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Old 01-16-2012, 09:44 PM   #151  
Fighting Piano Butt!
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Hi coaches - Very sorry that my posts have been so short and lacking in personals lately. I am ridiculously busy right now, but staying on track thanks to planning and NO CHOICE. I was up .2 today but still down 2.6 for the week, so that felt good. I added some more running intervals to my treadmill workout this morning and am on track to restart Couch to 5K next week. But holy cow am I tired. Off to bed shortly. Full day of teaching tomorrow ...
Thanks as always for being there for me.
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Old 01-16-2012, 10:44 PM   #152  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

I've been stuck in sloth mode today again, and I feel like I used my headache as an excuse to not get work done. This disappoints me and I'm having trouble saying "Oh well" and not get trapped in the "tomorrow I'll start being perfect for life" thinking. Oddly, food was very good. No exercise was done today nor did I read my cards. I really need to find the heart and energy to get back to exercising regularly.

BeverlyJoy, great job bringing your food to your cousins. I am glad for you they are so supportive.

BillBlueEyes, good job for recognizing that you stood during your snack. Also great job for getting a walk in the cold weather.

Eusebius, hang in there during this busy time. It is great that you increased your running intervals.

Lexxiss, good job for asking questions about your food to learn more. Great job having a routine.

Maplover, sounds like you left the event with your head still attached! You clearly saw what you could do differently and that is awesome.

Maryann, safe travels back to school. Good job for stocking up on healthy food.

PamatGA, bummer about the kisses. Good job sitting down though.
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Old 01-17-2012, 06:33 AM   #153  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - Erstwhile Monday for those with MLK Holiday yesterday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi. Did gym, CREDIT moi. Walking (CREDIT moi) was looking for birds that included a hooting Screech Owl that remained hidden in its Spruce Tree where we never were able to see it. I'm not used to owls hooting at 2pm in the afternoon.

Erika (eusebius) – Congrats on another 2.6 pounds down.

Beverlyjoy – Three Kudos for only three M & M's - I've never had only three.

FutureFitChick – Kudos for recognizing "tomorrow I'll start being perfect for life" thinking - I wallow in that for a long time before I recognize it for what it is.

Pam (pamaga) – Kudos for sitting down, eating mindfully and slowly. And Kudos again for spotting where you have to put you attention next. LMAO at "iceberg lettuce is shivering."

maryann - Christmas was a while ago, LOL. I know about, "It is almost like food chases me!"

maplover – Congrats for surviving that long car time with your ex and your mom - that was a nice gift to your DD. Kudos for identifying disordered thinking so that you can consider actions. (I would have been seduced by peanuts if I could throw the shells on the floor.)

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 4
Quell your "adolescent rebellion."
That's what Erica calls the voice that says, I'm going to do what I want - I'm going to eat this unplanned food. It's wonderful to have a childlike part that is lighthearted and free. It's terrible if it keeps you - the adult - from achieving a very important goal or deprives you of the benefits of losing weight.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 98.
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Old 01-17-2012, 08:32 AM   #154  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

Yesterday was pretty "routine". I made a plan, weighed and used my resistance muscle many times during the day. I found it especially helpful, as I was tired in the eve, to say NO CHOICE to finding an evening sweet and instead go to bed.

BillBlueEyes, credit for such a nice OP day both with food and exercise.

Erika(eusebius), kudos for practicing the skills that you know work for a terrific drop on the scale.

Beverlyjoy, I echo BBE, I have never eaten only 3 M & M's. Kudos for such great resistance!

FutureFitChick, yay for a good day with food, even as you procrastinated some other work projects.

Pam(atGa), interesting observation that once you determined you could eat a trigger food in a small portion that you don't need to keep proving it over and over again!

MaryAnn, great that you are researching your back up diet. Ouch to another XMAS meal. I hope they are over now.

maplover, great coming up with a distraction technique to stave off cravings while you watched TV.
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Old 01-17-2012, 12:16 PM   #155  
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Talking What day is this anyway?

Hi Coaches

I have a side bet with my sister about staying on plan this week to see weightloss at the end and on Thursday, my Official Weigh-in day. I am holding to my end of the bargain. *credit* She is too so it's all good. I weighed in this morning *credit*and my wii fit said 271.6! OMG so great. My wii fit goal is 269.4 which would be 20lb down from my WW start weight of 289.4 on November 17. I'm only a little over 2lbs away from meeting that goal as of today AND I still have 2 weeks (exactly-two weeks today!) until I leave for Key West. Pretty much at this time in two weeks I will be landing in Ft. Lauderdale. So hard to believe. I am SO EXCITED, but I am dialing it down as I have plenty of things to do before I leave. Today I am putting together a free standing pantry for the kitchen. Time to seriously declutter and reorganize and maybe even finish *gasp* those tasks before I leave for Florida. I would be thrilled to come home to a usable work space for myself after my artist residency is over. I will be, no doubt, fuelled with creative ideas and I think I would be doing myself a favour to have a space ready to work in. It's just time to get this stuff done. I feel ready to tackle it once more. *credit* also for doing 30min on the mini tramp while watching Spongebob. That made the workout very pleasant indeed.

