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Old 01-26-2012, 08:21 PM   #241  
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Hi coaches/friends.... the last couple evenings have been a struggle. I haven't felt so good. I don't do so well when I am not feeling good - some back pain. I've stayed with my plan - but, have a hard time after dinner.

But - every day is a new beginning. Dr. Beck would say - every time is a new beginning. I think I'll tatoo this to my brain.

I've been coordinating the care for my wonderful stepmom - as she faces shoulder replacement surgery on Monday. My cousins will help too.

The past few days I've been working very hard on our literacy silent auction in April. I've designed a nice invitation - flyer style - to save some money. My back hurts because I've been sitting at my desk top computer for hours at a time. My back is just not used to it. I usually (almost always) use my laptop from my comfy chair. Anyway - now folks are saying we might not do it because not enough people want to help. Sigh! Time will tell.

I have logged all my food, weighed (the same), lots of water and checked in.

Thanks for your support, kindness and wisdom.

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Old 01-26-2012, 09:03 PM   #242  
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Quick post because I've got a long day tomorrow.

No change in weight. Didn't read cards. Took the stairs. Sat while eating. Did not track food.

Take care everyone.
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Old 01-26-2012, 11:09 PM   #243  
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OK food. No exercise. Oh well.

WI: +0.45 kgs, Exercise:+0 1030/1300 minutes for January, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Yay, onebyone! I'm so proud that you met your goal. And set another one! That's terrific that you'll go to meetings in Key West. That could turn out to be a rewarding way to meet local people doing local things rather than always be with tourists.
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Old 01-27-2012, 12:47 AM   #244  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

Quick check's been very busy. I mentally planned my day and stuck to it with the exception of a goodie (in moderation) at the monthly knitters group (which I forgotten was happening today). Planned exercise was water aerobics and spontaneous exercise was 3/4 mile walk before the pool. It was sooo cold. DH had a meeting during dinner hours so I waited until he returned for dinner and didn't nibble while home alone. credit moi.

onebyone, congrats on making your 10% goal!
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Old 01-27-2012, 01:10 AM   #245  
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I'd like to get to this before the early hours of the morning but that is how the rhythm of my days/nights has been for awhile. I will just accept it for now rather than rant about it. "Oh, well".

a Major Congratulations, onebyone, for meeting your 10% goal. I am so glad that you are not only taking it on the road with you but also that you are going to attend meetings. Get rid of the clothes you wore 20 lbs ago. You will be glad that you did. Cement this 10% and put this achievement in your Memory Box, where I am sure you are destined to have many more great ones to add to that.

FFC, I agree with maryann, I don't blink any more when I buy food that I know is healthy for me. In fact, it even makes me wonder if there is a subtle (but effective) marketing technique with junk food being relatively "cheap". We don't debate $1 menus at McDonald's, right? Good value? In whose book?

beverlyjoy I'm so sorry to hear about your back. I think our posture goes out the window when we get settled in at the computer. I know I have to check that I don't round my shoulders and lunge forward towards the screen. I hear you about trying to get enough workers. Everyone seems to want someone else to do what they could do if only they would. (sigh)

Great Job on standing your ground to keep to your planned dinner.
With this One on One Buddy Up Daily Accountability that I am doing with three other people, I have not been this "spot on" in two weeks. All I can say is that it took everything I could do tonight to not put some of the V-Day's confections in my cart tonight in spite of being very legitimately hungry. Paul bought his usual Kit Kat bars and I made myself my planned evening snack of fat free popcorn. My goal is firmly planted in my fore thoughts.

Bill WTG in the choices you are making. Drawing the line and not crossing over it is a Big Deal. A Really Big Deal. Good job!

Credit: Three "spot on" OP days for me. I was within my BL recommended calorie range, hit all of my nutrients like carbs, fats, proteins, fiber and sodium dead on and drank a ton of water. I logged my food, reported all of my food to my Buddies, ate while sitting down and reminded myself all day and night the Advantage I would feel when I make 235 lb and then move past it. When that happens, I am closing the book forever more on my history of compulsive eating. Been there, done that and I plan to give away the too big t-shirt.

