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Old 01-28-2012, 06:13 PM   #256  
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Hmmm well I guess my post this morning got lost. Long story short: Despite not weighing every day, getting sporadic exercise and eating out for every meal, I lost 4 lbs on my trip to Denver!!!
This puts me comfortably below my first mini goal of 5 lbs. I want to get my first Pandora charm but there is a down side to the good news...
My Mom had a stroke on Fri and is now in the hospital in an incoherent state. They have her tranquilized so there is nothing we can really do, but it's very upsetting. Last time this happened (late October), I started on my upward climb. Sigh.
I'll do personals tomorrow.
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Old 01-28-2012, 06:32 PM   #257  
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OMG I'm so sorry about your mom! Sending much love and healing vibes and all the support in my heart.

Focus on the bead and hopefully that can help pull you through. I know MUCH easier said than done!
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Old 01-29-2012, 12:10 AM   #258  
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Had a good day until after supper. I do fine on evenings when I come upstairs to do things on the computer. Not so fine when I stay downstairs to watch TV.

I did morning exercise for the second day in a row. It was not a miracle cure last night, but some change, so I'll give this a week or two.

WI: -0.7kgs, Exercise:+35 1125/1300 minutes for January, Food: 70%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Beverlyjoy: thanks for your annual wedding story. It makes me laugh and cry every year. And appreciate my marriage.

maplover: sorry about your mom. That sounds terribly distressing -- take care of yourself. I find walking to be really helpful when I'm dealing with hospitalizations -- the corridors aren't bad and some hospitals have walking gardens now.

Lexxiss: it has been very nice when 5:00 rolls around and I realize I've already done my exercise -- it feels like having an extra hour on my day!
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Old 01-29-2012, 01:57 AM   #259  
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It was a year ago that I resumed posting on 3FC and joined this group. I would definitely say that as a direct result of applying the Beck skills (even if at times it was hardly identifiable) I have managed to lose 50+ lbs and "keep them off" (except for a bit of bouncing back and forth 5-6 lbs). Yea!

: I think I would have had a breakdown if that would have happened to me. I stand corrected: I Know I would have had a breakdown.I spent 6 months planning the wedding to Paul and I thought it was bad that the pianist at our wedding didn't follow the wedding party and play at our reception. She took the money and run. Then, the other musicians brought their girlfriends and I ended up paying $15 a plate for each of them to eat. The best man didn't want to give a toast so Paul said "okay" (no it wasn't okay). Then, we had to cancel our honeymoon plans because I had stress-related influenza and couldn't travel. Still, the rest was picture perfect including the pictures. However, moving down here one of the albums went to Florida with 10 other boxes. Fortunately, I had the other album in my car that I drove down here. Now, almost ten years later, I want to bring back the entire wedding party and have an anniversary party. So much has changed with so many in our party. I think that would be neat to celebrate.

My heartfelt congratulations for 34 years (bless you girl!) and my condolences on such memories. Sell your story to Lifetime or E. You deserve something like an award for such a beginning; like a Golden Globe or something. Thanks for the research and link.

I understand what you are going through since my Mom went through similar health issues. Prayers are sent your way.

: I second the motion on getting exercise done first thing in the day. I feel like I can relax then.

onebyone Sorry to hear you are so under the weather. I hope the cold will be gone by the time you board your plane. I had to fly once medicated to the hilt for a bad case of influenza--it was one long mental fog experience.

BillBlueEyesYou would think that museums would make fine food a priority as much as they do fine art. Good Job in resisting mediocre food.

gardenerjoy I was just remarking to my DH, Paul, tonight that I have had to rely on sleeping aid for 11 1/2 years. Yup! Perimenopause. I swear it is taking "forever" to cease all of this. My most annoying symptom is not hot flashes, which I rarely get, but still having a menses. I mean, it's been 47 1/2 years. A girl needs a break!

I swear by getting rid of misshapen, pinned up, or otherwise too big clothes. The still wearable ones go to Goodwill---the better ones goes to friends. Good Job in seeing how important it to put a moat and a drawbridge between you and those old dragons.

Great to hear how you are doing now. You sound settled. Your boys are lucky to have you.

FutureFitChick I too hope you will be able to carve out some "Me" time soon.

: 5 OP days in a row. I ate only while sitting down. I stayed within my calorie range and nutrient range. I drank an average of 80 oz of plain water. I busied myself in productive activities. I ignored the Kit Kats in the cupboard. I definitely exercised my Resistance Muscle.

Feedback Friday went well with round table discussion about emotional eating. I followed that with Point #9 Rating Your Hunger. (remember this one from the pink book?) I got some immediate angst from a few people. One person who had a gastric bypass surgery in the past said that she couldn't wait until she was hungry because it would be "too late". I am not sure what she means by that. Another person said it was "stressing her out" with all of the recording of food, reporting, drinking the water, making affirmation cards, and now rating her hunger.