Have a good day Coaches.
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Old 01-17-2012, 01:40 PM   #156  
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I wanted to check in today before I resume my tax law studies which are easily getting sidetracked by many other "more pleasurable" activities. I wanted to share with all of you my "Point #7" I added to the ongoing challenge. The first 5 points were:

1) read labels
2) measure your food with measuring cups and/or spoons
3) eat one serving of one food item per meal and/or snack
4) record food eaten daily on either the site, another app or even a notebook
5) eat while sitting down, and ideally, not distracted

Point #6 I added after the first weekly weigh in: eat 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables which they also had to report and post on the general thread. Yes our posts can get long but that is okay.

As I mentioned yesterday, two people have already lost more than 10 lbs and one person has lost almost 20 lbs. in the first two weeks. The majority of the group have lost around 4-6 lbs. I would have lost much more had I not wandered off and ate about 200 calories extra per day. Had I worked out, I am sure that I would have worked off those extra calories but that is not the point of this challenge. This is all about getting in the habit of eating a healthy and balanced food plan.

This is Point #7: (you may see the Beck principles sprinkled throughout it).

**Either on a separate recipe card or a piece of lined paper write in CAPPED LETTERS the following:

**1) What is my real reason for losing this extra weight?
**2) What are 5 real advantages for losing this extra weight?
**3) What do I need to do today to ensure that I lose weight?
**4) What is a realistic time frame in meeting these goals?
**5) What am I willing to do to ensure that I lose weight?

So, this is your homework assignment for today. Take your time in answering these questions. These are FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (unless you want to share them with the rest of us).
Allow yourself at least 24 hours before you settle on your final answers to these questions.

Once you have done that I would like you to post these questions and your answers in a place that you can both see this, read this and commit to memory. On your refrigerator could be one place but maybe on your clothes closet door or on the bathroom mirror.

Then, each day when you arise, I want you to read these OUT LOUD slow enough where the answers have the chance of "sinking in". Then, right before you go to bed, I want you to read these again OUT LOUD.


Besides, the sheer joy I am deriving from leading this challenge and seeing it catch on with this group of 22 (actively participating) women is also how Credit reinforcing it is to me. It is like getting a "two fer". This is just another part of expanding on "Enriching My Life" (from the pink book).

Credit: Back on track yesterday and today. Ate slowly and mindfully. I did eat a chicken drumstick standing right after cooking it which caused me to irritate my esophagus,again causing a spasm and tightening of the pharynx. Now, I am understanding the physiology behind all of this "episodes". The way to correct it quite simple: eat smaller bites and slow down. I have always maintained that I did neither (eat standing up nor gobbling my food) but what triggered this was I was trying to play in an online card tournament and take my chicken out of the oven so I was rushing a bit with the later. It looked so succulent that I grabbed it and tried to gobble it. Bad plan! Now, I know!!

Credit for recognizing that when you have been doing this as long as I feel that I have, it pays to go back to basics every now and then so I can get myself re-psyched again.

It pays to remember that if we don't pay attention to the details today, the whole plan could unravel tomorrow.

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Old 01-17-2012, 03:49 PM   #157  
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Hi Becksters/coaches/friends... Yesterday went mostly well. Until late in the evening. I ate extra - it was stress. Those are the times I wish I had the resistance techniques tatooed on my brain. Or.. the willingness to use them. It's over with and I will move forward.

Thinking back - I've been really wanting to have some chocolate. Those three M&M's Sunday night just didn't do it for me. I am suppose to stay away from chocolate with this food plan the doctor gave me. But last night I had a tablespoon of Hershey's Syrup. It lead to some extra food, other than chocolate. It did not, however, upset my stomach eating the chocolate. That's good. Next time... I need to PLAN for a iti-tbitty piece.

I had many credits to be proud of, however, before the chocolate incident. Dr. Beck always says that often we do 50 'right' things during the day and 1 or 2 wrong things. We need to always be aware of the good, too: I did lots of meditation yesterday!!! Credit. also -I did alot of journalling, planned/measure/logged my food, lots of water, stretches and strengthening, ate seated mostly, no seconds, slowed down, TASTED the food more than usual, and read my Advantage Response Cards. Many credits.