Tomorrow's discussion on Feedback Friday will be emotional eating and sabotaging thoughts.


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Old 01-27-2012, 06:30 AM   #246  
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Thumbs up Friday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Enjoyed my long walk, CREDIT moi. It was like a spring day; hard winter is going to come, we're just being teased. Eating was close to plan, CREDIT moi; I had some thoughts about snacking but didn't.

20by20 – Twenty Congrats for meeting your Florida trip goal. So glad you're the person who understands "Persist in Victory."

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Yay for OK days, too.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Kudos for choosing to avoid eating while waiting for a delayed dinner.

Beverlyjoy – Love the phrase, "literacy silent auction" - but don't know what that means. Ouch for the back pain; hope that recedes.

FutureFitChick – Yay for finding something healthy and delicious on a college campus - not every student buying food is a French fry eating male, LOL.

Pam (pamaga) – Kudos for focusing on a goal that will include parting with the too big T-shirt.

maryann - Yay for progress and for letting yourself enjoy your success with those 15 pounds. [Love the image of Moriarity that I found on Wiki - I'll keep that image in mind next time I want to reach for trail mix.]

Tazzy - Congrats for early planning for a trip for four - that makes so much sense.

Donamari (fyreflie24) – Waving back. Hope all is going well.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 6
Drink water or a low-calorie beverage if you're thirsty.
Water doesn't have any magical weight-loss power, but if you are thirsty and not hungry, it can ward off an urge to eat unplanned food.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 100.
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Old 01-27-2012, 08:58 AM   #247  
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Hi Coaches

My cold continues to linger. Sniffles, sweats, scratchy throat. I got it all right now. In spite of this, I was out yesterday and picked up my renewed passport (yay I can really travel!) dropped off the car for its first big checkup and change of fluids and filters. Filled out my farmers' market forms while I waited for the car and ead some of my printmaking books too as I waited. I came home and was lying in bed up to my neck in covers by 6:30pm. That lying in bed thing may be most of my day today after I call the farmer's market folks with some questions.

Yesterday I had a high points day. Thinking about it though, it still was less food than I used to have. I probably regularly, easily, consumed 2x the food I do per day now. It's quite amazing how that has changed. Like I picked up a sandwich at the grocery store to eat for breakfast and to tide me over while I waited for the car at the mall -- or to hold me through lunch in case the car took even longer. It was a multigrain sandwich. The thing seemed to be so huge. I got halfway through and was ready to save it, but opted to eat it and I was stuffed for hours. And I could feel I was stuffed. The points value for the sandwich was on the high side but then my next two meals were takeout so the points were even higher and the end total was on plan and within my plan but it cuts into my week. Oh well. I just adjust. *credit* for tracking.

Also coaches, I haven't reached my 10% yet. But I did get to 20lbs off. I have a little over 7lbs to go yet to meet the 10% goal. It's all good.

beverleyjoy I'm really thinking of you as the operation date for your stepmom approaches. I *credit* you for getting things organized for your family. I am sure you are doing all you can from your end to have a successful outcome. Your family is very lucky to have you as are we.

Better go. I feel lousy.
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Old 01-27-2012, 11:35 AM   #248  
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Good Morning, Coaches.
Glad to read today. So proud of onebyone. It has been a long journey and you are not the same person who posted last year. It is incredible to watch you grow as you persevere. I hope people can say that about me over the years to come. I am not the woman I want to be but I am not the woman I was.
OP yesterday.Tracked, wrote 8 pages, spent some quality time with DS and DH. Off to double exercise session - step and yoga this morning. It is my reward for writing. Today I need to write another 8 pages. By Sunday I have to have 20 pages total and correct 3 classes of essays. It is quite a forced march. DH is taking DS to camp tonite to give me some time.

