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Old 12-11-2007, 12:13 AM   #91  
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OMG Karen I can't believe that has happened and in a church. This is the first I have heard about it (I don't watch the news at night). Just glad you and yours are safe.

Take care
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Old 12-11-2007, 05:51 AM   #92  
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Karen, I am so happy your son was not there! I read about it in the paper yesterday. What a horrible situation. Have there always been that many nuts around, or do we just hear about it more with better communication? People are just losing their minds...and so many of them young people with their whole lives ahead of them.

Zoe, can't wait to see the pictures when you are all moved in and have everything done! It all sounds just delicious. My bedroom walls are painted 2 shades of a kind of "dark tea" color also...very relaxing and cozy. You will make lemonade out of lemons and have a lot of fun doing it, I'm sure. We are still in the midst of redoing our living/dining room. I went yesterday to pick out fabric to have new cushions made for my Grandmother's 2 wicker chairs which I painted with a mahogany stain. I'm also having 3 throw pillows made to match them for the "new" couch. They won't be ready till after the first of the year. I've attached the material which I love...the same color as my walls.(also attached my new rugs..gotta love ebay) My new dining table should be ready within a couple of days..hopefully...since I'm having a dinner party saturday. Don't you just love new projects?? It's amazing how changing the color of paint can completely change the ambiance of a room! It is now time to quit spending money. This was presents to myself for putting up with clients like the one that called me at 3 this morning because they had an emergency.Amen.

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Old 12-11-2007, 09:13 AM   #93  
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Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Hello Everyone,
First I want to Thanks everyone for the compliments on the picture of Pikes Peak---- I just thought that it was really pretty.
I've been kind of in a daze since yesterday about 1:00pm Than is when the shooter came into the New Life Church and started shooting people. The church is down in the Springs and is where my son goes on the handicapped bus. I Thanks the Lord that they had decided it was too cold to send them yesterday otherwise he and is housemates would have been right there in the parking lot too. It is pretty sad when a church has to have 12 security officers there for services, but if they hadn't the shooter would have done so much more damage. He had a backpack on that had over 1000 rounds of ammunition not counting the 2 hand guns and the assault weapon that he had. Pretty scary stuff. At least the lady who was one of the armed security officers there said that she just prayed that the Holy Spirit would be with her and just did what she needed to do. It seems this guy had also shot and killed people in Arvada, Colorado just 12 hours before. I don't know if we will ever know why but I know so many prayers are going out to the families of the 2 young sisters (18 and 16) and everyone in the church family. There were about 7,000 people in attendance at the time this happened. And yes, prayers need to go to the family of the shooter. If you would like to read more on the story you can go to and there are several stories there.
Well, I just wanted to write a little bit about it here and see if it made me feel any better---- it does.
Take care everyone. I'll be back.
Oh Karen,

I am sitting here with goosebumps. I have the radio on & this news was just playing as I read your post. It is so different to hear bad news when you know the people affected. I am saying a "thank you, God" that you and your family are safe.

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Old 12-11-2007, 09:37 AM   #94  
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Oh KAREN . . . what a relief to hear your son missed that excitement . . .

And a great Good Morning to everybody . . .

Today is definitely different, weatherwise -- it's almost balmy out there at -16C/+3F and the sun is shining. Yippee. Seems like a good day to go and get my hair cut. Tomorrow it is supposed to snow, again.

Was emptying my camera this morning and discovered this shot of Jazz and Frack which is pretty cute. They were fairly close and now I'm wondering if his passing caused her to stress to the point of triggering her herpes flare-up. Also a cute shot of Mouse (he thinks he's hiding ).

Anyway, I'd better get moving . . . have to visit a few places before I can get out to the hairdresser. See you all later . . .
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:47 AM   #95  
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Karen thank God your son is safe. That was chilling & too close for comfort!
This world has changed so much our grandparents wouldnt believe us. Now it's questionable if it's safe to go to church!

Take care & sending your son a hug.

