the hard work!

Rena-Congrats on the baby! I'm sure you're a proud gramma, and can't wait to see some pics. And I love the name Ashlyn, very pretty.

Diva-I know what you mean about healthy eating breaking the bank. Im my case just going to the grocery store can break the bank. I just cant seem to get out of there without spending at least 100 dollars. I think you can still be part of the challenge, just do what you can afford to do.

Julz-Gotta love TOM! I've never had much luck with making beef stew, it always seems like its missing something. I'd be interested in the recipe, if ya got time to post it.

NoVaVTFan-The freebies are yours to decide when to use them, so don't feel bad if you decide not to use them right now. I think everyone goes off plan every now and then. Its part of the ups and downs of this life changing experience. I'm sure after you reevaluate your plan, you'll be back on track in no time. Hang in there!

Manda-Good luck on the couch to 5k. Glad to see that things are finally settling down a lil bit for you.

Karma-5:30 on a SUNDAY . Did you get your workout in?

ggmugsy-wheat berries, never heard of em...I'll have to check it out.

Michie- What is Wicked?

hope4me- I'm sure you be back on track this week.

Ceegee- Hey girlie, you out there?
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Old 02-18-2008, 07:36 AM   #820  
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I haven't been around at all this past week. Our server was down for a couple of days, and then all of my kids were down for the count for the remainder of the week. I had to take a freebie week again this week...I thought it was better than posting my gain. Just didn't take care of myself this week (or much last week either). No exercise, didn't eat right....the usuall culprits!!
Anyway, today is Family Day (a new stat. holiday here in Ontario) and everyone is home today, so I want to get in my workout b4 the crew wakes up. I will pop in more this week...I really need the motivation to get me going again.
Have a great weigh-in ladies!
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Old 02-18-2008, 07:36 AM   #821  
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before I go to work out with the trainer, I just wanted to mention:


Please have your weigh-in post updated by 11:59 EST


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Old 02-18-2008, 08:42 AM   #822  
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Good Morning beautiful people!

I am down 1.4 lbs this week! I'm happy because for the past couple of day's I have had the munchies and partook in potato chips and chocolate. I went about 200 to 300 calories over, so I am just happy I didn't have again!

I can't wait to get back to the GYM tomorrow and get my in! I think I am getting addicted to this treadmill, walking/running thing. I feel so good afterwards, sore muscles and all.

I do have 3 or 4 bags of the Walmart brand mixed veggies in the freezer and a couple of lean cruisen's that have been in there for a week or 2. That's usually what I have for lunch because I am just not a big salad fan.

Just crossing my fingers that I can slim down and tone up my arms by June when it's time to go get a wedding dress. Crossing my fingers. I hope we have us another challenge after this one (7 weeks left) to keep me going. I may have to go with a really pretty dress that's not necessarily a "wedding dress"...We'll see. This will be my 3rd trip down the aisle so it's really no biggy for me, but I do wanna be bootiful for Jesse because this is his 1st.

Last edited by Diva; 02-18-2008 at 09:02 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:33 AM   #823  
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Diva..thanks for posting the C25K link...wasn't sure what it was until I checked it out. I think I am going to give it a try. I was walking/jogging before all of this wacky weather set in, so I think starting out on a 'program' would be a good idea for me.
Soulbliss..As for the 'out of the box' challenge, I am not a fan of fruits and veggies...I try to disguise them as best I can to get them in ie: smoothies for breakfast!!
I am going to give it a serious go! I am going to prepare a chart to keep close by to help keep track and keep me motivated to eat more fruits and veggies. It starts today right??? Thanks ladies for coming up with all of these wonderful ideas to keep us all in the game!!
Michie..I was looking at the book 'Wicked' the other day at chapters...maybe I will go back and pick it up. I have heard the stage production is awesome!

Last edited by Dea; 02-18-2008 at 10:33 AM.
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:53 AM   #824  
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Hey, Roni.....nice Easter ticker!

Hi Black Team! Hope everyone is doing well.
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Old 02-18-2008, 11:14 AM   #825  
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Hi ya Rhonda Donda! Your's is very nice as well, hehe!
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