Best to all.

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Old 01-27-2012, 11:40 AM   #249  
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Good Morning, Coaches.
Glad to read today. So proud of onebyone. It has been a long journey and you are not the same person who posted last year. It is incredible to watch you grow as you persevere. I hope people can say that about me over the years to come. I am not the woman I want to be but I am not the woman I was.
OP yesterday.Tracked, wrote 8 pages, spent some quality time with DS and DH. Off to double exercise session - step and yoga this morning. It is my reward for writing. Today I need to write another 8 pages. By Sunday I have to have 20 pages total and correct 3 classes of essays. It is quite a forced march. DH is taking DS to camp tonite to give me some time.

Best to all.
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Old 01-27-2012, 01:00 PM   #250  
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Weighed (down .2), ate mindfully and slowly. When I had seconds at dinner it was of salad. Did not read cards and didn't get any exercise in.

Yeah onebyone on meeting your 20 pound loss before leaving on your trip. And good job on planning to attend the meetings there. I found in the past there were different WW products at US locations that we cannot get in Canada so that could be a bonus for you as well.

This weekend DH and I are cleaning out our clothes and getting rid of the ones that are too big. One of my colleagues told me earlier this week that I had to stop wearing the pants I was pinning up! I need to get the 3 new smaller pairs I bought hemmed this weekend and then I'll be good for awhile.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old 01-28-2012, 12:32 AM   #251  
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I'm considering making a couple of changes in my routine that feel big to me. And I'm resisting it. Actually, I've been in denial about it for months, so resistance is an improvement.

For at least 15 years, I've ended my day with a hot bath and a good book. It solved one factor of my insomnia -- going to bed too cold to sleep only to wake at 3am with night sweats because I'd piled on so many blankets in an attempt to solve the first problem. This was winter and summer.

The entire time I've been serious about exercise, more than two years, most of my exercise sessions happened after 4pm, many after 6pm. This was another insomnia-fighting strategy. Late afternoon exercise made me tired enough to fall asleep at night.

But recently there was a change. The Change. Now pretty much the first thing that happens when I go to bed is a hot flash. Lately, I get several before I sleep and a few more in the night. According to some of the things I've read, both the late afternoon exercise and the hot bath could be contributing. Insomnia is a symptom of perimenopause, with or without hot flashes. So, I've been disinclined to dismantle the structure, late exercise and nightly bath, that has helped with my insomnia in the past but it's time to acknowledge those things may actually be contributing to insomnia in the present.

So, I want to try exercising in the morning followed by a shower. I have tons of resistance to this. Isn't morning my productive time? Only if you count email and blog-reading as productive. Do I really have the energy to exercise in the morning? Exercise will give me energy. How will I relax at night without my bath? I have no idea, but I'll probably have to skip the bath for a few days or a month to figure that out.

WI: NA kgs, Exercise:+60 1090/1300 minutes for January, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

pamatga: This made me laugh, thanks! "Been there, done that and I plan to give away the too big t-shirt."
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Old 01-28-2012, 05:24 AM   #252  
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Thumbs up Saturday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - At the gym (CREDIT moi) we were all amused as the loudest trainer worked a client hard. It wasn't the hard that caught attention so much as the loud. We were all cheering her successes and razzing him at times. Wonderful distraction.

Eating on plan, CREDIT moi, including a mediocre cheeseburger, no fries, at the Museum of Science were we saw the Pompeii exhibit. Amazing details of the fresco's from an Italian city of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago. They ate figs, olives, fresh fish, bread dipped in olive oil, walnuts, pecans, and grains. Good Mediterranean diet has been around a while.

onebyone – It's so interesting that a sandwich now seems huge when it was just normal a few years ago.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Finding a routine to get the body in a proper mood for a restful sleep seems worth the effort you're making. Good luck finding the combo that works.

maryann - Kudos for continuing your "forced march" - may the next 8 pages emerge.

