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Old 06-29-2011, 05:12 PM   #181  
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Hi ladies, I'm still kinda new to posting here, 153 today for me. I can't remember if I posted this before but I was in the 140s for awhile in March and am now busting my butt to get back there. Counting cals and carbs, running 4x week, weightlifting 2x week, crosstraining 1x week and of course stretching after every exercise session. If I could see 140s by the end of July I would be soooo happy, seriously.

Bella the pic of the pufferfish made me L O L!! During my last TOM I managed to feel bloated and saggy at the same time... UGH

mightywoman~ sorry about what your husband said. That really sucks. I bet you look great.

Jelma ~ you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo close to 140s!!! Git it girl!

Last edited by ElizabethLC; 06-29-2011 at 05:12 PM.
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Old 06-29-2011, 06:14 PM   #182  
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Originally Posted by ElizabethLC View Post
Hi ladies, I'm still kinda new to posting here, 153 today for me. I can't remember if I posted this before but I was in the 140s for awhile in March and am now busting my butt to get back there. Counting cals and carbs, running 4x week, weightlifting 2x week, crosstraining 1x week and of course stretching after every exercise session. If I could see 140s by the end of July I would be soooo happy, seriously.

Bella the pic of the pufferfish made me L O L!! During my last TOM I managed to feel bloated and saggy at the same time... UGH

mightywoman~ sorry about what your husband said. That really sucks. I bet you look great.

Jelma ~ you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo close to 140s!!! Git it girl!
Hey Elizabeth we'll get out of here soon! Let's try to check in more often...Post when you see scale movement, and I'll be here to cheer you on! Post if you're having struggles too

Let's do this!
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Old 06-30-2011, 03:19 PM   #183  
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Ughh...155.5 today, 2 pounds up from yesterday...i ate too much granola yesterday...i hope this is just a fluke number and tomorrow will be back down!
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Old 07-01-2011, 10:05 AM   #184  
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Back to 152, it was nice seeing the 140s for that few short weeks back in May, I am going to make it back this month! I joined the lose 10 pounds by August 1st in the weight loss support forum. I doubt I will lose 10 but it should keep me motivated, hoping I hit my original WW goal of 145 by 8/1.
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Old 07-01-2011, 02:00 PM   #185  
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I was 156.0 today...hoping to hit 145 in the next 6-8 weeks or so....
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:18 PM   #186  
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155.5 today. Oh goodness, that 153.5 weigh in on monday was just a glimpse and nothing more. I overate on granola the other day (wednesday), and I haven't exercised this whole entire week. I will promise myself to exercise today and this entire weekend. At least burn 500 cals each day.

I hope this weekend I can take off the 2 pounds. I'm not celebrating anywhere so I should be able to focus and take off the weight.

Anyone else struggling and need help here?
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:20 PM   #187  
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Originally Posted by Jelma View Post
Back to 152, it was nice seeing the 140s for that few short weeks back in May, I am going to make it back this month! I joined the lose 10 pounds by August 1st in the weight loss support forum. I doubt I will lose 10 but it should keep me motivated, hoping I hit my original WW goal of 145 by 8/1.
Jelma, don't let the high weight scare you. It will go back down by then I'm sure. I get a high weight sometimes and for some reason, it goes away like as if it were water weight. Just last week, I think I saw 160 on the scale and the next day it went down! It was TOM so water retention is weird around that time.
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Old 07-01-2011, 04:04 PM   #188  
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By the way does anyone use MyFitnessPal? I do and would love to friend you!
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Old 07-02-2011, 04:25 PM   #189  
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154.5 today....okay not going back up again! it's only downward from here!
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Old 07-03-2011, 02:58 PM   #190  
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Last night, I could have eaten past my cutoff point, 9:00pm...I seriously could have eaten some graham crackers, a piece of fruit, anything, but I stuck to my rule, and I stopped the night time eating.

And guess what? It paid off!

I dopped a pound from yesterday! Woo hoo!!

Where my 150's chicks at?