I hope you are all having a GREAT day.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 01-17-2012 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 01-17-2012, 06:19 PM   #158  
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Coaches/Buddies, I had one of those days where someone caught a relatively minor mistake I had made, then he proceeded to call in to question my competency on the entire project. I was really angry, but did not eat over it. I logged my food. I am struggling with the thought of making dinner tonight. I copped out last night, so I really should cook. Grrr… I also need to cook my lunch for tomorrow. I exercised with yoga today. I was going to do a balance ball workout, then my balance ball needed air and I could not find the pump. So, I decided to do regular yoga, at which point my old VHS tape decided it would not turn. So, I ended up doing a short yoga session on my own. I’ll have to get those things fixed for next time.

Yesterday/Today’s Essentials:
Weigh-in: -1 lbs.
Read Advantage Cards two times: no
Read Response Cards at least two times: no
Ate slowly, sitting down, noticing every bite: yes
Gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful eating behaviors: yes
Did spontaneous exercise: no
Did planned exercise: yes
Wrote out food plan for tomorrow: yes
Tracked today’s food: yes
Left food on my plate: no
Ate only to normal fullness: yes
Identified and responded to a self-deluding thought: yes

BeverlyJoy, too bad about eating due to stress. I am really glad you realized you are doing a lot of things right.

BillBlueEyes, great job with the walk, the on plan food, and the gym today!

Lexxiss, yay for routine days! That is great and fantastic that you said NO CHOICE as well.

Onebyone, congratulations on getting closer to your goal.

PamatGA, bummer about eating while standing, but it sounds like you made good use of the experience by figuring out why your esophagus was tightening.
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Old 01-17-2012, 08:46 PM   #159  
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Hope I do not lose this post as I'd like to do personals but don't have the patience tonite to fire up my diary app.
MUCH better day today. I planned everything down to the last morsel and followed the plan. I followed Beck's recommendation to have 3 meals and 3 small snacks and it really did help with the cravings. So we'll see what happens. Now I have to learn to keep it up......
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Old 01-17-2012, 08:56 PM   #160  
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Well I did lose the last post but will try again and jump right into the personals

FFC good for you for not letting the emotional upheavals wreck your plan and kudos for the loss.

Beverlyjoy: you are right to focus on the credits.

Pamatga: credit for recognizing that rushing causes problems.

onebyone: congrats on the loss! You WILL make your goal.

Lexxiss: Good on you for saying NO CHOICE!

BBE: screech owl--so exciting!

Eusebius: Great job on the loss!
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Old 01-17-2012, 09:10 PM   #161  
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Evening coaches,
I skipped my meditation sitting this evening to stay home on this rainy cold night. I am very glad to have had the quiet time at home. Another long day is on tap tomorrow but at least I'll spend some of it in transit (ie reading and/or knitting, both of which are stress reducers for me). Scale stayed the same this morning. I will patiently await the next drop whenever it may come.

FFC - I can really empathize with the feeling of wanting to be perfect for life. great job not eating over the work stress!!

Bill - kudos for a perfectly OP day. Weird about the screech owl at 2 pm. Maybe he came in on Qantas and has jet lag.

Debbie (Lexxiss) - yay for a routine day! Stringing those together is the key and you do it so well.

onebyone - WTG on a new low and working out with Spongebob, which sounds awesome.

Pam - terrific "stealth Beck" strategies in your group! You are performing a wonderful service.

Beverlyjoy - credit for recognizing all the good things that you did even on an imperfect day of eating (which most of us have a lot of the time)! I am glad meditation is helping you.

Maplover - kudos for a great eating day!!

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening,
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Old 01-17-2012, 11:04 PM   #162  
Green Tomatoes
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I overate for the second Tuesday in a row. Argh! I'm realizing how much of my strategy depends on putting a flight of steps between me and the kitchen. I need some techniques that work when I want to be on the same floor as the kitchen. Tuesday afternoons have an added trigger than I'm home alone.

WI: -0.25kgs, Exercise:+0 720/1300 minutes for January, Food: 60%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

maryann: Weight Watchers has always been (and continues to be) my backup plan so I'll be looking to see how that works for you.

onebyone: thanks for sharing your dragon with us -- I think of it every time I see a reference to the Chinese New Year.

maplover: great idea to use ironing to distract from TV snacking -- I realize that I've been having problems with that as well. Sewing on buttons helped one night this week.
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Old 01-18-2012, 06:09 AM   #163  
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Thumbs up Wednesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - On plan eating, CREDIT moi. My walk (CREDIT moi) took me to Trader Joe's for walnuts and even before arriving I debated to have their sample or not. It turned out to be a small sample of their salad; I had it with pleasure.