Tazzy - Yay for seconds on salad. It's nice to have friends to tell you that the old, too-big pants have to go.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 7
Meditate, pray, or relax.
Try one of the following breathing techniques:
Take 10 deep s-l-o-w breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Concentrate on your breathing. If you start to think about food, gently bring your attention back to your breathing.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 100.
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Old 01-28-2012, 07:45 AM   #253  
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Hi friends/coaches… yesterday was a much better day - food wise. Grateful for the willingness to push through. I did read my Advantage Cards, measured/logged food, always left a bite, spontaneous exercise (going up and down stairs extra times. and had no seconds. I did not, however, have a plan written down. It was spinning around in my head. That can be a tricky thing for me. I will write down my plan today.

Later today we are going to a birthday party for our little two year old cousin. I have it planned in my mind how I will manage. I will throw something in my purse to eat, if necessary. It will be a casual gathering. I think it will work out.

I’ve been following a nonfat, bland plan as per prescribed by my doctor. My stomach is feeling less upset. Glad about that, for sure.

I am just about ready to be with for my wonderful step mom - as she has her shoulder replacement. I’ve got things arranged with my cousins. We will all take turns taking care of her when she gets home. I think it will work out. DH will be at the hospital with me on Monday.

Question: are there any PDF files around with some of Dr. Becks pages that we fill in at any sites you know of? Like the daily record, for instance. I couldn't find any. You?

Billbe - it sounds like that loud trainer was awful - to me. I don’t respond well to people yelling at me. I can see how it sounded funny, though. Glad you could resist the fries! Literacy silent auction you asked about is: Eight years ago two other women and I created a literacy program combining storytelling (in the oral tradition), language arts activities, and free books to at risk children in our area. We have had grants etc.. however, we also need to do a fundraiser. We have a soup lunch, silent auction, and storytelling concert as a way to acquire money for our program.

Gardener/joy - credit to you… for trying to find a new way to cope with your sleeping challenge. I hope it works well. Ah yes.. I remember being in perienopause and menopause. Just consider it you own personal summer. (that’s what I’d tell folks when I was having a hot flash in their prescense.)

Tazzy - it’s wonderful that you are at a point to get rid of those bigger clothes. Credit!!

Maryann - sounds likeI you’ve accomplished much lately. I like your saying - I am not the woman I want to be but I am not the woman I was. That’s progress, really. I think we are always working on being ‘better’ in many way. Carry on!

Onebyone - I am doing a happy dance in honor of your 20 pounds down!! It’s wonderful that you have found something comfortable to work with. Thanks for your kind words as I organize things for my wonderful step mom’s surgery. She is a remarkable person and I love her greatly.

Pamataga - Major credit for three OP days. I think when we do it for a patch of time… we can build on the momentum. So many credits.. Carry on!

Lexxiss/Debbie - credit for getting through a day with several things that could throw you off. Having a mental food plan is sometimes all we can do as circumstances appear. Credit! You are getting much spontaneous exercise lately… yay.

Ffchick - credit for taking those stairs!!

I have my journal open and ready for me to fill it up.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 01-28-2012 at 07:49 AM.
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Old 01-28-2012, 09:09 AM   #254  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

Beverlyjoy, I found these worksheets on Dr. Beck's webpage.
The Daily Journal is 45 pages long and includes all the daily lists from the workbook.

It used to be that the West side house was more of a "comfort zone" for me but interestingly, I'm finding now that we spend more time on the East side that my daily food ritual is actually easier there. I'm doing ok here, but got into some late afternoon snacking yesterday. I identified tired and took a nap. *credit* for weighing, exercising, being mindful of following my food plan AND for getting back on track when I took a detour, while choosing not to practice resistance.

I'm working on my Stage 4 "General Plan" this morning. I'm making a weekly sheet which has "goals" for me to check off. My exercise and home environment goals seem easy to structure but my food goals need some more thought.

