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Old 01-10-2012, 11:33 PM   #106  
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Do I get extra-credit for posting twice within twenty-four hours?

I did not get to sleep until 4 a.m. today simply because I was busy answering PMs from 19 different people (yikes) but I slept until 11, took my shower, etc. and I have felt energetic ever since! In fact, I felt that way for the past week. It is nice after having being sick and then recovering from being sick.

Although I am not getting paid for it, I am thoroughly enjoying monitoring my new group. Two people started scrapping (one was on her fourth day of quitting smoking-oh boy! while the other was being a "drama queen"--it takes two to tango) and so that disrupted an otherwise wonderful rapport everyone was having. After much mediation on my part and remaining as impartial as King Solomon, I do think we are back on level ground again.

I determined what was upping my stress level and after some very careful and thoughtful pondering on my part, I decided that I would pass on this paid tax preparer position but continue to pursue another tax advisory position that has opened up, which if I got that would be a two year term. Cross all of your collective fingers and toes on this one. I would really enjoy that position if I were chosen. I have decided to remain calm about some of the other ramifications in my life that are also contributing to a short term "uneasiness". This is where faith needs to play a bigger role so I must practice what I preach, eh?

Credit for being methodical in determining what seemed to be the best path to take and then moving towards that. Double Credit for not eating over any of this.

Here is a direct quote from Dr. Beck's pink book " The best way to decrease your distress is to respond to your negative thinking/feeling and to solve the problem associated with your emotional upset." Well, the most difficult part of that is realizing that I have to "postpone" a short term gratification (extra money) for a long term fulfillment (doing something I love that will garner money eventually). I keep being reminded of what my son told me last summer when he said he thought I "was settling" in my life. I don't want to any more. I just hope I am not being a fool about all of this. Courageous and cowardice sometimes look the same. Only when the outcome is revealed will I know which it really is.

Credit for standing up for what I believe to be true and having others back that up. Gosh, that feels amazingly wonderful! No amount of anything eaten can top that!

Dr. Beck also said: Lower your level of stress by 1)solving the problem (of course, why didn't I think of that? duh!) 2) relax (again, duh!) and 3) change your mindset (she notes that chronically stressed people allow unreasonable rules to guide their behavior like should, could, must, never, always!"

Finally, this might even be a direct quote (I don't have the book in front of me, just my cards) "It's not all or nothing. I don't have to lower my expectations completely, just enough to reduce my stress."

With that I will say good night.


P.S. onebyone posted a few minutes before me. All I can say is Wow! great insights. You took the very words out of my mouth. Thank you so much.

Last edited by pamatga; 01-10-2012 at 11:37 PM.
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Old 01-10-2012, 11:34 PM   #107  
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Originally Posted by Toronto View Post
I am new to this - never did it before. I am trying hard on the Beck program & I had a diet buddy who quit and now I'm going it alone. I hope this forum can be my diet buddy.
Hello and

We are each other's diet buddy. I look forward to getting to know you. Glad you joined us.
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Old 01-11-2012, 07:02 AM   #108  
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Thumbs up Welcome Toronto


And, in honor of your first post,

How did you find out about the books by Dr. Judith Beck?

And how did you find this Beck Thread on the 3 Fat Chicks site?
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Old 01-11-2012, 07:06 AM   #109  
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Thumbs up Wednesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - A good eating day, CREDIT moi. My walk, CREDIT moi, was to the Post Office to return the part that I ordered for our dishwasher because it was the wrong one. CREDIT moi for acting promptly even though I was really annoyed with myself for the error - it contributes to my sanity to get the item returned to start anew. I've already ordered the (hopefully) correct part. Today is the day I tick the monthly counters of my journey, CREDIT moi.

Encountered a sale of Thomas 100% Whole Wheat English Muffins for half price. I was tempted. Then recognized that the appeal to me was having a whole dozen English muffins. It's the mound of food that draws me. So, I passed, CREDIT moi - when I want to plan English Muffins I can do so at any time, sale or not.

onebyone – Thank you for "The only way ... is to go through it." I need to remember that putting stuff aside until a better time just creates more problems.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – I am so stealing this one, "Why should someone else's stress make me fat?" [Like an addict, watched Downton Abbey with DW last night (rerun from Sunday). At least we don't eat while doing so, LOL.]

Erika (eusebius) – Congrats on your first meditation instruction - so neat to open another path in your life even though it's so busy.

Beverlyjoy – Kudos for shouting at your Sabotaging Thoughts, especially around chocolate muffins.