So, I simplified the reporting so it should take no longer than 2-3 minutes. I'm waiting to hear some fallout anyway. I am standing my ground on this. All of us here know what we need to do and if we don't we won't see the results we want. I have rediscovered my "motivation" (I must be a method weight loss person ) and I am really psyched, like how I was in the beginning. It is a great place to be.


Last edited by pamatga; 01-29-2012 at 02:03 AM.
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:05 AM   #260  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - On plan (CREDIT moi) eating including an amazing lamb stew by DW for dinner. First time we've cooked anything with fresh lemon grass. I found it at the super market - had never seen it before. On one occasion I wanted some trail mix and I remembered that I hate when my pants feel tight - that worked.

Long walk (CREDIT moi) included Whole Foods for peanut butter. Some kids at the playground were dressed as if it weren't winter.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Kudos for following through with your exercise shift. DW and I ordered seeds last night. She had to remind me that just because the lettuce was lousy last year we shouldn't give it up - there's just such a thing as "bad lettuce year." It's tough to choose from the hundreds of tomatoes, each sounding better that the others.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Yay for naps, and Big Kudos for promptly "getting back on track" instead of slip, slip, sliding into a pit.

Beverlyjoy – Hope all went well with your step mom's surgery. Happy 34th! I, too, laugh and cry each time I read your wedding story. I just love reading it. The thought of you crying at weddings afterwards sent me in hysterics. Thanks for doing that each year - I look forward to it.

Pam (pamaga) – Monster Congrats on your year of 50 pounds gone forever - achieved through consistent hard work. That's a chunk that's hard not to notice each step of the day. May you continue on your chosen path.

Donamari (fyreflie24) – Waving back. Love seeing your eleven happy cheerleaders.

maplover – Sending supportive thoughts for you and your mom as you both work through this. I'm glad you have a new Pandora charm to remind you that you don't have to eat because of stress.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 7
Meditate, pray, or relax.
Try one of the following breathing techniques:
Change your breathing, inhaling very shallowly through your nose (so that your chest does not rise) and s-l-o-w-l-y count to four. Then exhale shallowly as you s-l-o-w-l-y count to four. Do this for two to five minutes. If you start to think about food, gently bring your attention back to counting and breathing.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 101.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 01-30-2012 at 06:22 AM.
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Old 01-29-2012, 10:31 AM   #261  
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Maplover - so, so sorry to hear to hear this. I sending healing thoughts to your mom and caring thoughts to you and your family.

Lexxiss/debbie - thanks for the links!

Pam - when I tell my wedding story I get to hear other stories where things went wrong at their weddings. Sorry to hear of yours. Yes, gather everyone together and celebrate.

Yesteray went very well at the birthday party. I didn't eat one thing unhealthy. Credit. I am proud of that. Afterwards we went to visit our dieing aunt. It's breaking our hearts. I had some chocolate milk when I got home... but, of course, it didn't make the sadness go away.

I weighed today and am down a pound. I am bringing my journal/cards/beck book with me.

Today DH and I head out to take care of my stepmom & be there for the surgery tomorrow morning. I am bringing healthy food with me. I'll keep you all posted.

Thanks for all your good wishes as DH and I celebrate the awful day we got married. Yes, it's a hilarious story now! - not then. I think I was tramatized. LOL
We are thinking of taking an Alaskan Cruise next summer to celebrate 35 years. I don't know... it could be a little too close to snow.

I will try to check when I can.
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Old 01-29-2012, 11:00 AM   #262  
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Yesterday I tracked until I went to a gathering. I ate several snackie stuff and then had a minimal dinner. I am tracking my food today so it should turn out alright. I have lots of writing today to do. I want to be focused and not turn to for for avoidance. I have planned a little walk in the afternoon. DH was cute getting ready for the party. He said, "Careful now Mary Ann, getting ready. You want to give the other gals a chance." I asked, "What do you mean?" He said, " You look better than all of them even when you don't dress up."
Very nice.
Pamatga: Congrats on one year posting. What a journey.
Beverleyjoy: great story. I wish more people would focus on getting the marriage right instead of getting the wedding right. You are a perfect example of success.
BBE: We buy a FFA lamb every now and then. I have learned to cook a few things with it. Hard still for me to get the idea of eating the cutie I see in the pen before the auction.
maplover: Congrats on the weightloss. You don't have to repeat the past in terms of weight gain. You are a different person now and can be there for your mom without resorting to overeating.
Lexxiss: If you don't mind me asking, How did you come to settle on two places An East and A West Side. Is it about taking care of your mother?

