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Old 01-07-2012, 11:26 PM   #76  
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I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck after two days of working in the garden. Fortunately, I had a date in the afternoon to walk with a friend, so I couldn't just skip exercise like I might have otherwise.

WI: NC in kgs, Exercise:+35 305/1300 minutes for January, Food: 90%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:20 AM   #77  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Was a warm day for a walk (CREDIT moi) to check out ducks who had the courage to stick around since nothing was frozen over. At dinner at our friends' house, I ate on plan and left food on my plate - CREDIT moi.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Yay for an afternoon walk to un-stiff the muscles.

Beverlyjoy – Kudos for "I've taken it on as a challenge" instead of hiding under the bed.

maryann - Waving North. Sounds like you're way "out of the embalming solution" and charging forth. Neat that in three days you've moved to three different compass points from where I live.

Katie (SeaSideSparkle) – Oh Yes, Kudos for "very, very little nibbling at the after work event" - those can be deadly.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 1
Say to yourself, NO CHOICE.
Fill out the Response Card you made on page 44 or make one that is simpler:
It will be important for you to read this card whenever you feel the struggle to eat unplanned food. Some days you may need to read it quite a few times.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 96.
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Old 01-08-2012, 10:19 AM   #78  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. We travel back to the East house today. Mom and sis will be back to their own house instead of ours. We have had a great time and everyone has made a noble effort to consider the "group need". It's the best it's ever been.

Foodwise, I am very excited to get back to my rigorous plan...planning ahead and tracking. Yesterday, I weighed, *credit* and nipped in the bud a desire to engage in eating which would in no way be called "sane". *credit* This morning I said NO CHOICE to a donut (or two) at 7-11. My sis doesn't leave until Friday but I'm going to see if I can hop back on tomorrow, since I work for two days. I will try for some quiet time later for planning.

My weight is still 15# less than last year at this time. *credit* I'd like to start moving down again instead of maintaining.

BillBlueEyes, yay for an OP day.

SeaSideSparkle, kudos for resisting donuts!

Beverlyjoy, great job with many credits as you negotiate your "challenge" of following many different food requirements.

gardenerjoy, nice that you got a walk even though you didn't feel like it.

MaryAnn, super that you were willing to stick with good food choices on vacation, especially as you anticipated the transition to Vermont.

Ok, packing up the computer...
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Old 01-08-2012, 10:42 AM   #79  
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I think I'm caught up!

Maplover: You’re right! Sometimes minor ‘setbacks’ are actually really progress b/c previously, those setbacks could be much harder to reverse. So good for you! I personally find these times to be confidence boosting toward my ability to finally keep the weight off on the back end. I get a pandora charm for each 5 lb, been a huge incentive for me and helps remind me of my journey, and progress. I don’t know weightless charm bracelet... do you have a pic? Great on the weight loss!

Beverlyjoy: 8 lbs in December is AMAZING! Good for you girl! Sometimes those random gains aren’t really gain... water retention, that kind of thing.

Tazzy: Yay credit for what you’ve accomplished! So important!

onebyone: I keep telling myself that it’s a process and even the set backs are important learning experiences. Keep on going Yay -3! I have a trip in June, so I know the feeling! In the early phases of my journey, I googled 100lb weight loss and read countless blogs, saw countless pictures, I think for the same reason, to help me believe this was really possible! When I saw tons of people doing it, it helped. I look at the goal/mini goal threads here A LOT for the same reason. Surround with successes

Erika: I love your posts I have a degree in Lit Yay on the first 5 lb goal! I reward myself with Pandora beads. Those 5 lb rewards have been SO helpful for me!

Future: We call it “pupusinteruptus’ in my house

Sarahbennett: I’m in a new resolve too. Good for you! Yay new year Love the poem!! You know, I really do wonder about enjoying less food. I really do try to enjoy when I have little indulgences and I think it’s working! I don’t nee the big piece of cake etc, sometimes just a bite or two is just plenty and I don’t feel deprived. Sometimes I just, plain, don’t want it. Last night I went out with friends and we got one piece of cake to split. I think I forgot to take a taste LOL!

