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Old 12-23-2007, 06:14 PM   #181  
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Rosey! Great picture!! You can tell that you are all having a good time! Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
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Old 12-23-2007, 06:45 PM   #182  
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Hi Everyone,

Hi Ali, sorry about your knee. Hope it's better soon.

Hi Karen, I'm so happy that you got together with your family.

Hi Rosey, I LOVE your photo.

My NSV of the day - I baked a sheet of cookies & didn't taste a drop of the batter!

Check back tomorrow.


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 12-23-2007 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 12-24-2007, 07:38 AM   #183  
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Merry Christmas Eve, everybody!!!

Calm has finally settled upon this house. Like everyone else, this week has been nuts. Shopping, finishing up stuff at school (don't have to go back till the 8th!!) and I had a client who had a deadline of Christmas for getting a new site up. Got it finished and uploaded yesterday. A rather odd off the wall site for a new fashion company, but the client loves it and I'm also a happy girl it's done. I ripped my hair out for weeks on it. The graphics were a nightmare but came out great. They were literally hundreds and hundreds of small pictures that had to be made into collages, then animated...auggh. Got bit and pieces finished for other clients and for once, my "inbox" for clients is cleared and I can just concentrate on family.

We had our "big meal" yesterday since my kids are scattering on Christmas afternoon. Today we will have traditional gumbo and bread pudding. Then Christmas morning we are going to have a huge breakfast together..eggs, ham, grits, fruit, waffles, bisquits etc...the whole Southern Nine Yards. I went out and bought the last waffle maker in town yesterday. Lowe's was a horror. I decided that I could make my own waffles from now on because I can't find any frozen ones that are not full of sugar etc. After breakfast my husband, mother and I will drive to Mississippi to visit my Daddy at the cemetery and maybe grab a bite somewhere...planning on a very laid back day.

Been doing "ok" with eating, but will crack down a lot after tomorrow...since I met my goal, I don't want to blow it and gain any back and wouldn't mind losing a bit more. But considering it's the holidays, I could have gone WAY overboard and I haven't (3 bite rule on desserts!)

My oldest son is here from LSU and spent the day yesterday fixing all kinds of stuff in the house. My fridge was leaking..come to find out the fan had fallen off in the back. He got it fixed. I also have a strange "exhuast fan" in my kitchen that has never worked (old house) It is in a little cabinet over the is literally an old fan with a vent to outside built in the cabinet. You pull a chain that comes out of the bottom of the cabinet to turn it on then open the cabinet. He rewired it with an extention cord he took apart and voila, it now works. He adjusted all my heating vents so heat is more even in the house and worked on my leaking dishwasher. He is also going to put in a bifold door in my strange little laundry room (this is a really odd house..why I love it) When he was a little guy, he was constantly breaking things to figure out how they I'm greatful for that (he could not understand that Daddy simply could not fix plastic stuff he broke) He's a construction management major.

Hope everyone gets everything accomplished today they set out to do...but if you don't, no one will know the difference! I'm off to go make shrimp stock to start the gumbo..

Last edited by femmecreole; 12-24-2007 at 07:43 AM.
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Old 12-24-2007, 11:14 AM   #184  
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Merry Christmas Eve everyone. Hope you all have a nice couple days. Safe travels if you are traveling and good family times.
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Old 12-24-2007, 08:17 PM   #185  
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Well, Deck the halls, and all that good stuff! Christmas eve, and I finally get a chance to SIT DOWN. Yay! Spent all day running with ds doing last minute shopping, came home (all the kiddos go to a Christmas Eve gathering with friends) and made dh & I some ham & pineapple flatbread pizzas (yum) and just now finished baking three dozen corn muffins for tomorrow. They came out terrific. (I felt just like Cat, pulling those perfectly golden brown gems out of the oven! ) Now, the challenge will be to keep DH & DS away from them long enough to get them over to DD2's for Christmas. I'll do my turkey & stuffing in the morning. DS will be coming back here tonight, and we'll all go to his sister's together in the early afternoon. Then. there will be a brief respite, and it'll be back to packing so that we'll be ready for the moving van on Friday.
Just wanted to stop by & wish you all a wonderful holiday! My very warmest and best thoughts are with you all..

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Old 12-25-2007, 08:22 AM   #186  
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Merry Christmas Everyone,

Got home from my sister's last night around midnight. Off to my daughter's this morning - then we're driving down to visit my s-i-l's grandchildren - then back to my daughter's.

Hopefully, I'll get to take a nap somewhere in here.