BillBlueEyes, yay for resisting fries at the museum. Interesting how long healthy food plans have been around.

Beverlyjoy, great strategy for your cousin's BD party! Good, too, that you recognized that your plan that was spinning around in your head was "tricky" and that you decided to write todays plan down.

gardenerjoy, sorry about the hot flashes and insomnia but good for you finding willingness to try some new things, even if you find yourself resisting the changes. BTW-I always exercise in the AM and it does feel good to cross it off the list early.

Tazzy, yay for getting rid of the bigger clothes in your closet to make room for things that fit.

MaryAnn, yay for OP and other important tasks accomplished, including spending quality time with your boys.

onebyone, fantastic job tracking your points even when they are high.

Pam(atga), credit for 3 spot on OP days.

FutureFitChick, hoping you have some weekend relaxation on your horizon.

Last edited by Lexxiss; 01-28-2012 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 01-28-2012, 10:07 AM   #255  
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It's that time again. Dh and celebrate our 34th Wedding Anniversary. It's quite the story.

Our wedding - DH and I were married the weekend of the blizzard of 1978. On record for the worst barometric pressure ever recorded in the Great Lakes area. Wednesday before our wedding, my mom told me the news said a blizzard was coming and I’d better have DH come to Cleveland a couple days early. He didn’t have a chance to pick up his wedding band - but, got here before the storm. Soon all the airports and interstates were closed. So people starting calling to say that they couldn’t attend. My sister got into Cleveland on the last flight arriving.

The Friday before our wedding we had to til noon to get our marriage license (only office open downtown) We left at 8 am and what should have been a 30 minute drive got us there with at 11:55 am. DH and I were yelling at each other. DH said he wouldn’t get married without his mom there. I kept saying. hey, this isn’t my fault. The rehearsal dinner was cancelled because the restaurant was closed. We gathered up a few folks and found a place. We were stressed to the max. It was the only time I ever saw my sister smoke a cigarette.

So, on Saturday I started calling local folks and inviting them to the wedding - kind of strange to be invited ‘last minute’ but the food was paid for. The bakery with my wedding cake was closed. My dad picked up an abandoned big bowling tournament cake from the grocery…they put our names on it. Finally, one lane on the interstate opened and a half dozen people got to Cleveland an hour before the wedding. My dad was so stressed he cut his face when shaving and had to get stitches…so, all the wedding pictures have a huge bandage on his face. My mom lost my wedding band that she was keeping for me. We never found it. The caterer couldn’t get the food I wanted so they gave us prime rib…which I hate. The florist didn’t get the flowers in and made my things with the leftovers.. The clergy had two weddings that night and did the other ceremony - we were all looking at each other thinking “what is he talking about” At least he got our names right. The afternoon before the wedding a big Texan guy looked at the hotel roster and said out loud. What son of a b*** * is getting married on a day like this. DH was there…and he said “Me“…”Let me buy you a cocktail, son.” , the man said.

The next day (Sunday)- only one lane was open to get out of town and we headed south - our honeymoon was scheduled at a cabin in Michigan. But, we couldn’t drive there. A DH found an inn in Granville where we hung out for a day. The restaurant at the inn didn’t have much on the menu (no deliveries). That evening I was crying and DH was in the claw-footed bathtub drinking scotch out of the bottle.

Finally, the roads opened and we drove home, north, with walls of snow on each side of the road. I cried most of the way home. So we had a wedding where folks didn’t attend, no wedding bands, no rehearsal dinner, wrong flowers, wrong dinner, weird cake, wrong ceremony , no honeymoon., dad’s huge facial cut, and more stress than one can imagine. For years I couldn’t attend a wedding without crying…it wasn’t happiness it was me wishing that my wedding could have been ‘normal.’ Yes, it was awful back then…now, it’s a funny story. So the guess - it’s not the wedding but, the marriage that counts.

BTW - the pictures came out nice.
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