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Old 01-21-2012, 11:58 PM   #196  
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A bit better on food today and two good exercise days in a row. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

WI: -0.1kgs, Exercise:+45 375/1300 minutes for January, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

eusebius and FutureFitChick: so sorry about losing cats this week. I grew up with cats. I don't have them now because of allergies, but I still miss the ones we had when I was a kid.

maplover: Beck talks about travel, so it's always a good idea to review her tips. What works for me is to become obsessed with maximizing the veggies. That really helps me make good (and often interesting) choices. I also usually eliminate snacks when I'm traveling. Since I can't be sure how many calories I'm getting at meals, skipping snacks just seems to help even things out and I don't really miss the snacks because travel is distracting.
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Old 01-22-2012, 06:01 AM   #197  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Shoveled some more snow - CREDIT moi for the unplanned exercise, albeit mandatory. Eating was even better than on-plan since I skipped two snacks due to running about, which provided even more spontaneous exercises, CREDIT moi.

Finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which I quickly bought to understand the movie we'd just seen. Two of the male characters have mixed feelings about the heroine, Lisbeth Salander, - mixed between wishing to be her lover and her protector. Was glad to see the author showing the very feelings his story was bringing up in me. Hard not to fall in love with someone who can hack any computer in the world that quickly.

onebyone – Yep, Kudos for "sat through the feeling I needed MORE" - so many feelings are so very real even though they don't seem to originate from true body needs.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Yay for exercising in January when there are no gardens to tend.

Erika (eusebius) – All my supportive thoughts for the aches of both losing your precious cat and having to make the decision.

Beverlyjoy – It continues to inspire me that you are so consistent with leaving a bite on your plate - continued Kudos. Yep, our hunger and fullness signaling systems have been damaged.

FutureFitChick – Shopping exhausts me and makes me want to eat; Kudos for just surviving.

maryann - LOL at your DS's first basketball game. I had a similar experience with my DS at his first soccer game; so hard to keep my thoughts to myself. [We're pleased with the results of the refreshing; DW just adores her new kitchen cabinets and counter tops.]

maplover – Just aghast at "and what did YOU DO WRONG this week?" from your WW experiences - what an unhelpful response to scale jitter.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 5
Read all of your Response Cards - including these additional cards.
. . .
Every time I eat something I'm not supposed
to eat, I strengthen my giving-in-muscle – which
makes it more likely that I'll give in the next time ...
and the next ... and the next.
. . .

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 99.
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Old 01-22-2012, 10:10 AM   #198  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

Yesterday had some twists as we headed to Denver for 70 degree weather and Dim Sum. The restaurants were packed with New Year's revelers. *credit* for mindful choices. Fortunately, I had already enjoyed an hour exercise session w/DH and spontaneously parked at the end of the lots at both Costco and Target as we shopped afterwards.*credit* This morning my planned exercise was recumbent biking but I just got called in to work(paid exercise) but I think I'll try for 15 min. on the bike anyways, as fast as I can muster.

Erika(eusebius), take care and we'll see you back here soon.

BillBlueEyes, credit for a day with spontaneous shoveling exercise AND skipped snacks. Now, I would watch the weather report and call the shoveling planned.

FutureFitChick, yay for eating on plan AND for recognizing when you are walking and eating.

gardenerjoy, great that you are feeling more on track with both exercise and food . credit

Beverlyjoy, I don't feel fullness, either. credit for continuing to try. Yippee for another healthy day!

onebyone, so glad you posted the studio picture. credit for logging your nibbles with dinner and recognizing that while you fit them into OP that they were, in fact, standing. From your post, I "felt" happy that you have a plan right now keeping you food focused! credit

MaryAnn, loved the football story! Thx! credit for OP and saying no choice to candy.

maplover, great that you are recording the daily fluxuations. credit. I find it a very informative skill to have. Where are you traveling to and what do you see as your major blocks which create have created a problem in the past?

I've been meaning to update on my no clutter experiment. It's going well and I'm recognizing some patterns by committing to this everyday. Yesterday, stuff got scattered as I had several different projects in the works when we decided to go to Denver. I didn't have time to pick up since we were meeting someone. When we arrived home, I felt "letdown" because stuff was everywhere. We had a basketball game on our schedule and I found I had 1/2 hour before tipoff. I let DH watch pregame and I picked up all my messes. *credit* This morning I woke to a clutter free enviorn AND was deeply grateful when I got called into work unexpectedly. I'm not leaving a mess this morning.
How it relates to my weightloss? I know I would not spend 15 min on the recumbent bike OR post here if I needed to backtrack yesterday's mess. Yippee!
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Old 01-22-2012, 10:48 AM   #199  
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Good Morning Coaches,