Have a wonderfully merry Christmas,

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Old 12-25-2007, 09:35 AM   #187  
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Merry Christmas Everyone

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Old 12-25-2007, 02:08 PM   #188  
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MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Hope everyone has a good day. I'll be back later!
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Old 12-26-2007, 07:43 AM   #189  
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So, does anyone else have a Christmas "hangover"? Never thought I'd be craving beans, vegs and salads, but feel like I need a huge "detox" after all the sweet stuff..actually wasn't all that much compared to what I normally eat during the holidays, but ick. Last night's "topper" was 3 cookies. I shared them with the dogs and once again felt horrible after I ate them, so don't know why I did it. I don't even want to SEE anything with sugar or flour in it for a very long time.

Yesterday after our huge breakfast (and I ate grits and waffles along with my eggs..bad girl) We headed out to Missisippi and went to the cemetery, then my Mom wanted some pictures of her parent's house, so we swung by there and I got some good shots for her. The people that are renting it from my cousin had it decorated beautifully for the holidays. Then we went looking for somewhere to grab a bite and nothing was open...not even a burger king! The only place in town was a Starbucks and since we weren't really starving we figured coffee would hold us over for a couple of hours till we drove home and got some leftover gumbo.
I made a great discovery while there (this may be old news to some of you, but I don't go to Starbucks very often) Mama and I both got a sugar free gingerbread latte (I skipped the whip cream on mine) It was delicious and decadant. I decided just to ask if they sell the gingerbread syrup and they do. So I bought a "5th" of it for about $7. Should last forever. I didn't realize they sell all their sugar free flavors. It would make a great afternoon treat when I'm "dragging" in iced coffee..or in the evening with a little cool whip and sprinkled nutmeg on top for family or company.

This morning when I got up, there was NOTHING from clients in my inbox, so I have decided to paint my guest bathroom and maybe start repainting my kitchen cabinets where the paint is chipping and completely ignore my email for the rest of the day. I had new ceramic tile floors put in the bathroom a couple of years ago and the color was supposed to be a gray and turned out to be a brown, so my charcoal gray walls don't exactly look that great with it, so I'm going for a strange rusty/brown color.

Hope everyone is recovering from Christmas...and your tummies too if you were bad like me.

Last edited by femmecreole; 12-26-2007 at 07:46 AM.
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Old 12-26-2007, 08:10 AM   #190  
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Good Morning Everyone,

I'm pretty worn out from all the travelling. 4 hours round-trip on Monday to and from my sister's house - 3 hours round-trip yesterday to and from my s-i-l's grandchildren's house.

Cat, don't be surprised if you find yourself hungry today. Whenever I eat more carbs than usual, I feel really hungry the next day.

I hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas.

Check back later,

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Old 12-26-2007, 09:10 AM   #191  
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Cat I am feeling the exact same way.....I really don't care if I see cookies, eggnog or cheesecake again!!!

Lynn glad your home safe and sound and your right, I know I will be starving for the next couple of days....I'm afraid to get on the scales.

I really didn't eat a lot but more than normal so I'll be paying for it. I now know my body is happier eating smaller portions and less carbs.

We had a nice quiet day with my son over and telephone calls from everyone and seeing some of the grandchildren on the web cam, that is always fun. But I am looking forward to (hopefully) being with some of those grandbabies next year.

Today its laundry day....been putting that off. I have to exchange a pair of jeans I got for my son (I got him the wrong size...duh!) and my step-daughter got me a whole set of very nice dishtowels and accessories but now they are in the wrong color for the new condo so I need to exchange them but that is all that I need to change and I won't be doing that until maybe next week. I refuse to fight the crowds.

Anyone have great plans for New Years? I believe we will probably just go out for a late dinner with some friends and come home and play Sequence.
(a board game) We've been traveling so much just being home and safe that night sounds like a good plan.

Off to the laundry room............Phyllis
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Old 12-26-2007, 09:20 AM   #192  
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Good Morning Ladies, Is anyone else relieved that Christmas is over? what is supposed to be a Joyfull season ends up being a stressful time with lots of hard work. I think i am just overly tired and cranky today. I had to work yesterday and the pantients were just terribly demanding. I am physicially exhausted working the weekend, celebrating on Monday and working again on Tuesday. At least I don't have to go to work for the next 5 days so maybe I will get some rest. After I clean up the mess!

Cat, I'm with you. I didn't overly eat anything, but all the food was rich and my tummy is a bit off. I'm craving some "clean" eating. Too much rich food and sugar, and my body is protesting. Surprising, isn't it, that our bodies will tell us what it wants and we just won't listen? If you like the flavored syrups you can buy them in lots of places. But the Starbucks prices aren't bad and the sugar free are a nice treat that isn't going to add inches.

I think I didn't gain any weight, i'm where I was on the scale.