FutureFitChick – Yep, first priority is to honor the needs of your back. Ouch for the fried stuff, with Kudos for responding to it with a plan for tomorrow.

Pam (pamaga) – Yep, Kudos and Kudos for posting twice, LOL. Neat reminder, "Lower your level of stress by 1)solving the problem" - that seems to be today's theme.

maryann - Kudos for working on how to eat sanely at a college cafeteria.

Tazzy - Yay for back to Zumba. My gym is now offering classes - I may peek in and think about it.

maplover – Major Kudos for standing down that craving for dark chocolate.

Daimere – Congrats on making your 5% goal - weight gone forever. Do you wear an asbestos suit when hooping with fire? Sounds dangerous.

Toronto – Yep, we'll collectively be glad to be your on-line Diet Buddy and ask that you play that role for us. Are you reading the Green Book (The Complete Beck Diet for Life)?

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 2
Say to yourself, Oh, Well.
Oh, well, is a shorthand way of saying:
. . .
In the context of dieting, it means:
I don't like the fact that I have to restrict my eating right now, but I have to if I want to lose weight and keep it off. I may as well accept this fact, stop the mental struggle, and go find something else to occupy my mind.
. . .

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 97.
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Old 01-11-2012, 11:51 AM   #110  
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Good morning, Coaches.
Weight at ticker today which I felt was a triumph since I have been away for two weeks now. I had lots of fears and insecurities about my writing ability and my personal worth. So a bad evening but I didn't overeat about it. I called DH and said, "I don't feel like anyone likes me best.' He said, "Well, I'll ask DS tonite if he likes you." then he told me he loved me if it meant anything which brought me off the pity pot.
No exercise yet. I don't feel up to snuff. Maybe I am coming down with something
BBE: I understand totally about being attracted to a bargain that doesn't make any sense to buy. We really eat so little in a day, don't we?
Eusebius: Congrats on the bean salad. I will take my cue from you and have one right now.
Gardenerjoy: totally empathize with the regret of given into to overeating. It always begins, for me, with "I can't believe I did it again."

To everyone else: Hey!

Last edited by maryann; 01-11-2012 at 11:52 AM.
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Old 01-11-2012, 01:16 PM   #111  
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Pamatga - welcome and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the job you want works out. We spend so much of our day working that everyone deserves a job they enjoy.

Bill - good job passing up the english muffins. I'm not sure I would be able to do that mind would be telling me they were healthy (whole grain) and that I could always freeze a portion for later.

Maryann - congrats on not using food to make yourself feel better. You've probably heard this a million times, as we all have, but exercise really does make a difference in your mood. I suffer from clinical depression and even with meds there are days when I'm so down that not even my favorite activity (shopping) will help and my body is completely tired and hurting. Thankfully, my husband will put my shoes on my feet and cajole me into taking a small walk outside. We don't move very fast or go very far but even that little bit takes the edge off of my depression. The hardest part is getting the shoes on and getting out of the front door. Good luck to you!

I didn't do so great this weekend but I am back on track and not beating myself up over it. One of my biggest problems in the past is that anytime I went off plan or ate something I felt I shouldn't I would berate myself and literally shove food in my mouth as "punishment" to show myself how worthless I felt. Now, I am learning to "read" myself and note how much better I feel when I eat well and exercise and take the bad days in stride. I am not one to enjoy exercising but I came up with a plan to make it stick - I have a magazine obsession and get a couple in the mail about every week. Instead of sitting on the couch to read them I prop them on the elliptical and ONLY read them when I am exercising. With the magazine covering the time clock I actually exercise longer than I plan. Good job me!
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Old 01-11-2012, 03:05 PM   #112  
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Hi Everyone, hope you are all having a good Wednesday.

I had a great day yesterday, stayed OP, did not eat anything that I had not planned on which for me was huge. First Zumba class back and after the first song I remembered why I love the class so much and realized how much I really did miss it. It's ten thousand times better than boot camp! I got such a great workout and told DH that I never dreamed I would come home for working out so pumped up but I sure was. I made the PINK smoothie I'm supposed to drink after working out (frozen berries, almond milk and whey protein) and only had that and did not want anything else. And the scale is down again today and I'm feeling really energized.

I fly to Phoenix tomorrow morning and am not sure how I'm going to handle having breakfast at the airport. I cannot take my smoothie with the no liquids through security, I cannot take fruit as I am pre-clearing US Customs and they don't allow that. I know once I get to the boarding area the food choices are not great. I'll take some almonds, maybe a couple of hard boiled eggs, I don't know. If anyone has suggestions I'd be open to them.