My best of the day was when I was putting the walnuts in our pantry and discovered two dried figs that I didn't know were there. I immediately thought I'd just pop those in my mouth - I love, love, love dried figs AND they're good for me. Finally remembered that off plan eating strengthens the wrong muscle so put them back, CREDIT moi; they'll be in this morning's breakfast.

onebyone – Neat to be thinking as far ahead as your return from Florida.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – It's more difficult for me, too, to be near food. Good luck thinking of a Tuesday solution.

Erika (eusebius) – Neat that you can knit while in transit instead of driving. [LMAO at the screech owl with jet lag.]

Debbie (Lexxiss)"routine" is good.

Beverlyjoy – Yay for the benefits of meditation.

FutureFitChick – Ouch for the attack on you instead of the small error. I once had a major presentation distracted because a bean counter in the audience questioned the choice of colors in a chart, LOL.

Pam (pamaga) – Yay for your "two fer" while "Enriching My Life."

maplover – Kudos for planning and then successfully executing.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 4
Quell your "adolescent rebellion."
When you think, I'm not going to follow my plan because I don't want to, read the following Response Card:
"I don't want to" is just my adolescent rebellion
talking. I'm not going to pay attention to it.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 98.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 01-18-2012 at 10:38 AM. Reason: Typo
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Old 01-18-2012, 10:22 AM   #164  
50 and Fabulous :)
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Hey everyone!

Well two things on which I can report.

First, I have completed my first 50k (about 31.4) mile cycle ride! It was a Polar Bear ride last weekend and it was COLD! It wasn't easy, lots of climbing but hubby and I made it. The nutritionist thinks we weren't adequately fueled (we only had a few days in advance with her so this was the baseline experiment so to speak) but I felt ok aftewards and the next day, just tired and a bit stiff but no pain! I don't think I could have done it 6 months ago for sure, so it was an accomplishment. Not sure how I'm going to get through longer rides mentally, but that's my next cycling focus. Was kinda fun carb loading though!

On the nutritionist, as I know several of you asked me to follow up. I don't know if I have much to report at this point as I think the fine tuning part is where it's going to get interesting but it's a weight watchers type plan that works on an exchange system. I have been using Daily Burn up til now so I continue to use that to track actual foods consumed. It gives my nutritionist an easy way to see all the nutrients etc all in one place. She wanted me on 1600 calories but I seem to get more like 12-1400 even with the exchanges so we'll see where that goes lol! I am losing so that's nice. Tomorrow is the official weigh in but I think I'm down about 2 lbs. Last week her scale was much less than mine so we'll see what hers says (yah, and that means I'm going with HERS! lol!). She did the body fat measurements using calipers and has set a goal weight about 12 lbs higher than mine, but the idea is to get there and then reassess (yeah, no way over 135 is going to work, guaranteed). So I'll keep you posted!

Make it a great day!
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Old 01-18-2012, 10:35 AM   #165  
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Hello Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

I followed my plan. I weighed and used resistance techniques in the evening. I am grateful.

I've been working hard at home, getting all my "incidentals" put in place. I'm going to put the sewing machines away for awhile. I'm going to try and experience one week without ANY clutter and see how I feel. I've come a long way on this. *credit* for making a list for DH, recognizing it's not all my responsibility. I acknowledge that my physical environment directly affects my food choices.

BillBlueEyes, I wish WF would do salad samples. Great use of your Beck skills by resisting the figs yet planning them for the following day. Credit.

onebyone, how long will you be in Key West? I've forgotten. I'd be excited, too! I am continually impressed at your beautiful diverse. Many credits yesterday! Yippee!

FutureFitChick, I'm sorry that someone was so hurtful. As an outsider, I feel confident in saying "it wasn't necessary". I am so sensitive to that and feel your pain. credit for not eating over it.

maplover, credit! Following Beck's recommendation of 3 meals/3 snacks seemed to really help your cravings!

gardenerjoy, I'm confident you will use your dieting success skills to find a technique for your Tuesday afternoons.

Erika(eusebius), great that you recognized your need to be home instead of "running out" to meditate. I'm remembering that patience is a virtue.

Beverlyjoy, thanks for the reminder of giving ourselves credit for all the positive things, even when we were not "perfect".

Pam(atga), *credit* for wisdom to go back to basics every once in awhile.
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