Credit for never giving into the candy craving that didn't totally go away. I "talked" to the craving. I told it, "Come on then. Give it your best. I am still ignoring you. This is a great opportunity for me to get stronger than you." Silly, but, like I said, I didn't eat it. Ironically, I am planning a Reese's bar this afternoon. I am off to a football party to cheer on our 49ers. I want to have a planned treat to I am not tempted by anything else.
Lots of work done yesterday.I tracked my food and am off to yoga this morning.
Lexxiss: Wow - 70degree weather in Colorado in January. What is going on?
BBE: What a terrific day lots of exercise and the willingness to skip a few a few meals. these are big deals.
Maplover: Congrats on the downward trend. Thats a bad deal about the WW meeting. People just don't get what it is to be a compulsive overeater. No never voice could ever be as allowed as the voices in our head. We need support not punishment.
FFChick: Congrats for checking in on a day that is just so so. That is a being deal.
Wave to everyone else.

Last edited by maryann; 01-22-2012 at 10:53 AM.
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Old 01-22-2012, 11:13 AM   #200  
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Thx for the great tips about traveling. On my way to Denver. When I complained about WW I didn't mean that they actually said those words--it may have been something more gentle but I heard what did you do wrong.
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Old 01-22-2012, 01:21 PM   #201  
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Onebyone: I have a dear friend who, when he sees something he’s never seen me wear before, he asks “is that old?” because old stuff you haven’t been able to get into in a while is THE BEST!

Lexxiss: Oh keep saying ‘clutter free’ and inspire me!

Eusebius: I’m so sorry about your kitty. Our furry friends are so amazing! <3

Gardnerjoy: OMG REALLY? Oh, I’d never make it with clips!

Yay Bill! Great job stopping and thinking and adjusting! You’re such an inspiration; thank you for your mindful, insightful contributions

Beverlyjoy: Thank you for the reminder that I have made some strides. I still see this journey all about how far I have to go, so thank you. Credits are NOT my strong suit! Speaking of, lots of credits to you for doing so well!

FutureFitChick: Soul searching is rough but so critical! Kudos to you for taking a look at your time and needs. That’s such a critical part of success!

Tazzy: I haven’t been on a plan since August but I was hoping for the same experience! Yay size 12! Oh, I can’t wait... I’m in a 14 I totally know what you mean about not having to shop at plus stores! I was at the mall with the boys on Tuesday and we walked by Lane Bryant and I said to my oldest “I don’t have to shop there ever again”. Such a great feeling! Congrats!

Maryann: Congrats Miss Lifetime Member!

Maplover: Yay loss!!!! I hate the dang zigzag!

Hey! Well DH and I went to a bike shop here in Charlotte that has road simulators. Pretty cool stuff and they hook up your own bike. 2 hours and 44 miles later I’m still whipped! I’m 1lb from my next bead; about time. It’s been a month since I’ve earned a bead though I’m feeling like I’m back on a solid trend of progress since working with the nutritionist. I’m getting a bit fatigued, not like I’m going to do anything differently when I get to maintenance, but I think worrying if I’m going to make 135 by the beach trip in June weighs on me A LOT. Trying to take each day as it comes though it’s challenging. Been kinda a rough week here but I’m trying to charge forward. I’m just having a hard time getting into the swing of 2012... goal for this week is to figure things out. Some significant changes that are fine but change the flow of our lives and just need to figure out how to move forward. Probably good in the long run...

LOL can I be more cryptic?

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Old 01-22-2012, 02:44 PM   #202  
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Hi Buddies/Coaches/friends - yesterday went well. I am always grateful for that. I added one rice cake to my planned food. I felt queasy & it settled my stomach. I had two M&M’s - worlds smallest snack. I thought… I am not going down this road - then I said No Choice.

I’ve started to read Dr. Beck’s third book: The Complete Beck Diet for Life. (thanks to Lexxiss/debbie for the inspiration to do so) I’ve had this book for a while. I love how all of her books have similar information. However, each one gives a little more in a different way or approach. It’s given me an incentive to be reading my Response Cards and Advantage cards (now Advantage Deck) . It is reinforcing how important every step can be. Anyway - there are some folks here following that book and I was feeling ‘out of the loop’ when they mentioned something about it.

In the Complete book, Dr Beck recommends keeping your environment uncluttered. Interesting… but, it does make sense. I always feel better when things are neat rather than cluttered. I used to not care… but, lately I really do. DH & I did a MAJOR clean of my office in December. It’s still looking good. I do, however, see a couple of piles on the desk.