Last edited by Beila; 07-03-2011 at 02:58 PM.
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Old 07-04-2011, 01:47 PM   #191  
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Hello Ladies!!
I'm back from vacation & I weighed in today at 154.4, I was really good on vacation except one time we all ate at a pizza joint. I think I probably drank too much, but oh well it was vacation right.

I couldn't participate in most of the hiking adventures because of my 9 month old, it was just way too hard for me & not to mention dangerous trying to carry him up and down the rocks. I did have him strapped on my chest but he was so top heavy I was afraid we would topple forwards and get hurt. So I kept to the small trails & waited in the car some of the time. Gotta love that air condition in 90 degree weather.
Ok so today, I've not been the best, waited to eat then grabbed cheese & turkey with some french loaf bread. I am going to be better the rest of the day, I promise. I have chicken & veggies ready for the grill for dinner.

Tomorrow my sister in law & I are going to start the 24 day challenge from Advocare. I'm really nervous about doing it, there is a 10 day cleanse then 14 days & I've never done anything like this but after talking with her I said what the heck I'll try it. To pass some of the info along to y'all I can't have any corn syrup, butter, alcohol, mayo, sugar, fruit juices, dairy, sodas white sauces, chips, donuts, cakes. So basically everything I've been trying to avoid anyway. I will let y'all know how it goes. First 10 days my breakfast will consist of a meal replacement shake, snack can be plain oatmeal, fruit or 3 hard boiled eggs. Lunch will be salad with a protein, mid afternoon snack plain almonds, dinner veggies & fish, after dinner snack can be fruit. I am skeptical about this but my sister in law & I agreed to help each other with the 24 day program. Now I can tell you because I've already tried it the fruit punch spark drink is something that I may continue to drink after the 24 day phase, just because I like the taste of it and it seemed to give me an extra boost. I will be honest with you all about what I think for this Advocare stuff.

My workout will still consist of Step Aerobics & elliptical everyday and also my sit ups.

Glad to be back ladies & looking forward to our race to get out of the 150's!!
Also, welcome to any new members, I will go back and read post when my son takes a nap!!

Oh & by the way Beila I'm still on my TOM....geez I'm ready for this to be over, LOL
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Old 07-05-2011, 02:17 PM   #192  
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Hey there mighty woman!

Now that vacation is over, and you're up a couple pounds...IT'S TIME! yeah!! let's do this!!

This week will be good. Stay on plan, exercise. Those 2 pounds will come off easily. It's probably water weight anyways and from drinking.

I'm glad you had a chance to do some outdoorsy things and get out in the heat. That actually causes your body to burn cals too, or at least I'd like to think that. I mean it makes you drink more water at least. You were smart to stick with the small trails with your baby.

For tonight, stick to the chicken and veggies and be better today, as you have promised yourself.

The 24 day challenge sounds great! I never heard of Advocare. It does sound like you'll see results due to the cleanse. Cutting out all of those things will for sure help you lose 5 pounds right off the bat in 2 weeks time. I try to do that every now and then, and I can make it through like 2-3 days consecutively, but then I cave in a little bit and have something off plan, but I can still manage to lose a good 2 pounds from cutting out that crap. Especially sugar.

The main thing with doing a diet program such as this one, CONSISTENCY is key. You may feel temptations, withdrawls, cravings, but just be strong and support your sister as you'll need her support too. Stay on the plan and don't go crazy if you fall off the wagon or have a slip up. Just get back on it. It does sound restrictive, but in a good way. This is the way I want to eat permanently. I'm still trying to get there.

Currently I'm trying to eat gluten free and mostly organic. I don't eat meat, except for fish and seafood. I have a bit of a weird diet. No milk either, but yogurt and some cheeses are okay.

Anyhoo, keep checking in and let us know how it's going and your movements on the scale and what not.

Btw, I WAS at 153.0 yesterday, my lowest since April 30th! BUT, this morning, went up 2.5 pounds from some night time snacking. YIKES!