Last edited by maryann; 01-29-2012 at 11:10 AM.
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Old 01-29-2012, 10:58 PM   #263  
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My sleep has improved the last two days with my changes of switching my exercise to morning and eliminating my nightly bath in favor of a morning shower. Morning exercise has shifted some of my hot flashes from night to day, but I can live with that.

WI: NA kgs, Exercise:+60 1185/1300 minutes for January, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

BillBlueEyes: I'm ordering seeds this weekend, too. I haven't been very successful with lettuce, but I'm trying again this year. If it stays this warm, I may try an early planning in February! My kale got eaten last year, but I'm trying it again, too, with a different variety and some new knowledge about the critters and how to spot their eggs.

Beverlyjoy: sending warm and healing energies to you and your stepmom. And sorry about your aunt. That seems like an awful lot to handle at the same time. Kudos for arming yourself with healthy food to meet the challenges of the day.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:44 AM   #264  
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Thumbs up Monday - The days are getting longer

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Such a treat to take a long walk (CREDIT moi) without being bundled like an Arctic explorer. A friend saw a female Red Winged Blackbird who should have been long gone since she'll have trouble finding food when the snows come. Strange weather, this.

Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi, except for too much in my snacks - Ouch! I'm still having trouble there. Think I'll try some of the very strategies I'm typing in for the daily read. I so enjoy my Advantages and would hate to see them slip away.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Yay for sleep. [Planting in February just boggles my mind - St. Louis isn't in the Tropic of Cancer, you know.]

Beverlyjoy – Sending supportive thoughts as you visit your aunt during the end of her journey. Glad you're able to think of such a joyful notion as an Alaskan cruise - that's on my Bucket List for sure.

maryann - Congrats for choosing a DH who can tell you how great you look - a keeper that one.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 8
Read your Advantages Deck.
After you read each card, ask yourself the following questions:
  • How important is this advantage to me?
  • How important is eating this food to me?
  • Which would I rather have: this advantage or this food?
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 101.
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Old 01-30-2012, 07:17 AM   #265  
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Hi! A quick check in. Yesterday went well. Soon we head out to the hospital at stepmom has her shoulder replacement surgery. She is nervous, excited, relieved it's here, and acting grouchy. All to be expected, I think.

I did well on my plan yesterday. I've brought some healthy thing with me. I'll throw some things in my bag for my day at the hospital. I also have my journal, cards and the Beck book to use/read while we are waiting. Any positive thoughts or prayers would be wonderful - for my stepmom.

Thanks for your kind thoughts in regards to our wonderful aunt who may be at the end of her time. I appreciate it.

Have a great day.
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Old 01-30-2012, 08:56 AM   #266  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

On track yesterday. No exercise but finished all my work. sigh. Food is planned and tracked for the day.

BBE: Thanks for reminded me "I'd rather have my advantage than the food."
Gardenerjoy: I am not extremely excited about my body changing. i am just getting used to it as it is. Thanks for the reminder of how important exercise is.
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Old 01-30-2012, 02:18 PM   #267  
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Thumbs up

Bill I have meant to mention this twice and I keep forgetting until you mentioned about the bird. Are you sitting down? I saw a robin in our bare tree the other day. I had to look twice to make sure I was seeing that. The other "strange" thing that I heard was the geese in our pond heading up north. They will be there in 5-6 weeks. I clock this every year. They have their own internal clocks. They usually don't begin leaving down here until end of February. Strange weather indeed.

gardenerjoy (and Bill) Well, it was a bad year for lettuce, even down this way. We have had enough rain combined with near freezing temps to just blight the heck out of all garden lettuce. NOTE: those who planted red cabbage and broccoli really fared well. I am with envy. I told Paul we are planting cabbage and broccoli in the winter from now on. Those are two "tough" and hardy winter plants.

I had Swiss chard for the first time from our garden. Our master gardener, Daniel, got tired of waiting for us to trim it so he helped himself. He did leave enough for us though. Paul was surprised (this is his favorite vegetable) but I told him Daniel said we need to stay on top of things, which we hadn't with all the rain, cold and dampness. Anyway, the Swiss chard was much milder tasting than other "greens" like spinach, etc. I really like it with some sea salt on it. I'm planting more. Speaking of seeds, I now want to plant eggplant. I tried a new recipe last week, punjabi eggplant. It was "to die for"! The taste reminded me of a very good enchilada sauce. I'm off hunting for seeds and I hope to get something in as soon as I add some good compost and turn the soil. Bill I find the tastiest tomatoes to be the ones who are smaller (no bigger than a small apple). I like Romas for the taste. Those big Boys and Beefsteak are more fleshy but not as tasty, IMHO.

beverlyjoy you and your family are in my daily prayers. May both your step mom and aunt have all that they need for this time in their lives as well as yourself.

maryann you are just the cutest---what is there not to like about your body? You must be a twig by now. Wanna trade a full size wagon for a compact? Didn't think so! Your kids are just so darn blessed to have such a cool mom.

somehow I picture that you have one home on one side of that mountain and a home on the other and a well worn path between the two. How close is that to reality? Is there any inherent advantages to having a home in the mountains other than it is drop dead gorgeous? Yes, I do ask dumb questions from time to time.

map lover WTG ,GF on the weight loss. now go celebrate in a "non food" way. What's your reward BTW?