Lexxis: Great work forging ahead! The appointment was good. We just did some initial getting to know each other but I’ll be working with her for the next 6 months as will DH. I’m excited to have a great team together! I’m very fortunate. I see her Thursday so I’ll have more info then

Hey Seaside! I am worth it... Welcome!

I am: Great work!

Pamatga: Great on the buddy challenge!

Melroseeg: Hey! Great idea focusing on mindful eating. Made a huge difference for me. Yay on -4lbs! Awesome!

Bill: Oh, that sandwich...

Back to bike training yesterday; 20 miles. DH and I are doing a 50k/30 mile event next weekend so fingers crossed. I burned 1200 calories on my ride yesterday! Yay Didn't see a drop in the scale but hey, that's just how things roll. I see the nutritionist again on Thursday and get my plan. Excited and a bit nervous it will be more of a challenge to follow but she does work very well with what works for the individual.

Hope everyone is doing well!
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Old 01-08-2012, 04:27 PM   #80  
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Hello Everyone,

Pretty good weekend OP. Spent the morning making a big pot of chili and another of vegetable soup. I love taking the soup for lunch and adding either some kidney beans or wild rice to it. Very filling. Our youngest DS (12) helped me put together his dad's birthday cake for today. We made a black forest cake from scratch, including whipping the cream (to which he advised me he probably won't want to ever eat Cool Whip again!). The cake looks really good and I've accounted for it on todays plan. He also wants pizza for dinner so I'll have one slice and a big salad with it.

I'm very excited that my Zumba class starts again this week on Tuesday. It's been so long and I really want to get back to it. Did some DVD's yesterday and will find something to do today, may end up being the elliptical or treadmill.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:59 PM   #81  
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Evening coaches,

Well, it's been a busy week and my students haven't even returned from holidays yet. So my plan to post in the evenings kind of backfired on me. Worse yet, after a very good week on plan, we had friends over Friday night and one of them got very drunk very quickly and started to be very difficult to be around. So I went downstairs to DD's playroom and what was sitting on the table? Salty crunchy snacks. Ouch. And it's that time of the month now. So I expect my weighin in the morning to be a small gain. But I am not giving up.

I thought a lot about what happened with my emotions and I've been working with a technique to give them space. It's called "expansion" and it comes from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - a mindfulness-based therapy protocol. Basically you notice the feeling (not think about it, though you'll naturally do that, too) and breathe into it and around it, imagining the breath creating space around the sensation in the body. This helps you to disidentify from the feeling and not get so caught up in it. I think it will help me a lot.

I'm way too far behind to do personals but hope to get back to it tomorrow. I did yoga today and will do a treadmill walk with running intervals in the morning, then a great long rehearsal with my trio in the afternoon. One breath at a time ...

Thanks for listening and have a great evening,
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Old 01-08-2012, 07:56 PM   #82  
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Angry ups and downs -- feeling crabby-ish tonight -- o well.

Hi Coaches

I woke up keen to get my stuff together for my show and tell at the potters' guild tomorrow night. I found pretty much everything I needed except for a stretched silk screen, so off I went to buy that plus some tape to tape the frame up with and then this stretched into a few more things and then I was in the Home Dept looking at shelves. How the heck did that happen?

I came home and got DH to come to the Home Depot with me as I wanted to buy several of the storage cabinets and shelving units on sale. It has been my contention that I have nowhere to put things away as they come out of boxes. I left the bulk of my shelves in Ottawa when we moved so, I reason, most of my stuff remains in boxes as a result. DH is unconvinced of this but he bought me what I asked for anyway with one caveat, sprung on me at the last minute as we pulled in the driveway. I wasn't to bring any of the shelves into the house without making a space for them. This seemed SO unreasonable to me. I have only a vague idea of where I want these shelves, and there is so much stuff in the spaces where I want them, hence the reason for them and I still have to get ready for tomorrow's show and tell = making things to show and tell. So, I did what he asked and one shelf is in, two others I brought in by myself, unwilling to wait for his help and just making sure I can still carry heavy stuff (yep) and the two large shelf units remain in the trunk for now. But they have spaces to be placed into. He doesn't get why I need this stuff. That's cause he has his stuff on shelves I saved from our old place and he has other stuff in specially made boxes. My stuff is rag tag art stuff.