I did weigh yesterday - stayed the same. Weighing daily is going to take a long time for me to be comfortable with. But, as long as I don’t get compulsive about my weight - that number. I’ll keep it going. Hopefully, I will become desensitized to the number. It’s interesting that in her first book Dr. Beck encouraged weighing once a week.

Fyrflie - fantastic bike ride… major credit. It’s good that you are looking at your life and how you want to move forward with the Beck techniques and more. It’s been helpful for me to read the third book…like a ‘shot in the arm’. - as they say.

Map.lover - safe travel to you. Loved the basketball story.

Maryann - major credit for standing down the unplanned candy!

Lexxiss/Debbie - credit for good choices, lots of exercise (planned and spontaneous) and still working towards getting your things less cluttered. Great! Carry on.

Billbe - wow… not eating two snacks is major. It proves that we don’t HAVE to make up for past snacks.

- glad to hear of some good days. Those are the days to ‘build on’.

Futurefitchick - good to hear of a good food and tracking day. Credit. You can get in exercise today….

Onebyone - sounds like you are getting a lot done. Your trip sounds so exciting. Oops on extra food. Credit for your exercise.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 01-23-2012 at 05:39 AM.
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Old 01-22-2012, 05:48 PM   #203  
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Hi Coaches

I just lost a big post so I'll just recap here

-tracked food
-checked in with coaches
-weighed in this morning (+2.2lb)
-did minitramp for 30min
-unplanned exercise shopping today
-continue to organize my studio space
-cooked from scratch & have OP food ready for a day or two (posted new recipe in our recipe thread)
-organizing my week to tie up loose ends before I leave in 9 days

Have a good night coaches.
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Old 01-22-2012, 06:22 PM   #204  
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Beverlyjoy: What third book?
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Old 01-22-2012, 06:43 PM   #205  
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Hi Fyreflie! - I am starting the Complete Beck Diet for Life

I also have:

The Beck Diet Solution
The Beck Diet Solution Workbook - I think the workbook also is helpful in a different way than The Beck Diet Solution.

Does anyone have the Beck Diet Solution on Audio CD? If so, what do you think of it,.
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Old 01-22-2012, 10:54 PM   #206  
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My day was insane, but my eating was reasonable.

WI: -0.05kgs, Exercise:+60 935/1300 minutes for January, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Beverlyjoy: LOL at world's smallest snack -- an excellent item for the Guiness Book of World Records.
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Old 01-22-2012, 11:19 PM   #207  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

-3 pounds on the sccale this monring. Read my cards once. Did not exercise. Sat while eating. Did not leave food on plate at breakfast.

We went out to eat at Maggiano's to celebrate a friend's birthday. It took me an hour of pouring over cryptic nutritional information and matching against menus to figure out what I was going to eat when we got there. I said NO CHOICE to hunger in the afternoon because I skipped lunch for this dinner. But, I am pleased that I planned and ate exactly what I planned. Yippee! Oddly, though, two hours later my stomach thinks it is hungry and I am ignoring it.

BeverlyJoy, you remind me that I haven't finished the reread of the pink book I started several weeks ago. It seems like decluttering is an important theme here as well that I take to heart (now if I would take it to my energy and time...) It sounds like things are really coming together for you, for which you should be congratulated!

BillBlueEyes, terrific job on all of that exercise today!

Fyreflie24, I hope you are getting closer to where you want to be mentally and also not so fatigued. What a fun biking activity that must have been as well!

GardenerJoy, great job on having a two good exercise days in a row. I like your maximum veggie strategy for traveling. Also, great job for keeping your food in check on an insane day!

Lexxiss, also great job on the exercise yesterday!

Maplover, I hope travelling is going great for you!

Maryann, terrific job on putting the smack down on that candy craving. Sounds like you had a great day yesterday!

OneByOne, great job on all of your credits for the day! Also, for the cooking from scratch.
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Old 01-23-2012, 12:56 AM   #208  
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GD everyone! I will be the first to post on Monday, today. I couldn't get on the computer Saturday because we had a Tornado Warning until 4 p.m. and then we followed through on our evening plans once the "coast was clear". After the storms passed through, the temperatures dropped 35 degrees. Sunday, we did "our usual" which is so enjoying for me. I read all of your posts from the past several days.

eusebius I am sorry to hear that you had to make such a tough choice with your "kitty" of 17 years. My condolences.

gardenerjoy Did I just see that you not only made your personal goal but also went past it by 1 lb. Major Congrats!! So, now, are you starting your maintenance plan?