I'm away until late Monday night, not sure if I'll have a chance to post or not. Hope everyone has a successful weekend!
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Old 01-11-2012, 05:53 PM   #113  
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Toronto! Glad to have you join us!

onebyone – Again, your post echoed what I have said to myself and have heard from others over and over again. This is something worth repeating often.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Downtown Abbey, I guess this is worth recording, huh? I have heard good things about it, just haven't checked it out.

Erika (eusebius) – Glad to see that you are finding time to meditate in spite of your schedule. You never have time until you make time.

Beverlyjoy – Now, it depends on what else is in those chocolate muffins? Good Job in staring those down. My food plan "allows" these on occasion, within smaller portions.

FutureFitChick – Sorry that back issue just seems to be lingering.

maryann - I recall my college days as some of the "best food I ever ate" coming from the cafeteria but then I liked fried everything back then too.

Tazzy - I was just about ready to order the whole set of Zumba dvds until I watched closely some of the steps. I had to pass---for now. It looks like a lot of fun but it really is tough on the knee joints. Protect yours! Hey, I just noticed for a fluffy little chick you have lost 30 lbs. WTG, GF!

maplover – I have always said that had I access to a car 24/7 I would never have come this far. Great Job in saying No at home before getting in the car. Then, it would have been even harder.

Daimere – Congrats on making your 5% goal - weight gone forever.

Toronto – Again, welcome, I take it you are from Canada, eh?

Still dealing with the friction between two "Buddies" in my group: The Way. When one accused the other of being a liar, I had to really step up the "intervention". I have been an office manager in my past and I am accustomed to managing a diverse group of people. Since this has begun to impact the other 18 people in this Buddy Challenge, I feel that I have had to offer my apologies and my intention to correct this immediately. I feel my integrity is on the line. I will have no problem asking her to leave if she continues with her public venting. The groups' welfare is my first priority.

Credit: I no longer eat over such "stuff" any more. There is nothing that upsetting to get me to eating extra food. As far as I am concerned, it is "business as usual".

: with not only introducing yet another aspect to this challenge but also as a good reminder that I need to "practice what I preach". So, since this past Monday, I have made a more concerted effort to get in 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables every day.

Credit: mindfully, slowly and sitting down while eating. (the later being one of the points in the challenge as well)

Credit: easing back into walking on the treadmill again after quite a long absence (two months?). THIS TIME, without any pain meds to prop me through it.

Changed my ticker to show what my half year goal is this year: to hit Onederland by June 1st (or thereabouts). I realize that is quite ambitious but I am going to post it anyway. Credit: I won't know until I set a goal whether I have a half-chance of attaining it.

, the biggest thing that Dr. Beck did for me last year was help me to lose my "fat head". Looking back; I can honestly say the biggest hurdle for me was to lose the type of thinking that went along with my weight. Once I started shedding the way I was thinking about myself, losing weight, the place food plays in my life, and my own self-image; then it has simply become a matter of mechanics in eating enough to sustain my body but also to lose weight. This works!


Last edited by pamatga; 01-11-2012 at 05:58 PM.
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Old 01-11-2012, 07:41 PM   #114  
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Evening coaches,

I was down another pound this morning. Clearly the new approach is working and I'm thrilled! Today: ate on plan, 30 min walk with 6 running intervals (1 min each) on treadmill. Lots of water too.

Looking forward to watching some TV shows on my ipad after I post. I love my gadgets

gardenerjoy - I love "Why should someone else's stress make me fat?" Indeed!!

FFC - Credit for tracking and for your .5 lost!

Toronto - welcome! Do you live in Toronto or are you from there? I was born there and now live an hour away.

onebyone - your bravery is inspiring!! And we are definitely more than our metabolisms. Wise words.

Pam - nice job handling the touchy issue in your group! Good vibes going out to you for the position you are hoping for! So true - you never have time until you make time.

BillBE - kudos for your longevity on this journey and your eminent sanity, food-related and otherwise

maryann - great job maintaining while away!

melroseg2002 - Great plan for combining exercise with your magazine obsession - I can think of *much* worse obsessions, LOL! For me it's podcasts … I love listening to them while I run/walk.

Tazzy - Kudos for staying OP and doing Zumba - so great to find a form of exercise you can truly enjoy.