Anyway, foodwise I cooked from scratch yesterday *credit* and had leftovers today. I've tracked it *credit* and I'm doing okay. I will be making soup tomorrow to get me through the rest of the week. I'm getting back to my normal routine again and grateful for it. I had a surprise *credit* when I tried on my last pair jeans that I was unable to do up or sit in when I crossed 280 a couple of months ago. I wore them out today. They aren't loose or anything but I can wear them. So, good to have another pair of pants at hand.

I read a dismal article on the state of the arts and artists here in Canada this morning. It kind of coloured my day but I don't think it's been very different for years. The lesson is to remain versatile and flexible. I think that pretty much can be applied to everything else too.

Here's the grim read:

Bye for now.
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Old 01-08-2012, 11:26 PM   #83  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

Glad I saved so many calories at Friday night's event. Very fancy, fatty foods. There were soups with "foams" and even lobster parfait. Saturday, however, spent all day sick. Bummer because I did not track my food Friday night, Sat afternoon, or all day today. Yesterday I just kept eating carbs (easy to digest I think was my rationale). Clearly, it is not a normal reaction to eat more calories when having digestive insult. I think there needs to be another day in Thinking LIke a Thin Person on this topic... I was -.5 this morning.

Semester starts tomorrow. I'm already trying to hang on to not fall out of the roller coaster I'm signed up for this semester. Ack.

Sorry short on personals. Best wishes to all of those I missed.

BeverlyJoy, I'm sorry I've inadvertantly put an extra "e" in your name. Great job pulling together all of your diet reqs! That is a tough order.

BillBlueEyes, your sign-on shows up as an autocorrect in Safari on my iPhone and it makes me laugh! Bummer about the lasagna. Great job getting out in the warm weather. Did you do the Christmas bird count this season? I think you've mentioned that before and your duck comment reminded me of it. We were going to try to do it this year, but DH couldn't get off of work.

Fyreflie24, pupusinteruptus indeed!!
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Old 01-09-2012, 05:49 AM   #84  
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Thumbs up Monday, Monday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - It's 22 degrees F outside, so I gotta work up my attitude to get out anyway. I find it seductive to think cold means that I should play indoors all day. My meals were on plan, CREDIT moi. My snacks were too large - BIG Ouch. Gonna work on that today.

onebyone – Yep, "versatile and flexible" - if we could just be that everywhere.

Erika (eusebius) – Neat protocol for dealing with feelings. Gotta love, "One breath at a time ..."

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Good choice; donuts are evil.

FutureFitChick – Drooling here over lobster parfait - don't know what that would be but I want one, LOL. [Nope, missed the Christmas Bird Count this year. Hope I'm less busy next year.]

Tazzy - Yay for a 12 year old with the good taste to know that whipped cream beats Cool Whip. Ouch for the calorie implications, LOL.

Daimere – Kudos for that 20 mile bike ride.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 8 Follow Your Plan, No Matter What
resistance technique 1
Say to yourself, NO CHOICE.
Once you have made the decision that you're
going to
follow your plan no matter what, you
gain a wonderful sense of control.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 97.
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Old 01-09-2012, 07:36 AM   #85  
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Hi folks - I am on a borrowed computer and don't have alot of time. I am doing very well with my challenging food plans. I am grateful. I have been planning, writing everything down & keeping track of my exchanges, some stretching and lots of water. In fact, I am really not getting enough I fill in calories with apple juice. Seems to be working. I was on†he scale yesterday and it was down three pound. I won't be able to weight again until Wednesday.

Thanks to EVERYONE here for your continued thoughts, support, kindness and wisdom.

I'll try to post later.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 01-09-2012 at 07:37 AM.
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Old 01-09-2012, 10:41 AM   #86  
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Good Morning everyone,

Another pretty good day yesterday. The black forest cake was incredibly good, must have been the real whipped cream! I did end up having 2 small slices of pizza with feta cheese, spinach, sundried tomatoes and italian sausage. Did not think I'd like that kind but it was our 17 year old DS who suggested it. It was quite nice. I did try a slice of more of a meat lovers kind but after one bite said I don't like this and DH agreed he would eat the rest of that piece for lunch today. In the past I would have continued eating it anyways so credit for that.

