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Old 07-14-2011, 05:55 PM   #211  
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Jelma--CONGRATS! Back into 140's land!! You must be so STOKED!!!

So happy for you! Keep it going, don't go back to 150's land, it's miserable here. Do whatever it takes. THIS is the motivational peak right now. Keep it going high, don't let the motivation go down. Seriously, when I'm "stuck" it's usually at a mid-decade point, like 145 or 155...those points are when I'm in a motivation "low", but somehow the in between ranges I'm so much more motivated to move, move, MOVE down the number on the scale!

Anyways....don't eat those nasty office desserts. You don't know who touched them or how long they've been sitting out there. (That's what I think in my mind when offered free stuff...samples at the grocery stores, malls, or parties). I kinda of spoil my appetite by eating more of my own food or snacks before going to events or places like this so I won't be further tempted.

Mighty Woman--Oh goodness! 151! We both are the same weight! We are soooo CLOSE! Let's close this deal and drop 2 pounds!

Here is some inspiration for you...I have been dilligently exercising and staying on plan with food for 2 weeks now... take a look at my exercise log of calories burned:

7/1/11: 752
7/2/11: 730
7/3/11: 614
7/4/11: 417
7/5/11: 1,075
7/6/11: 615
7/7/11: 600
7/8/11: 764
7/9/11: 208 (rest day, walked around)
7/10/11: 928 (walked in the mall 60 min, 85 min on stairmaster, 10 min stretch)
7/11/11: 715 (stairmaster 80 min, 10 min stretch)
7/12/11: 615 (elliptical 75 min)
7/13/11: 670 (elliptical 90 min)

Great huh! And i know you can and will continue to lose more weight with this cleanse. Just think of the CRAP that you will inject into your body the moment you open a bag of ____(processed food)....So stick to healthy meals, lean meats, and veggies as you have listed in your post. I am also doing no wheat at the moment...only certain grains like spelt or sprouted grains. Nothing processed.


Angelique--Come back!


As for me, I'm 151.0 as of this morning! Wooo hooo!! I haven't been this low since April 3, 2011! I'm so excited and just want to keep this momentum going.

As mightywoman has been cheering us on...YES! TIME TO MOVE OUT OF HERE AND MAKE NEW FRIENDS IN THE 140's thread!! LET'S SCRAM AND MOVE OUT OF HERE!

Last edited by Beila; 07-14-2011 at 05:57 PM.
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Old 07-14-2011, 07:09 PM   #212  
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Originally Posted by Beila View Post
As for me, I'm 151.0 as of this morning! Wooo hooo!! I haven't been this low since April 3, 2011! I'm so excited and just want to keep this momentum going.

'Nuff said.

Last edited by ShanIAm; 07-14-2011 at 07:09 PM.
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:30 AM   #213  
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Beila - it is amazing the massive quantity of food my coworkers can crush. Anytime I feel like baking I bring in the leftovers and they are usually gone before lunch. For a company of less than 30 people it simply amazes me. Congrats on the 151!

Well I managed to hold steady at 149.5 for my official weigh in today. The lowest I have seen is 148 back towards the end of May. I am going to do my very best to lose this week even though I will be on the road, eating out, all weekend. I want to be comfortably in the 140s, not teetering on the edge anymore. I am not going to move to the 140 thread until mightywoman and Beila come too! You guys are so close!
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Old 07-17-2011, 03:16 PM   #214  
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Originally Posted by Jelma View Post
Beila - it is amazing the massive quantity of food my coworkers can crush. Anytime I feel like baking I bring in the leftovers and they are usually gone before lunch. For a company of less than 30 people it simply amazes me. Congrats on the 151!

Well I managed to hold steady at 149.5 for my official weigh in today. The lowest I have seen is 148 back towards the end of May. I am going to do my very best to lose this week even though I will be on the road, eating out, all weekend. I want to be comfortably in the 140s, not teetering on the edge anymore. I am not going to move to the 140 thread until mightywoman and Beila come too! You guys are so close!
Last friday I had italian food at a restaurant with my friend, had pasta bread, and dessert. Of course the next day I had a 2 pound GAIN going back up to 153.0, but yesterday ran for 2 hours straight, something I haven't done EVER i don't think, and this morning, lost 1 pound, so now I'm down to 152.0 lbs.

Jelma, feel free to jump over to the 140's thread and keep checking here too! You deserve to go over to that thread and meet the new peeps. Just save me and mightywoman a couple of spots!

When you live and talk like a skinny woman, you will BE a skinny woman.

So go on head girl!