Have a wonderful evening, everyone!
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Old 01-11-2012, 09:02 PM   #115  
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Hi folks... yesterday was within my plan - grateful for that. I wrote it all down, measured my food, slowed down eating, left a bite, drank lots of water, and did my stretches.

I had the gallbladder/pancreas/liver test today. It wasn't too uncomfortable. I hope I get the results soon.

I've lost in the a great deal of weight in the last 4-5 weeks - I can really feel it. It feels very good. I am grateful. It has been very challenging. I am glad to have some of the Beck techniques to help. (along with some 'orders' from my doctor) Maybe I hit my bottom with food after Thanksgiving.- I am not sure. I had to make the changes .

Pam - I can some muffin in my plan. But, I really want to plan for it. It's so easy for me to just eat what's around. Sorry to hear about the challenges in your Buddies group. You seem to be such a good leader.

Erika - credit for finding a great way to do your exercises.. dividing it up sounds like it works well for you.

Tazzy - it seems that everyone loves Zumba. I am glad you have the opportunity to participate in it. Credit.

Tonronto - WELCOME I am so glad you posted here. We all try to be helpful and like buddies in this particular thread.

Melrose -sorry to hear of your struggles over the weekend. It has happened to me many times over the years too. Now, it's often the Beck techniques that 'save' me from myself. Hop right back on your plan and you will be ok.

MaryAnn - I am doing a happy dance in honor of you getting back to your ticker weight. I know that it feels good. It's always so wonderful when I child says to someone that they love you.

Billbe - credit, indeed, for passing by the healthy ww English Muffins. Even healthy things can be a temptation, indeed. Best to leave them be.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 01-11-2012 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 01-11-2012, 11:40 PM   #116  
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Quick post as I've spent the evening soothing stress with 2 extra cookies and several hours in front of the "stupid box" rather than working on what is stressing me. Brilliant... Up the .5 pound I was down yesterday thanks to my sodium-filled lunch selection yesterday and going over my calorie range. Oh well. While tossing and turning in bed not falling asleep last night I did contemplate being grateful that I am now getting better about letting go of my mistakes and moving on from them. At least now I can move somewhere, at least, rather than stall out in a tail spin replaying the same mistake over and over. Thanks Dr. Beck and to all of you! Still need to track dinner and those cookies. Then, to see if I can sleep tonight...

BeverlyJoy, so glad you were able to work your plan so well in spite of the health issues. Hope the test results come out with a workable solution for you!

BillBlueEyes, great job realizing the real intention those muffins had for you! Congratulations for another month's success!

Eusebius, sounds like exercise is agreeing with you (or at least you haven't mentioned being as stressed about recital music as before...) Great job getting it all in!

GardenerJoy, hope things calmed down for you today. You sounded like you were missing your routine.

Maryann, kill those germs! You will not get sick (even in spite of those new semester germs that are everywhere)!!! Sorry you were having a down day. Check out PhD comics. One of their overarching themes is the absolute breakdown of every ounce of self worth formerly possessed by a graduate student. And the amazing part is that no one actually has to SAY anything to you for that to happen. In this case, I found misery truly does love company (especially when you are away from family).

MelroseG2002, fantastic strategy for the exercise timing. Great job for getting back on track after a rough few days.

PamatGA, great news that you are feeling so energetic. That is great! Good luck with the job situation. Also good luck dealing with the group dynamics, but fantastic that you are not eating over it. Looking forward to June when I see you reach Onederland!

Tazzy, does your plan allow you to have dried fruit (without added sugar)? I think if it is in a sealed, unopened package you should be OK. Have a safe trip. How is zumba for totally uncoordinated Chicks like me?

Toronto, welcome. This is a great place for support!
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Old 01-12-2012, 02:48 AM   #117  
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I'm posting this before I finally turn in for the night. I have had one rough day (speaking about Wednesday). I am really exhausted. I did not get to study my tax law on Wednesday as I had planned because I was trying to deal with how these group dynamics are playing out. Besides the fact, that even though I repeatedly asked this woman to remove her offensive post, she basically said she would think about it; now,I have also found out through some more "revelations" about this whole incident, the one person who was playing the "victim card" well enough where she had swayed even me, is now showing a "much different" side to her than at first. She had several people's sympathy but I am sure if they all knew what was revealed to me late Wednesday night, they would be surprised. I had repeatedly asked her to keep her grievances private and instead she is going all over that site harassing the other woman. Although I don't have to do this, I am alerting the site administrator about this. I just feel that as a host I owe it to the rest of the group members who have placed their trust in me. Not to mention my credibility and integrity are on the line. Even though I am not getting paid a cent, when I commit to something and put my stamp on it, then I want that effort to reflect only my "very best".