Bill Major Kudos on returning to the gym with a "vengeance". Glad to hear that all the home improvements are to your liking "after the fact".

onebyone Great Job on sticking with what sounds like the new and improved WW. Great Job using your "resistance muscle" as well.

For all who are successfully staying OP while traveling, a Major Kudos goes your way. Personally, I haven't tested that yet but I am sure that when I do I will remember many of your pointers you have shared here.

NSV--this past weekend (when the temps dropped suddenly post-storms) I wanted to "finally" wear some (quality) sweaters that I had saved for when I was "smaller" and, oops, I waited too long: they were quite noticeably too big on me. Guess those will be given away asap. Second NSV was a pair of navy linen trousers which keep getting looser on me the more I wear them. Those will be too big as well soon. I feel somewhat "sad" simply because I saved these until "this time" and I never thought "this time" would be so short-lived. I am also becoming more inclined to wear more form fitting clothes. I am not shying away from seeing some curves any more.

Although I haven't read the green book yet it does sound somewhat intriguing to me. I do think that I have experienced a lot of evolution in both how I approach my food plan but also how it continues to change over a period of months and now a full year. It will be interesting to see where it all lands when the end approaches. Great Job everyone in how you are working this into your lives and making it "your own".

Take care


P.S. This is Sadie's latest photo op.

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Old 01-23-2012, 07:45 AM   #209  
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It is cold here, but not unpleasant--a real change from FL.
Got in around 7 pm last night. Did not have time to look up any tips from Beck and had more to eat and more carbs than I wanted yesterday.
Also have a headache and sniffles/sneezing this morning. I am hoping it is the altitude change rather than the fact that I am getting sick.
Plans for the day: I brought my jump rope and will get to the gym this morning.
I will put the emphasis on vegetables today.
I have my cards waiting for me in my iPhone. I will be drinking lots of water (very dry here).

Pam: stay safe.

FFC: kudos on the weight loss and thanks for detailing your Maggiano's strategy. Good work!

Gardnerjoy: Credit for the continuing progress

Beverlyjoy: I too am working my way through the green book and you are right. Beck says the same things in different ways--I'm finding this book more helpful to my learning style for some reason. Also the clutter. Very important to me, too, and lately I have become somewhat of a fanatic about it.

Hi Fyreflie! Sounds like you are really making progress.

Onebyone: credit you for systematically giving yourself credit.

Maryann: Love the way you talked to your craving.

Lexxiss: I'm in Denver for the week (!) Thanks for asking about my previous behavior patterns around food when traveling. I need to do some hard thinking about this and maybe some writing. Also agree with you on the clutter.They are related.

Gotta get to the gym before my willpower fades. More later.
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Old 01-23-2012, 08:09 AM   #210  
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Thumbs up Monday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Spent the entire day running from one thing to another. Seems that the day-of-rest is taken to mean the day that everything may be scheduled since there's nothing else to do.

I faced three situations with abundant food and stayed on plan at all three, CREDIT moi. Abundance is such a trigger for me. At one event, as a door prize, I had to choose between an inexpensive loupe magnifier or a more costly giant bag of trail mix. As my hand reached for the trail mix I felt that exaggerated good feeling of eating it all - not the pleasant feeling of eating planned portions. So, remembering my recent past with my DW's trail mix, I acted sanely and grabbed the loupe and immediately felt normal again, CREDIT moi. No question about it, my emotional food responses are not my best friend.

onebyone – Kudos for cooking a bunch of OP food in advance.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Just super that you can walk an insane day yet continue to eat reasonably.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Kudos for "mindful choices" - Dim Sum is one of those food situations that encourages me to just eat and eat and eat without a bound. And Kudos again for proactively tending to clutter. I would do well to imitate that.

Beverlyjoy – Yay for remaining de-cluttered - just the inspiration that I need.

FutureFitChick – Seriously planning before a trip to an Italian (?) restaurant is really smart - Kudos.

Pam (pamaga) – Congrats on the NSV's with clothes - the body just isn't the same shape with 50+ pounds gone forever.

maryann - LOL at your conversation with your craving. Methinks it just brilliant to identify a feeling in a way that it can be talked to. (My condolences that we won't see your amazing team at the Super Bowl - they would have been frightening opponents.)

Donamari (fyreflie24) – Neat road simulator for your own bike - do they show a corresponding visual? Good luck in dealing with change - always a challenge.

maplover – My take is that it's just as insidious if you heard it that way.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 5
Read all of your Response Cards - including these additional cards.
. . .
If I eat this unplanned food, I'll get momentary
pleasure, but then I'll definitely feel bad afterward.
It's not worth it!
. . .

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 99.
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