Congrats for sticking to your new decade
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Old 07-19-2011, 12:59 PM   #215  
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Argh, stupid weekend vacation, back to 152.5. I am just gaining and losing the same 4 pounds.

That is awesome on the running! I really want to do the couch to 5K program. I was thinking about starting when it cools off a bit, there is no way I am running in this heat.
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Old 07-19-2011, 04:14 PM   #216  
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Cool Hi All

Well I have been under the weather since Sunday, my stomach is killing me and I have a horrible headache. I am just trying to keep down whatever I can at this point bad is that I am back up to 152 but I think its water weight gain. Today is my husbands 35 birthday and he is depressed about it, I don't understand but hoping that me getting a baby sitter and taking him out for dinner will cheer him up. Guess we will eat Italian food, its really the only place around here that is good. Ill try not to cheat too bad, with my tummy hurting I dont think that will be a problem.
Keep up the good work ladies and I'll check back with you later.
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Old 07-19-2011, 07:28 PM   #217  
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Hey everyone, I'm new to this thread... obviously, lol!
I've just hit 159 a few days ago, now I'm 158.4, so I'm thinking it's safe to say that I'm in the 150's!
Are most people in this thread in the low 150's?
And lastly, I have a confession... I'm only 28, I'm not in my 30's. Hope y'all won't kick me out! I have two daughters, and feel that I 'fit' better in the 30-somethings thread than the 20-somethings thread. So here I am!
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Old 07-20-2011, 10:33 AM   #218  
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Welcome CleverName

I have been teetering in the low 150's but am working on a goal to get to the 140's by end of the month. Last night it was my hubbys bday and I cheated a little, we went to a wine tasting dinner so it was a set menu. I'm back on my TOM, yes only got 7 days off of it so I am back to water weight gain & feeling just uggh!! Also, still feeling under the weather, I think I will go back to bed if my son will allow it.

Good note, I might have an interview next week for a part time position, lets hope it is what I need in a position.

Keep up the good work ladies & Ill check in when I can.
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:02 PM   #219  
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149.5 as of this morning!! WOOO HOOOO!

This feels sooo good! You don't know how long I have been wanting the 140's....Seven months and 21 days to be exact.

It's day 2 of TOM so I'm not sure why I lost this weight, but maybe tomorrow I will gain a bit. I just have to be EXTRA careful with food and sodium intake and make sure to keep exercising even just going for walks.

I haven't had any serious major cravings this TOM so this is another good sign.

I am going to hang out in the 150's club for a while until I reach 130's. So don't worry, I'll still be all of your cheerleaders if you're here or new to this thread and are just now reading this!

Originally Posted by CleverName View Post
Hey everyone, I'm new to this thread... obviously, lol!
I've just hit 159 a few days ago, now I'm 158.4, so I'm thinking it's safe to say that I'm in the 150's!
Are most people in this thread in the low 150's?
And lastly, I have a confession... I'm only 28, I'm not in my 30's. Hope y'all won't kick me out! I have two daughters, and feel that I 'fit' better in the 30-somethings thread than the 20-somethings thread. So here I am!
Hello CleverName! and WELCOME! Don't worry about the age. I am in a 20's something challenge, and I'm 31, but I LOVE the attitude that some of the chicks there have and the 30's threads also offer good support and have good advice for me. You are here and that is all that matters. I find that the more you post and reply, the more you will stick to or at least remember your goals.

mightywoman--How are you feeling? What do you think you came down with? It sounds terrible. Sorry to hear this. The foods you are eating should be plain and easy on digestion so that it won't upset your stomach. If you can, white rice or watered down white rice (like chinese congee) is a good thing to eat with just a bit of soy sauce and chopped scallions. My mom used to make this for me whenever I was sick, even helps colds. You can put boiled chicken in it too.

I get depressed too when it's my birthday and I don't plan anything nor does anyone plan on doing anything either. So I HAVE to plan something or ask people if they will want to have dinner with me in order for me to "feel special" that day. It's weird. I also get a bit depressed on my birthday if I plan something and it's like I'm the only person that really cares, and half the people show up. Well, what you do for your husband will be much appreciated I'm sure.

The wine tasting sounds like a really nice time. If it makes you feel better, we are both on TOM and I'll help push you through these next 7 days.

Check in often and let us know how your pushing through with water and eating. Drinking LOTS of water will actually make you retain less. It's weird, but Jillian Michaels explains why in her last chapter of "Making the Cut" book. It's like your body retains more if there is less water coming in. It retains less water if it keeps getting more. You flush out more water when you drink a lot of it. Make sure #1's are almost clear. Also make sure you're near bathrooms!