Have a lovely day, Freda
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Old 12-26-2007, 11:50 AM   #193  
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Hi Everyone,

Below is information about the 50+ January Challenge. Please feel free to join.

Come join the fun!

EVERYONE on the 50+ Board is welcome to join!

A new month - a new year - a new chance to be successful!!!

For the month of January, post your daily calories (or WW points) and minutes of exercise. If you want, post any other goal(s) for the month. NOTE: each person posts 1 message and then edits that message each day. 1 post/person.

Once a week - you pick the day, post your lbs up or down for the week. Just edit your original post daily - 1 post/participant. OR if you prefer, post your weight everyday.

Begin your post on January 1 (or 2)!

A prize (the travelling cookbook - winners are responsible to send the book to the next winner) will be awarded to the participant(s) doing the best job for the month. NOTE: in the event of a tie, the person with the highest % of weight loss for the month wins.

Let's help each other make January 2008 a Spectacular Weight Loss month!

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Old 12-26-2007, 05:09 PM   #194  
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Pheeeewwww ~ made it through Christmas. I'm feeling kind of like Freda ~ maybe it is because I am not organized like I would like to be and because of work, I get tired and don't get stuff done when I should, then the time sort of sneaks up on me and the stress sets in as I try to get things done on time. I still have one box of things to finish getting ready to send to mom and dad, nieces and nephews up home (in Ohio). Just ran out of time and energy. I was making this one book for my little nephew ~ I needed to make a copy of his picture to insert in it and had trouble with the color ink in the copy machine, so that kind of held things up.

My work schedule was not to wonderful over Christmas ~ worked Fri and Sat, off Sun, worked Mon, off Tues, back tonight and tomorrow. Doing that on the night shift and switching back and forth between nights and days, well ~ my head is spinning ~ LOL. At my age, I don't bounce back like I used to ~ can't pull off the stuff I used to ~ going with out sleep. By the time last evening rolled around ~ I had been up over 30 hours. I'll be glad when my days off get here.

The eating wasn't too bad. But, oh ~ the camera found me much to my dismay. I usually try to avoid it ~ but the kids said ~ mom we don't have any pictures of you, so I tried to comply with them. Some of them were horrible to see. I have decided that the pictures where I was standing up were a bit better. The sitting down ones I just look so huge and horrible.

I had to kind of laugh to myself ~ back along one of you here said that from the looks of my avatar picture ~ I didn't look too badly out of shape ~ I am mostly hidden by Corbin in that one.

Woops ~ I hit the wrong button and entered this before I was finished. I wanted to add that even though yesterday was a long tiring day, I am so thankful to be able to be here now and get to spend the holiday with my kids and grand kids. It is way better than being alone at the holidays like I was the last few years.

Last edited by glynne; 12-26-2007 at 05:33 PM.
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Old 12-26-2007, 11:47 PM   #195  
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Hello Ladies! I hope everyone had a good Christmas and Santa was good to you!
I don't know if I told you that I've been watching craigslist for an elliptical--- Well, I found a Gazelle on there the first of December that the lady said was just like new and she wanted $100 for it. I sent her an email I think it was last week and asked if she still had it. She said she did but they were leaving and wouldn't be back until the 28th. So I figured that I would keep watching and if nothing came along better than I would call her this Friday and offer her $50 for it. I got all my "horse trading mentality" from my Daddy! Anyway, I got on craigslist this morning and they had a Proform elliptical for $25 ! I sent an email and asked if they still had it and where would I see it. They replied and then said they had to go to a birthday party this afternoon and wouldn't be home until about 3:00. He said that there was something wrong with adjusting the resistance and the console didn't light up but thought it would just need new batteries. So I told them that I would just buy it and we would be at their house at 3:00. We got down there and looked at it and tried it out. I asked if he would take $20 for it and he agreed! So I now have it here at home. I was pretty excited about it. We tried new batteries and that didn't help the console display but Tim hasn't got into it anymore tonight. And right now I sure don't need to change the resistance because I was on it for about 5 minutes and was just about worn out! He told us he thought that the resistance level right now was set at the lowest. It is a Proform 485E which is an older model but the price was definitely right!! I went ahead and got the internet and downloaded an owners manual for it so maybe we can get it figured out and fix those two things that are wrong with it. If not-- it was still worth the $20! I guess you can tell that I'm pretty happy about it!
Here are a couple pictures of Ginger & Sissy in their new dresses! I just couldn't resist!
Well, it is getting late but wanted to pop in and say Hello. I will try to get caught up with everyone tomorrow! Have a good night!
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Last edited by Karen31; 03-17-2008 at 06:46 PM.
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