On top of all that, a person whom I trusted, I shared with her a workout that I had worked hard on customizing for my 2011 Team Challenge ripped me off and is passing it as her own! I am stunned by that. Such is the day I have had.

Credit: Not only did I not eat over all of this, I turned immediately to the phone and shared as much of it as I could to people who haven't a clue of what is going on. Did I not tell you I am just "so over" eating over things in my life. Granted, I am stressed to the gills but I am not overeating. I can't have it both ways, overeating and wanting to be in Onederland by June 1st (or thereabouts).

That's all for now. I may not come on again until in the wee hours. I have to keep pushing forward on these tax stuff before it ends up being April 16th and I am still learning all the new changes and rules we have to adhere to as well. Calgon, take me away.......(now, that dates me!)
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Old 01-12-2012, 05:57 AM   #118  
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Thumbs up Thursday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Walked (CREDIT moi) to Staples to get a new exercise journal for the year. Free advice: 'tis better to buy a 2012 journal in November when the shelves are overflowing, LOL, than in January when you get what's left. Then to the gym, CREDIT moi. And, just for old times' sake, I shuffled a few dumbbells into their proper locations. My muscles were complaining with such little provocation.

Eating was close to plan, CREDIT moi, but, again, had larger snacks than planned. Was going out for dinner but chose to grab some leftovers because it would be easier to control portions.

Erika (eusebius) – So neat that you've got an approach that's working.

Beverlyjoy – Congrats on that lost weight, however difficult it's been with doctor's orders wiggling themselves into your plan.

FutureFitChick – This is the big one for me also, "now I can move somewhere, at least, rather than stall out in a tail spin replaying the same mistake over and over."

Pam (pamaga) – Yep, Kudos for "I no longer eat over such 'stuff' any more" - That's a good place to be. Wish you well with your group dynamics.

maryann - Great notion for all occasions, "...but I didn't overeat about it."

Tazzy - Waving toward Phoenix - hope you get some snow free, warm weather. My airport experience is that anything I bring works out better than wandering the food outlets fighting off the notion that it's a special situation. Have a nice trip.

Melissa (melroseg2002) – Kudos for working out that routine for saving your magazines for elliptical time.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 2
Say to yourself, Oh, Well.
Oh, well, is a shorthand way of saying:
. . .
You can add the following idea, too:
Besides, although I may not like restricting my eating right now, I will definitely like all of the benefits of losing weight.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 97.
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Old 01-12-2012, 08:03 AM   #119  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Snowing here. Next to last day and hopefully it will stop for tomorrow's lane trip.

Food day wasn't as clean as the previous but since I brought my scale, i know to be careful today. 1 trip, no seconds.

melroseg2002: I absolutely agree with exercise. I also suffer from depression and exercise has saved my life. Did yoga this morning and felt great.

Thanks for everyones thoughts about my blues. Better today. it is true that "this too shall pass.
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Old 01-12-2012, 02:20 PM   #120  
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Hello Beck Coaches... Yesterday I stayed within the parameters of my food plan. My stomach was upset after the medical test. I substituted toast for many foods yesterday. It worked out well. Always grateful for that.

I was grateful for the hunger experiment. I had breakfast at 5:30am and lunch at 1:30pm - I survived not eating between then without feeling frantic. (if you know what I mean)

I wrote it all down, drank lots of water, left a bite, did my stretches & strengthening, was mindful/slow/tasting with food and ate seated only. I do need to work on reading the Beck Book and my ARC/rc.
maryann - I find 'no seconds' so helpful. I hope you are feeling better.

billbe- I agree.... you must get your planner/journal in the Fall. I have heard not of you moving the dumbbells for a long time. Credit!

pam - sorry to hear of your drama with your group. One or two bad know (can spoil the bunch) Oops on your overeating about this. It's hard to pull out those Beck techniques when we are in the middle of those emotions. I've done it a few times - kind of going through my 'checklist' in my mind of how to back away from the food. Hope you're feeling better now.

futurefitchick- At least now I can move somewhere, at least, rather than stall out in a tail spin replaying the same mistake over and over. Thanks Dr. Beck and to all of you! - It's so true... having the Beck techniques and coaches are helpful.

Have a great day, folks.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 01-12-2012 at 05:03 PM.
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