And one thing to look forward to after 7 days is the "WHOOSH" effect that I learned about from so many people on 3FC. It's a good 1-2 pounds lost. So you'll be back down soon!
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:39 PM   #220  
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Talking Woo Hoo

Belia way to go on reaching the 140's I am so proud of you!! If you could see me now I am doing the happy dance for you!!

I think I ate some bad turkey & it just got my entire system out of whack, then started the TOM. I am actually going to the OB next Wednesday because I've been on my TOM with only 5 days off for the past month. Something is going on here & I need to get to the bottom of it before I start back to work & taking off will be a huge challenge.

Ok so my hubby booked us a 3 day vacation for next weekend and mother in law will watch our son for us. This will be the first time I am away from my son since he was born 10 months ago. I know he will be in good hands, he loves his Nana. I've got to crack down right away on my workout because I plan on getting into my bikini & laying by the pool. Going to take rest of today off to replenish my water since I've been so dehydrated, then tomorrow I am cracking down with the workout. I am going to get my sit ups in tonight, which is 250 in sets up 25.

We did have fun at the wine tasting my hubby picked it out & he had a fun birthday. He was down because he turned 35, I am 37.....I feel so old sometimes but when I workout I feel young again, tee hee!

Keep up the good work ladies & keep posting your updates.
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Old 07-22-2011, 02:42 AM   #221  
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Thanks for the welcome, Mightywoman and Beila!
I am just at the very beginning of my weight loss journey (I dislike that term for some reason, but don't know what else to call it, lol) and I'm having a hard time getting into a rhythm.
Beila, CONGRATS on the 149.5! I just hit the 150's, I know how good it feels to see that 'new' number on the scale.
mightywoman, I hope you start feeling better- being sick AND having your TOM sounds awful!
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Old 07-22-2011, 03:53 AM   #222  
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cleverName--how about instead of "weigh loss journey" we call it "path to skinnyville" LOL!

Well ladies tonight I kinda went overboard after dinner. Long story short, I was eating to feel full, eating one thing after another, searching for a "stop" signal feeling to end eating--i know totally logical, yeah right. *sarcastcally*

But I am learning more about myself, and one thing I learned this week is that eating dinner past 9pm does not work for me. I get too tired and I can't gauge my fullness after a certain point. I am also watching tv while eating, another thing I need to quit doing.

I will probably have some water weight to tackle tomorrow and the next, so all I can hope to accomplish is extra exercise and staying on plan.

Tomorrow night I invited my friend to have dinner and champagne at a french restaurant after yoga class. Sadly I will have to convince her of another place to eat due to my need to stay on plan and try to tackle water retention from my period. Plus, drinking right now is not good for my TOM.

Talk soon!
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Old 07-26-2011, 02:22 PM   #223  
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Hey everyone

I havent been around the boards in a while since I moved July 1st and have been camping and I dont have my wireless internet hooked up yet.
But I have been creeping the boards whenever possible.

I have been on plane and following my diet and exercise and officially weighed in today at 149!!!!!

I'm so excited to be out of the 150s and back into the 140s.

I hope everyone is well and thanks so much for posting it keeps me motivated.
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Old 07-26-2011, 02:24 PM   #224  
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Smile Hello Ladies

cleverName I agree with Belia "path to skinnyville", now lets all try and stay on the right path, I keep taking a detour and ending up in a man hole, LOL

Belia sometimes we go overboard and end up in the man hole, I did Saturday night and have paid for it ever since. Pizza and TOM do not agree. I am learning a lot about myself and struggling to feel comfortable in my own body. If I can carry a healthy attitude and feel better about myself I somehow think that will make me lose the weight at a healthy rate. I got to stop focusing on the bad and start focusing on the good. Will I ever be 135 again? Who knows?? but what I do know is I am going to stay healthy and be happy no matter what weight I am. I am going to focus on staying away from unhealthy foods (i.e. pizza, hamburgers, fried foods) and eat more of the healthy foods (i.e. lean meats, fish, veggies, fruits).

My husband and I are headed for our first vacation without our son this weekend. I am going to have fun and enjoy my time but will do everything in my power to stay away from the dessert tray however I do plan to have a few cocktails via poolside

On a bad workout note, I hurt my left knee doing step on Friday & it is pretty bruised up so I am taking a few days off from doing step. Working on abs and leg lifts on the floor instead.

Good luck to all you ladies, you all are beautiful women!!
Keep up good work and here is the will power dust for ya!
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Old 07-28-2011, 03:33 PM   #225  
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Congrats to you 140s girls!! you are my heroes!

151.5 for me today. I've really been battling the 150s for months.. finally back on a downward trend and I hope it continues.
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