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Old 12-11-2007, 12:01 PM   #96  
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Tuesday, huh? You sure it’s not Wednesday? Why is this week moving so slowly?
Karen! That was WAY too close for comfort! I’m so glad your son wasn’t there! What a horrible thing! Whatever is WRONG with our society that we continue to produce people who do things like that? Oh, I’m just so glad that you and yours are safe! So sorry for those who weren’t.
Did you get your new pants, Freda? Awful time to have to shop, isn’t it? I’ve been trying to order online wherever possible. There’s just something about having to battle through hoards of other shoppers and stand in long lines to spend my money that irritates me a LOT! If I have to spend it, I’d like to at least do it comfortably, you know? Nope, I don’t think you mentioned collecting antique jewelry. That’s something I always thought I’d enjoy doing, but somehow have just never managed to get around to it. I do have a bit of a fixation on antique furniture, though – and now I’m not sure where I’m going to put a lot of it, since we are having to downsize some. We won’t have a den, for example, which is not really a terrible great loss in terms of functionality because DH is always in his studio, anyway, and so am I for the most part. The tragedy would be if we had no studio space, but DH has already measured in the attic (which has high ceilings and a LOT of empty square footage) and is going to be able to set up his workspace up there very handily. My den furniture will probably end up being stored at least temporarily, because we’ll have just two bedrooms instead of three, a living room, dining room, kitchen and two bathrooms aside from the attic space, of course. Plenty of room for two old codgers like us, when you come right down to it.
Lyn, maybe it’s the northeastern DAR members that are so snotty. It sounds like the ones in PA are a little more down to earth. After all, we think we OWN the Revolution up here, what with Paul Revere and Bunker (or Breeds) Hill and all that rot. You’ve got Ticonderoga up your way, don’t you? That was Revolutionary War, wasn’t it? (I’m too lazy to check it myself).
Hi Debbie – I’m glad there’s something you can have done to stop the pain in your back. My right leg has been giving me a fit – doctor did x-rays, says it’s bursitis in my hip joint. She’s willing to give me some great big *horse* shot – I forget what it is – but it’s supposed to get worse for a few days and then better for five or six months, and then you get it done again. I just don’t have the time right now to be off it for a couple of days, so I’m not getting that shot until after we’re all moved and settled. But it really, really hurts – almost to the point of making me fall – if I walk too much or for too long. It’s odd, too, because it was fine when I did all that walking out in California visiting with my son at the beginning of November.
Lynn, I am no fan of doctors who don’t keep themselves informed and have no idea what to tell their patients about issues like weight and lifestyle. I’m sure you’re aware of the cost of an office visit these days – let alone any kind of procedure or hospital stay! I think they owe us SOMETHING…like maybe knowing what they’re talking about?
LindaD, please make sure you get the treatment you need and beyond that, more rest than it sounds like you’re allowing yourself. I’m holding you to that lunch date the next time I’m out in L.A.!
Hey, MaryLynn! DH is up to his ears in Microsoft C-sharp (?) these days. He’s set some timelines for himself, and intends to take the exam before the end of this month. We’ll definitely let you know how it goes – and thanks again, so much! Another marathon, eh? I’m impressed, lady! I’m feeling very un-marathonish these days, myself. Of course I expect nothing less from you!
Cat, I don’t know about any deleted pictures, but the ones I saw certainly seem to be professional quality to me. What will you do after you’ve finished the photography course with the “big name photographer”? I’m betting you’ll teach HIM a thing or two!
And, as for decorating, the pictures I’ve seen of your home are quite amazing – if anybody has a flair for decorating, I’d say that would be you.
Hey Jo-annie! Glad you’re doing do well with your diet & exercise! It feels so good when you’re in that *zone*, doesn’t it? When do you leave for Hawaii?
Hi Rosey, and Gayle, and Meowee-Linda (I need a haircut, too!) and all the rest of the Golden Girlies, wherever they may be!

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Old 12-11-2007, 01:05 PM   #97  
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I'm popping in to say good morning and I have to go because our building is having a fire drill and then we are having our Christmas luncheon at another location.

Karen: I'm so glad your son is safe. It's a sad day when you can't be safe in a church. There are some crazy people out there. What a tragedy.

I hope everyone has a nice day.
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Old 12-11-2007, 01:07 PM   #98  
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Good Morning and Thanks for all the comments about the church shooting. Somehow it always seems to help to tell others about it and know that there are MORE people who care than there are who don't.

Zoe, it sounds like you are having some fun fixing up your apartment the way that you want it. I can hardly wait to see pictures of it when you are all moved in.

Meowee-- the pictures of Jazz, Frack and Mouse are just too cute! I am always taking pictures of Ginger and Sissy. I actually have 3 (4" X 6) in size photo albums full of pictures. I have a lot of pictures posted on mspace too. Thye are just so fun! I hope Fracks eye starts getting better real soon.

Cat, I love looking at your pictures-- it is just like they tell a story! I went to your Kodak site and I could get lost there forever! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.

It is really cold here this morning and still snowing--- we have about 6 inches on the ground right now! I really don't like the cold and snow!

Well, I know I probably missed some of you this morning but I will get back to you later this afternoon. I need to get busy and get something done around here... if I don't this will be the day that people want to come walking through the house. Take care
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Old 12-12-2007, 07:57 AM   #99  
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Hi . . .

Just a quick little post for now . . . I am in a nasty humour this morning. I absolutely have to go out today (very important appointment) and we are in for a mixed bag of snow, rain, freezing rain. Additionally, Frick has been sneezing a little and Purrecious has a watery eye -- and I'm panic stricken about it.

Hope to be back later.
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Old 12-12-2007, 08:34 AM   #100  
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Morning all...running a tad late, so no time for personals...but wishing every one a great (or at least better!) day...