Credit: Well, I have lost 9.2 lbs this past month (6.4 lbs of which was bobbing up and down like an apple in a pail of ice cold water). How did I do it? I followed my own Buddy Challenge. That's how. I feel especially good that I "walked the walk".

A new person, who just joined the Challenge last week and lost 2 lbs, picked up on the Beck Diet skills that are interwoven in the challenge. She PMed me and asked me more about the Beck Diet Solution. We might have a new recruit here.

One of the biggest challenges for me is how to address three of the women who have a long history of yo-yo dieting, two of whom are very vocal in all things related to this challenge. However, Credit myself in standing by the points I have covered in the challenge, not wavering nor making concessions (other than any doctor ordered medical restrictions), being patient and helpful but not enabling. All of this has the added benefit of reinforcing what really is important in this weight loss "game". If some people want to kick and scream crying "foul" and looking for external "excuses' why they aren't "getting it", then that is clearly their issue. I keep reminding myself "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them like brown rice." (my updated version of an old saw)

Bill you have the right idea: using your too tight jeans as a barometer of how well you are doing. I sure wish I would have heeded that measure many many years ago. I am sure I wouldn't have allowed myself to keep buying a larger and larger size. This goes hand in hand with how strongly I feel about getting all of those larger sizes out of my closet. If something becomes just a little too "comfortable", out on its ear. A great reminder of how to keep that trail mix from walking all over you.

P.S. I keep forgetting to share this with you, Bill, as well, since you mentioned them to me a while ago and I pursued checking into them. Penzeys Spices has just opened a retail store within two miles of me. No more ordering online or from the catalog!

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Old 01-30-2012, 03:41 PM   #268  
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Hi Coaches - Back on track after a rough weekend. I was scheduled to take a weekend-long meditation class on the same weekend my brother decided to show up with my nephew (he lives on the east coast of Canada, hundreds of miles away). Between that, the stress of losing my cat, and all the performances, I lost it. I ended up pulling out of the weekend class and have been spending a lot of time on the couch. Needless to say I gained a few pounds. I hope they will not stay for long.

Today I ran (Week 2 day 1 of C25K) and am back on track foodwise, so that feels good. I am still feeling depression and grief, but I know I need to feel those things and not push them down with food. I hope things will get better but I know it is a slow process and I have to be patient. Not always my strong point, LOL.

I have been catching up on your posts and have some personals to add:

onebyone - congrats on 20 lbs!

Beverlyjoy - happy belated 34th anniversary and thank you for sharing your story with us! I felt like crying reading it, but you're right, it is the marriage that counts and clearly you and your husband are extremely successful in the most important respect! Good thoughts being sent your way for your stepmom.

maplover - congrats on 5 lbs and your first mini goal! (((Hugs))) to you as you deal with your mom's stroke. Wish I could be there to hug you in person.

gardenerjoy - kudos for 2 days of morning exercise. I hope it works out for you in the longer term.

pamatga - kudos and congrats for a successful Beck year!! I bet your anniversary party would be amazing. LOL at "method" weight loss! We could all star in the remake of "Marathon Man"!

BillBE - kudos for culinary adventures and skipping the trail mix! I love the breathing exercises you've been posting… they are making me think I should invest in the green book.

Thanks for reading and being there for me.

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Old 01-30-2012, 07:35 PM   #269  
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Thanx for the good wishes re my mom everyone. I spent most of the morning wrestling with her checkbook and expenses and the afternoon with her. She is a bit better, not spouting gibberish as before, but not fully with it, either. She is constantly striving to get out of bed and go home (can you blame her?) It's hard to deal with....

I have given back all of the weight I lost. I must say I gorged myself this weekend. BUT today I've been tracking and got back in touch with Beck. I also have made a food plan for tomorrow.

Unfortunately my dd and I went out Sunday to buy a charm to celebrate the loss, but the store was closed. Now I have to wait!!!!

Erika: congrats on week 2 of C25K!!!

Pam: love eggplant and chard. Jealous of your garden!

Kudos to BBE, Maryann and Gardnerjoy for on plan eating! WTG!
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Old 01-30-2012, 11:07 PM   #270  
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Quick check in to say I'm floundering a bit.

Maplover, sending healing prayers for your mom.
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