Realized this morning that I have not read my cards since last Thursday or Friday, pulled the one in my purse out and read it this morning before posting. Weighed today and down .4 from yesterday but that cake might come back to haunt me tomorrow morning on the scale.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:14 PM   #87  
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Good Afternoon, Coaches.
In sessions all day plus an hour with an advisor about my thesis. All went well except for the slice of pie at lunch. Credit for eating only the filling and not the crust. Still, I had a dessert slip last night and was up .5 pound. I had tried to not eat sweets today so I am disappointed with myself. Oh Well! There is always the next meal to feel successful. I think I am missing DH and DS a bunch and it manifested itself in sweet craving. Credit spontaneous walk to Library (33 degrees, BBE)

Tazzy: Thanks for reminding about the cards. I'll read them when I stop posting.
onebyone: Your mention of homemade soup made me jealous. I am looking forward toeing home again and having control over my food.

Best to all.

Last edited by maryann; 01-09-2012 at 03:20 PM.
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Old 01-09-2012, 09:44 PM   #88  
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Evening coaches -

Well, my day of eating properly and exercising on Sunday paid off and I weighed in this morning to see a small loss for the week (-0.8) so that was a relief. I feel fairly strongly now that I have experienced what other WW members have found on the new Points Plus plan … there are just too many points allotted per day. I am going to just adjust my personal target a bit lower for a while and see what happens.

I did 30 min on the treadmill this morning with intervals of 1 minute running and 3 walking (down from 4 last week) so my gentle approach to introducing running back into the repertoire is going well.

Tomorrow is my first packed day back at the university. I am hoping to stay centred and calm amid the chaos.

onebyone - You are doing so well on so many fronts! Bravo! I totally hear you on the state of the arts in Canada. We will survive as we have many times before, but the picture isn't pretty, that's for sure.

FFC - best wishes for your new semester! Hope you are feeling better today.

BillBE - You're a better man than I (lol) for getting out in 22 degrees. I just love my treadmill.

Beverlyjoy - WTG on 3 lbs!!!

Tazzy - Isn't it great to be able to enjoy small portions of delicious food we love? I think food like that tastes better when you're tracking it.

maryann - Kudos for noticing your feelings and their relationship to your encounters with the sweets and for getting back on track!

cheers to all
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Old 01-09-2012, 10:18 PM   #89  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

My plan had some legitimate substitutions today and I tracked it all, including weight. I did resist having diet soda at work today just because I said I wouldn't have any...then kept wanting to change my mind. *credit* for fulfilling my personal commitment to start tracking again.

BillBlueEyes, I really like your attitude, after some large snacks, of "Gotta work on that today." I used your technique as I planned my day. Thx.

MaryAnn, credit for being so diligent with your food intake, especially as you're just getting settled in. You're thinking like a thin person as you left the pie crust.

Tazzy, yay for not eating the piece of pizza that you didn't like.

Beverlyjoy, yippee for continued success with your modified food plan. Interesting that filling in with apple juice seems to be helping, too.

FutureFitChick, I hope your first day at school went well.

onebyone, yay for soup to get you through the week, especially as you enjoy your success of fitting into an existing pair of pants.

Erika(eusebius), great job fitting exercise in even with long rehearsals. I hope you find success as you adjust your personal target w/WW.

Donamarie(fyreflie24), yay for 20 miles on your bike.
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Old 01-09-2012, 10:24 PM   #90  
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Hi, Coaches & Buddies.

Up 1 pound today. Ate on plan today, but still over ate. Exercise was walking on campus.

BillBlueEyes, bummer about too big snacks. Good job getting out!

BeverlyJoy, good job with tracking everything and staying on top of your complex diet!

Tazzy, great job getting back on track with your cards!

Maryann, are you away from your family or vice Versa? Bummer about eating sweets.

Eusebius, how's the recital work coming? Great job on the loss!
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