I need to quit that habit! I haven't snacked like that in ages, and I think it was just an extension of "I'm not caring cause it's 4th of July" mentality.

Forgiving myself and moving on.

Today's a new day.

Last edited by Beila; 07-05-2011 at 02:20 PM.
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Old 07-05-2011, 04:29 PM   #193  
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Ok, sorry its late in the day but I'm just getting a chance to check in. My sister in law & I weighed in, I'm 153 & measured our entire body including arms, LOL!
We both did the first day of the cleanse and ladies let me tell you that fiber drink was the nastiest thing I've ever put in my mouth
It was like drinking sand, but once I got it down and downed another 8 oz of water I was fine. I have not been in the bathroom as you would think but I feel a little bloated. I have 24oz of water to go today.
I tried to work out but didn't make it today because I'm on a job search
I hate that I have to go back to work now and will miss my days with my son. Plus now got to figure out once I go back how to keep the workouts up! Guess time with hubby will have to be slashed & I can workout when I put my son to sleep at 8:30. Oh well, the things we sacrifice, just makes me dizzy thinking of it.
Ok for breakfast I had the meal replacement shake and it was good. For lunch salad greens & palm size chicken breast that was left over from last night. Snack was 2 hard boiled eggs. For dinner I am grilling salmon & putting it on salad greens.
My sister in law bought a step aerobic and she is coming over for her first step class with me Friday! I am so excited she is working out with me when we both have days we can get together. Also, we might workout together on Sat & Sun if we can get our kids to be good. Her daughter is 15 mths and my son is 9 mths.
For advocare you can look it up online, my sister in law and I became distributors just so we could get the discount. I really like the spark drink & the meal replacement shake didn't make me sick like other ones have. I plan after I reach my goal to keep using the vitamins & probably the meal replacement items as well. Its a little pricey but works for me, everybody is different. These things will especially work when I get back on the job wheel because having time for breakfast & lunch will be a challenge for me.
Belia lets do this & get to the 140's!!!!!!
we can do it, we can do it, we can do it!!!!!!!
You all have a great day & I'll check in tomorrow with ya!
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Old 07-07-2011, 09:45 AM   #194  
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Weighed in the morning and I'm at 152.
Hoping to workout later when I get back home & finish the house cleaning.
Tomorrow morning my sister in law is coming over to do step aerobics for the first time, I'm so proud of her.
I'll check in with y'all this afternoon.
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Old 07-08-2011, 02:32 AM   #195  
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Originally Posted by mightywoman View Post
Weighed in the morning and I'm at 152.
Hoping to workout later when I get back home & finish the house cleaning.
Tomorrow morning my sister in law is coming over to do step aerobics for the first time, I'm so proud of her.
I'll check in with y'all this afternoon.
Mighty Woman--My goodness! you're doing fabulous! A one pound loss already! And the drink, though it tastes horrible, will do wonders for your body. You need to cleanse before taking on good healthy eating in order to remove excess weight and toxins in your colon. I have tried cleansing drinks in the past, and it literally tastes like shredded cardboard because of all of the fiber (psyllium husk). But they bind to those toxins and when you digest it, it removes it out. Plus it makes you regular.

Grilled fish with a salad is my FAVORITE meal! Seriously, I could eat that every dinner or lunch, it's so light and healthy. I eat tilapia fish for the protein and it's lowfat! I sprinkle lemon pepper and wrap it in foil and put it in the toaster over for about 15 min and it's done. No oil needed, it never sticks.

Arugula is my fave greens for salad right now. I love the bitter taste!

I weighed in at 152.5 yesterday! WOO HOO! I haven't been that low since April 11, 2011! I really need to keep the exercise and diet going and not let anything derail me.

So far so good.

Let's keep going! Just a few more pounds for you and me and we'll be in 140's land!

Goodby 153! Hit the road! Don't come back!

Have fun with the step aerobics w/ your sister in law. Let me know how it went! I love step aerobics! It's a fun workout with weights.
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