Found out my dinner party has to be pushed up to Friday instead of Saturday because of one of the couple's plans (they had a last minute wedding to attend on Sat). I was planning spending Friday evening and all day saturday getting ready for this soiree, so I'm about to get to panic table is still not ready and the furniture place is closed I left a message and said I HAD to have it for tomorrow. So now I have to work on Friday morning and then scramble to be ready for 6. I'll make the cake layers and freeze them tonight, then make the soup and creme brulee tomorrow, then do the rest of the meal (including decorating the cake) on Friday. For the main course, I'm grilling tilapia on alder boards and serving it on top of a huge salad, so that will be easy. It'll get done, but I'll be stressed.
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Old 12-12-2007, 02:07 PM   #101  
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Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post
Morning all...running a tad late, so no time for personals...but wishing every one a great (or at least better!) day...

Found out my dinner party has to be pushed up to Friday instead of Saturday because of one of the couple's plans (they had a last minute wedding to attend on Sat). I was planning spending Friday evening and all day saturday getting ready for this soiree, so I'm about to get to panic table is still not ready and the furniture place is closed I left a message and said I HAD to have it for tomorrow. So now I have to work on Friday morning and then scramble to be ready for 6. I'll make the cake layers and freeze them tonight, then make the soup and creme brulee tomorrow, then do the rest of the meal (including decorating the cake) on Friday. For the main course, I'm grilling tilapia on alder boards and serving it on top of a huge salad, so that will be easy. It'll get done, but I'll be stressed.
OK, Cat,

Deep breaths!

One of my health threads posted a message last week about illnesses and accidents during this time of year.

Your guests will enjoy your company whether or not you serve fancy food.

Relax and enjoy!

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Old 12-12-2007, 02:15 PM   #102  
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Lots of news -

First, I decided to take a course this Spring at the local community college. Some of my happiest times have been while I was in college. I have the time - so, I'm going for it. I applied to the college & was accepted (they let me waive the placement test requirements bc of my college degrees). I selected a course on existential philosophy. I went to the bookstore & bought 6 books so I can pre-study for the course. I'm REALLY excited about this.

NOTE: I'll also be teaching an online course during the Spring semester for the Univ of Phoenix. I'll probably regret doing both at the same time somewhere around Valentine's day. However, right now, I'm happy about both.

Also, my dd & sil decided that we should go to Williamsburg next week. I just made our reservations. We'll leave on Monday & get back on Friday. This fits right in with my genalogy & current focus on history. Yesterday, my df and I went to the Trenton Barracks Museum - the docents were wonderful.

I continue with my good eating habits and my exercise - and I continue to maintain at 154.

Take care,

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Old 12-12-2007, 09:30 PM   #103  
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Hi everyone.. just a flyby to let u all know im still here..just really busy..((())) rosey
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Old 12-12-2007, 10:23 PM   #104  
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Hello everyone, I have been getting so frustrated lately with not seeing the ticker move like I want. So after thinking about it for awhile I have decided to just not worry about it anymore until after the first of the year. It seems like I have been frustrating myself more than I haven't been trying to keep the house ready to show, plus trying to figure out how to get Christmas done. We had to wait for an unemployment check to get here to start Christmas shopping and that got here today. So I have to get some serious shopping done for our sons and the grandkids this week, get things wrapped and ready. So my thoughts were to just not worry about the ticker until my first weigh in in January which will be the 4th, since I've always weighed in on Fridays. I don't plan to go all wild and crazy just wanted to take a little stress off for the next few weeks. I just haven't been doing any serious kind of exercising and I guess it is showing. I don't know, maybe those aren't the right thoughts to go with but after thinking about it it just seemed like it was the thing to do for now.

meowee, I sure hope your babies are feeling much better. Please keep us updated.

Cat, I'm sure your dinner is going to be just fantastic. And then you will look back and wonder why you worried so.

Zoe, how are things going for you? I hope you are staying warm. My brother sent me pictures today of his yard in MO. from all the ice storm. It kind of looks like a bomb hit it. He was without power for 5 days and still my other brother doesn't have any power. I guess some of this is headed your way now. Stay safe.

Well, I know I missed a bunch of you tonight but know that I am always thinking of you. I just had to let everyone know what I was thinking of doing for now.

Have a good night and stay safe and warm!
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Old 12-12-2007, 11:00 PM   #105  
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I'm just posting a short note to let you know that I am still around. This has been a very busy month.....One musician has been in Europe and I've been filling in PLUS it is one of the busiest times for church musicians.

Anyway...I've read so many things that have happened to the GGs and their families. This month is not even 1/2 over.

After reading about the church shootings, Karen you've been on my mind. I'm thankful that your son was not exposed to such actions.....It used to be that people were afraid to do such things in or around any place of worship.....

Zoe, I'm sending good thoughts your way also.....I'm sorry to hear about your dh. There are so many that are in the same situation. But I'm more than miffed that they wait until this time of year...

to all that I haven't named.

I'm going to sleep!! TTFN Trish
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